class OpenSourceProject < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name include Redmine::SafeAttributes has_many :applies, :class_name => "ApplyProjectMaster", :as => :apply, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :topics, :class_name => 'RelativeMemo', :foreign_key => 'osp_id', :conditions => "#{RelativeMemo.table_name}.parent_id IS NULL", :order => "#{RelativeMemo.table_name}.created_at DESC", :dependent => :destroy has_many :relative_memos, :class_name => 'RelativeMemo', :foreign_key => 'osp_id', :dependent => :destroy has_many :tags, :through => :project_tags, :class_name => 'Tag' has_many :project_tags, :class_name => 'ProjectTags' has_many :masters, :class_name => 'ApplyProjectMaster', :as => :apply, :dependent => :delete_all, :conditions => "#{ApplyProjectMaster.table_name}.status = 2" has_many :admin, :through => :masters, :class_name => 'User' has_many :apply_tips, :class_name => 'ApplyProjectMaster', :as => :apply, :dependent => :delete_all, :conditions => "#{ApplyProjectMaster.table_name}.status = 1" has_many :applicants, :class_name => 'User', :through => :apply_tips, :source => :user validates_uniqueness_of :name acts_as_taggable scope :applied_by, lambda { |user_id| { :include => :apply_project_master, :conditions => ["#{ApplyProjectMaster.table_name}.user_id = ?", user_id] } } scope :like, lambda {|arg| if arg.blank? where(nil) else pattern = "%#{arg.to_s.strip.downcase}%" where("LOWER(name) LIKE :p OR LOWER(description) LIKE :p ", :p => pattern) end } def filter(app_dir, language, created_at) filter_app_dir(app_dir).filter_language(language).filter_time(created_at) end def self.filter(app_dir, language, created_at) self.filter_app_dir(app_dir).filter_language(language).filter_time(created_at) end scope :filter_app_dir, lambda {|args| nil } scope :filter_language, lambda {|*arg| if arg[0].nil? where(nil) else tagged_with(arg).order('updated_at desc') end } scope :filter_time, lambda {|args| where("YEAR(#{OpenSourceProject.table_name}.created_at) = ?", args) unless args.nil? } # def filter_app_dir(app_dir) # nil # end # # def self.filter_app_dir(app_dir) # nil # end # # def filter_language(language) # nil # end # # def self.filter_language(language) # nil # end # # def filter_time(created_at) # nil # end # # def self.filter_time(created_at) # nil # end def short_description(length = 255) description.gsub(/^(.{#{length}}[^\n\r]*).*$/m, '\1...').strip if description end def applied_by?(user) self.applies.each do |apply| if apply.user_id == return true end end false end def allowed?(user) self.applies.each do |apply| if apply.user_id == and apply.status == 2 return true end end false end def set_apply(user, flag=true) flag ? set_filter(user) : remove_filter(user) end def set_filter(user) self.applies << => user, :status => 1) end def remove_filter(user) return nil unless user && user.is_a?(User) ApplyProjectMaster.delete_all "apply_type = '#{self.class}' AND apply_id = #{} AND user_id = #{}" end def admin?(user) if user.admin? or ApplyProjectMaster.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id = ? and apply_type = 'OpenSourceProject' and apply_id = ? and status = ?",,, 2]).present? return true else return false end end def reset_counters! self.class.reset_counters!(id) end def self.reset_counters!(id) osp_id = id.to_i update_all("topic_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{RelativeMemo.table_name} WHERE osp_id=#{osp_id} AND parent_id IS NULL)," + " memo_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{RelativeMemo.table_name} WHERE osp_id=#{osp_id} AND parent_id IS NOT NULL)," + " last_memo_id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM #{RelativeMemo.table_name} WHERE osp_id=#{osp_id})", ["id = ?", osp_id]) end end