
This commit is contained in:
huang 2017-01-11 14:33:16 +08:00
parent 3d57752d9f
commit f8f2c816fb
3 changed files with 3 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ gem 'elasticsearch-rails'
### profile
# gem 'oneapm_rpm'
gem 'therubyracer'
# gem 'therubyracer'
group :development do
gem 'grape-swagger'

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class QualityAnalysisController < ApplicationController
layout "base_projects"
include ApplicationHelper
include QualityAnalysisHelper
require 'jenkins_api_client'
# require 'jenkins_api_client'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class QualityAnalysisController < ApplicationController
# resource_id: login + @repository.id
def index
# 顶部导
# 顶部导
@project_menu_type = 5

View File

@ -1,89 +1,4 @@
<%= javascript_include_tag 'highcharts','highcharts-more' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'echarts.min','echarts' %>
<div id="main" style="width: 1000px;height:500px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// 基于准备好的dom初始化echarts实例
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
// 指定图表的配置项和数据
var data = [
[[28604,77,17096869,'Australia',1990],[31163,77.4,27662440,'Canada',1990],[1516,68,1154605773,'China',1990],[13670,74.7,10582082,'Cuba',1990],[28599,75,4986705,'Finland',1990],[29476,77.1,56943299,'France',1990],[31476,75.4,78958237,'Germany',1990],[28666,78.1,254830,'Iceland',1990],[1777,57.7,870601776,'India',1990],[29550,79.1,122249285,'Japan',1990],[2076,67.9,20194354,'North Korea',1990],[12087,72,42972254,'South Korea',1990],[24021,75.4,3397534,'New Zealand',1990],[43296,76.8,4240375,'Norway',1990],[10088,70.8,38195258,'Poland',1990],[19349,69.6,147568552,'Russia',1990],[10670,67.3,53994605,'Turkey',1990],[26424,75.7,57110117,'United Kingdom',1990],[37062,75.4,252847810,'United States',1990]],
var option = {
backgroundColor: new echarts.graphic.RadialGradient(0.3, 0.3, 0.8, [{
offset: 0,
color: '#fff'
}, {
offset: 1,
color: '#fff'
title: {
text: '1990 与 2015 年各国家人均寿命与 GDP'
legend: {
right: 10,
data: ['1990']
xAxis: {
name: 'Complex',
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed'
name: 'Issue',
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed'
scale: true
series: [{
name: '1990',
data: data[0],
type: 'scatter',
symbolSize: function (data) {
return Math.sqrt(data[2]) / 5e2;
label: {
emphasis: {
show: true,
formatter: function (param) {
return param.data[3];
position: 'top'
itemStyle: {
normal: {
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowColor: 'rgba(120, 36, 50, 0.5)',
shadowOffsetY: 5,
color: new echarts.graphic.RadialGradient(0.4, 0.3, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgb(129, 227, 238)'
// color: 'rgb(251, 118, 123)'
}, {
offset: 1,
color: 'rgb(25, 183, 207)'
// color: 'rgb(204, 46, 72)'
// 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。
<%= render :partial => "header" %>
<div class="container-big mb10">