Installation ======================== ** This documentation is not finished yet. I haven't tested all of these and it's obviously incomplete - these are currently just notes. FastCGI --------------------------------------- Here is an example config from lighttpd server: ---- # main fastcgi entry $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/myapp/.+$" { fastcgi.server = ( "/myapp" => ( "localhost" => ( "bin-path" => "/var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/dispatch.fcgi", "docroot" => "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/myapp", "host" => "", "port" => 1026, "check-local" => "disable" ) ) ) } # HTTP[url] ---- You can use the examples/dispatch.fcgi file as your dispatcher. (Example Apache setup?) Installing in a Java application server --------------------------------------- # install Warbler $ sudo gem install warbler $ cd gitsmart $ (edit $ warble $ cp gitsmart.war /path/to/java/autodeploy/dir Unicorn --------------------------------------- With Unicorn ( you can just run 'unicorn' in the directory with the file. Thin --------------------------------------- thin.yml --- pid: /home/deploy/myapp/server/ log: /home/deploy/myapp/logs/thin.log timeout: 30 port: 7654 max_conns: 1024 chdir: /home/deploy/myapp/site_files rackup: /home/deploy/myapp/server/ max_persistent_conns: 512 environment: production address: servers: 1 daemonize: true