# namespace :gitlab do # desc "sync gitlab's commit acts to trustie" # task :forge_acts => :environment do # g = Gitlab.client # projects = Project.find_by_sql("select * from projects where gpid is not null and id not in (2,847,931,942)") # projects.each do |project| # begin # g_project = g.project(project.gpid) # # 获取默认分支 # g_default_branch = g_project.default_branch.nil? ? "master" : g_project.default_branch # # 总的提交次数 # commit_count = g.user_static(project.gpid, :rev => g_default_branch).count # pages = commit_count / 20 + 1 # puts "#{pages}" # puts "project id is #{project.id}" # # api获取每次只能获取20次提交,所以需要通过取得page值来获取每页的提交动态 # (0..pages).each do |page| # commits = g.commits(project.gpid, :ref_name => g_default_branch, :page => page) # commits.each do |commit| # Commit.create(:project_id => project.id, :repository_id => project.gpid, :version => commit.id, :committer => commit.author_email, :comments => Redmine::CodesetUtil.to_utf8(commit.title, 'UTF-8'), :committed_on => commit.created_at) # end # end # rescue Exception => e # # puts "Some wrong with project #{project.id}" # # Project.where(:id => project.id).first.update_column(:gpid, nil) # # Repository.where(:project_id => project.id).first.destroy # # try # puts e # end # end # end # end