require 'helper' describe 'Sasl' do # def self.xit(msg, &block) end describe 'a server requiring authentication' do before do @server = mock() @server.stubs(:request).returns(true) @server.stubs(:weight).returns(1) @server.stubs(:hostname).returns("localhost") @server.stubs(:port).returns("19124") end describe 'without authentication credentials' do before do ENV['MEMCACHE_USERNAME'] = 'foo' ENV['MEMCACHE_PASSWORD'] = 'wrongpwd' end after do ENV['MEMCACHE_USERNAME'] = nil ENV['MEMCACHE_PASSWORD'] = nil end it 'provide one test that passes' do assert true end it 'gracefully handle authentication failures' do memcached(19124, '-S') do |dc| assert_error Dalli::DalliError, /32/ do dc.set('abc', 123) end end end end it 'fail SASL authentication with wrong options' do memcached(19124, '-S') do |dc| dc ='localhost:19124', :username => 'foo', :password => 'wrongpwd') assert_error Dalli::DalliError, /32/ do dc.set('abc', 123) end end end # OSX: Create a SASL user for the memcached application like so: # # saslpasswd2 -a memcached -c testuser # # with password 'testtest' describe 'in an authenticated environment' do before do ENV['MEMCACHE_USERNAME'] = 'testuser' ENV['MEMCACHE_PASSWORD'] = 'testtest' end after do ENV['MEMCACHE_USERNAME'] = nil ENV['MEMCACHE_PASSWORD'] = nil end xit 'pass SASL authentication' do memcached(19124, '-S') do |dc| # I get "Dalli::DalliError: Error authenticating: 32" in OSX # but SASL works on Heroku servers. YMMV. assert_equal true, dc.set('abc', 123) assert_equal 123, dc.get('abc') results = dc.stats assert_equal 1, results.size assert_equal 38, results.values.first.size end end end xit 'pass SASL authentication with options' do memcached(19124, '-S') do |dc| dc ='localhost:19124', :username => 'testuser', :password => 'testtest') # I get "Dalli::DalliError: Error authenticating: 32" in OSX # but SASL works on Heroku servers. YMMV. assert_equal true, dc.set('abc', 123) assert_equal 123, dc.get('abc') results = dc.stats assert_equal 1, results.size assert_equal 38, results.values.first.size end end it 'pass SASL as URI' do Dalli::Server.expects(:new).with("localhost:19124", :username => "testuser", :password => "testtest").returns(@server) dc ='memcached://testuser:testtest@localhost:19124') dc.flush_all end it 'pass SASL as ring of URIs' do Dalli::Server.expects(:new).with("localhost:19124", :username => "testuser", :password => "testtest").returns(@server) Dalli::Server.expects(:new).with("otherhost:19125", :username => "testuser2", :password => "testtest2").returns(@server) dc =['memcached://testuser:testtest@localhost:19124', 'memcached://testuser2:testtest2@otherhost:19125']) dc.flush_all end end end