Merge branch 'dev_newproject' of into dev_newproject
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<div class="homepagePostReplyInputContainer mb10">
<% if User.current.logged? %>
<div nhname='new_message_<%= %>' style="display:none;">
<%= form_for('new_form',:url => add_journal_issue_path(,:method => "post", :remote => true) do |f| %>
<%= form_for('new_form', :url => add_journal_issue_path(, :method => "post", :remote => true) do |f| %>
<input type="hidden" name="issue_id" value="<>"/>
<div nhname='toolbar_container_<%= %>' ></div>
<div class="cl"></div>
@ -24,19 +24,19 @@
<ul class="issues_list_txt fr">
<li class="c_grey fl">
<li class="c_grey">
<% if activity.try(:author).try(:realname) == ' ' %>
<%= link_to activity.try(:author), user_path(activity.author_id), :class=>"fl"%>
<%= link_to activity.try(:author), user_path(activity.author_id)%>
<% else %>
<%= link_to activity.try(:author).try(:realname), user_path(activity.author_id), :class=>"fl"%>
<%= link_to activity.try(:author).try(:realname), user_path(activity.author_id)%>
<% end %>
<li class="c_grey fl">
<li class="c_grey">
<% unless activity.assigned_to_id.nil? %>
<% if activity.try(:assigned_to).try(:realname).empty? %>
<%= link_to activity.assigned_to, user_path(activity.assigned_to_id), :class=>"fl"%>
<%= link_to activity.assigned_to, user_path(activity.assigned_to_id)%>
<% else %>
<%= link_to activity.try(:assigned_to).try(:realname), user_path(activity.assigned_to_id), :class=>"fl"%>
<%= link_to activity.try(:assigned_to).try(:realname), user_path(activity.assigned_to_id)%>
<% end %>
<% end %></li>
<li class="issues_list_min c_grey mr5">
@ -64,12 +64,12 @@
<%# end %>
<li class="c_grey issues_list_max" style="width: 60px; padding-right: 10px" title="<%= activity.fixed_version %>"><%= activity.fixed_version %></li>
<li class="c_grey issues_list_max" title="<%= activity.fixed_version %>"><%= activity.fixed_version %></li>
<li class="issues_list_min c_grey mr10" ><%=></li>
<li class="<%=(activity.done_ratio == 100 ? 'c_red issues_list_min mr5' : 'c_green issues_list_min mr5') %>"><%= activity.done_ratio %>%</li>
<li class="issues_list_min">
<% if activity.journals.count > 0%>
<span class="issues_icons_mes fl mr5" style="margin-top:-3px;"></span>
<span class="issues_icons_mes fl mr5"></span>
<span class="fl mr5"><%= activity.journals.count %></span>
<% end %>
<div class="undis" style="position: absolute; <%= activity.journals.count >0 ? 'top:15px;' : 'top:-15px;' %>">
@ -2,41 +2,37 @@
// $("#ajax-indicator span").text("载入中...");
<div class="project_r_h" style="width:730px;">
<h2 class="project_h2">分析结果</h2>
<ul class="analysis-result-list">
<li class="analysis-result-name fl fontBlue2" >名称</li>
<li class="analysis-result-version fl fontBlue2" >分支</li>
<li class="analysis-result-loc fl fontBlue2" >语言</li>
<li class="analysis-result-debt fl fontBlue2" >路径</li>
<li class="analysis-result-time fl fontBlue2" >最近更新</li>
<li class="analysis-result-edit fl fontBlue2" ></li>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% if @quality_analyses && @quality_analyses.count >0 %>
<% @quality_analyses.each do |qa| %>
<ul class="analysis-result-list">
<li title="<%= qa.author_login+ ':' +qa.rep_identifier %>"><%=link_to "#{qa.author_login}:#{qa.rep_identifier}", project_quality_analysis_path(:resource_id => qa.sonar_name, :branch => (qa.branch.nil? ? "master" : qa.branch)), :class => "analysis-result-name fl fontBlue2 hidden" %></li>
<li class="analysis-result-version fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= qa.branch %>"><%= qa.branch %></li>
<li class="analysis-result-loc fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= qa.language %>"><%= qa.language %></li>
<li class="analysis-result-debt fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= qa.path %>"><%= qa.path %></li>
<li class="analysis-result-time fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= sonar_time(qa.sonar_name).blank? ? qa.created_at : sonar_time(qa.sonar_name) %>"><%= format_time(sonar_time(qa.sonar_name).blank? ? qa.created_at : sonar_time(qa.sonar_name)) %></li>
<% if User.current.try(:login) == qa.author_login || User.current.admin? || is_project_manager?(, %>
<li class="analysis-result-edit fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= qa.path %>">
<%=link_to "编辑", edit_project_quality_analysi_path(qa, :project_id =>, :remote => true, :class => "fontBlue2" %><span style="color: #888"> / </span>
<%=link_to "删除", delete_project_quality_analysi_path(qa, :project_id =>, :method => "delete", :confirm => "删除会一并删除分析结果,确定删除吗?", :class => "fontBlue2" %>
<% end %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="container-big mb10">
<div class="project_r_h" style="width:970px;">
<h2 class="project_h2">分析结果</h2>
<ul class="analysis-result-list">
<li class="analysis-result-name fl fontBlue2" >名称</li>
<li class="analysis-result-version fl fontBlue2" >分支</li>
<li class="analysis-result-loc fl fontBlue2" >语言</li>
<li class="analysis-result-debt fl fontBlue2" >路径</li>
<li class="analysis-result-time fl fontBlue2" >最近更新</li>
<li class="analysis-result-edit fl fontBlue2" ></li>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% if @quality_analyses && @quality_analyses.count >0 %>
<% @quality_analyses.each do |qa| %>
<ul class="analysis-result-list">
<li title="<%= qa.author_login+ ':' +qa.rep_identifier %>"><%=link_to "#{qa.author_login}:#{qa.rep_identifier}", project_quality_analysis_path(:resource_id => qa.sonar_name, :branch => (qa.branch.nil? ? "master" : qa.branch)), :class => "analysis-result-name fl fontBlue2 hidden" %></li>
<li class="analysis-result-version fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= qa.branch %>"><%= qa.branch %></li>
<li class="analysis-result-loc fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= qa.language %>"><%= qa.language %></li>
<li class="analysis-result-debt fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= qa.path %>"><%= qa.path %></li>
<li class="analysis-result-time fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= sonar_time(qa.sonar_name).blank? ? qa.created_at : sonar_time(qa.sonar_name) %>"><%= format_time(sonar_time(qa.sonar_name).blank? ? qa.created_at : sonar_time(qa.sonar_name)) %></li>
<% if User.current.try(:login) == qa.author_login || User.current.admin? || is_project_manager?(, %>
<li class="analysis-result-edit fl fontBlue2 hidden" title="<%= qa.path %>">
<%=link_to "删除", delete_project_quality_analysi_path(qa, :project_id =>, :method => "delete", :confirm => "删除会一并删除分析结果,确定删除吗?", :class => "fontBlue2" %>
<% end %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%#= 数据为空时候界面,待完善 %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%#= 数据为空时候界面,待完善 %>
<% end %>
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
<div class="project_r_h">
<h2 class="project_h2" style="width:180px;">质量分析</h2>
<div class="c_red">本次分析失败,原因如下:</div>
<% if @build_console_result == false %>
<% elsif params[:message] %>
<%= params[:message] %>
<% else %>
<%= h @error_list.try(:output).html_safe %>
<% end %>
<div class="container-big mb10">
<div class="project_r_h">
<h2 class="project_h2" style="width:180px;">质量分析</h2>
<div class="c_red">本次分析失败,原因如下:</div>
<% if @build_console_result == false %>
<% elsif params[:message] %>
<%= params[:message] %>
<% else %>
<%= h @error_list.try(:output).html_safe %>
<% end %>
@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
# = Redmine configuration file
# Each environment has it's own configuration options. If you are only
# running in production, only the production block needs to be configured.
# Environment specific configuration options override the default ones.
# Note that this file needs to be a valid YAML file.
# DO NOT USE TABS! Use 2 spaces instead of tabs for identation.
# == Outgoing email settings (email_delivery setting)
# === Common configurations
# ==== Sendmail command
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :sendmail
# ==== Simple SMTP server at localhost
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# address:
# port: 25
# ==== SMTP server at using LOGIN authentication and checking HELO for
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# address:
# port: 587
# authentication: :login
# domain: ''
# user_name:
# password: 1913TXBja
# ==== SMTP server at using PLAIN authentication
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# address:
# port: 587
# authentication: :plain
# domain: ''
# user_name:
# password: 1913TXBja
# ==== SMTP server at using TLS (GMail)
# This might require some additional configuration. See the guides at:
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# enable_starttls_auto: true
# address:
# port: 587
# domain: "" # '' for GoogleApps
# authentication: :plain
# user_name:
# password: 1913TXBja
# === More configuration options
# See the "Configuration options" at the following website for a list of the
# full options allowed:
delivery_method: :smtp
port: 25
authentication: :login
user_name: ""
password: "loong2010"
# Absolute path to the directory where attachments are stored.
# The default is the 'files' directory in your Redmine instance.
# Your Redmine instance needs to have write permission on this
# directory.
# Examples:
# attachments_storage_path: /var/redmine/files
# attachments_storage_path: D:/redmine/files
# Configuration of the autologin cookie.
# autologin_cookie_name: the name of the cookie (default: autologin)
# autologin_cookie_path: the cookie path (default: /)
# autologin_cookie_secure: true sets the cookie secure flag (default: false)
autologin_cookie_name: "autologin_trustie"
# Configuration of SCM executable command.
# Absolute path (e.g. /usr/local/bin/hg) or command name (e.g. hg.exe, bzr.exe)
# On Windows + CRuby, *.cmd, *.bat (e.g. hg.cmd, bzr.bat) does not work.
# On Windows + JRuby 1.6.2, path which contains spaces does not work.
# For example, "C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe".
# If you want to this feature, you need to install to the path which does not contains spaces.
# For example, "C:\TortoiseHg\hg.exe".
# Examples:
# scm_subversion_command: svn # (default: svn)
# scm_mercurial_command: C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe # (default: hg)
# scm_git_command: /usr/local/bin/git # (default: git)
# scm_cvs_command: cvs # (default: cvs)
# scm_bazaar_command: bzr.exe # (default: bzr)
# scm_darcs_command: darcs-1.0.9-i386-linux # (default: darcs)
# Absolute path to the SCM commands errors (stderr) log file.
# The default is to log in the 'log' directory of your Redmine instance.
# Example:
# scm_stderr_log_file: /var/log/redmine_scm_stderr.log
# Key used to encrypt sensitive data in the database (SCM and LDAP passwords).
# If you don't want to enable data encryption, just leave it blank.
# WARNING: losing/changing this key will make encrypted data unreadable.
# If you want to encrypt existing passwords in your database:
# * set the cipher key here in your configuration file
# * encrypt data using 'rake db:encrypt RAILS_ENV=production'
# If you have encrypted data and want to change this key, you have to:
# * decrypt data using 'rake db:decrypt RAILS_ENV=production' first
# * change the cipher key here in your configuration file
# * encrypt data using 'rake db:encrypt RAILS_ENV=production'
# Set this to false to disable plugins' assets mirroring on startup.
# You can use `rake redmine:plugins:assets` to manually mirror assets
# to public/plugin_assets when you install/upgrade a Redmine plugin.
#mirror_plugins_assets_on_startup: false
# Your secret key for verifying cookie session data integrity. If you
# change this key, all old sessions will become invalid! Make sure the
# secret is at least 30 characters and all random, no regular words or
# you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
# If you have a load-balancing Redmine cluster, you have to use the
# same secret token on each machine.
#secret_token: 'change it to a long random string'
# Absolute path (e.g. /usr/bin/convert, c:/im/convert.exe) to
# the ImageMagick's `convert` binary. Used to generate attachment thumbnails.
imagemagick_convert_command: '/home/pdl/redmine-2.3.2-0/common/bin/convert'
# Configuration of RMagcik font.
# Redmine uses RMagcik in order to export gantt png.
# You don't need this setting if you don't install RMagcik.
# In CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean),
# in order to show CJK characters correctly,
# you need to set this configuration.
# Because there is no standard font across platforms in CJK,
# you need to set a font installed in your server.
# This setting is not necessary in non CJK.
# Examples for Japanese:
# Windows:
# rmagick_font_path: C:\windows\fonts\msgothic.ttc
# Linux:
# rmagick_font_path: /usr/share/fonts/ipa-mincho/ipam.ttf
# Maximum number of simultaneous AJAX uploads
#max_concurrent_ajax_uploads: 2
#pic_types: "bmp,jpeg,jpg,png,gif"
repository_root_path: '/tmp/htdocs'
judge_server: ''
# Gitlab url
gitlab_address: ''
# Sonar url
sonar_address: ''
#Jenkins url
jenkins_address: ''
jenkins_username: 'temp'
jenkins_password: '123123'
# specific configuration options for production environment
# that overrides the default ones
# CJK support
rmagick_font_path: /usr/share/fonts/ipa-mincho/ipam.ttf
judge_server: ''
repository_root_path: '/home/pdl/redmine-2.3.2-0/apache2/htdocs'
cookie_domain: ""
delivery_method: :smtp
port: 25
authentication: :login
user_name: ""
password: "loong2010"
# specific configuration options for development environment
# that overrides the default ones
delivery_method: :smtp
port: 25
authentication: :login
user_name: ""
password: "loong2010"
@ -1517,6 +1517,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20161015102324) do
t.integer "board_num", :default => 0
t.integer "attach_num", :default => 0
t.datetime "commit_time"
t.integer "pull_request_num", :default => 0
create_table "project_statuses", :force => true do |t|
@ -507,11 +507,11 @@ a:hover.upload_btn_grey{background:#8a8a8a;}
.analysis-result-list {padding:5px;}
.analysis-result-name {width:200px;}
.analysis-result-version {width:90px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-result-loc {width:60px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-result-debt {width:80px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-result-time {width:150px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-result-name {width:250px;}
.analysis-result-version {width:150px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-result-loc {width:150px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-result-debt {width:150px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-result-time {width:178px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-result-edit {width:80px; text-align:right;}
.analysis-name-icon {background:url(/images/code-analysis-icon.png) -2px -148px no-repeat; width:16px; height:16px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle;}
Reference in New Issue