This commit is contained in:
z9hang 2014-07-11 11:45:46 +08:00
commit fcdfeae326
1097 changed files with 49248 additions and 428 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ PATH
actionmailer (3.2.13)
@ -61,6 +62,10 @@ GEM
xpath (~> 1.0.0)
childprocess (0.5.3)
ffi (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.11)
climate_control (0.0.3)
activesupport (>= 3.0)
cocaine (0.5.4)
climate_control (>= 0.0.3, < 1.0)
coderay (1.0.9)
coffee-rails (3.2.2)
coffee-script (>= 2.2.0)
@ -74,12 +79,16 @@ GEM
fastercsv (1.5.0)
ffi (1.9.3-x86-mingw32)
hike (1.2.3)
htmlentities (4.3.2)
i18n (0.6.1)
journey (1.0.4)
jquery-rails (2.0.3)
railties (>= 3.1.0, < 5.0)
thor (~> 0.14)
json (1.8.0)
kaminari (0.16.1)
actionpack (>= 3.0.0)
activesupport (>= 3.0.0)
mail (2.5.4)
mime-types (~> 1.16)
treetop (~> 1.4.8)
@ -91,6 +100,11 @@ GEM
mysql2 (0.3.11-x86-mingw32)
net-ldap (0.3.1)
nokogiri (1.5.11-x86-mingw32)
paperclip (3.5.4)
activemodel (>= 3.0.0)
activesupport (>= 3.0.0)
cocaine (~> 0.5.3)
polyglot (0.3.3)
rack (1.4.5)
rack-cache (1.2)
@ -98,6 +112,8 @@ GEM
rack-openid (1.3.1)
rack (>= 1.1.0)
ruby-openid (>= 2.1.8)
rack-raw-upload (1.1.1)
rack-ssl (1.3.3)
rack-test (0.6.2)
@ -120,6 +136,14 @@ GEM
rake (10.3.2)
rdoc (3.12.2)
json (~> 1.4)
rich (1.4.6)
rails (>= 3.2.0)
rmagick (2.13.2)
ruby-openid (2.1.8)
rubyzip (1.1.4)
@ -170,15 +194,19 @@ DEPENDENCIES
coderay (~> 1.0.6)
coffee-rails (~> 3.2.1)
fastercsv (~> 1.5.0)
i18n (~> 0.6.0)
jquery-rails (~> 2.0.2)
mocha (~> 0.13.3)
mysql2 (= 0.3.11)
net-ldap (~> 0.3.1)
nokogiri (< 1.6.0)
paperclip (~> 3.5.4)
rails (= 3.2.13)
rich (= 1.4.6)
rmagick (>= 2.0.0)
ruby-openid (~> 2.1.4)
sass-rails (~> 3.2.3)

View File

@ -50,4 +50,19 @@ app\controller\welcome_controller.rb
bundle exec rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20140410021724
bundle exec rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20140410021724
bundle exec rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20140410021724
2.运行 bundle install --without development test
3.运行 rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
5.把文本格式 (Administration > Settings > General > Text formatting)改为CKEditor
6.配置CKEditor插件(Administration > Plugins > Configure)
1 复制plugins
2 启动rails
3 运行migrate
3 打开admin配置插件http://
4 点击“查询”(就是确定的功能)

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ class AppliedProjectController < ApplicationController
@project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
@applieds = AppliedProject.where("user_id = ? and project_id = ?", params[:user_id],params[:project_id])
if @applieds.count == 0
AppliedProject.create(:user_id => params[:user_id], :project_id => params[:project_id])
appliedproject = AppliedProject.create(:user_id => params[:user_id], :project_id => params[:project_id])
#redirect_to project_path(params[:project_id])

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class AttachmentsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :login_without_softapplication, only: [:download]
accept_api_auth :show, :download, :upload
require 'iconv'
def show
respond_to do |format|
@ -49,15 +50,36 @@ class AttachmentsController < ApplicationController
def download
if true || @attachment.container.is_a?(Version) || @attachment.container.is_a?(Project)
# modify by nwb
# 下载添加权限设置
candown = false
if @attachment.container.has_attribute?(:project) && @attachment.container.project
project = @attachment.container.project
candown= User.current.member_of?(project)
elsif @attachment.container.is_a?(Project)
project = @attachment.container
candown= User.current.member_of?(project)
elsif @attachment.container.has_attribute?(:course) && @attachment.container.course
course = @attachment.container.course
candown= User.current.member_of_course?(course)
elsif @attachment.container.is_a?(Course)
course = @attachment.container
candown= User.current.member_of_course?(course)
elsif @attachment.container.class.to_s=="HomeworkAttach" && == 3
candown = true
if candown || User.current.admin?
render_403 :message => :notice_not_authorized
if stale?(:etag => @attachment.digest)
# images are sent inline
send_file @attachment.diskfile, :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(@attachment.filename),
:type => detect_content_type(@attachment),
:disposition => (@attachment.image? ? 'inline' : 'attachment')
:type => detect_content_type(@attachment),
:disposition => (@attachment.image? ? 'inline' : 'attachment')
rescue => e
redirect_to "http://" + (Setting.host_name.to_s) +"/file_not_found.html"
@ -75,6 +97,25 @@ class AttachmentsController < ApplicationController
# 更新文件密级
def updateFileDense
@attachment = Attachment.find(params[:attachmentid])
if @attachment != nil
filedense = params[:newtype].to_s
# d = Iconv.conv("unicodebig","utf-8",filedense)
if filedense == "%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%80" #l(:field_is_public)
@attachment.is_public = 1
@attachment.is_public = 0
@newfiledense = filedense
respond_to do |format|
def thumbnail
if @attachment.thumbnailable? && thumbnail = @attachment.thumbnail(:size => params[:size])
if stale?(:etag => thumbnail)
@ -89,6 +130,7 @@ class AttachmentsController < ApplicationController
def upload
# Make sure that API users get used to set this content type
# as it won't trigger Rails' automatic parsing of the request body for parameters

View File

@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ class ForumsController < ApplicationController
def search_forum
# @forums = paginateHelper Forum.where("name LIKE '%#{params[:name]}%'")
name = params[:name]
(redirect_to forums_path, :notice => l(:label_sumbit_empty);return) if name.blank?
q = "%#{params[:name].strip}%"
(redirect_to forums_path, :notice => l(:label_sumbit_empty);return) if params[:name].blank?
@offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 10})
@forums_all = Forum.where("name LIKE '%#{params[:name]}%'")
@forums_all = Forum.where("name LIKE ?", q)
@forums_count = @forums_all.count
@forums_pages = @forums_count, @limit, params['page']
@ -185,11 +185,13 @@ class ForumsController < ApplicationController
def search_memo
q = "%#{params[:name].strip}%"
limit = PageLimit
@memo =
@offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => limit})
@forum = Forum.find(params[:id])
@memos_all = @forum.topics.where("subject LIKE '%#{params[:name]}%'")
@memos_all = @forum.topics.where("subject LIKE ?", q)
@topic_count = @memos_all.count
@topic_pages = @topic_count, @limit, params['page']

View File

@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
#Added by young
# @course_tag = params[:course]
# if @course_tag == '1'
@course = Course.find_by_extra(@project.identifier)
#@course = Course.find_by_extra(@project.identifier)
# if @project.project_type == 1
# render :layout => 'base_courses'
# else

View File

@ -98,16 +98,18 @@ class SchoolController < ApplicationController
def search_school
if params[:province].nil? or params[:province] == "0"
@school = School.where("name LIKE '%"+params[:key_word]+"%'");
@school = School.where("province = ? AND name LIKE '%"+params[:key_word]+"%'", params[:province]);
q = "%#{params[:key_word].strip}%"
@school = School.where("name LIKE ?", q)
@school = @school.where("province = ?", params[:province]) if (params[:province] != '0' )
options = ""
@school.each do |s|
options << "<li style = 'width: 33%; float: left'> <a id=#{} onclick='test('>#{}</a></li>"
render :text => options
options = "<div class='flash error' id='flash_error'>#{l(:label_school_not_fount)}</div>" if options.blank?
render :text => options

View File

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ class StoresController < ApplicationController
layout 'base_stores'
def search
name = params[:name] ||= ''
(redirect_to stores_path, :notice => l(:label_sumbit_empty);return) if name.blank?
q = "%#{params[:name].strip}%"
(redirect_to stores_path, :notice => l(:label_sumbit_empty);return) if params[:name].blank?
result = find_public_attache name
result = find_public_attache q
@searched_attach = paginateHelper result
@result_all_count = result.count;

View File

@ -255,112 +255,63 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
@project_type = params[:project_type]
role = params[:role]
@status = params[:status] || 1
sort_init 'login', 'asc'
sort_update %w(login firstname lastname mail admin created_on last_login_on)
# Deprecation
@project_type = params[:project_type]
case params[:format]
when 'xml', 'json'
@offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 15})
@limit = 15#per_page_option
@limit = 15
@status = params[:status] || 1
has = {
"show_changesets" => true
# @count =, :author => @user).scope_select {|t| !has["show_#{t}"].nil?}.events(nil, nil).count
# retrieve all users
scope = UserStatus.visible
case role
# if role has something, change scope.
case params[:role]
when 'teacher'
scope = UserStatus.teacher
when 'student'
scope = UserStatus.student
# unknow
scope = scope.in_group(params[:group_id]) if params[:group_id].present?
# scope.each do |user|
# UserStatus.create(:changesets_count => user.changesets.count, :watchers_count => user.watcher_users.count, :user_id =>
# end
# pagination
@user_count = scope.count
@user_pages = @user_count, @limit, params['page']
#@offset ||= @user_pages.offset
#@users = scope.order(sort_clause).limit(@limit).offset(@offset).all
@user_base_tag = params[:id] ? 'base_users':'base'
if params[:user_sort_type].present?
case params[:user_sort_type]
when '0'
@offset ||= @user_pages.reverse_offset
unless @offset == 0
@users_statuses = scope.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
limit = @user_count % @limit
if limit == 0
limit = @limit
@users_statuses = scope.offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
@s_type = 0
# @projects = @projects.sort {|x,y| y.created_on <=> x.created_on }
# @projects = @projects[@offset, @limit]
when '1'
@offset ||= @user_pages.reverse_offset
unless @offset == 0
@users_statuses = scope.reorder('grade').offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
limit = @user_count % @limit
if limit == 0
limit = @limit
@users_statuses = scope.reorder('grade').offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
@s_type = 1
#sort {|x,y| y.user_status.changesets_count <=> x.user_status.changesets_count}
#@users = @users[@offset, @limit]
when '2'
@offset ||= @user_pages.reverse_offset
unless @offset == 0
@users_statuses = scope.reorder('watchers_count').offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
limit = @user_count % @limit
if limit == 0
limit = @limit
@users_statuses = scope.reorder('watchers_count').offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
@s_type = 2
#@users = @users[@offset, @limit]
# users classify
case params[:user_sort_type]
when '0'
@s_type = 0
@us_ordered = scope.
joins("LEFT JOIN users ON user_statuses.user_id =").
reorder('users.created_on DESC')
when '1'
@s_type = 1
@us_ordered = scope.reorder('user_statuses.grade DESC')
when '2'
@s_type = 2
@us_ordered = scope.reorder('user_statuses.watchers_count DESC')
@offset ||= @user_pages.reverse_offset
unless @offset == 0
@users_statuses = scope.reorder('grade').offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
limit = @user_count % @limit
if limit == 0
limit = @limit
@users_statuses = scope.reorder('grade').offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
@s_type = 1
# @projects = @projects.sort {|x,y| y.created_on <=> x.created_on }
# @projects = @projects[@offset, @limit]
@s_type = 1
@us_ordered = scope.reorder('user_statuses.grade DESC')
@users = []
@users_statuses.each do |obj|
@users << User.find_by_id("#{obj.user_id}")
# limit and offset
@users_statuses = @us_ordered.offset(@user_pages.offset).limit(@user_pages.per_page)
# get users ActiveRecord
@users = @users_statuses.includes(:user).map(&:user)
@user_base_tag = params[:id] ? 'base_users':'base'
respond_to do |format|
format.html {
@groups = Group.all.sort

View File

@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ module ApplicationHelper
# Returns the javascript tags that are included in the html layout head
def javascript_heads
tags = javascript_include_tag('jquery-1.8.3-ui-1.9.2-ujs-2.0.3', 'application')
tags = javascript_include_tag('jquery-1.8.3-ui-1.9.2-ujs-2.0.3', 'application', 'jquery.colorbox-min')
unless User.current.pref.warn_on_leaving_unsaved == '0'
tags << "\n".html_safe + javascript_tag("$(window).load(function(){ warnLeavingUnsaved('#{escape_javascript l(:text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved)}'); });")

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ module AttachmentsHelper
domain = project.nil? ? attachAll : nobelong_attach
# 搜索到的资源
searched_attach = domain.where("filename LIKE :like ", like:"%#{filename_condition}%").limit(limit).order('created_on desc')
searched_attach = domain.where("is_public=1 and filename LIKE :like ", like:"%#{filename_condition}%").limit(limit).order('created_on desc')
#searched_attach = private_filter searched_attach
searched_attach = paginateHelper(searched_attach, 10)
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ module AttachmentsHelper
domain = course.nil? ? attachAll : nobelong_attach
# 搜索到的资源
searched_attach = domain.where("filename LIKE :like ", like:"%#{filename_condition}%").limit(limit).order('created_on desc')
searched_attach = domain.where("is_public=1 and filename LIKE :like ", like:"%#{filename_condition}%").limit(limit).order('created_on desc')
#searched_attach = private_filter searched_attach
searched_attach = paginateHelper(searched_attach, 10)

View File

@ -343,6 +343,9 @@ module CoursesHelper
def student_score_for_homework homework
member = searchTeacherAndAssistant(,TeacherRoles).first
if member.nil?
return "0.00"
student_stars = homework.rates(:quality).where("rater_id <> #{member.user_id}").select("stars")
student_stars_count = 0
student_stars.each do |star|
@ -354,6 +357,9 @@ module CoursesHelper
def teacher_score_for_homework homework
member = searchTeacherAndAssistant(,TeacherRoles).first
if member.nil?
return "0.00"
teacher_stars = homework.rates(:quality).where("rater_id = #{member.user_id}").select("stars").first
return format("%.2f",teacher_stars == nil ? 0 : teacher_stars.stars)

View File

@ -196,6 +196,21 @@ class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
# 文件密级的字符描述
def file_dense_str
if self.is_public == 1
dense = l(:field_is_public)
dense = l(:field_is_private)
# 文件可设置的密级列表
def file_dense_list
denselist = [l(:field_is_public),l(:field_is_private)]
def suffixArr

View File

@ -90,6 +90,18 @@ class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
# Returns the mail adresses of users that should be always notified on project events
def recipients
notified_users.collect {|user| user.mail}
# Returns the users that should be notified on project events
def notified_users
# TODO: User part should be extracted to User#notify_about? {|m| m.principal.present? && (m.mail_notification? || m.principal.mail_notification == 'all')}.collect {|m| m.principal}
# 课程的短描述信息
def short_description(length = 255)
description.gsub(/^(.{#{length}}[^\n\r]*).*$/m, '\1...').strip if description
@ -112,6 +124,7 @@ class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
@attachmenttypes = Attachmentstype.find(:all, :conditions => ["#{Attachmentstype.table_name}.typeId= ?",self.attachmenttype ])
# 获取资源后缀名列表
def contenttypes

View File

@ -141,6 +141,19 @@ class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base
:subject => s
# 用户申请加入项目邮件通知
def applied_project(applied)
@project =applied.project
redmine_headers 'Project' => @project,
'User' => applied.user
@user = applied.user
recipients = @project.manager_recipients
s = l(:text_applied_project, :id => "##{@user.show_name}", :project =>
@applied_url = url_for(:controller => 'projects', :action => 'settings', :id =>,:tab=>'members')
mail :to => recipients,
:subject => s
def reminder(user, issues, days)
set_language_if_valid user.language
@issues = issues
@ -177,25 +190,45 @@ class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base
added_to_url = ''
@author =
when 'Project'
added_to_url = url_for(:controller => 'files', :action => 'index', :project_id => container)
added_to = "#{l(:label_project)}: #{container}"
recipients = {|user| user.allowed_to?(:view_files, container.project)}.collect {|u| u.mail}
when 'Version'
added_to_url = url_for(:controller => 'files', :action => 'index', :project_id => container.project)
added_to = "#{l(:label_version)}: #{}"
recipients = {|user| user.allowed_to?(:view_files, container.project)}.collect {|u| u.mail}
when 'Document'
added_to_url = url_for(:controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id =>
added_to = "#{l(:label_document)}: #{container.title}"
recipients = container.recipients
when 'Project'
added_to_url = url_for(:controller => 'files', :action => 'index', :project_id => container)
added_to = "#{l(:label_project)}: #{container}"
recipients = { |user| user.allowed_to?(:view_files, container) }.collect { |u| u.mail }
when 'Course'
added_to_url = url_for(:controller => 'files', :action => 'index', :course_id => container)
added_to = "#{l(:label_course)}: #{container}"
recipients = { |user| user.allowed_to?(:view_files, container) }.collect { |u| u.mail }
when 'Version'
added_to_url = url_for(:controller => 'files', :action => 'index', :project_id => container.project)
added_to = "#{l(:label_version)}: #{}"
recipients = { |user| user.allowed_to?(:view_files, container.project) }.collect { |u| u.mail }
when 'Document'
added_to_url = url_for(:controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id =>
added_to = "#{l(:label_document)}: #{container.title}"
recipients = container.recipients
if == 'Course'
redmine_headers 'Course' =>
@attachments = attachments
@added_to = added_to
@added_to_url = added_to_url
mail :to => recipients,
:subject => "[#{}] #{l(:label_attachment_new)}"
elsif == 'Project'
redmine_headers 'Project' =>
@attachments = attachments
@added_to = added_to
@added_to_url = added_to_url
mail :to => recipients,
:subject => "[#{}] #{l(:label_attachment_new)}"
redmine_headers 'Project' => container.project.identifier
@attachments = attachments
@added_to = added_to
@added_to_url = added_to_url
mail :to => recipients,
:subject => "[#{}] #{l(:label_attachment_new)}"
redmine_headers 'Project' => container.project.identifier
@attachments = attachments
@added_to = added_to
@added_to_url = added_to_url
mail :to => recipients,
:subject => "[#{}] #{l(:label_attachment_new)}"
# Builds a Mail::Message object used to email recipients of a news' project when a news item is added.

View File

@ -207,6 +207,12 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
# end
# 管理员的邮件列表
def manager_recipients
notified = project.project_infos.collect(&:user)
def initialize(attributes=nil, *args)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
class UserStatus < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :changesets_count, :user_id, :watchers_count
belongs_to :users
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :watchers
belongs_to :changesets
validates_presence_of :user_id

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
<% container.attachments.each_with_index do |attachment, i| %>
<span id="attachments_p<%= i %>" class="attachment">
<%= text_field_tag("attachments[p#{i}][filename]", attachment.filename, :class => 'filename readonly', :readonly=>'readonly')%>
<%= text_field_tag("attachments[p#{i}][description]", attachment.description, :maxlength => 255, :placeholder => l(:label_optional_description), :class => 'description', :style=>"display: inline-block;") +
link_to('&nbsp;'.html_safe, attachment_path(attachment, :attachment_id => "p#{i}", :format => 'js'), :method => 'delete', :remote => true, :class => 'remove-upload') %>
<%#= render :partial => 'tags/tag', :locals => {:obj => attachment, :object_flag => "6"} %>
<%= check_box_tag("attachments[p#{i}][is_public_checkbox]", attachment.is_public, :class => 'is_public')%>
<%= hidden_field_tag "attachments[p#{i}][token]", "#{attachment.token}" %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<%if @attachment.is_public == 1%>
// 下面2种写法都没起作用暂时使用上面的非本地化模式
// <%if @attachment.is_public == 1%>
// $('#field_file_dense_id_label<%=>').html('<%l(:field_is_public)%>');
// <%else%>
// $('#field_file_dense_id_label<%=>').html('<%l(:field_is_private)%>');
// <%end%>
// $('#field_file_dense_id_label<%=>').html(<%=@newfiledense%>);

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
function get_options(value){
type :"POST",
url :'/school/get_options/'+encodeURIComponent(value),
data :'text',
success: function(data){
<script type="text/javascript">
function get_options(value){
type :"POST",
url :'/school/get_options/'+encodeURIComponent(value),
data :'text',
success: function(data){
<% object = [] %>
@ -23,68 +23,68 @@
<% unless @course.new_record? %>
<p><%= render :partial=>"avatar/avatar_form",:locals=> {source:@course} %></p>
<p><%= render :partial=>"avatar/avatar_form",:locals=> {source:@course} %></p>
<% end %>
<!-- <p><%= f.text_field :name, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:490px;" %></p> -->
<!-- <p><%#= f.text_field :name, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:490px;" %></p> -->
<p><label for="course_name" style="font-size: 13px;" ><%=l(:label_tags_course_name)%><span class="required" > *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></label><input id="course_name" type="text" value="<>" style="width:490px;" size="60" name="course[name]"></p>
<!-- <p><%= f.text_field :extra, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:488px;", :disabled => @course.extra_frozen?, :maxlength => Project::IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH %>
<% unless @course.extra_frozen? %>
<em class="info"><%= l(:text_length_between, :min => 1, :max => Project::IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH) %> <%= l(:text_course_identifier_info).html_safe %></em>
<% end %></p> -->
<!-- <p><%#= f.text_field :extra, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:488px;", :disabled => @course.extra_frozen?, :maxlength => Project::IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH %>
<%# unless @course.extra_frozen? %>
<em class="info"><%#= l(:text_length_between, :min => 1, :max => Project::IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH) %> <%#= l(:text_course_identifier_info).html_safe %></em>
<%# end %></p> -->
<!-- added by bai 新增开课时间、结课时间、课时 -->
<%= f.fields_for @course do |m| %>
<!-- added by bai 新增开课时间、结课时间、课时 -->
<%= f.fields_for @course do |m| %>
<!-- added by bai 新增开课时间、结课时间、课时 -->
<% unless @course.nil?%>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:20px"><%= l(:label_setup_time) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%= text_field_tag :setup_time, @course.setup_time, :placeholder => "在此选择开课日期" %></span>
<span><%= calendar_for('setup_time')%></span>
<!-- added by bai 新增开课时间、结课时间、课时 -->
<%# unless @course.nil?%>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:20px"><%#= l(:label_setup_time) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%#= text_field_tag :setup_time, @course.setup_time, :placeholder => "在此选择开课日期" %></span>
<span><%#= calendar_for('setup_time')%></span>
<% else %>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:20px"><%= l(:label_setup_time) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%= text_field_tag :setup_time, nil, :placeholder => "在此选择开课日期" %></span>
<span><%= calendar_for('setup_time')%></span>
<%# else %>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:20px"><%#= l(:label_setup_time) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%#= text_field_tag :setup_time, nil, :placeholder => "在此选择开课日期" %></span>
<span><%#= calendar_for('setup_time')%></span>
<% end %>
<% unless @course.nil?%>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:20px"><%= l(:label_endup_time) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%= text_field_tag :endup_time, @course.endup_time, :placeholder => "在此选择结课日期" %></span>
<span><%= calendar_for('endup_time')%></span>
<%# end %>
<%# unless @course.nil?%>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:20px"><%#= l(:label_endup_time) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%#= text_field_tag :endup_time, @course.endup_time, :placeholder => "在此选择结课日期" %></span>
<span><%#= calendar_for('endup_time')%></span>
<% else %>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:20px"><%= l(:label_endup_time) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%= text_field_tag :endup_time, nil, :placeholder => "在此选择结课日期" %></span>
<span><%= calendar_for('endup_time')%></span>
<%# else %>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:20px"><%#= l(:label_endup_time) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%#= text_field_tag :endup_time, nil, :placeholder => "在此选择结课日期" %></span>
<span><%#= calendar_for('endup_time')%></span>
<% end %>
<% unless @course.nil?%>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:22px"><%= l(:label_class_period) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%= text_field_tag :class_period, @course.class_period, :placeholder => "在此输入课时" %></span> <span>&nbsp;<strong><%= l(:label_class_hour)%></strong></span>
<% else %>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:22px"><%= l(:label_class_period) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%= text_field_tag :class_period, nil, :placeholder => "在此输入课时" %></span><strong><%= l(:label_class_hour)%></strong>
<% end %>
<!-- end -->
<!-- added by bai 增加了“年度”和“学期” -->
<% unless @course.nil? %>
<% if @course.time == 2008 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px; margin-left:20px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008' selected='selected'>2008</option>
<%# end %>
<% unless @course.nil?%>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:22px"><%= l(:label_class_period) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%= text_field_tag :class_period, @course.class_period, :placeholder => "在此输入课时" %></span> <span>&nbsp;<strong><%= l(:label_class_hour)%></strong></span>
<% else %>
<p><table><tr><td><span class="info" align="right" style="width: 90px; font-weight: bold ;margin-left:22px"><%= l(:label_class_period) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span>
<span class="info" style="width: 10px"><%= text_field_tag :class_period, nil, :placeholder => "在此输入课时" %></span><strong><%= l(:label_class_hour)%></strong>
<% end %>
<!-- end -->
<!-- added by bai 增加了“年度”和“学期” -->
<% unless @course.nil? %>
<% if @course.time == 2008 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px; margin-left:20px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008' selected='selected'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -94,12 +94,12 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table>
<% elsif @course.time == 2009 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2009 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009' selected='selected'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.time == 2010 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2010 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010' selected='selected'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.time == 2011 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2011 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011' selected='selected'>2011</option>
@ -137,12 +137,12 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.time == 2012 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2012 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -152,11 +152,11 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.time == 2013 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2013 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -166,11 +166,11 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.time == 2014 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2014 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -180,11 +180,11 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.time == 2015 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2015 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -194,11 +194,11 @@
<option value = '2015' selected='selected'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.time == 2016 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2016 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -208,11 +208,11 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016' selected='selected'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.time == 2017 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% elsif @course.time == 2017 %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017' selected='selected'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% else %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<% else %>
<p><table><tr><td class="info" align="right" style="width: 86px"><strong><%= l(:label_term) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></td>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'time', "<option value = '2008'>2008</option>
<option value = '2009'>2009</option>
<option value = '2010'>2010</option>
<option value = '2011'>2011</option>
@ -235,72 +235,81 @@
<option value = '2015'>2015</option>
<option value = '2016'>2016</option>
<option value = '2017'>2017</option>".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% unless @course.nil? %>
<% if @course.term == l(:label_spring) %>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}' selected='selected'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% unless @course.nil? %>
<% if @course.term == l(:label_spring) %>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}' selected='selected'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<option value = '#{l(:label_autumn)}'>#{l(:label_autumn)}</option>
".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.term == l(:label_summer)%>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<% elsif @course.term == l(:label_summer)%>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<option value = '#{l(:label_autumn)}'>#{l(:label_autumn)}</option>
".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.term == l(:label_autumn)%>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<% elsif @course.term == l(:label_autumn)%>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<option value = '#{l(:label_autumn)}' selected='selected'>#{l(:label_autumn)}</option>
".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% elsif @course.term == l(:label_winter)%>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<option value = '#{l(:label_autumn)}'>#{l(:label_autumn)}</option>
".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% else %>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<option value = '#{l(:label_autumn)}'>#{l(:label_autumn)}</option>
".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% end %>
<% end %></td></tr></table>
<!-- end -->
<!--added by Wen -->
<!-- end -->
<!-- <p style="margin-left:-10px;"><%#= m.text_field :password, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:488px;margin-left: 10px;" %></p> -->
<p style="margin-left:-10px;"><label for="course[course]_password" style="font-size: 13px;" ><%=l(:label_new_course_password)%><span class="required"> *</span></label><input id="course_course_password" type="text" style="width:488px;margin-left: 10px;" value="<%=@course.password %>" size="60" name="course[password]"></p>
<em class="info" style="margin-left:95px;"><%= l(:text_command) %></em>
<% end %>
<% elsif @course.term == l(:label_winter)%>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<option value = '#{l(:label_autumn)}'>#{l(:label_autumn)}</option>
".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% else %>
<td class="info" style="width: 10px">
<%= select_tag 'term', "<option value = '#{l(:label_spring)}'>#{l(:label_spring)}</option>
<option value = '#{l(:label_autumn)}'>#{l(:label_autumn)}</option>
".html_safe %></td></tr></table></p>
<% end %>
<% end %></td></tr></table>
<!-- end -->
<!--added by Wen -->
<!-- end -->
<!-- <p style="margin-left:-10px;"><%#= m.text_field :password, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:488px;margin-left: 10px;" %></p> -->
<p style="margin-left:-10px;"><label for="course[course]_password" style="font-size: 13px;" ><%=l(:label_new_course_password)%><span class="required"> *</span></label><input id="course_course_password" type="text" style="width:488px;margin-left: 10px;" value="<%=@course.password %>" size="60" name="course[password]"></p>
<em class="info" style="margin-left:95px;"><%= l(:text_command) %></em>
<% end %>
<!-- <p style="margin-left:-10px;padding-right: 20px;"><%#= f.text_area :description, :rows => 8, :class => 'wiki-edit', :style => "font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;" %></p> -->
<p style="margin-left:-20px;padding-right: 20px;"><label for="course_description" style="font-size: 13px;"><%=l(:label_new_course_description)%></label><span class="jstEditor"><textarea id="course_description" class="wiki-edit" style="font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;" rows="8" name="course[description]" cols="40" ><%=@course.description%></textarea></span></p>
<p style="padding-right: 20px;">
<label for="course_description" style="font-size: 13px;">
<span class="jstEditor">
<textarea id="course_description" class="wiki-edit" style="font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;" rows="8" name="course[description]" cols="40" >
<p style="margin-left:-10px;"><em style ="color: #888888;display: block;font-size: 90%;font-style: normal;"><%= f.check_box :is_public, :style => "margin-left:10px;" %><%= l(:label_course_public_info) %></em></p><!-- modified by bai -->
@ -310,7 +319,7 @@
<%= wikitoolbar_for 'course_description' %>
<% @course.custom_field_values.each do |value| %>
<p><%= custom_field_tag_with_label :course, value %></p>
<p><%= custom_field_tag_with_label :course, value %></p>
<% end %>
<%= call_hook(:view_courses_form, :course => @course, :form => f) %>
@ -319,8 +328,8 @@
<% unless @course.extra_frozen? %>
<% content_for :header_tags do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'course_identifier' %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :header_tags do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'course_identifier' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<% edit_allowed = User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_files, @course) %>
<% if file_dense_list.any? %>
<div id="edit-file-dense-form-<>" class="hidden">
<%= select_tag "file_dense",
options_for_select(file_dense_list,attachment.file_dense_str), :onchange=>"file_dense_edit(" + ",this.value)"%>
<%= link_to(image_tag('edit/edit.png'), 'javascript:void(0);',:style=>"white-space:nowrap;", :id=>"edit_box_dense" ,
:onclick =>"$('#edit-file-dense-form-" "').show();
$('#field_file_dense_id_label" "').hide();
$('#edit_box_dense" "').hide();") if edit_allowed %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
<%= sort_header_tag('size', :caption => l(:field_filesize), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('attach_type', :caption => l(:attachment_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-attachmenttype") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('content_type', :caption => l(:attachment_sufix_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-contenttype") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('field_file_dense', :caption => l(:field_file_dense), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-field_file_dense") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('downloads', :caption => l(:field_downloads), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-action") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('operation', :caption => "", :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children") %>
<!-- <%= sort_header_tag('description', :caption => l(:field_description)) %> -->
@ -34,6 +35,9 @@
<% end -%>
<% container.attachments.each do |file| %>
<%if file.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of?(@project)%>
<tr class="file <%= cycle("odd", "odd") %>">
<td class="filename" style="font-size: 13px; "><%= link_to_attachment file, :download => true, :title => file.filename+"\n"+file.description.to_s, :style => "width: 230px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;" %></td>
<!-- <td class="created_on"><%#= format_time(file.created_on) %></td> -->
@ -45,6 +49,14 @@
<td class="content_type"><%= file.show_suffix_type %></td>
<td class="field_file_dense">
<span id="field_file_dense_id_label<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;"><%= file.file_dense_str %></span>
<span id="field_file_dense_id_edit<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;">
<%= render :partial => 'course_file_dense_edit', :locals => {:file_dense_list => file.file_dense_list,
:attachment => file} %>
<td class="downloads"><%= file.downloads %></td>
<!-- <td class="digest" width="300px"><%= file.description %></td> -->
<td align="center">

View File

@ -5,66 +5,78 @@
<% edit_allowed = User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_files, @course) %>
<table class="list files" id="ver-zebra">
<col class="vzebra-odd"/>
<col class="vzebra-even"/>
<col class="vzebra-odd"/>
<col class="vzebra-even"/>
<!-- <col class="vzebra-odd"/> -->
<col class="vzebra-odd"/>
<col class="vzebra-even"/>
<col class="vzebra-odd"/>
<col class="vzebra-even"/>
<!-- <col class="vzebra-odd"/> -->
<%= sort_header_tag('filename', :caption => l(:field_filename), :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-adventure") %>
<%#= sort_header_tag('created_on', :caption => l(:label_date), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-comedy") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('size', :caption => l(:field_filesize), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('attach_type', :caption => l(:attachment_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-attachmenttype") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('content_type', :caption => l(:attachment_sufix_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope =>"col", :id=> "vzebra-contenttype")%>
<%= sort_header_tag('content_type', :caption => l(:attachment_sufix_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-contenttype") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('field_file_dense', :caption => l(:field_file_dense), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-field_file_dense") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('downloads', :caption => l(:field_downloads), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-action") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('operation', :caption => "", :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children") %>
<!-- <%= sort_header_tag('description', :caption => l(:field_description)) %> -->
<% @containers.each do |container| %>
<% next if container.attachments.empty? -%>
<% container.attachments.each do |file| %>
<% if isTypeOk(file,selAttachType,selContentType) %>
<tr class="file <%= cycle("odd", "odd") %>">
<td class="filename" style="font-size: 13px; "><%= link_to_attachment file, :download => true, :title => file.filename+"\n"+file.description.to_s, :style => "width: 230px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;" %></td>
<!-- <td class="created_on"><%#= format_time(file.created_on) %></td> -->
<td class="filesize"><%= number_to_human_size(file.filesize) %></td>
<td class="attach_type">
<span id="attach_type_id_label<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;"><%= file.attachmentstype.typeName %></span>
<% next if container.attachments.empty? -%>
<% container.attachments.each do |file| %>
<% if file.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<% next %>
<% end %>
<% if isTypeOk(file, selAttachType, selContentType) %>
<tr class="file <%= cycle("odd", "odd") %>">
<td class="filename" style="font-size: 13px; "><%= link_to_attachment file, :download => true, :title => file.filename+"\n"+file.description.to_s, :style => "width: 230px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;" %></td>
<!-- <td class="created_on"><%#= format_time(file.created_on) %></td> -->
<td class="filesize"><%= number_to_human_size(file.filesize) %></td>
<td class="attach_type">
<span id="attach_type_id_label<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;"><%= file.attachmentstype.typeName %></span>
<span id="attach_type_id_edit<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;">
<%= render :partial => 'attachments/course_type_edit', :locals => {:attachmenttypes => attachmenttypes,
:attachment => file,:contentype=>selContentType} %>
:attachment => file, :contentype => selContentType} %>
<td class="content_type"><%= file.show_suffix_type %></td>
<td class="downloads"><%= file.downloads %></td>
<!-- <td class="digest" width="300px"><%= file.description %></td> -->
<td align="center">
<%= link_to(image_tag('delete.png'), attachment_path(file),
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :method => :delete) if delete_allowed %>
<td class='description' colspan="6">
<div class="tags_area">
<%# @preTags = %w|预设A 预设B 预设C 预设D 预设E 预设Z | %>
<%= render :partial => 'tags/tag', :locals => {:obj => file, :object_flag => "6"} %>
<div class="tags_gradint"></div>
<div class="read-more hidden"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="readmore(this);"> 更多 </a>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% reset_cycle %>
<% end -%>
<!-- %= h downloadAll(@containers) % -->
<!-- %= link_to "download all file", (downloadAll(@containers)) % -->
<td class="content_type"><%= file.show_suffix_type %></td>
<td class="field_file_dense">
<span id="field_file_dense_id_label<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;"><%= file.file_dense_str %></span>
<span id="field_file_dense_id_edit<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;">
<%= render :partial => 'course_file_dense_edit', :locals => {:file_dense_list => file.file_dense_list,
:attachment => file} %>
<td class="downloads"><%= file.downloads %></td>
<!-- <td class="digest" width="300px"><%= file.description %></td> -->
<td align="center">
<%= link_to(image_tag('delete.png'), attachment_path(file),
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :method => :delete) if delete_allowed %>
<td class='description' colspan="6">
<div class="tags_area">
<%# @preTags = %w|预设A 预设B 预设C 预设D 预设E 预设Z | %>
<%= render :partial => 'tags/tag', :locals => {:obj => file, :object_flag => "6"} %>
<div class="tags_gradint"></div>
<div class="read-more hidden"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="readmore(this);"> 更多 </a>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% reset_cycle %>
<% end -%>
<!-- %= h downloadAll(@containers) % -->
<!-- %= link_to "download all file", (downloadAll(@containers)) % -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<% edit_allowed = User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_files, @project) %>
<% if file_dense_list.any? %>
<div id="edit-file-dense-form-<>" class="hidden">
<%= select_tag "file_dense",
options_for_select(file_dense_list,attachment.file_dense_str), :onchange=>"file_dense_edit(" + ",this.value)"%>
<%= link_to(image_tag('edit/edit.png'), 'javascript:void(0);',:style=>"white-space:nowrap;", :id=>"edit_box_dense" ,
:onclick =>"$('#edit-file-dense-form-" "').show();
$('#field_file_dense_id_label" "').hide();
$('#edit_box_dense" "').hide();") if edit_allowed %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
<%= sort_header_tag('size', :caption => l(:field_filesize), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('attach_type', :caption => l(:attachment_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-attachmenttype") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('content_type', :caption => l(:attachment_sufix_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-contenttype") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('field_file_dense', :caption => l(:field_file_dense), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-field_file_dense") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('downloads', :caption => l(:field_downloads), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-action") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('operation', :caption => "", :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children") %>
<!-- <%= sort_header_tag('description', :caption => l(:field_description)) %> -->
@ -34,6 +35,9 @@
<% end -%>
<% container.attachments.each do |file| %>
<%if file.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of?(@project)%>
<tr class="file <%= cycle("odd", "odd") %>">
<td class="filename" style="font-size: 13px; "><%= link_to_attachment file, :download => true, :title => file.filename+"\n"+file.description.to_s, :style => "width: 230px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;" %></td>
<!-- <td class="created_on"><%#= format_time(file.created_on) %></td> -->
@ -45,6 +49,14 @@
<td class="content_type"><%= file.show_suffix_type %></td>
<td class="field_file_dense">
<span id="field_file_dense_id_label<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;"><%= file.file_dense_str %></span>
<span id="field_file_dense_id_edit<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;">
<%= render :partial => 'project_file_dense_edit', :locals => {:file_dense_list => file.file_dense_list,
:attachment => file} %>
<td class="downloads"><%= file.downloads %></td>
<!-- <td class="digest" width="300px"><%= file.description %></td> -->
<td align="center">

View File

@ -5,66 +5,78 @@
<% edit_allowed = User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_files, @project) %>
<table class="list files" id="ver-zebra">
<col class="vzebra-odd"/>
<col class="vzebra-even"/>
<col class="vzebra-odd"/>
<col class="vzebra-even"/>
<!-- <col class="vzebra-odd"/> -->
<col class="vzebra-odd"/>
<col class="vzebra-even"/>
<col class="vzebra-odd"/>
<col class="vzebra-even"/>
<!-- <col class="vzebra-odd"/> -->
<%= sort_header_tag('filename', :caption => l(:field_filename), :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-adventure") %>
<%#= sort_header_tag('created_on', :caption => l(:label_date), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-comedy") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('size', :caption => l(:field_filesize), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('attach_type', :caption => l(:attachment_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-attachmenttype") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('content_type', :caption => l(:attachment_sufix_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope =>"col", :id=> "vzebra-contenttype")%>
<%= sort_header_tag('content_type', :caption => l(:attachment_sufix_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-contenttype") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('field_file_dense', :caption => l(:field_file_dense), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-field_file_dense") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('downloads', :caption => l(:field_downloads), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-action") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('operation', :caption => "", :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children") %>
<!-- <%= sort_header_tag('description', :caption => l(:field_description)) %> -->
<% @containers.each do |container| %>
<% next if container.attachments.empty? -%>
<% container.attachments.each do |file| %>
<% if isTypeOk(file,selAttachType,selContentType) %>
<tr class="file <%= cycle("odd", "odd") %>">
<td class="filename" style="font-size: 13px; "><%= link_to_attachment file, :download => true, :title => file.filename+"\n"+file.description.to_s, :style => "width: 230px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;" %></td>
<!-- <td class="created_on"><%#= format_time(file.created_on) %></td> -->
<td class="filesize"><%= number_to_human_size(file.filesize) %></td>
<td class="attach_type">
<span id="attach_type_id_label<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;"><%= file.attachmentstype.typeName %></span>
<% next if container.attachments.empty? -%>
<% container.attachments.each do |file| %>
<% if file.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<% next %>
<% end %>
<% if isTypeOk(file, selAttachType, selContentType) %>
<tr class="file <%= cycle("odd", "odd") %>">
<td class="filename" style="font-size: 13px; "><%= link_to_attachment file, :download => true, :title => file.filename+"\n"+file.description.to_s, :style => "width: 230px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;" %></td>
<!-- <td class="created_on"><%#= format_time(file.created_on) %></td> -->
<td class="filesize"><%= number_to_human_size(file.filesize) %></td>
<td class="attach_type">
<span id="attach_type_id_label<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;"><%= file.attachmentstype.typeName %></span>
<span id="attach_type_id_edit<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;">
<%= render :partial => 'attachments/type_edit', :locals => {:attachmenttypes => attachmenttypes,
:attachment => file,:contentype=>selContentType} %>
:attachment => file, :contentype => selContentType} %>
<td class="content_type"><%= file.show_suffix_type %></td>
<td class="downloads"><%= file.downloads %></td>
<!-- <td class="digest" width="300px"><%= file.description %></td> -->
<td align="center">
<%= link_to(image_tag('delete.png'), attachment_path(file),
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :method => :delete) if delete_allowed %>
<td class='description' colspan="6">
<div class="tags_area">
<%# @preTags = %w|预设A 预设B 预设C 预设D 预设E 预设Z | %>
<%= render :partial => 'tags/tag', :locals => {:obj => file, :object_flag => "6"} %>
<div class="tags_gradint"></div>
<div class="read-more hidden"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="readmore(this);"> 更多 </a>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% reset_cycle %>
<% end -%>
<!-- %= h downloadAll(@containers) % -->
<!-- %= link_to "download all file", (downloadAll(@containers)) % -->
<td class="content_type"><%= file.show_suffix_type %></td>
<td class="field_file_dense">
<span id="field_file_dense_id_label<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;"><%= file.file_dense_str %></span>
<span id="field_file_dense_id_edit<%= %>" style="white-space:nowrap;">
<%= render :partial => 'project_file_dense_edit', :locals => {:file_dense_list => file.file_dense_list,
:attachment => file} %>
<td class="downloads"><%= file.downloads %></td>
<!-- <td class="digest" width="300px"><%= file.description %></td> -->
<td align="center">
<%= link_to(image_tag('delete.png'), attachment_path(file),
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :method => :delete) if delete_allowed %>
<td class='description' colspan="6">
<div class="tags_area">
<%# @preTags = %w|预设A 预设B 预设C 预设D 预设E 预设Z | %>
<%= render :partial => 'tags/tag', :locals => {:obj => file, :object_flag => "6"} %>
<div class="tags_gradint"></div>
<div class="read-more hidden"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="readmore(this);"> 更多 </a>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% reset_cycle %>
<% end -%>
<!-- %= h downloadAll(@containers) % -->
<!-- %= link_to "download all file", (downloadAll(@containers)) % -->

View File

@ -207,6 +207,23 @@
// 编辑文件密级
function file_dense_edit(id, type) {
url: '<%=updateFileDense_attachments_path%>',
type: "POST",
data: {
attachmentid: encodeURIComponent(id),
newtype: encodeURIComponent(type)
}).complete(function (xhr, textStatus) {

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<% end %>
<% if @issue.safe_attribute? 'description' %>
<p style="margin-left:-10px;">
<%= f.label_for_field :description, :required => @issue.required_attribute?('description') %>
<%= link_to_function image_tag('edit.png'), '$(this).hide(); $("#issue_description_and_toolbar").show()' unless @issue.new_record? %>
<%= content_tag 'span', :id => "issue_description_and_toolbar", :style => (@issue.new_record? ? nil : 'display:none') do %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<%= l(:text_applied_project, :id => "##{@user.show_name}", :project => %>
<hr />
<h1><%= link_to(h(, @applied_url) %></h1>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<%= l(:text_applied_project, :id => "##{@user.show_name}", :project => %>
<h1><%= link_to(h(, @applied_url) %></h1>

View File

@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
<p id="attachments_form" style="margin-left:-10px;"><label style="padding-right: 15px;"><%= l(:label_attachment_plural) %></label><%= render :partial => 'attachments/form', :locals => {:container => @news} %></p>
<%= wikitoolbar_for 'news_description' %>
<%= wikitoolbar_for 'news_description'%>

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
<% end %>
<p><%= f.text_field :name, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:490px;" %></p>
<p style="margin-left:-10px;padding-right: 20px;">
<p style="padding-right: 20px;">
<%= f.text_area :description, :rows => 8, :class => 'wiki-edit', :style => "font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;" %>
</p><!--by young-->
<p><%= f.text_field :identifier, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:488px;", :disabled => @project.identifier_frozen?, :maxlength => Project::IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH %>
<% unless @project.identifier_frozen? %>
<em class="info"><%= l(:text_length_between, :min => 1, :max => Project::IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH) %> <%= l(:text_project_identifier_info).html_safe %></em>
<% end %></p>
<!-- <p style="margin-left:-10px;"><%= f.text_field :homepage, :size => 60, :style => "width:488px;margin-left: 10px;" %></p> --> <!-- by huang -->
<!-- <p style="margin-left:-10px;"><%#= f.text_field :homepage, :size => 60, :style => "width:488px;margin-left: 10px;" %></p> --> <!-- by huang -->
<p style="margin-left:-10px;"><em style ="color: #888888;display: block;font-size: 90%;font-style: normal;"><%= f.check_box :is_public, :style => "margin-left:10px;" %></em></p>
<p style="margin-left:-10px;"><em style ="color: #888888;display: block;font-size: 90%;font-style: normal;"><%= f.check_box :hidden_repo, :style => "margin-left:10px;" %></em></p>
<p style="display:none;"><%= f.text_field :project_type, :value => 0 %></p>

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
$(document).ready(function($) {
$('.cb span').highlight('<%=params[:name]%>');
$('.cb span').highlight('<%="#{params[:name].strip}"%>');
$(this).mouseenter(function(event) {

View File

@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ en:
field_mail: Email
field_job_category: Job category # added by bai
field_filename: File
field_file_dense: File Dense
field_filesize: Size
field_downloads: Downloads
field_author: Author
@ -1079,6 +1080,7 @@ en:
text_session_expiration_settings: "Warning: changing these settings may expire the current sessions including yours."
text_project_closed: This project is closed and read-only.
text_turning_multiple_off: "If you disable multiple values, multiple values will be removed in order to preserve only one value per item."
text_applied_project: "User %{id} Apply Join Project %{project}"
default_role_manager: Manager
default_role_developer: Developer
@ -1469,6 +1471,7 @@ en:
label_teacher: Teacher
label_student: Student
label_school_all: Schools
label_school_not_fount: Not found by your input query condition.
label_other: Other
label_gender: Gender
label_gender_male: male

View File

@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ zh:
field_lastname_eg: '(例:张三丰,请填写[张])'
field_mail: 邮件地址
field_filename: 文件
field_file_dense: 文件密级
field_filesize: 大小
field_downloads: 下载次数
field_author: 作者
@ -1127,6 +1128,7 @@ zh:
text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: 你正在删除你现有的某些或全部权限,如果这样做了你可能将会再也无法编辑该项目了。你确定要继续吗?
text_zoom_in: 放大
text_zoom_out: 缩小
text_applied_project: "用户 %{id} 申请加入项目 %{project}"
default_role_manager: 管理人员
default_role_developer: 开发人员
@ -1866,6 +1868,7 @@ zh:
#added by Wen
label_school_all: 中国高校
label_school_not_fount: 没有符合的高校信息
label_project_grade: 项目得分

View File

@ -515,6 +515,7 @@ RedmineApp::Application.routes.draw do
resources :attachments, :only => [:show, :destroy] do
collection do
match "updateType" , via: [:get, :post]
match "updateFileDense" , via: [:get, :post]
match "renderTag" , via: [:get, :post]

View File

@ -251,3 +251,15 @@ course_domain:
serialized: true
default: --- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
skin: moono
ui_color: ! '#f4f4f4'
width: ''
height: '400'
enter_mode: '1'
show_blocks: '1'
toolbar_can_collapse: '0'
toolbar_location: top
toolbar: Source,ShowBlocks,--,Undo,Redo,-,Find,Replace,--,Bold,Italic,Underline,Strike,-,Subscript,Superscript,-,NumberedList,BulletedList,-,Outdent,Indent,Blockquote,-,JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyBlock,-,Link,Unlink,-,richImage,Table,HorizontalRule,/,Styles,Format,Font,FontSize,-,TextColor,BGColor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
class AddIsPublicToAttachment < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :attachments, :is_public, :integer,:default => 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
class UpdateAttachmentPublicAttr < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
# 更新资源文件的is_public属性
Attachment.all.each do |res|
if res.is_public
if(res.container.nil? ||
(res.container.class.to_s=="Project" && res.container.is_public == false) ||
(res.container.has_attribute?(:project) && res.container.project && res.container.project.is_public == false) ||
(res.container.class.to_s=="HomeworkAttach" && == 3) ||
(res.container.class.to_s=="Course" && res.container.is_public == false) ||
(res.container.has_attribute?(:course) && res.container.course && res.container.course.is_public == false)
res.is_public = false
def down

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140711012924) do
>>>>>>> 056f86caad29ca95632d9da9e1e616cd00e2349a
create_table "activities", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "act_id", :null => false
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140711012924) do
t.string "description"
t.string "disk_directory"
t.integer "attachtype", :default => 1
t.integer "is_public", :default => 1
add_index "attachments", ["author_id"], :name => "index_attachments_on_author_id"
@ -803,7 +805,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140711012924) do
create_table "relative_memos", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "osp_id"
t.integer "osp_id", :null => false
t.integer "parent_id"
t.string "subject", :null => false
t.text "content", :null => false
@ -840,6 +842,19 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140711012924) do
add_index "repositories", ["project_id"], :name => "index_repositories_on_project_id"
create_table "rich_rich_files", :force => true do |t|
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
t.string "rich_file_file_name"
t.string "rich_file_content_type"
t.integer "rich_file_file_size"
t.datetime "rich_file_updated_at"
t.string "owner_type"
t.integer "owner_id"
t.text "uri_cache"
t.string "simplified_type", :default => "file"
create_table "roles", :force => true do |t|
t.string "name", :limit => 30, :default => "", :null => false
t.integer "position", :default => 1

View File

@ -60,11 +60,28 @@ module Redmine
@unsaved_attachments ||= []
# 设置资源文件的公开属性
# add by nwb
def set_attachment_public(res)
# 公开的资源判断他的父级的公开属性
if res.is_public
if( (self.class.to_s=="Project" && self.is_public == false) ||
(self.has_attribute?(:project) && self.project && self.project.is_public == false) ||
(self.class.to_s=="HomeworkAttach" && == 3) ||
(self.class.to_s=="Course" && self.is_public == false) ||
(self.has_attribute?(:course) && self.course && self.course.is_public == false)
res.is_public = false
def save_attachmentsex(attachments, author=User.current,attachment_type)
@curattachment_type = attachment_type
result = save_attachments(attachments,author)
def save_attachments(attachments, author=User.current)
if attachments.is_a?(Hash)
attachments = attachments.stringify_keys
@ -94,6 +111,10 @@ module Redmine
a.filename = attachment['filename'] unless attachment['filename'].blank?
a.content_type = attachment['content_type']
if !attachment[:is_public]
a.is_public = false
next unless a
a.description = attachment['description'].to_s.strip
a.attachtype = @curattachment_type;

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Redmine::Views::LabelledFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
return ''.html_safe if options.delete(:no_label)
text = options[:label].is_a?(Symbol) ? l(options[:label]) : options[:label]
text ||= l(("field_" + field.to_s.gsub(/\_id$/, "")).to_sym)
text += @template.content_tag("span", " *", :class => "required") if options.delete(:required)
text += @template.content_tag("span", "#{options.delete(:required) ? ' *' : '&nbsp;&nbsp;'}".html_safe, :class => "required")
@template.content_tag("label", text.html_safe,
:class => (@object && @object.errors[field].present? ? "error" : nil),
:for => (@object_name.to_s + "_" + field.to_s))

plugins/redmine_ckeditor/.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "app/assets/javascripts/ckeditor-releases"]
path = app/assets/javascripts/ckeditor-releases
url = git://

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
source ''
gem 'rich', '1.4.6'
gem 'kaminari'
gem 'htmlentities'
gem 'paperclip', '~> 3.5.4'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
= Redmine CKEditor plugin
This plugin adds the text formatting for using CKEditor to Redmine.
Since version 1.0.0, it includes {Rich}[] and supports image uploads.
== What is CKEditor?
CKEditor is a WYSIWYG text editor.
See {the official site}[] for more details.
== Requirements
* Redmine 2.3.x, Ruby 1.9.2 or higher, {ImageMagick}[] (version {1.0.16}[])
# Ubuntu
apt-get install imagemagick
# Mac OS X
brew install imagemagick
* Redmine 2.3.x (version {0.4.0}[])
* Redmine 2.2.x (version {0.3.0}[])
* Redmine 2.1.x (version {0.2.1}[])
* Redmine 2.0.x (version {0.1.1}[])
* Redmine 1.1.0 - 1.4.2 (version {0.0.6}[])
== Plugin installation and setup
1. Copy the plugin directory into the plugins directory (make sure the name is redmine_ckeditor)
2. Install the required gems (in the Redmine root directory)
bundle install --without development test
3. Execute migration
rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
4. Start Redmine
5. Change text formatting (Administration > Settings > General > Text formatting) to CKEditor
6. Configure the plugin (Administration > Plugins > Configure)
=== Upgrade
1. Replace the plugin directory (plugins/redmine_ckeditor)
2. Install the required gems
bundle install --without development test
3. Execute migration
rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
4. Delete old assets
rm -r /public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor
5. Restart Redmine
== CKEditor customization
=== Plugins
You can download plugins from {Add-ons Repository}[].
To activate the plugin you have to copy the plugin directory into assets/ckeditor-contrib/plugins and restart Redmine, then configure toolbar settings.
=== Skins
You can select third-party skins placed in assets/ckeditor-contrib/skins directory.
== Migration notes
This plugin stores contents in HTML format and renders as is.
If you have old contents, these look weird.
You can use {redmine_per_project_formatting}[] plugin for backward compatibility or execute redmine_ckeditor:migrate task for migrating old text to HTML.
rake redmine_ckeditor:migrate RAILS_ENV=production [PROJECT=project_identifier1,project_identifier2] [FORMAT=textile]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
//= require rich/editor/ckeditor_path
//= require ckeditor-releases/ckeditor
//= require rich/editor/rich_editor
//= require rich/editor/rich_picker

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
//= require fileuploader
//= require rich/browser/extensions
//= require rich/browser/uploader
//= require rich/browser/filebrowser

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
class RedmineCkeditorSetting
def self.setting
Setting[:plugin_redmine_ckeditor] || {}
def self.default
["1", true].include?(setting[:default])
def self.toolbar_string
setting[:toolbar] || RedmineCkeditor.default_toolbar
def self.toolbar
bars = []
bar = []
toolbar_string.split(",").each {|item|
case item
when '/'
bars.push(bar, item)
bar = []
when '--'
bar = []
bars.push(bar) unless bar.empty?
setting[:skin] || "moono"
def self.ui_color
setting[:ui_color] || "#f4f4f4"
def self.enter_mode
(setting[:enter_mode] || 1).to_i
def self.shift_enter_mode
enter_mode == 2 ? 1 : 2
def self.show_blocks
(setting[:show_blocks] || 1).to_i == 1
def self.toolbar_can_collapse
setting[:toolbar_can_collapse].to_i == 1
def self.toolbar_location
setting[:toolbar_location] || "top"
def self.width
def self.height
setting[:height] || 400

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<% if RedmineCkeditor.enabled? %>
<% end %>
$('#all_attributes').html('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'form') %>');
<% if User.current.allowed_to?(:log_time, @issue.project) %>
<% else %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# when quoting a private journal, check the private checkbox
if @journal && @journal.private_notes?
$('#issue_private_notes').attr('checked', true);
<% end %>
CKEDITOR.instances['issue_notes'].setData(<%= @content.inspect.html_safe %>);
showAndScrollTo("update", "issue_notes");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Rich Browser</title>
<%= javascript_heads %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :plugin => "redmine_ckeditor" %>
<%= ckeditor_javascripts %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "browser", :plugin => "redmine_ckeditor" %>
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<%= yield %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<%= render :file => "messages/quote" %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<li class="clickable">
<img id="file<%= %>"
src="<%= thumb_for_file(file) %>"
data-uris="<%= file.uri_cache %>"
data-relative-url-root="<%= Redmine::Utils.relative_url_root %>"
data-rich-asset-id="<%= %>"
data-rich-asset-type="<%= file.simplified_type %>"
data-rich-asset-name="<%= file.rich_file_file_name %>"
<p><%= file.rich_file_file_name %></p>
<%= link_to "delete",, :method => :delete, :remote => true, :confirm => t(:delete_confirm), :class => "delete", :title => t(:delete) %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<%= ckeditor_javascripts %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'editor', :plugin => 'redmine_ckeditor'%>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'selector', :plugin => 'redmine_ckeditor'%>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_skin) %>
<%= select_tag "settings[skin]", RedmineCkeditor.skin_options %>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_ui_color) %>
<%= text_field_tag "settings[ui_color]", RedmineCkeditorSetting.ui_color %>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_width) %>
<%= text_field_tag "settings[width]", RedmineCkeditorSetting.width %>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_height) %>
<%= text_field_tag "settings[height]", RedmineCkeditorSetting.height %>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_enter_mode) %>
<%= select_tag "settings[enter_mode]", RedmineCkeditor.enter_mode_options %>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_startup_show_blocks) %>
<%= hidden_field_tag "settings[show_blocks]", 0 %>
<%= check_box_tag "settings[show_blocks]", 1, RedmineCkeditorSetting.show_blocks %>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_toolbar_can_collapse) %>
<%= hidden_field_tag "settings[toolbar_can_collapse]", 0 %>
<%= check_box_tag "settings[toolbar_can_collapse]", 1, RedmineCkeditorSetting.toolbar_can_collapse %>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_toolbar_location) %>
<%= select_tag "settings[toolbar_location]", RedmineCkeditor.toolbar_location_options %>
<%= content_tag :label, l(:ckeditor_toolbar_buttons) %>
<div class="selector-container">
<%= hidden_field_tag "settings[toolbar]", RedmineCkeditorSetting.toolbar_string %>
<select id="left" multiple="multiple" size="10">
<div class="container">
<input type="button" class="button" value="<%= t(:add) %> >>"
onclick="moveItem('left', 'right')"/><br/>
<input type="button" class="button" value="<%= t(:remove) %> <<"
onclick="moveItem('right', 'left')"/><br/><br/>
<input type="button" class="button" value="<%= t(:separator) %> >>"
<input type="button" class="button" value="<%= t(:subgroup) %> >>"
<input type="button" class="button" value="<%= t(:line_break) %> >>"
<select id="right" multiple="multiple" size="10">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="toolbar"></div>
<%= javascript_tag do %>
function moveItem(from, to) {
from = $("#" + from);
to = $("#" + to);
var selected = to.find("option:selected").first();
from.find("option:selected").remove().each(function() {
if (this.value == '-' || this.value == '--' || this.value == '/') return;
selected.size() ? selected.before(this) : to.append(this);
to.prop("selectedIndex", -1);
function addItem(item) {
var option = $("<option/>").val(item).text(item);
var to = $("#right");
var selected = to.find("option:selected").first();
selected.size() ? selected.before(option) : to.append(option);
function changeHandler() {
var values = $("#right").find("option").map(function() {
return this.value;
var bars = [];
var bar = [];
values.each(function() {
var value = this.toString();
if (value == "/") {
bars.push(bar, value);
bar = [];
} else if (value == "--") {
bar = [];
} else {
if (bar.length > 0) bars.push(bar);
function updateCkeditor(toolbar) {
var options = <%= RedmineCkeditor.options.to_json.html_safe %>;
options.toolbar = toolbar;
CKEDITOR.replace('toolbar', options);
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function() {
CKEDITOR.removeListener('instanceReady', arguments.callee);
var left = $("#left");
var right = $("#right");
var rightItems = $("#settings_toolbar").val().split(",");
var dict = {};
$.each(CKEDITOR.instances.toolbar.ui.items, function(key, value) {
if (key == '-') return;
dict[key] = value.label;
if (rightItems.indexOf(key) < 0) {
left.append($("<option/>").val(key).text(dict[key] || key));
$.each(rightItems, function() {
right.append($("<option/>").val(this).text(dict[this] || this));
updateCkeditor(<%= RedmineCkeditorSetting.toolbar.to_json.html_safe %>);
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
/* Extra for the CKEditor CodeMirror Plugin */
.CodeMirror {font:13px/1.4em monospace;}
.CodeMirror .activeline { background: #e8f2ff; }
.CodeMirror .CodeMirror-foldmarker {
color: blue;
text-shadow: #b9f 1px 1px 2px, #b9f -1px -1px 2px, #b9f 1px -1px 2px, #b9f -1px 1px 2px;
font-family: arial;
line-height: .3;
cursor: pointer;
/* Fixes for themes */
.cm-s-cobalt .CodeMirror-selected { background: #b36539 !important; }
.cm-s-erlang-dark .CodeMirror-selected { background: #b36539 !important; }
.cm-s-lesser-dark .CodeMirror-selected {background: #45443B !important;}
.cm-s-monokai .CodeMirror-selected {background: #49483E !important;}
.cm-s-night .CodeMirror-selected { background: #447 !important; }
.cm-s-rubyblue .CodeMirror-selected { background: #38566F !important; }
.cm-s-twilight .CodeMirror-selected { background: #323232 !important; }
.cm-s-xq-dark .CodeMirror-selected { background: #a8f !important; }
.cm-s-blackboard .activeline,
.cm-s-cobalt .activeline,
.cm-s-erlang-dark .activeline,
.cm-s-lesser-dark .activeline,
.cm-s-monokai .activeline,
.cm-s-night .activeline,
.cm-s-rubyblue .activeline,
.cm-s-vibrant-ink .activeline,
.cm-s-xq-dark .activeline { background: #757575; }
.cm-s-twilight .activeline { background:#494949; }
.CodeMirror-focused .cm-matchhighlight {
background-image: url();
background-position: bottom;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
/* Dialog Addon */
.CodeMirror-dialog {
position: absolute;
left: 0; right: 0;
background: white;
z-index: 15;
padding: .1em .8em;
overflow: hidden;
color: #333;
.CodeMirror-dialog-top {
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
top: 0;
.CodeMirror-dialog-bottom {
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
bottom: 0;
.CodeMirror-dialog input {
border: none;
outline: none;
background: transparent;
width: 20em;
color: inherit;
font-family: monospace;
.CodeMirror-dialog button {
font-size: 70%;
.CodeMirror-hints {
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
overflow: hidden;
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 2px;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid silver;
background: white;
font-size: 90%;
font-family: monospace;
max-height: 20em;
overflow-y: auto;
.CodeMirror-hint {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 4px;
border-radius: 2px;
max-width: 19em;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: pre;
color: black;
cursor: pointer;
.CodeMirror-hint-active {
background: #08f;
color: white;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
/* BASICS */
.CodeMirror {
/* Set height, width, borders, and global font properties here */
font-family: monospace;
height: 300px;
.CodeMirror-scroll {
/* Set scrolling behaviour here */
overflow: auto;
.CodeMirror-lines {
padding: 4px 0; /* Vertical padding around content */
.CodeMirror pre {
padding: 0 4px; /* Horizontal padding of content */
.CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler {
background-color: white; /* The little square between H and V scrollbars */
/* GUTTER */
.CodeMirror-gutters {
border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
background-color: #f7f7f7;
.CodeMirror-linenumbers {}
.CodeMirror-linenumber {
padding: 0 3px 0 5px;
min-width: 20px;
text-align: right;
color: #999;
/* CURSOR */
.CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-cursor {
border-left: 1px solid black;
z-index: 3;
/* Shown when moving in bi-directional text */
.CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-secondarycursor {
border-left: 1px solid silver;
} div.CodeMirror-cursor {
width: auto;
border: 0;
background: #7e7;
z-index: 1;
/* Can style cursor different in overwrite (non-insert) mode */
.CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-cursor.CodeMirror-overwrite {}
.cm-tab { display: inline-block; }
.cm-s-default .cm-keyword {color: #708;}
.cm-s-default .cm-atom {color: #219;}
.cm-s-default .cm-number {color: #164;}
.cm-s-default .cm-def {color: #00f;}
.cm-s-default .cm-variable {color: black;}
.cm-s-default .cm-variable-2 {color: #05a;}
.cm-s-default .cm-variable-3 {color: #085;}
.cm-s-default .cm-property {color: black;}
.cm-s-default .cm-operator {color: black;}
.cm-s-default .cm-comment {color: #a50;}
.cm-s-default .cm-string {color: #a11;}
.cm-s-default .cm-string-2 {color: #f50;}
.cm-s-default .cm-meta {color: #555;}
.cm-s-default .cm-error {color: #f00;}
.cm-s-default .cm-qualifier {color: #555;}
.cm-s-default .cm-builtin {color: #30a;}
.cm-s-default .cm-bracket {color: #997;}
.cm-s-default .cm-tag {color: #170;}
.cm-s-default .cm-attribute {color: #00c;}
.cm-s-default .cm-header {color: blue;}
.cm-s-default .cm-quote {color: #090;}
.cm-s-default .cm-hr {color: #999;}
.cm-s-default .cm-link {color: #00c;}
.cm-negative {color: #d44;}
.cm-positive {color: #292;}
.cm-header, .cm-strong {font-weight: bold;}
.cm-em {font-style: italic;}
.cm-link {text-decoration: underline;}
.cm-invalidchar {color: #f00;}
div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-matchingbracket {color: #0f0;}
div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket {color: #f22;}
/* STOP */
/* The rest of this file contains styles related to the mechanics of
the editor. You probably shouldn't touch them. */
.CodeMirror {
line-height: 1;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
background: white;
color: black;
.CodeMirror-scroll {
/* 30px is the magic margin used to hide the element's real scrollbars */
/* See overflow: hidden in .CodeMirror, and the paddings in .CodeMirror-sizer */
margin-bottom: -30px; margin-right: -30px;
padding-bottom: 30px; padding-right: 30px;
height: 100%;
outline: none; /* Prevent dragging from highlighting the element */
position: relative;
.CodeMirror-sizer {
position: relative;
/* The fake, visible scrollbars. Used to force redraw during scrolling
before actuall scrolling happens, thus preventing shaking and
flickering artifacts. */
.CodeMirror-vscrollbar, .CodeMirror-hscrollbar, .CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler {
position: absolute;
z-index: 6;
display: none;
.CodeMirror-vscrollbar {
right: 0; top: 0;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
.CodeMirror-hscrollbar {
bottom: 0; left: 0;
overflow-y: hidden;
overflow-x: scroll;
.CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler {
right: 0; bottom: 0;
z-index: 6;
.CodeMirror-gutters {
position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;
height: 100%;
padding-bottom: 30px;
z-index: 3;
.CodeMirror-gutter {
height: 100%;
padding-bottom: 30px;
margin-bottom: -32px;
display: inline-block;
/* Hack to make IE7 behave */
.CodeMirror-gutter-elt {
position: absolute;
cursor: default;
z-index: 4;
.CodeMirror-lines {
cursor: text;
.CodeMirror pre {
/* Reset some styles that the rest of the page might have set */
-moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0;
border-width: 0;
background: transparent;
font-family: inherit;
font-size: inherit;
margin: 0;
white-space: pre;
word-wrap: normal;
line-height: inherit;
color: inherit;
z-index: 2;
position: relative;
overflow: visible;
.CodeMirror-wrap pre {
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-break: normal;
.CodeMirror-linebackground {
position: absolute;
left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;
z-index: 0;
.CodeMirror-linewidget {
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
overflow: auto;
.CodeMirror-widget {
display: inline-block;
.CodeMirror-wrap .CodeMirror-scroll {
overflow-x: hidden;
.CodeMirror-measure {
position: absolute;
width: 100%; height: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
visibility: hidden;
.CodeMirror-measure pre { position: static; }
.CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-cursor {
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
border-right: none;
width: 0;
.CodeMirror-focused div.CodeMirror-cursor {
visibility: visible;
.CodeMirror-selected { background: #d9d9d9; }
.CodeMirror-focused .CodeMirror-selected { background: #d7d4f0; }
.cm-searching {
background: #ffa;
background: rgba(255, 255, 0, .4);
/* IE7 hack to prevent it from returning funny offsetTops on the spans */
.CodeMirror span { *vertical-align: text-bottom; }
@media print {
/* Hide the cursor when printing */
.CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-cursor {
visibility: hidden;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.2 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 644 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.9 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 490 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.1 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
// Open simple dialogs on top of an editor. Relies on dialog.css.
(function() {
function dialogDiv(cm, template, bottom) {
var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement();
var dialog;
dialog = wrap.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
if (bottom) {
dialog.className = "CodeMirror-dialog CodeMirror-dialog-bottom";
} else {
dialog.className = "CodeMirror-dialog CodeMirror-dialog-top";
dialog.innerHTML = template;
return dialog;
CodeMirror.defineExtension("openDialog", function(template, callback, options) {
var dialog = dialogDiv(this, template, options && options.bottom);
var closed = false, me = this;
function close() {
if (closed) return;
closed = true;
var inp = dialog.getElementsByTagName("input")[0], button;
if (inp) {
CodeMirror.on(inp, "keydown", function(e) {
if (options && options.onKeyDown && options.onKeyDown(e, inp.value, close)) { return; }
if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 27) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) callback(inp.value);
if (options && options.onKeyUp) {
CodeMirror.on(inp, "keyup", function(e) {options.onKeyUp(e, inp.value, close);});
if (options && options.value) inp.value = options.value;
CodeMirror.on(inp, "blur", close);
} else if (button = dialog.getElementsByTagName("button")[0]) {
CodeMirror.on(button, "click", function() {
CodeMirror.on(button, "blur", close);
return close;
CodeMirror.defineExtension("openConfirm", function(template, callbacks, options) {
var dialog = dialogDiv(this, template, options && options.bottom);
var buttons = dialog.getElementsByTagName("button");
var closed = false, me = this, blurring = 1;
function close() {
if (closed) return;
closed = true;
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) {
var b = buttons[i];
(function(callback) {
CodeMirror.on(b, "click", function(e) {
if (callback) callback(me);
CodeMirror.on(b, "blur", function() {
setTimeout(function() { if (blurring <= 0) close(); }, 200);
CodeMirror.on(b, "focus", function() { ++blurring; });

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
(function() {
var DEFAULT_BRACKETS = "()[]{}''\"\"";
var SPACE_CHAR_REGEX = /\s/;
CodeMirror.defineOption("autoCloseBrackets", false, function(cm, val, old) {
var wasOn = old && old != CodeMirror.Init;
if (val && !wasOn)
cm.addKeyMap(buildKeymap(typeof val == "string" ? val : DEFAULT_BRACKETS));
else if (!val && wasOn)
function buildKeymap(pairs) {
var map = {
name : "autoCloseBrackets",
Backspace: function(cm) {
if (cm.somethingSelected()) return CodeMirror.Pass;
var cur = cm.getCursor(), line = cm.getLine(cur.line);
if ( && < line.length &&
pairs.indexOf(line.slice( - 1, + 1)) % 2 == 0)
cm.replaceRange("", CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, - 1), CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, + 1));
return CodeMirror.Pass;
var closingBrackets = [];
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i += 2) (function(left, right) {
if (left != right) closingBrackets.push(right);
function surround(cm) {
var selection = cm.getSelection();
cm.replaceSelection(left + selection + right);
function maybeOverwrite(cm) {
var cur = cm.getCursor(), ahead = cm.getRange(cur, CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, + 1));
if (ahead != right || cm.somethingSelected()) return CodeMirror.Pass;
else cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
map["'" + left + "'"] = function(cm) {
if (cm.somethingSelected()) return surround(cm);
if (left == right && maybeOverwrite(cm) != CodeMirror.Pass) return;
var cur = cm.getCursor(), ahead = CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, + 1);
var line = cm.getLine(cur.line), nextChar = line.charAt(;
if (line.length == || closingBrackets.indexOf(nextChar) >= 0 || SPACE_CHAR_REGEX.test(nextChar))
cm.replaceSelection(left + right, {head: ahead, anchor: ahead});
return CodeMirror.Pass;
if (left != right) map["'" + right + "'"] = maybeOverwrite;
})(pairs.charAt(i), pairs.charAt(i + 1));
return map;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* Tag-closer extension for CodeMirror.
* This extension adds an "autoCloseTags" option that can be set to
* either true to get the default behavior, or an object to further
* configure its behavior.
* These are supported options:
* `whenClosing` (default true)
* Whether to autoclose when the '/' of a closing tag is typed.
* `whenOpening` (default true)
* Whether to autoclose the tag when the final '>' of an opening
* tag is typed.
* `dontCloseTags` (default is empty tags for HTML, none for XML)
* An array of tag names that should not be autoclosed.
* `indentTags` (default is block tags for HTML, none for XML)
* An array of tag names that should, when opened, cause a
* blank line to be added inside the tag, and the blank line and
* closing line to be indented.
* See demos/closetag.html for a usage example.
(function() {
CodeMirror.defineOption("autoCloseTags", false, function(cm, val, old) {
if (val && (old == CodeMirror.Init || !old)) {
var map = {name: "autoCloseTags"};
if (typeof val != "object" || val.whenClosing)
map["'/'"] = function(cm) { return autoCloseTag(cm, '/'); };
if (typeof val != "object" || val.whenOpening)
map["'>'"] = function(cm) { return autoCloseTag(cm, '>'); };
} else if (!val && (old != CodeMirror.Init && old)) {
var htmlDontClose = ["area", "base", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param",
"source", "track", "wbr"];
var htmlIndent = ["applet", "blockquote", "body", "button", "div", "dl", "fieldset", "form", "frameset", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4",
"h5", "h6", "head", "html", "iframe", "layer", "legend", "object", "ol", "p", "select", "table", "ul"];
function autoCloseTag(cm, ch) {
var pos = cm.getCursor(), tok = cm.getTokenAt(pos);
var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), tok.state), state = inner.state;
if ( != "xml") return CodeMirror.Pass;
var opt = cm.getOption("autoCloseTags"), html = inner.mode.configuration == "html";
var dontCloseTags = (typeof opt == "object" && opt.dontCloseTags) || (html && htmlDontClose);
var indentTags = (typeof opt == "object" && opt.indentTags) || (html && htmlIndent);
if (ch == ">" && state.tagName) {
var tagName = state.tagName;
if (tok.end > tagName = tagName.slice(0, tagName.length - tok.end +;
var lowerTagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
// Don't process the '>' at the end of an end-tag or self-closing tag
if (tok.type == "tag" && state.type == "closeTag" || tok.string.indexOf("/") > -1 ||
dontCloseTags && indexOf(dontCloseTags, lowerTagName) > -1)
return CodeMirror.Pass;
var doIndent = indentTags && indexOf(indentTags, lowerTagName) > -1;
var curPos = doIndent ? CodeMirror.Pos(pos.line + 1, 0) : CodeMirror.Pos(pos.line, + 1);
cm.replaceSelection(">" + (doIndent ? "\n\n" : "") + "</" + tagName + ">",
{head: curPos, anchor: curPos});
if (doIndent) {
cm.indentLine(pos.line + 1);
cm.indentLine(pos.line + 2);
} else if (ch == "/" && tok.string == "<") {
var tagName = state.context && state.context.tagName;
if (tagName) cm.replaceSelection("/" + tagName + ">", "end");
return CodeMirror.Pass;
function indexOf(collection, elt) {
if (collection.indexOf) return collection.indexOf(elt);
for (var i = 0, e = collection.length; i < e; ++i)
if (collection[i] == elt) return i;
return -1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
(function() {
var modes = ["clike", "css", "javascript"];
for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; ++i)
CodeMirror.extendMode(modes[i], {blockCommentStart: "/*",
blockCommentEnd: "*/",
blockCommentContinue: " * "});
function continueComment(cm) {
var pos = cm.getCursor(), token = cm.getTokenAt(pos);
var mode = CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), token.state).mode;
var space;
if (token.type == "comment" && mode.blockCommentStart) {
var end = token.string.indexOf(mode.blockCommentEnd);
var full = cm.getRange(CodeMirror.Pos(pos.line, 0), CodeMirror.Pos(pos.line, token.end)), found;
if (end != -1 && end == token.string.length - mode.blockCommentEnd.length) {
// Comment ended, don't continue it
} else if (token.string.indexOf(mode.blockCommentStart) == 0) {
space = full.slice(0, token.start);
if (!/^\s*$/.test(space)) {
space = "";
for (var i = 0; i < token.start; ++i) space += " ";
} else if ((found = full.indexOf(mode.blockCommentContinue)) != -1 &&
found + mode.blockCommentContinue.length > token.start &&
/^\s*$/.test(full.slice(0, found))) {
space = full.slice(0, found);
if (space != null)
cm.replaceSelection("\n" + space + mode.blockCommentContinue, "end");
return CodeMirror.Pass;
CodeMirror.defineOption("continueComments", null, function(cm, val, prev) {
if (prev && prev != CodeMirror.Init)
var map = {name: "continueComment"};
map[typeof val == "string" ? val : "Enter"] = continueComment;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
(function() {
'use strict';
var listRE = /^(\s*)([*+-]|(\d+)\.)(\s*)/,
unorderedBullets = '*+-';
CodeMirror.commands.newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList = function(cm) {
var pos = cm.getCursor(),
inList = cm.getStateAfter(pos.line).list,
if (!inList || !(match = cm.getLine(pos.line).match(listRE))) {
var indent = match[1], after = match[4];
var bullet = unorderedBullets.indexOf(match[2]) >= 0
? match[2]
: (parseInt(match[3], 10) + 1) + '.';
cm.replaceSelection('\n' + indent + bullet + after, 'end');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
(function() {
var ie_lt8 = /MSIE \d/.test(navigator.userAgent) &&
(document.documentMode == null || document.documentMode < 8);
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
// Disable brace matching in long lines, since it'll cause hugely slow updates
var maxLineLen = 1000;
var matching = {"(": ")>", ")": "(<", "[": "]>", "]": "[<", "{": "}>", "}": "{<"};
function findMatchingBracket(cm) {
var cur = cm.getCursor(), line = cm.getLineHandle(cur.line), pos = - 1;
var match = (pos >= 0 && matching[line.text.charAt(pos)]) || matching[line.text.charAt(++pos)];
if (!match) return null;
var forward = match.charAt(1) == ">", d = forward ? 1 : -1;
var style = cm.getTokenAt(Pos(cur.line, pos + 1)).type;
var stack = [line.text.charAt(pos)], re = /[(){}[\]]/;
function scan(line, lineNo, start) {
if (!line.text) return;
var pos = forward ? 0 : line.text.length - 1, end = forward ? line.text.length : -1;
if (start != null) pos = start + d;
for (; pos != end; pos += d) {
var ch = line.text.charAt(pos);
if (re.test(ch) && cm.getTokenAt(Pos(lineNo, pos + 1)).type == style) {
var match = matching[ch];
if (match.charAt(1) == ">" == forward) stack.push(ch);
else if (stack.pop() != match.charAt(0)) return {pos: pos, match: false};
else if (!stack.length) return {pos: pos, match: true};
for (var i = cur.line, found, e = forward ? Math.min(i + 100, cm.lineCount()) : Math.max(-1, i - 100); i != e; i+=d) {
if (i == cur.line) found = scan(line, i, pos);
else found = scan(cm.getLineHandle(i), i);
if (found) break;
return {from: Pos(cur.line, pos), to: found && Pos(i, found.pos), match: found && found.match};
function matchBrackets(cm, autoclear) {
var found = findMatchingBracket(cm);
if (!found || cm.getLine(found.from.line).length > maxLineLen || && cm.getLine( > maxLineLen)
var style = found.match ? "CodeMirror-matchingbracket" : "CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket";
var one = cm.markText(found.from, Pos(found.from.line, + 1), {className: style});
var two = && cm.markText(, Pos(, + 1), {className: style});
// Kludge to work around the IE bug from issue #1193, where text
// input stops going to the textare whever this fires.
if (ie_lt8 && cm.state.focused) cm.display.input.focus();
var clear = function() {
cm.operation(function() { one.clear(); two && two.clear(); });
if (autoclear) setTimeout(clear, 800);
else return clear;
var currentlyHighlighted = null;
function doMatchBrackets(cm) {
cm.operation(function() {
if (currentlyHighlighted) {currentlyHighlighted(); currentlyHighlighted = null;}
if (!cm.somethingSelected()) currentlyHighlighted = matchBrackets(cm, false);
CodeMirror.defineOption("matchBrackets", false, function(cm, val) {
if (val) cm.on("cursorActivity", doMatchBrackets);
else"cursorActivity", doMatchBrackets);
CodeMirror.defineExtension("matchBrackets", function() {matchBrackets(this, true);});
CodeMirror.defineExtension("findMatchingBracket", function(){return findMatchingBracket(this);});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
CodeMirror.braceRangeFinder = function(cm, start) {
var line = start.line, lineText = cm.getLine(line);
var at = lineText.length, startChar, tokenType;
for (;;) {
var found = lineText.lastIndexOf("{", at);
if (found < break;
tokenType = cm.getTokenAt(CodeMirror.Pos(line, found + 1)).type;
if (!/^(comment|string)/.test(tokenType)) { startChar = found; break; }
at = found - 1;
if (startChar == null || lineText.lastIndexOf("}") > startChar) return;
var count = 1, lastLine = cm.lineCount(), end, endCh;
outer: for (var i = line + 1; i < lastLine; ++i) {
var text = cm.getLine(i), pos = 0;
for (;;) {
var nextOpen = text.indexOf("{", pos), nextClose = text.indexOf("}", pos);
if (nextOpen < 0) nextOpen = text.length;
if (nextClose < 0) nextClose = text.length;
pos = Math.min(nextOpen, nextClose);
if (pos == text.length) break;
if (cm.getTokenAt(CodeMirror.Pos(i, pos + 1)).type == tokenType) {
if (pos == nextOpen) ++count;
else if (!--count) { end = i; endCh = pos; break outer; }
if (end == null || end == line + 1) return;
return {from: CodeMirror.Pos(line, startChar + 1),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(end, endCh)};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
CodeMirror.newFoldFunction = function(rangeFinder, widget) {
if (widget == null) widget = "\u2194";
if (typeof widget == "string") {
var text = document.createTextNode(widget);
widget = document.createElement("span");
widget.className = "CodeMirror-foldmarker";
return function(cm, pos) {
if (typeof pos == "number") pos = CodeMirror.Pos(pos, 0);
var range = rangeFinder(cm, pos);
if (!range) return;
var present = cm.findMarksAt(range.from), cleared = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < present.length; ++i) {
if (present[i].__isFold) {
if (cleared) return;
var myWidget = widget.cloneNode(true);
CodeMirror.on(myWidget, "mousedown", function() {myRange.clear();});
var myRange = cm.markText(range.from,, {
replacedWith: myWidget,
clearOnEnter: true,
__isFold: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
CodeMirror.tagRangeFinder = (function() {
var nameStartChar = "A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD";
var nameChar = nameStartChar + "\-\:\.0-9\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040";
var xmlTagStart = new RegExp("<(/?)([" + nameStartChar + "][" + nameChar + "]*)", "g");
return function(cm, start) {
var line = start.line, ch =, lineText = cm.getLine(line);
function nextLine() {
if (line >= cm.lastLine()) return;
ch = 0;
lineText = cm.getLine(++line);
return true;
function toTagEnd() {
for (;;) {
var gt = lineText.indexOf(">", ch);
if (gt == -1) { if (nextLine()) continue; else return; }
var lastSlash = lineText.lastIndexOf("/", gt);
var selfClose = lastSlash > -1 && /^\s*$/.test(lineText.slice(lastSlash + 1, gt));
ch = gt + 1;
return selfClose ? "selfClose" : "regular";
function toNextTag() {
for (;;) {
xmlTagStart.lastIndex = ch;
var found = xmlTagStart.exec(lineText);
if (!found) { if (nextLine()) continue; else return; }
ch = found.index + found[0].length;
return found;
var stack = [], startCh;
for (;;) {
var openTag = toNextTag(), end;
if (!openTag || line != start.line || !(end = toTagEnd())) return;
if (!openTag[1] && end != "selfClose") {
startCh = ch;
for (;;) {
var next = toNextTag(), end, tagLine = line, tagCh = ch - (next ? next[0].length : 0);
if (!next || !(end = toTagEnd())) return;
if (end == "selfClose") continue;
if (next[1]) { // closing tag
for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (stack[i] == next[2]) {
stack.length = i;
if (!stack.length) return {
from: CodeMirror.Pos(start.line, startCh),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(tagLine, tagCh)
} else { // opening tag

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
(function() {
// Applies automatic formatting to the specified range
CodeMirror.defineExtension("autoFormatAll", function (from, to) {
var cm = this;
var outer = cm.getMode(), text = cm.getRange(from, to).split("\n");
var state = CodeMirror.copyState(outer, cm.getTokenAt(from).state);
var tabSize = cm.getOption("tabSize");
var out = "", lines = 0, atSol = == 0;
function newline() {
out += "\n";
atSol = true;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) {
var stream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(text[i], tabSize);
while (!stream.eol()) {
var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(outer, state);
var style = outer.token(stream, state), cur = stream.current();
stream.start = stream.pos;
if (!atSol || /\S/.test(cur)) {
out += cur;
atSol = false;
if (!atSol && inner.mode.newlineAfterToken &&
inner.mode.newlineAfterToken(style, cur, stream.string.slice(stream.pos) || text[i+1] || "", inner.state))
if (!stream.pos && outer.blankLine) outer.blankLine(state);
if (!atSol && i < text.length - 1) newline();
cm.operation(function () {
cm.replaceRange(out, from, to);
for (var cur = from.line + 1, end = from.line + lines; cur <= end; ++cur)
cm.indentLine(cur, "smart");
cm.setCursor({ line:0, ch:0 });

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
(function() {
CodeMirror.extendMode("css", {
commentStart: "/*",
commentEnd: "*/",
newlineAfterToken: function(_type, content) {
return /^[;{}]$/.test(content);
CodeMirror.extendMode("javascript", {
commentStart: "/*",
commentEnd: "*/",
// FIXME semicolons inside of for
newlineAfterToken: function(_type, content, textAfter, state) {
if (this.jsonMode) {
return /^[\[,{]$/.test(content) || /^}/.test(textAfter);
} else {
if (content == ";" && state.lexical && state.lexical.type == ")") return false;
return /^[;{}]$/.test(content) && !/^;/.test(textAfter);
var inlineElements = /^(a|abbr|acronym|area|base|bdo|big|br|button|caption|cite|code|col|colgroup|dd|del|dfn|em|frame|hr|iframe|img|input|ins|kbd|label|legend|link|map|object|optgroup|option|param|q|samp|script|select|small|span|strong|sub|sup|textarea|tt|var)$/;
CodeMirror.extendMode("xml", {
commentStart: "<!--",
commentEnd: "-->",
newlineAfterToken: function(type, content, textAfter, state) {
var inline = false;
if (this.configuration == "html")
inline = state.context ? inlineElements.test(state.context.tagName) : false;
return !inline && ((type == "tag" && />$/.test(content) && state.context) ||
// Comment/uncomment the specified range
CodeMirror.defineExtension("commentRange", function (isComment, from, to) {
var cm = this, curMode = CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), cm.getTokenAt(from).state).mode;
cm.operation(function() {
if (isComment) { // Comment range
cm.replaceRange(curMode.commentEnd, to);
cm.replaceRange(curMode.commentStart, from);
if (from.line == to.line && == // An empty comment inserted - put cursor inside
cm.setCursor(from.line, + curMode.commentStart.length);
} else { // Uncomment range
var selText = cm.getRange(from, to);
var startIndex = selText.indexOf(curMode.commentStart);
var endIndex = selText.lastIndexOf(curMode.commentEnd);
if (startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1 && endIndex > startIndex) {
// Take string till comment start
selText = selText.substr(0, startIndex)
// From comment start till comment end
+ selText.substring(startIndex + curMode.commentStart.length, endIndex)
// From comment end till string end
+ selText.substr(endIndex + curMode.commentEnd.length);
cm.replaceRange(selText, from, to);
// Applies automatic mode-aware indentation to the specified range
CodeMirror.defineExtension("autoIndentRange", function (from, to) {
var cmInstance = this;
this.operation(function () {
for (var i = from.line; i <= to.line; i++) {
cmInstance.indentLine(i, "smart");
// Applies automatic formatting to the specified range
CodeMirror.defineExtension("autoFormatRange", function (from, to) {
var cm = this;
var outer = cm.getMode(), text = cm.getRange(from, to).split("\n");
var state = CodeMirror.copyState(outer, cm.getTokenAt(from).state);
var tabSize = cm.getOption("tabSize");
var out = "", lines = 0, atSol = == 0;
function newline() {
out += "\n";
atSol = true;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) {
var stream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(text[i], tabSize);
while (!stream.eol()) {
var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(outer, state);
var style = outer.token(stream, state), cur = stream.current();
stream.start = stream.pos;
if (!atSol || /\S/.test(cur)) {
out += cur;
atSol = false;
if (!atSol && inner.mode.newlineAfterToken &&
inner.mode.newlineAfterToken(style, cur, stream.string.slice(stream.pos) || text[i+1] || "", inner.state))
if (!stream.pos && outer.blankLine) outer.blankLine(state);
if (!atSol && i < text.length - 1) newline();
cm.operation(function () {
cm.replaceRange(out, from, to);
for (var cur = from.line + 1, end = from.line + lines; cur <= end; ++cur)
cm.indentLine(cur, "smart");
cm.setSelection(from, cm.getCursor(false));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// Highlighting text that matches the selection
// Defines an option highlightSelectionMatches, which, when enabled,
// will style strings that match the selection throughout the
// document.
// The option can be set to true to simply enable it, or to a
// {minChars, style} object to explicitly configure it. minChars is
// the minimum amount of characters that should be selected for the
// behavior to occur, and style is the token style to apply to the
// matches. This will be prefixed by "cm-" to create an actual CSS
// class name.
(function() {
var DEFAULT_TOKEN_STYLE = "matchhighlight";
function State(options) {
this.minChars = typeof options == "object" && options.minChars || DEFAULT_MIN_CHARS; = typeof options == "object" && || DEFAULT_TOKEN_STYLE;
this.overlay = null;
CodeMirror.defineOption("highlightSelectionMatches", false, function(cm, val, old) {
var prev = old && old != CodeMirror.Init;
if (val && !prev) {
cm._matchHighlightState = new State(val);
cm.on("cursorActivity", highlightMatches);
} else if (!val && prev) {
var over = cm._matchHighlightState.overlay;
if (over) cm.removeOverlay(over);
cm._matchHighlightState = null;"cursorActivity", highlightMatches);
function highlightMatches(cm) {
cm.operation(function() {
var state = cm._matchHighlightState;
if (state.overlay) {
state.overlay = null;
if (!cm.somethingSelected()) return;
var selection = cm.getSelection().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (selection.length < state.minChars) return;
cm.addOverlay(state.overlay = makeOverlay(selection,;
function makeOverlay(query, style) {
return {token: function(stream) {
if (stream.match(query)) return style;;
stream.skipTo(query.charAt(0)) || stream.skipToEnd();

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
// Define search commands. Depends on dialog.js or another
// implementation of the openDialog method.
// Replace works a little oddly -- it will do the replace on the next
// Ctrl-G (or whatever is bound to findNext) press. You prevent a
// replace by making sure the match is no longer selected when hitting
// Ctrl-G.
(function() {
function searchOverlay(query) {
if (typeof query == "string") return {token: function(stream) {
if (stream.match(query)) return "searching";;
stream.skipTo(query.charAt(0)) || stream.skipToEnd();
return {token: function(stream) {
if (stream.match(query)) return "searching";
while (!stream.eol()) {;
if (stream.match(query, false)) break;
function SearchState() {
this.posFrom = this.posTo = this.query = null;
this.overlay = null;
function getSearchState(cm) {
return cm._searchState || (cm._searchState = new SearchState());
function getSearchCursor(cm, query, pos) {
// Heuristic: if the query string is all lowercase, do a case insensitive search.
return cm.getSearchCursor(query, pos, typeof query == "string" && query == query.toLowerCase());
function dialog(cm, text, shortText, f) {
if (cm.openDialog) cm.openDialog(text, f);
else f(prompt(shortText, ""));
function confirmDialog(cm, text, shortText, fs) {
if (cm.openConfirm) cm.openConfirm(text, fs);
else if (confirm(shortText)) fs[0]();
function parseQuery(query) {
var isRE = query.match(/^\/(.*)\/([a-z]*)$/);
return isRE ? new RegExp(isRE[1], isRE[2].indexOf("i") == -1 ? "" : "i") : query;
var queryDialog =
'Search: <input type="text" style="width: 10em"/> <span style="color: #888">(Use /re/ syntax for regexp search)</span>';
function doSearch(cm, rev) {
var state = getSearchState(cm);
if (state.query) return findNext(cm, rev);
dialog(cm, queryDialog, "Search for:", function(query) {
cm.operation(function() {
if (!query || state.query) return;
state.query = parseQuery(query);
state.overlay = searchOverlay(query);
state.posFrom = state.posTo = cm.getCursor();
findNext(cm, rev);
function findNext(cm, rev) {cm.operation(function() {
var state = getSearchState(cm);
var cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, state.query, rev ? state.posFrom : state.posTo);
if (!cursor.find(rev)) {
cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, state.query, rev ? CodeMirror.Pos(cm.lastLine()) : CodeMirror.Pos(cm.firstLine(), 0));
if (!cursor.find(rev)) return;
state.posFrom = cursor.from(); state.posTo =;
function clearSearch(cm) {cm.operation(function() {
var state = getSearchState(cm);
if (!state.query) return;
state.query = null;
var replaceQueryDialog =
'Replace: <input type="text" style="width: 10em"/> <span style="color: #888">(Use /re/ syntax for regexp search)</span>';
var replacementQueryDialog = 'With: <input type="text" style="width: 10em"/>';
var doReplaceConfirm = "Replace? <button>Yes</button> <button>No</button> <button>Stop</button>";
function replace(cm, all) {
dialog(cm, replaceQueryDialog, "Replace:", function(query) {
if (!query) return;
query = parseQuery(query);
dialog(cm, replacementQueryDialog, "Replace with:", function(text) {
if (all) {
cm.operation(function() {
for (var cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, query); cursor.findNext();) {
if (typeof query != "string") {
var match = cm.getRange(cursor.from(),;
cursor.replace(text.replace(/\$(\d)/, function(_, i) {return match[i];}));
} else cursor.replace(text);
} else {
var cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, query, cm.getCursor());
var advance = function() {
var start = cursor.from(), match;
if (!(match = cursor.findNext())) {
cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, query);
if (!(match = cursor.findNext()) ||
(start && cursor.from().line == start.line && cursor.from().ch == return;
confirmDialog(cm, doReplaceConfirm, "Replace?",
[function() {doReplace(match);}, advance]);
var doReplace = function(match) {
cursor.replace(typeof query == "string" ? text :
text.replace(/\$(\d)/, function(_, i) {return match[i];}));
CodeMirror.commands.find = function(cm) {clearSearch(cm); doSearch(cm);};
CodeMirror.commands.findNext = doSearch;
CodeMirror.commands.findPrev = function(cm) {doSearch(cm, true);};
CodeMirror.commands.clearSearch = clearSearch;
CodeMirror.commands.replace = replace;
CodeMirror.commands.replaceAll = function(cm) {replace(cm, true);};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
function SearchCursor(cm, query, pos, caseFold) {
this.atOccurrence = false; = cm;
if (caseFold == null && typeof query == "string") caseFold = false;
pos = pos ? cm.clipPos(pos) : Pos(0, 0);
this.pos = {from: pos, to: pos};
// The matches method is filled in based on the type of query.
// It takes a position and a direction, and returns an object
// describing the next occurrence of the query, or null if no
// more matches were found.
if (typeof query != "string") { // Regexp match
if (! query = new RegExp(query.source, query.ignoreCase ? "ig" : "g");
this.matches = function(reverse, pos) {
if (reverse) {
query.lastIndex = 0;
var line = cm.getLine(pos.line).slice(0,, cutOff = 0, match, start;
for (;;) {
query.lastIndex = cutOff;
var newMatch = query.exec(line);
if (!newMatch) break;
match = newMatch;
start = match.index;
cutOff = match.index + 1;
} else {
query.lastIndex =;
var line = cm.getLine(pos.line), match = query.exec(line),
start = match && match.index;
if (match && match[0])
return {from: Pos(pos.line, start),
to: Pos(pos.line, start + match[0].length),
match: match};
} else { // String query
if (caseFold) query = query.toLowerCase();
var fold = caseFold ? function(str){return str.toLowerCase();} : function(str){return str;};
var target = query.split("\n");
// Different methods for single-line and multi-line queries
if (target.length == 1) {
if (!query.length) {
// Empty string would match anything and never progress, so
// we define it to match nothing instead.
this.matches = function() {};
} else {
this.matches = function(reverse, pos) {
var line = fold(cm.getLine(pos.line)), len = query.length, match;
if (reverse ? ( >= len && (match = line.lastIndexOf(query, - len)) != -1)
: (match = line.indexOf(query, != -1)
return {from: Pos(pos.line, match),
to: Pos(pos.line, match + len)};
} else {
this.matches = function(reverse, pos) {
var ln = pos.line, idx = (reverse ? target.length - 1 : 0), match = target[idx], line = fold(cm.getLine(ln));
var offsetA = (reverse ? line.indexOf(match) + match.length : line.lastIndexOf(match));
if (reverse ? offsetA >= || offsetA != match.length
: offsetA <= || offsetA != line.length - match.length)
for (;;) {
if (reverse ? !ln : ln == cm.lineCount() - 1) return;
line = fold(cm.getLine(ln += reverse ? -1 : 1));
match = target[reverse ? --idx : ++idx];
if (idx > 0 && idx < target.length - 1) {
if (line != match) return;
else continue;
var offsetB = (reverse ? line.lastIndexOf(match) : line.indexOf(match) + match.length);
if (reverse ? offsetB != line.length - match.length : offsetB != match.length)
var start = Pos(pos.line, offsetA), end = Pos(ln, offsetB);
return {from: reverse ? end : start, to: reverse ? start : end};
SearchCursor.prototype = {
findNext: function() {return this.find(false);},
findPrevious: function() {return this.find(true);},
find: function(reverse) {
var self = this, pos = ? this.pos.from :;
function savePosAndFail(line) {
var pos = Pos(line, 0);
self.pos = {from: pos, to: pos};
self.atOccurrence = false;
return false;
for (;;) {
if (this.pos = this.matches(reverse, pos)) {
if (!this.pos.from || ! { console.log(this.matches, this.pos); }
this.atOccurrence = true;
return this.pos.match || true;
if (reverse) {
if (!pos.line) return savePosAndFail(0);
pos = Pos(pos.line-1,;
else {
var maxLine =;
if (pos.line == maxLine - 1) return savePosAndFail(maxLine);
pos = Pos(pos.line + 1, 0);
from: function() {if (this.atOccurrence) return this.pos.from;},
to: function() {if (this.atOccurrence) return;},
replace: function(newText) {
if (!this.atOccurrence) return;
var lines = CodeMirror.splitLines(newText);, this.pos.from,; = Pos(this.pos.from.line + lines.length - 1,
lines[lines.length - 1].length + (lines.length == 1 ? : 0));
CodeMirror.defineExtension("getSearchCursor", function(query, pos, caseFold) {
return new SearchCursor(this, query, pos, caseFold);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
CodeMirror.defineMode("css", function(config) {
return CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/css");
CodeMirror.defineMode("css-base", function(config, parserConfig) {
"use strict";
var indentUnit = config.indentUnit,
hooks = parserConfig.hooks || {},
atMediaTypes = parserConfig.atMediaTypes || {},
atMediaFeatures = parserConfig.atMediaFeatures || {},
propertyKeywords = parserConfig.propertyKeywords || {},
colorKeywords = parserConfig.colorKeywords || {},
valueKeywords = parserConfig.valueKeywords || {},
allowNested = !!parserConfig.allowNested,
type = null;
function ret(style, tp) { type = tp; return style; }
function tokenBase(stream, state) {
var ch =;
if (hooks[ch]) {
// result[0] is style and result[1] is type
var result = hooks[ch](stream, state);
if (result !== false) return result;
if (ch == "@") {stream.eatWhile(/[\w\\\-]/); return ret("def", stream.current());}
else if (ch == "=") ret(null, "compare");
else if ((ch == "~" || ch == "|") &&"=")) return ret(null, "compare");
else if (ch == "\"" || ch == "'") {
state.tokenize = tokenString(ch);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
else if (ch == "#") {
return ret("atom", "hash");
else if (ch == "!") {
return ret("keyword", "important");
else if (/\d/.test(ch)) {
return ret("number", "unit");
else if (ch === "-") {
if (/\d/.test(stream.peek())) {
return ret("number", "unit");
} else if (stream.match(/^[^-]+-/)) {
return ret("meta", "meta");
else if (/[,+>*\/]/.test(ch)) {
return ret(null, "select-op");
else if (ch == "." && stream.match(/^-?[_a-z][_a-z0-9-]*/i)) {
return ret("qualifier", "qualifier");
else if (ch == ":") {
return ret("operator", ch);
else if (/[;{}\[\]\(\)]/.test(ch)) {
return ret(null, ch);
else if (ch == "u" && stream.match("rl(")) {
state.tokenize = tokenParenthesized;
return ret("property", "variable");
else {
return ret("property", "variable");
function tokenString(quote, nonInclusive) {
return function(stream, state) {
var escaped = false, ch;
while ((ch = != null) {
if (ch == quote && !escaped)
escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\";
if (!escaped) {
if (nonInclusive) stream.backUp(1);
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
return ret("string", "string");
function tokenParenthesized(stream, state) {; // Must be '('
if (!stream.match(/\s*[\"\']/, false))
state.tokenize = tokenString(")", true);
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
return ret(null, "(");
return {
startState: function(base) {
return {tokenize: tokenBase,
baseIndent: base || 0,
stack: []};
token: function(stream, state) {
// Use these terms when applicable (see
// rule** or **ruleset:
// A selector + braces combo, or an at-rule.
// declaration block:
// A sequence of declarations.
// declaration:
// A property + colon + value combo.
// property value:
// The entire value of a property.
// component value:
// A single piece of a property value. Like the 5px in
// text-shadow: 0 0 5px blue;. Can also refer to things that are
// multiple terms, like the 1-4 terms that make up the background-size
// portion of the background shorthand.
// term:
// The basic unit of author-facing CSS, like a single number (5),
// dimension (5px), string ("foo"), or function. Officially defined
// by the CSS 2.1 grammar (look for the 'term' production)
// simple selector:
// A single atomic selector, like a type selector, an attr selector, a
// class selector, etc.
// compound selector:
// One or more simple selectors without a combinator. div.example is
// compound, div > .example is not.
// complex selector:
// One or more compound selectors chained with combinators.
// combinator:
// The parts of selectors that express relationships. There are four
// currently - the space (descendant combinator), the greater-than
// bracket (child combinator), the plus sign (next sibling combinator),
// and the tilda (following sibling combinator).
// sequence of selectors:
// One or more of the named type of selector chained with commas.
state.tokenize = state.tokenize || tokenBase;
if (state.tokenize == tokenBase && stream.eatSpace()) return null;
var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (style && typeof style != "string") style = ret(style[0], style[1]);
// Changing style returned based on context
var context = state.stack[state.stack.length-1];
if (style == "variable") {
if (type == "variable-definition") state.stack.push("propertyValue");
return "variable-2";
} else if (style == "property") {
if (context == "propertyValue"){
if (valueKeywords[stream.current()]) {
style = "string-2";
} else if (colorKeywords[stream.current()]) {
style = "keyword";
} else {
style = "variable-2";
} else if (context == "rule") {
if (!propertyKeywords[stream.current()]) {
style += " error";
} else if (context == "block") {
// if a value is present in both property, value, or color, the order
// of preference is property -> color -> value
if (propertyKeywords[stream.current()]) {
style = "property";
} else if (colorKeywords[stream.current()]) {
style = "keyword";
} else if (valueKeywords[stream.current()]) {
style = "string-2";
} else {
style = "tag";
} else if (!context || context == "@media{") {
style = "tag";
} else if (context == "@media") {
if (atMediaTypes[stream.current()]) {
style = "attribute"; // Known attribute
} else if (/^(only|not)$/i.test(stream.current())) {
style = "keyword";
} else if (stream.current().toLowerCase() == "and") {
style = "error"; // "and" is only allowed in @mediaType
} else if (atMediaFeatures[stream.current()]) {
style = "error"; // Known property, should be in @mediaType(
} else {
// Unknown, expecting keyword or attribute, assuming attribute
style = "attribute error";
} else if (context == "@mediaType") {
if (atMediaTypes[stream.current()]) {
style = "attribute";
} else if (stream.current().toLowerCase() == "and") {
style = "operator";
} else if (/^(only|not)$/i.test(stream.current())) {
style = "error"; // Only allowed in @media
} else if (atMediaFeatures[stream.current()]) {
style = "error"; // Known property, should be in parentheses
} else {
// Unknown attribute or property, but expecting property (preceded
// by "and"). Should be in parentheses
style = "error";
} else if (context == "@mediaType(") {
if (propertyKeywords[stream.current()]) {
// do nothing, remains "property"
} else if (atMediaTypes[stream.current()]) {
style = "error"; // Known property, should be in parentheses
} else if (stream.current().toLowerCase() == "and") {
style = "operator";
} else if (/^(only|not)$/i.test(stream.current())) {
style = "error"; // Only allowed in @media
} else {
style += " error";
} else {
style = "error";
} else if (style == "atom") {
if(!context || context == "@media{" || context == "block") {
style = "builtin";
} else if (context == "propertyValue") {
if (!/^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/.test(stream.current())) {
style += " error";
} else {
style = "error";
} else if (context == "@media" && type == "{") {
style = "error";
// Push/pop context stack
if (type == "{") {
if (context == "@media" || context == "@mediaType") {
state.stack[state.stack.length-1] = "@media{";
else {
var newContext = allowNested ? "block" : "rule";
else if (type == "}") {
var lastState = state.stack[state.stack.length - 1];
if (lastState == "interpolation") style = "operator";
if (context == "propertyValue") state.stack.pop();
else if (type == "interpolation") state.stack.push("interpolation");
else if (type == "@media") state.stack.push("@media");
else if (context == "@media" && /\b(keyword|attribute)\b/.test(style))
else if (context == "@mediaType" && stream.current() == ",") state.stack.pop();
else if (context == "@mediaType" && type == "(") state.stack.push("@mediaType(");
else if (context == "@mediaType(" && type == ")") state.stack.pop();
else if ((context == "rule" || context == "block") && type == ":") state.stack.push("propertyValue");
else if (context == "propertyValue" && type == ";") state.stack.pop();
return style;
indent: function(state, textAfter) {
var n = state.stack.length;
if (/^\}/.test(textAfter))
n -= state.stack[state.stack.length-1] == "propertyValue" ? 2 : 1;
return state.baseIndent + n * indentUnit;
electricChars: "}"
(function() {
function keySet(array) {
var keys = {};
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
keys[array[i]] = true;
return keys;
var atMediaTypes = keySet([
"all", "aural", "braille", "handheld", "print", "projection", "screen",
"tty", "tv", "embossed"
var atMediaFeatures = keySet([
"width", "min-width", "max-width", "height", "min-height", "max-height",
"device-width", "min-device-width", "max-device-width", "device-height",
"min-device-height", "max-device-height", "aspect-ratio",
"min-aspect-ratio", "max-aspect-ratio", "device-aspect-ratio",
"min-device-aspect-ratio", "max-device-aspect-ratio", "color", "min-color",
"max-color", "color-index", "min-color-index", "max-color-index",
"monochrome", "min-monochrome", "max-monochrome", "resolution",
"min-resolution", "max-resolution", "scan", "grid"
var propertyKeywords = keySet([
"align-content", "align-items", "align-self", "alignment-adjust",
"alignment-baseline", "anchor-point", "animation", "animation-delay",
"animation-direction", "animation-duration", "animation-iteration-count",
"animation-name", "animation-play-state", "animation-timing-function",
"appearance", "azimuth", "backface-visibility", "background",
"background-attachment", "background-clip", "background-color",
"background-image", "background-origin", "background-position",
"background-repeat", "background-size", "baseline-shift", "binding",
"bleed", "bookmark-label", "bookmark-level", "bookmark-state",
"bookmark-target", "border", "border-bottom", "border-bottom-color",
"border-bottom-left-radius", "border-bottom-right-radius",
"border-bottom-style", "border-bottom-width", "border-collapse",
"border-color", "border-image", "border-image-outset",
"border-image-repeat", "border-image-slice", "border-image-source",
"border-image-width", "border-left", "border-left-color",
"border-left-style", "border-left-width", "border-radius", "border-right",
"border-right-color", "border-right-style", "border-right-width",
"border-spacing", "border-style", "border-top", "border-top-color",
"border-top-left-radius", "border-top-right-radius", "border-top-style",
"border-top-width", "border-width", "bottom", "box-decoration-break",
"box-shadow", "box-sizing", "break-after", "break-before", "break-inside",
"caption-side", "clear", "clip", "color", "color-profile", "column-count",
"column-fill", "column-gap", "column-rule", "column-rule-color",
"column-rule-style", "column-rule-width", "column-span", "column-width",
"columns", "content", "counter-increment", "counter-reset", "crop", "cue",
"cue-after", "cue-before", "cursor", "direction", "display",
"dominant-baseline", "drop-initial-after-adjust",
"drop-initial-after-align", "drop-initial-before-adjust",
"drop-initial-before-align", "drop-initial-size", "drop-initial-value",
"elevation", "empty-cells", "fit", "fit-position", "flex", "flex-basis",
"flex-direction", "flex-flow", "flex-grow", "flex-shrink", "flex-wrap",
"float", "float-offset", "font", "font-feature-settings", "font-family",
"font-kerning", "font-language-override", "font-size", "font-size-adjust",
"font-stretch", "font-style", "font-synthesis", "font-variant",
"font-variant-alternates", "font-variant-caps", "font-variant-east-asian",
"font-variant-ligatures", "font-variant-numeric", "font-variant-position",
"font-weight", "grid-cell", "grid-column", "grid-column-align",
"grid-column-sizing", "grid-column-span", "grid-columns", "grid-flow",
"grid-row", "grid-row-align", "grid-row-sizing", "grid-row-span",
"grid-rows", "grid-template", "hanging-punctuation", "height", "hyphens",
"icon", "image-orientation", "image-rendering", "image-resolution",
"inline-box-align", "justify-content", "left", "letter-spacing",
"line-break", "line-height", "line-stacking", "line-stacking-ruby",
"line-stacking-shift", "line-stacking-strategy", "list-style",
"list-style-image", "list-style-position", "list-style-type", "margin",
"margin-bottom", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top",
"marker-offset", "marks", "marquee-direction", "marquee-loop",
"marquee-play-count", "marquee-speed", "marquee-style", "max-height",
"max-width", "min-height", "min-width", "move-to", "nav-down", "nav-index",
"nav-left", "nav-right", "nav-up", "opacity", "order", "orphans", "outline",
"outline-color", "outline-offset", "outline-style", "outline-width",
"overflow", "overflow-style", "overflow-wrap", "overflow-x", "overflow-y",
"padding", "padding-bottom", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-top",
"page", "page-break-after", "page-break-before", "page-break-inside",
"page-policy", "pause", "pause-after", "pause-before", "perspective",
"perspective-origin", "pitch", "pitch-range", "play-during", "position",
"presentation-level", "punctuation-trim", "quotes", "rendering-intent",
"resize", "rest", "rest-after", "rest-before", "richness", "right",
"rotation", "rotation-point", "ruby-align", "ruby-overhang",
"ruby-position", "ruby-span", "size", "speak", "speak-as", "speak-header",
"speak-numeral", "speak-punctuation", "speech-rate", "stress", "string-set",
"tab-size", "table-layout", "target", "target-name", "target-new",
"target-position", "text-align", "text-align-last", "text-decoration",
"text-decoration-color", "text-decoration-line", "text-decoration-skip",
"text-decoration-style", "text-emphasis", "text-emphasis-color",
"text-emphasis-position", "text-emphasis-style", "text-height",
"text-indent", "text-justify", "text-outline", "text-shadow",
"text-space-collapse", "text-transform", "text-underline-position",
"text-wrap", "top", "transform", "transform-origin", "transform-style",
"transition", "transition-delay", "transition-duration",
"transition-property", "transition-timing-function", "unicode-bidi",
"vertical-align", "visibility", "voice-balance", "voice-duration",
"voice-family", "voice-pitch", "voice-range", "voice-rate", "voice-stress",
"voice-volume", "volume", "white-space", "widows", "width", "word-break",
"word-spacing", "word-wrap", "z-index"
var colorKeywords = keySet([
"black", "silver", "gray", "white", "maroon", "red", "purple", "fuchsia",
"green", "lime", "olive", "yellow", "navy", "blue", "teal", "aqua"
var valueKeywords = keySet([
"above", "absolute", "activeborder", "activecaption", "afar",
"after-white-space", "ahead", "alias", "all", "all-scroll", "alternate",
"always", "amharic", "amharic-abegede", "antialiased", "appworkspace",
"arabic-indic", "armenian", "asterisks", "auto", "avoid", "background",
"backwards", "baseline", "below", "bidi-override", "binary", "bengali",
"blink", "block", "block-axis", "bold", "bolder", "border", "border-box",
"both", "bottom", "break-all", "break-word", "button", "button-bevel",
"buttonface", "buttonhighlight", "buttonshadow", "buttontext", "cambodian",
"capitalize", "caps-lock-indicator", "caption", "captiontext", "caret",
"cell", "center", "checkbox", "circle", "cjk-earthly-branch",
"cjk-heavenly-stem", "cjk-ideographic", "clear", "clip", "close-quote",
"col-resize", "collapse", "compact", "condensed", "contain", "content",
"content-box", "context-menu", "continuous", "copy", "cover", "crop",
"cross", "crosshair", "currentcolor", "cursive", "dashed", "decimal",
"decimal-leading-zero", "default", "default-button", "destination-atop",
"destination-in", "destination-out", "destination-over", "devanagari",
"disc", "discard", "document", "dot-dash", "dot-dot-dash", "dotted",
"double", "down", "e-resize", "ease", "ease-in", "ease-in-out", "ease-out",
"element", "ellipsis", "embed", "end", "ethiopic", "ethiopic-abegede",
"ethiopic-abegede-am-et", "ethiopic-abegede-gez", "ethiopic-abegede-ti-er",
"ethiopic-abegede-ti-et", "ethiopic-halehame-aa-er",
"ethiopic-halehame-aa-et", "ethiopic-halehame-am-et",
"ethiopic-halehame-gez", "ethiopic-halehame-om-et",
"ethiopic-halehame-sid-et", "ethiopic-halehame-so-et",
"ethiopic-halehame-ti-er", "ethiopic-halehame-ti-et",
"ethiopic-halehame-tig", "ew-resize", "expanded", "extra-condensed",
"extra-expanded", "fantasy", "fast", "fill", "fixed", "flat", "footnotes",
"forwards", "from", "geometricPrecision", "georgian", "graytext", "groove",
"gujarati", "gurmukhi", "hand", "hangul", "hangul-consonant", "hebrew",
"help", "hidden", "hide", "higher", "highlight", "highlighttext",
"hiragana", "hiragana-iroha", "horizontal", "hsl", "hsla", "icon", "ignore",
"inactiveborder", "inactivecaption", "inactivecaptiontext", "infinite",
"infobackground", "infotext", "inherit", "initial", "inline", "inline-axis",
"inline-block", "inline-table", "inset", "inside", "intrinsic", "invert",
"italic", "justify", "kannada", "katakana", "katakana-iroha", "khmer",
"landscape", "lao", "large", "larger", "left", "level", "lighter",
"line-through", "linear", "lines", "list-item", "listbox", "listitem",
"local", "logical", "loud", "lower", "lower-alpha", "lower-armenian",
"lower-greek", "lower-hexadecimal", "lower-latin", "lower-norwegian",
"lower-roman", "lowercase", "ltr", "malayalam", "match",
"media-controls-background", "media-current-time-display",
"media-fullscreen-button", "media-mute-button", "media-play-button",
"media-return-to-realtime-button", "media-rewind-button",
"media-seek-back-button", "media-seek-forward-button", "media-slider",
"media-sliderthumb", "media-time-remaining-display", "media-volume-slider",
"media-volume-slider-container", "media-volume-sliderthumb", "medium",
"menu", "menulist", "menulist-button", "menulist-text",
"menulist-textfield", "menutext", "message-box", "middle", "min-intrinsic",
"mix", "mongolian", "monospace", "move", "multiple", "myanmar", "n-resize",
"narrower", "ne-resize", "nesw-resize", "no-close-quote", "no-drop",
"no-open-quote", "no-repeat", "none", "normal", "not-allowed", "nowrap",
"ns-resize", "nw-resize", "nwse-resize", "oblique", "octal", "open-quote",
"optimizeLegibility", "optimizeSpeed", "oriya", "oromo", "outset",
"outside", "overlay", "overline", "padding", "padding-box", "painted",
"paused", "persian", "plus-darker", "plus-lighter", "pointer", "portrait",
"pre", "pre-line", "pre-wrap", "preserve-3d", "progress", "push-button",
"radio", "read-only", "read-write", "read-write-plaintext-only", "relative",
"repeat", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "reset", "reverse", "rgb", "rgba",
"ridge", "right", "round", "row-resize", "rtl", "run-in", "running",
"s-resize", "sans-serif", "scroll", "scrollbar", "se-resize", "searchfield",
"searchfield-cancel-button", "searchfield-decoration",
"searchfield-results-button", "searchfield-results-decoration",
"semi-condensed", "semi-expanded", "separate", "serif", "show", "sidama",
"single", "skip-white-space", "slide", "slider-horizontal",
"slider-vertical", "sliderthumb-horizontal", "sliderthumb-vertical", "slow",
"small", "small-caps", "small-caption", "smaller", "solid", "somali",
"source-atop", "source-in", "source-out", "source-over", "space", "square",
"square-button", "start", "static", "status-bar", "stretch", "stroke",
"sub", "subpixel-antialiased", "super", "sw-resize", "table",
"table-caption", "table-cell", "table-column", "table-column-group",
"table-footer-group", "table-header-group", "table-row", "table-row-group",
"telugu", "text", "text-bottom", "text-top", "textarea", "textfield", "thai",
"thick", "thin", "threeddarkshadow", "threedface", "threedhighlight",
"threedlightshadow", "threedshadow", "tibetan", "tigre", "tigrinya-er",
"tigrinya-er-abegede", "tigrinya-et", "tigrinya-et-abegede", "to", "top",
"transparent", "ultra-condensed", "ultra-expanded", "underline", "up",
"upper-alpha", "upper-armenian", "upper-greek", "upper-hexadecimal",
"upper-latin", "upper-norwegian", "upper-roman", "uppercase", "urdu", "url",
"vertical", "vertical-text", "visible", "visibleFill", "visiblePainted",
"visibleStroke", "visual", "w-resize", "wait", "wave", "white", "wider",
"window", "windowframe", "windowtext", "x-large", "x-small", "xor",
"xx-large", "xx-small"
function tokenCComment(stream, state) {
var maybeEnd = false, ch;
while ((ch = != null) {
if (maybeEnd && ch == "/") {
state.tokenize = null;
maybeEnd = (ch == "*");
return ["comment", "comment"];
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/css", {
atMediaTypes: atMediaTypes,
atMediaFeatures: atMediaFeatures,
propertyKeywords: propertyKeywords,
colorKeywords: colorKeywords,
valueKeywords: valueKeywords,
hooks: {
"<": function(stream, state) {
function tokenSGMLComment(stream, state) {
var dashes = 0, ch;
while ((ch = != null) {
if (dashes >= 2 && ch == ">") {
state.tokenize = null;
dashes = (ch == "-") ? dashes + 1 : 0;
return ["comment", "comment"];
if ("!")) {
state.tokenize = tokenSGMLComment;
return tokenSGMLComment(stream, state);
"/": function(stream, state) {
if ("*")) {
state.tokenize = tokenCComment;
return tokenCComment(stream, state);
return false;
name: "css-base"
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-scss", {
atMediaTypes: atMediaTypes,
atMediaFeatures: atMediaFeatures,
propertyKeywords: propertyKeywords,
colorKeywords: colorKeywords,
valueKeywords: valueKeywords,
allowNested: true,
hooks: {
"$": function(stream) {
if (stream.peek() == ":") {
return ["variable", "variable-definition"];
return ["variable", "variable"];
"/": function(stream, state) {
if ("/")) {
return ["comment", "comment"];
} else if ("*")) {
state.tokenize = tokenCComment;
return tokenCComment(stream, state);
} else {
return ["operator", "operator"];
"#": function(stream) {
if ("{")) {
return ["operator", "interpolation"];
} else {
return ["atom", "hash"];
name: "css-base"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
CodeMirror.defineMode("htmlmixed", function(config, parserConfig) {
var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "xml", htmlMode: true});
var cssMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "css");
var scriptTypes = [], scriptTypesConf = parserConfig && parserConfig.scriptTypes;
scriptTypes.push({matches: /^(?:text|application)\/(?:x-)?(?:java|ecma)script$|^$/i,
mode: CodeMirror.getMode(config, "javascript")});
if (scriptTypesConf) for (var i = 0; i < scriptTypesConf.length; ++i) {
var conf = scriptTypesConf[i];
scriptTypes.push({matches: conf.matches, mode: conf.mode && CodeMirror.getMode(config, conf.mode)});
scriptTypes.push({matches: /./,
mode: CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/plain")});
function html(stream, state) {
var tagName = state.htmlState.tagName;
var style = htmlMode.token(stream, state.htmlState);
if (tagName == "script" && /\btag\b/.test(style) && stream.current() == ">") {
// Script block: mode to change to depends on type attribute
var scriptType = stream.string.slice(Math.max(0, stream.pos - 100), stream.pos).match(/\btype\s*=\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|\S+)[^<]*$/i);
scriptType = scriptType ? scriptType[1] : "";
if (scriptType && /[\"\']/.test(scriptType.charAt(0))) scriptType = scriptType.slice(1, scriptType.length - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < scriptTypes.length; ++i) {
var tp = scriptTypes[i];
if (typeof tp.matches == "string" ? scriptType == tp.matches : tp.matches.test(scriptType)) {
if (tp.mode) {
state.token = script;
state.localMode = tp.mode;
state.localState = tp.mode.startState && tp.mode.startState(htmlMode.indent(state.htmlState, ""));
} else if (tagName == "style" && /\btag\b/.test(style) && stream.current() == ">") {
state.token = css;
state.localMode = cssMode;
state.localState = cssMode.startState(htmlMode.indent(state.htmlState, ""));
return style;
function maybeBackup(stream, pat, style) {
var cur = stream.current();
var close =, m;
if (close > -1) stream.backUp(cur.length - close);
else if (m = cur.match(/<\/?$/)) {
if (!stream.match(pat, false)) stream.match(cur[0]);
return style;
function script(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^<\/\s*script\s*>/i, false)) {
state.token = html;
state.localState = state.localMode = null;
return html(stream, state);
return maybeBackup(stream, /<\/\s*script\s*>/,
state.localMode.token(stream, state.localState));
function css(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^<\/\s*style\s*>/i, false)) {
state.token = html;
state.localState = state.localMode = null;
return html(stream, state);
return maybeBackup(stream, /<\/\s*style\s*>/,
cssMode.token(stream, state.localState));
return {
startState: function() {
var state = htmlMode.startState();
return {token: html, localMode: null, localState: null, htmlState: state};
copyState: function(state) {
if (state.localState)
var local = CodeMirror.copyState(state.localMode, state.localState);
return {token: state.token, localMode: state.localMode, localState: local,
htmlState: CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, state.htmlState)};
token: function(stream, state) {
return state.token(stream, state);
indent: function(state, textAfter) {
if (!state.localMode || /^\s*<\//.test(textAfter))
return htmlMode.indent(state.htmlState, textAfter);
else if (state.localMode.indent)
return state.localMode.indent(state.localState, textAfter);
return CodeMirror.Pass;
electricChars: "/{}:",
innerMode: function(state) {
return {state: state.localState || state.htmlState, mode: state.localMode || htmlMode};
}, "xml", "javascript", "css");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/html", "htmlmixed");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
// TODO actually recognize syntax of TypeScript constructs
CodeMirror.defineMode("javascript", function(config, parserConfig) {
var indentUnit = config.indentUnit;
var jsonMode = parserConfig.json;
var isTS = parserConfig.typescript;
// Tokenizer
var keywords = function(){
function kw(type) {return {type: type, style: "keyword"};}
var A = kw("keyword a"), B = kw("keyword b"), C = kw("keyword c");
var operator = kw("operator"), atom = {type: "atom", style: "atom"};
var jsKeywords = {
"if": A, "while": A, "with": A, "else": B, "do": B, "try": B, "finally": B,
"return": C, "break": C, "continue": C, "new": C, "delete": C, "throw": C,
"var": kw("var"), "const": kw("var"), "let": kw("var"),
"function": kw("function"), "catch": kw("catch"),
"for": kw("for"), "switch": kw("switch"), "case": kw("case"), "default": kw("default"),
"in": operator, "typeof": operator, "instanceof": operator,
"true": atom, "false": atom, "null": atom, "undefined": atom, "NaN": atom, "Infinity": atom,
"this": kw("this")
// Extend the 'normal' keywords with the TypeScript language extensions
if (isTS) {
var type = {type: "variable", style: "variable-3"};
var tsKeywords = {
// object-like things
"interface": kw("interface"),
"class": kw("class"),
"extends": kw("extends"),
"constructor": kw("constructor"),
// scope modifiers
"public": kw("public"),
"private": kw("private"),
"protected": kw("protected"),
"static": kw("static"),
"super": kw("super"),
// types
"string": type, "number": type, "bool": type, "any": type
for (var attr in tsKeywords) {
jsKeywords[attr] = tsKeywords[attr];
return jsKeywords;
var isOperatorChar = /[+\-*&%=<>!?|~^]/;
function chain(stream, state, f) {
state.tokenize = f;
return f(stream, state);
function nextUntilUnescaped(stream, end) {
var escaped = false, next;
while ((next = != null) {
if (next == end && !escaped)
return false;
escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
return escaped;
// Used as scratch variables to communicate multiple values without
// consing up tons of objects.
var type, content;
function ret(tp, style, cont) {
type = tp; content = cont;
return style;
function jsTokenBase(stream, state) {
var ch =;
if (ch == '"' || ch == "'")
return chain(stream, state, jsTokenString(ch));
else if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch))
return ret(ch);
else if (ch == "0" && {
return ret("number", "number");
else if (/\d/.test(ch) || ch == "-" &&\d/)) {
return ret("number", "number");
else if (ch == "/") {
if ("*")) {
return chain(stream, state, jsTokenComment);
else if ("/")) {
return ret("comment", "comment");
else if (state.lastType == "operator" || state.lastType == "keyword c" ||
/^[\[{}\(,;:]$/.test(state.lastType)) {
nextUntilUnescaped(stream, "/");
stream.eatWhile(/[gimy]/); // 'y' is "sticky" option in Mozilla
return ret("regexp", "string-2");
else {
return ret("operator", null, stream.current());
else if (ch == "#") {
return ret("error", "error");
else if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) {
return ret("operator", null, stream.current());
else {
var word = stream.current(), known = keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word) && keywords[word];
return (known && state.lastType != ".") ? ret(known.type,, word) :
ret("variable", "variable", word);
function jsTokenString(quote) {
return function(stream, state) {
if (!nextUntilUnescaped(stream, quote))
state.tokenize = jsTokenBase;
return ret("string", "string");
function jsTokenComment(stream, state) {
var maybeEnd = false, ch;
while (ch = {
if (ch == "/" && maybeEnd) {
state.tokenize = jsTokenBase;
maybeEnd = (ch == "*");
return ret("comment", "comment");
// Parser
var atomicTypes = {"atom": true, "number": true, "variable": true, "string": true, "regexp": true, "this": true};
function JSLexical(indented, column, type, align, prev, info) {
this.indented = indented;
this.column = column;
this.type = type;
this.prev = prev; = info;
if (align != null) this.align = align;
function inScope(state, varname) {
for (var v = state.localVars; v; v =
if ( == varname) return true;
function parseJS(state, style, type, content, stream) {
var cc =;
// Communicate our context to the combinators.
// (Less wasteful than consing up a hundred closures on every call.)
cx.state = state; = stream; cx.marked = null, = cc;
if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align"))
state.lexical.align = true;
while(true) {
var combinator = cc.length ? cc.pop() : jsonMode ? expression : statement;
if (combinator(type, content)) {
while(cc.length && cc[cc.length - 1].lex)
if (cx.marked) return cx.marked;
if (type == "variable" && inScope(state, content)) return "variable-2";
return style;
// Combinator utils
var cx = {state: null, column: null, marked: null, cc: null};
function pass() {
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)[i]);
function cont() {
pass.apply(null, arguments);
return true;
function register(varname) {
function inList(list) {
for (var v = list; v; v =
if ( == varname) return true;
return false;
var state = cx.state;
if (state.context) {
cx.marked = "def";
if (inList(state.localVars)) return;
state.localVars = {name: varname, next: state.localVars};
} else {
if (inList(state.globalVars)) return;
state.globalVars = {name: varname, next: state.globalVars};
// Combinators
var defaultVars = {name: "this", next: {name: "arguments"}};
function pushcontext() {
cx.state.context = {prev: cx.state.context, vars: cx.state.localVars};
cx.state.localVars = defaultVars;
function popcontext() {
cx.state.localVars = cx.state.context.vars;
cx.state.context = cx.state.context.prev;
function pushlex(type, info) {
var result = function() {
var state = cx.state;
state.lexical = new JSLexical(state.indented,, type, null, state.lexical, info);
result.lex = true;
return result;
function poplex() {
var state = cx.state;
if (state.lexical.prev) {
if (state.lexical.type == ")")
state.indented = state.lexical.indented;
state.lexical = state.lexical.prev;
poplex.lex = true;
function expect(wanted) {
return function(type) {
if (type == wanted) return cont();
else if (wanted == ";") return pass();
else return cont(arguments.callee);
function statement(type) {
if (type == "var") return cont(pushlex("vardef"), vardef1, expect(";"), poplex);
if (type == "keyword a") return cont(pushlex("form"), expression, statement, poplex);
if (type == "keyword b") return cont(pushlex("form"), statement, poplex);
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), block, poplex);
if (type == ";") return cont();
if (type == "function") return cont(functiondef);
if (type == "for") return cont(pushlex("form"), expect("("), pushlex(")"), forspec1, expect(")"),
poplex, statement, poplex);
if (type == "variable") return cont(pushlex("stat"), maybelabel);
if (type == "switch") return cont(pushlex("form"), expression, pushlex("}", "switch"), expect("{"),
block, poplex, poplex);
if (type == "case") return cont(expression, expect(":"));
if (type == "default") return cont(expect(":"));
if (type == "catch") return cont(pushlex("form"), pushcontext, expect("("), funarg, expect(")"),
statement, poplex, popcontext);
return pass(pushlex("stat"), expression, expect(";"), poplex);
function expression(type) {
if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) return cont(maybeoperator);
if (type == "function") return cont(functiondef);
if (type == "keyword c") return cont(maybeexpression);
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), maybeexpression, expect(")"), poplex, maybeoperator);
if (type == "operator") return cont(expression);
if (type == "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), commasep(expression, "]"), poplex, maybeoperator);
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), commasep(objprop, "}"), poplex, maybeoperator);
return cont();
function maybeexpression(type) {
if (type.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)) return pass();
return pass(expression);
function maybeoperator(type, value) {
if (type == "operator") {
if (/\+\+|--/.test(value)) return cont(maybeoperator);
if (value == "?") return cont(expression, expect(":"), expression);
return cont(expression);
if (type == ";") return;
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), commasep(expression, ")"), poplex, maybeoperator);
if (type == ".") return cont(property, maybeoperator);
if (type == "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), expression, expect("]"), poplex, maybeoperator);
function maybelabel(type) {
if (type == ":") return cont(poplex, statement);
return pass(maybeoperator, expect(";"), poplex);
function property(type) {
if (type == "variable") {cx.marked = "property"; return cont();}
function objprop(type, value) {
if (type == "variable") {
cx.marked = "property";
if (value == "get" || value == "set") return cont(getterSetter);
} else if (type == "number" || type == "string") {
cx.marked = type + " property";
if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) return cont(expect(":"), expression);
function getterSetter(type) {
if (type == ":") return cont(expression);
if (type != "variable") return cont(expect(":"), expression);
cx.marked = "property";
return cont(functiondef);
function commasep(what, end) {
function proceed(type) {
if (type == ",") return cont(what, proceed);
if (type == end) return cont();
return cont(expect(end));
return function(type) {
if (type == end) return cont();
else return pass(what, proceed);
function block(type) {
if (type == "}") return cont();
return pass(statement, block);
function maybetype(type) {
if (type == ":") return cont(typedef);
return pass();
function typedef(type) {
if (type == "variable"){cx.marked = "variable-3"; return cont();}
return pass();
function vardef1(type, value) {
if (type == "variable") {
return isTS ? cont(maybetype, vardef2) : cont(vardef2);
return pass();
function vardef2(type, value) {
if (value == "=") return cont(expression, vardef2);
if (type == ",") return cont(vardef1);
function forspec1(type) {
if (type == "var") return cont(vardef1, expect(";"), forspec2);
if (type == ";") return cont(forspec2);
if (type == "variable") return cont(formaybein);
return cont(forspec2);
function formaybein(_type, value) {
if (value == "in") return cont(expression);
return cont(maybeoperator, forspec2);
function forspec2(type, value) {
if (type == ";") return cont(forspec3);
if (value == "in") return cont(expression);
return cont(expression, expect(";"), forspec3);
function forspec3(type) {
if (type != ")") cont(expression);
function functiondef(type, value) {
if (type == "variable") {register(value); return cont(functiondef);}
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), pushcontext, commasep(funarg, ")"), poplex, statement, popcontext);
function funarg(type, value) {
if (type == "variable") {register(value); return isTS ? cont(maybetype) : cont();}
// Interface
return {
startState: function(basecolumn) {
return {
tokenize: jsTokenBase,
lastType: null,
cc: [],
lexical: new JSLexical((basecolumn || 0) - indentUnit, 0, "block", false),
localVars: parserConfig.localVars,
globalVars: parserConfig.globalVars,
context: parserConfig.localVars && {vars: parserConfig.localVars},
indented: 0
token: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.sol()) {
if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align"))
state.lexical.align = false;
state.indented = stream.indentation();
if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (type == "comment") return style;
state.lastType = type;
return parseJS(state, style, type, content, stream);
indent: function(state, textAfter) {
if (state.tokenize == jsTokenComment) return CodeMirror.Pass;
if (state.tokenize != jsTokenBase) return 0;
var firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0), lexical = state.lexical;
if (lexical.type == "stat" && firstChar == "}") lexical = lexical.prev;
var type = lexical.type, closing = firstChar == type;
if (type == "vardef") return lexical.indented + (state.lastType == "operator" || state.lastType == "," ? 4 : 0);
else if (type == "form" && firstChar == "{") return lexical.indented;
else if (type == "form") return lexical.indented + indentUnit;
else if (type == "stat")
return lexical.indented + (state.lastType == "operator" || state.lastType == "," ? indentUnit : 0);
else if ( == "switch" && !closing)
return lexical.indented + (/^(?:case|default)\b/.test(textAfter) ? indentUnit : 2 * indentUnit);
else if (lexical.align) return lexical.column + (closing ? 0 : 1);
else return lexical.indented + (closing ? 0 : indentUnit);
electricChars: ":{}",
jsonMode: jsonMode
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/javascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/ecmascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/javascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/ecmascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/json", {name: "javascript", json: true});
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/typescript", { name: "javascript", typescript: true });
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/typescript", { name: "javascript", typescript: true });

View File

@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
CodeMirror.defineMode("xml", function(config, parserConfig) {
var indentUnit = config.indentUnit;
var multilineTagIndentFactor = parserConfig.multilineTagIndentFactor || 1;
var Kludges = parserConfig.htmlMode ? {
autoSelfClosers: {'area': true, 'base': true, 'br': true, 'col': true, 'command': true,
'embed': true, 'frame': true, 'hr': true, 'img': true, 'input': true,
'keygen': true, 'link': true, 'meta': true, 'param': true, 'source': true,
'track': true, 'wbr': true},
implicitlyClosed: {'dd': true, 'li': true, 'optgroup': true, 'option': true, 'p': true,
'rp': true, 'rt': true, 'tbody': true, 'td': true, 'tfoot': true,
'th': true, 'tr': true},
contextGrabbers: {
'dd': {'dd': true, 'dt': true},
'dt': {'dd': true, 'dt': true},
'li': {'li': true},
'option': {'option': true, 'optgroup': true},
'optgroup': {'optgroup': true},
'p': {'address': true, 'article': true, 'aside': true, 'blockquote': true, 'dir': true,
'div': true, 'dl': true, 'fieldset': true, 'footer': true, 'form': true,
'h1': true, 'h2': true, 'h3': true, 'h4': true, 'h5': true, 'h6': true,
'header': true, 'hgroup': true, 'hr': true, 'menu': true, 'nav': true, 'ol': true,
'p': true, 'pre': true, 'section': true, 'table': true, 'ul': true},
'rp': {'rp': true, 'rt': true},
'rt': {'rp': true, 'rt': true},
'tbody': {'tbody': true, 'tfoot': true},
'td': {'td': true, 'th': true},
'tfoot': {'tbody': true},
'th': {'td': true, 'th': true},
'thead': {'tbody': true, 'tfoot': true},
'tr': {'tr': true}
doNotIndent: {"pre": true},
allowUnquoted: true,
allowMissing: true
} : {
autoSelfClosers: {},
implicitlyClosed: {},
contextGrabbers: {},
doNotIndent: {},
allowUnquoted: false,
allowMissing: false
var alignCDATA = parserConfig.alignCDATA;
// Return variables for tokenizers
var tagName, type;
function inText(stream, state) {
function chain(parser) {
state.tokenize = parser;
return parser(stream, state);
var ch =;
if (ch == "<") {
if ("!")) {
if ("[")) {
if (stream.match("CDATA[")) return chain(inBlock("atom", "]]>"));
else return null;
else if (stream.match("--")) return chain(inBlock("comment", "-->"));
else if (stream.match("DOCTYPE", true, true)) {
return chain(doctype(1));
else return null;
else if ("?")) {
state.tokenize = inBlock("meta", "?>");
return "meta";
else {
var isClose ="/");
tagName = "";
var c;
while ((c =[^\s\u00a0=<>\"\'\/?]/))) tagName += c;
if (!tagName) return "error";
type = isClose ? "closeTag" : "openTag";
state.tokenize = inTag;
return "tag";
else if (ch == "&") {
var ok;
if ("#")) {
if ("x")) {
ok = stream.eatWhile(/[a-fA-F\d]/) &&";");
} else {
ok = stream.eatWhile(/[\d]/) &&";");
} else {
ok = stream.eatWhile(/[\w\.\-:]/) &&";");
return ok ? "atom" : "error";
else {
return null;
function inTag(stream, state) {
var ch =;
if (ch == ">" || (ch == "/" &&">"))) {
state.tokenize = inText;
type = ch == ">" ? "endTag" : "selfcloseTag";
return "tag";
else if (ch == "=") {
type = "equals";
return null;
else if (/[\'\"]/.test(ch)) {
state.tokenize = inAttribute(ch);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
else {
return "word";
function inAttribute(quote) {
return function(stream, state) {
while (!stream.eol()) {
if ( == quote) {
state.tokenize = inTag;
return "string";
function inBlock(style, terminator) {
return function(stream, state) {
while (!stream.eol()) {
if (stream.match(terminator)) {
state.tokenize = inText;
return style;
function doctype(depth) {
return function(stream, state) {
var ch;
while ((ch = != null) {
if (ch == "<") {
state.tokenize = doctype(depth + 1);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
} else if (ch == ">") {
if (depth == 1) {
state.tokenize = inText;
} else {
state.tokenize = doctype(depth - 1);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
return "meta";
var curState, curStream, setStyle;
function pass() {
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)[i]);
function cont() {
pass.apply(null, arguments);
return true;
function pushContext(tagName, startOfLine) {
var noIndent = Kludges.doNotIndent.hasOwnProperty(tagName) || (curState.context && curState.context.noIndent);
curState.context = {
prev: curState.context,
tagName: tagName,
indent: curState.indented,
startOfLine: startOfLine,
noIndent: noIndent
function popContext() {
if (curState.context) curState.context = curState.context.prev;
function element(type) {
if (type == "openTag") {
curState.tagName = tagName;
curState.tagStart = curStream.column();
return cont(attributes, endtag(curState.startOfLine));
} else if (type == "closeTag") {
var err = false;
if (curState.context) {
if (curState.context.tagName != tagName) {
if (Kludges.implicitlyClosed.hasOwnProperty(curState.context.tagName.toLowerCase())) {
err = !curState.context || curState.context.tagName != tagName;
} else {
err = true;
if (err) setStyle = "error";
return cont(endclosetag(err));
return cont();
function endtag(startOfLine) {
return function(type) {
var tagName = curState.tagName;
curState.tagName = curState.tagStart = null;
if (type == "selfcloseTag" ||
(type == "endTag" && Kludges.autoSelfClosers.hasOwnProperty(tagName.toLowerCase()))) {
return cont();
if (type == "endTag") {
pushContext(tagName, startOfLine);
return cont();
return cont();
function endclosetag(err) {
return function(type) {
if (err) setStyle = "error";
if (type == "endTag") { popContext(); return cont(); }
setStyle = "error";
return cont(arguments.callee);
function maybePopContext(nextTagName) {
var parentTagName;
while (true) {
if (!curState.context) {
parentTagName = curState.context.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (!Kludges.contextGrabbers.hasOwnProperty(parentTagName) ||
!Kludges.contextGrabbers[parentTagName].hasOwnProperty(nextTagName)) {
function attributes(type) {
if (type == "word") {setStyle = "attribute"; return cont(attribute, attributes);}
if (type == "endTag" || type == "selfcloseTag") return pass();
setStyle = "error";
return cont(attributes);
function attribute(type) {
if (type == "equals") return cont(attvalue, attributes);
if (!Kludges.allowMissing) setStyle = "error";
else if (type == "word") setStyle = "attribute";
return (type == "endTag" || type == "selfcloseTag") ? pass() : cont();
function attvalue(type) {
if (type == "string") return cont(attvaluemaybe);
if (type == "word" && Kludges.allowUnquoted) {setStyle = "string"; return cont();}
setStyle = "error";
return (type == "endTag" || type == "selfCloseTag") ? pass() : cont();
function attvaluemaybe(type) {
if (type == "string") return cont(attvaluemaybe);
else return pass();
return {
startState: function() {
return {tokenize: inText, cc: [], indented: 0, startOfLine: true, tagName: null, tagStart: null, context: null};
token: function(stream, state) {
if (!state.tagName && stream.sol()) {
state.startOfLine = true;
state.indented = stream.indentation();
if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
setStyle = type = tagName = null;
var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
state.type = type;
if ((style || type) && style != "comment") {
curState = state; curStream = stream;
while (true) {
var comb = || element;
if (comb(type || style)) break;
state.startOfLine = false;
return setStyle || style;
indent: function(state, textAfter, fullLine) {
var context = state.context;
if ((state.tokenize != inTag && state.tokenize != inText) ||
context && context.noIndent)
return fullLine ? fullLine.match(/^(\s*)/)[0].length : 0;
if (state.tagName) return state.tagStart + indentUnit * multilineTagIndentFactor;
if (alignCDATA && /<!\[CDATA\[/.test(textAfter)) return 0;
if (context && /^<\//.test(textAfter))
context = context.prev;
while (context && !context.startOfLine)
context = context.prev;
if (context) return context.indent + indentUnit;
else return 0;
electricChars: "/",
configuration: parserConfig.htmlMode ? "html" : "xml"
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/xml", "xml");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/xml", "xml");
if (!CodeMirror.mimeModes.hasOwnProperty("text/html"))
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/html", {name: "xml", htmlMode: true});

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toolbar: 'Bron',
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toolbar: 'المصدر',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
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toolbar: 'Източник',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
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uncommentSelectedRange: 'Uncomment Selection'

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CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'codemirror', 'bn', {
toolbar: 'সোর্স',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
commentSelectedRange: 'Comment Selection',
uncommentSelectedRange: 'Uncomment Selection'

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toolbar: 'HTML kôd',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
commentSelectedRange: 'Comment Selection',
uncommentSelectedRange: 'Uncomment Selection'

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toolbar: 'Codi font',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
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uncommentSelectedRange: 'Uncomment Selection'

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CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'codemirror', 'cs', {
toolbar: 'Zdroj',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
commentSelectedRange: 'Comment Selection',
uncommentSelectedRange: 'Uncomment Selection'

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CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'codemirror', 'cy', {
toolbar: 'HTML',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
commentSelectedRange: 'Comment Selection',
uncommentSelectedRange: 'Uncomment Selection'

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toolbar: 'Kilde',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
commentSelectedRange: 'Comment Selection',
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toolbar: 'Quellcode',
searchCode: 'Quellcode durchsuchen',
autoFormat: 'Auswahl formatieren',
commentSelectedRange: 'Auswahl auskommentieren',
uncommentSelectedRange: 'Auskommentierung entferen',
autoCompleteToggle: 'HTML Tag Autvervollständigen de-/aktivieren'

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toolbar: 'HTML κώδικας',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
commentSelectedRange: 'Comment Selection',
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toolbar: 'Source',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
commentSelectedRange: 'Comment Selection',
uncommentSelectedRange: 'Uncomment Selection'

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toolbar: 'Source',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
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toolbar: 'Source',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
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toolbar: 'Source',
searchCode: 'Search Source',
autoFormat: 'Format Selection',
commentSelectedRange: 'Comment Selection',
uncommentSelectedRange: 'Uncomment Selection',
autoCompleteToggle: 'Enable/Disable HTML Tag Autocomplete'

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