This commit is contained in:
@ -1660,55 +1660,117 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
course_types = "('Message','News','HomeworkCommon','Poll','Course','JournalsForMessage')"
project_types = "('Message','Issue','Project')"
principal_types = "JournalsForMessage"
container_type = ''
act_type = ''
if params[:type].present?
case params[:type]
when "course_homework"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'HomeworkCommon'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Course'
act_type = 'HomeworkCommon'
when "course_news"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'News'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Course'
act_type = 'News'
when "course_message"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'Message'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Course'
act_type = 'Message'
when "course_poll"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'Poll'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Course'
act_type = 'Poll'
when "course_journals"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'JournalsForMessage'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Course'
act_type = 'JournalsForMessage'
when "project_issue"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type = 'Issue'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Project'
act_type = 'Issue'
when "project_message"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type = 'Message'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Course'
act_type = 'Message'
when "user_journals"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= 'JournalsForMessage' and container_id = #{@user.id}").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Principal'
act_type = 'JournalsForMessage'
when "current_user"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("user_id = #{@user.id} and ((container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types}) or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}))").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
if @user == User.current
blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+","+((User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 )? '0' :User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.blog.id}.join(','))+")"
blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+")"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types})" +
"or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}) "+
"or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id}) " +
"or (container_type = 'Blog' and act_type= 'BlogComment' and container_id in #{blog_ids})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
container_type = 'Principal'
act_type = 'Principal'
if container_type != '' && act_type != ''
if container_type == 'Course'
sql = "container_type = '#{container_type}' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = '#{act_type}'"
elsif container_type == 'Project'
sql = "container_type = '#{container_type}' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type = '#{act_type}'"
elsif container_type == 'Principal' && act_type == 'JournalsForMessage'
sql = "container_type = '#{container_type}' and act_type= '#{act_type}' and container_id = #{@user.id}"
elsif container_type == 'Principal' && act_type == 'Principal'
sql = "user_id = #{@user.id} and ((container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types}) or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}))"
if User.current != @user
sql += "and user_id = #{@user.id}"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types}) or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types})or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+","+((User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 )? '0' :User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.blog.id}.join(','))+")"
# 减少数据库交互
if @user == User.current
watched_user_ids = User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 ? " " : ("," + User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.id.to_s }.join(','))
user_ids = "(" + @user.id.to_s + watched_user_ids + ")"
if User.current != @user
blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+")"
sql = "user_id = #{@user.id} and((container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types})" +
"or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}) "+
"or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id}) " +
"or (container_type = 'Blog' and act_type= 'BlogComment' and container_id in #{blog_ids}))"
user_ids = "(" + @user.id.to_s + ")"
blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+","+((User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 )? '0' :User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.blog.id}.join(','))+")"
sql = "(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types})" +
"or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}) "+
"or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id}) " +
"or (container_type = 'Blog' and act_type= 'BlogComment' and container_id in #{blog_ids})"
watched_user_blog_ids = Blog.select("id").where("author_id in #{user_ids}")
blog_ids = watched_user_blog_ids.empty? ? "(-1)" : "(" + watched_user_blog_ids.map { |blog| blog.id}.join(",") + ")"
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types})" +
"or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}) "+
"or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id}) " +
"or (container_type = 'Blog' and act_type= 'BlogComment' and container_id in #{blog_ids})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@user_activities = UserActivity.where("#{sql}").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# if params[:type].present?
# case params[:type]
# when "course_homework"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'HomeworkCommon'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# when "course_news"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'News'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# when "course_message"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'Message'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# when "course_poll"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'Poll'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# when "course_journals"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'JournalsForMessage'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# when "project_issue"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type = 'Issue'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# when "project_message"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type = 'Message'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# when "user_journals"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= 'JournalsForMessage' and container_id = #{@user.id}").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# when "current_user"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("user_id = #{@user.id} and ((container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types}) or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}))").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# else
# if @user == User.current
# blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+","+((User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 )? '0' :User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.blog.id}.join(','))+")"
# else
# blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+")"
# end
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types})" +
# "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}) "+
# "or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id}) " +
# "or (container_type = 'Blog' and act_type= 'BlogComment' and container_id in #{blog_ids})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# end
# else
# # @user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types}) or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types})or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# # blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+","+((User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 )? '0' :User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.blog.id}.join(','))+")"
# # 减少数据库交互
# if @user == User.current
# watched_user_ids = User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 ? " " : ("," + User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.id.to_s }.join(','))
# user_ids = "(" + @user.id.to_s + watched_user_ids + ")"
# else
# user_ids = "(" + @user.id.to_s + ")"
# end
# watched_user_blog_ids = Blog.select("id").where("author_id in #{user_ids}")
# blog_ids = watched_user_blog_ids.empty? ? "(-1)" : "(" + watched_user_blog_ids.map { |blog| blog.id}.join(",") + ")"
# @user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types})" +
# "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}) "+
# "or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id}) " +
# "or (container_type = 'Blog' and act_type= 'BlogComment' and container_id in #{blog_ids})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
# end
# @user_activities = paginateHelper @user_activities,500
@type = params[:type]
respond_to do |format|
@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
<ul class="homepagePostTypeProject fl">
<li class="f14">更多</li>
<li class="mt-4"><%= link_to "个人留言", {:controller => "users", :action => "show", :type => "user_journals"}, :class =>"homepagePostTypeMessage postTypeGrey"%>
<li class="mt-4"><%= link_to @user == User.current ? "我的动态" : "他的动态", {:controller => "users", :action => "show", :type => "current_user"}, :class =>"homepagePostTypeMine postTypeGrey"%>
<% if @user == User.current %>
<li class="mt-4"><%= link_to "我的动态", {:controller => "users", :action => "show", :type => "current_user"}, :class =>"homepagePostTypeMine postTypeGrey"%>
<% end %>
<li class="mt-4"><%= link_to "全部动态", {:controller => "users", :action => "show", :type => nil}, :class =>"homepagePostTypeAll postTypeGrey"%>
Reference in New Issue