<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(activity.author), :width => "50", :height => "50"), user_path(activity.author_id), :alt => "用户头像" %> <%= render :partial => 'users/show_detail_info', :locals => {:user => activity.author} %>
<% if activity.try(:author).try(:realname) == ' ' %> <%= link_to activity.try(:author), user_path(activity.author_id), :class => "newsBlue mr15" %> <% else %> <%= link_to activity.try(:author).try(:realname), user_path(activity.author_id), :class => "newsBlue mr15" %> <% end %> TO <%= link_to activity.project.name.to_s+" | 项目讨论区",project_boards_path(activity.project), :class => "newsBlue ml15 mr5"%>
<% if activity.parent_id.nil? %> <%= link_to activity.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_path(activity.board,activity), :class=> "postGrey fl" %> <% else %> <%= link_to activity.parent.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_path(activity.board,activity), :class=> "postGrey fl" %> <% end %> <% if activity.sticky == 1%> 置顶 <% end%> <% if activity.locked %>        <% end%>
发帖时间:<%= format_time(activity.created_on) %>
更新时间:<%= format_time(ForgeActivity.where("forge_act_type='#{activity.class}' and forge_act_id =#{activity.id}").first.updated_at) %>
<% if activity.parent_id.nil? %> <% content = activity.content%> <% else %> <% content = activity.parent.content%> <% end %> <%=render :partial =>"users/intro_content", :locals=>{:user_activity_id =>user_activity_id, :content=>content} %>
<%= render :partial=>"attachments/activity_attach", :locals=>{:activity => activity} %>
<% count = 0 %> <% if activity.parent %> <% count=activity.parent.children.count%> <% else %> <% count=activity.children.count%> <% end %>
回复 <%= count>0 ? "(#{count})" : "" %> <% if activity.author == User.current %> <% else %> <%=render :partial=> "praise_tread/praise", :locals => {:activity=>activity, :user_activity_id=>user_activity_id,:type=>"activity"}%> <% end %>
<%if count>3 %> <% end %>
<% activity= activity.parent_id.nil? ? activity : activity.parent %> <% replies_all_i = 0 %> <% if count > 0 %>
    <% activity.children.includes(:author).reorder("created_on desc").each do |reply| %> <% replies_all_i=replies_all_i+1 %>
  • <%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(reply.author), :width => "33", :height => "33"), user_path(reply.author_id), :alt => "用户头像" %>
    <% if reply.try(:author).try(:realname) == ' ' %> <%= link_to reply.try(:author), user_path(reply.author_id), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14" %> <% else %> <%= link_to reply.try(:author).try(:realname), user_path(reply.author_id), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14" %> <% end %> <%= format_time(reply.created_on) %> <% if reply.author == User.current %> <% else %> <%=render :partial=> "praise_tread/praise", :locals => {:activity=>reply, :user_activity_id=>reply.id,:type=>"reply"}%> <% end %>
    <%= reply.content.html_safe %>
  • <% end %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(User.current), :width => "33", :height => "33"), user_path(activity.author_id), :alt => "用户头像" %>
<%= form_for('new_form',:url => {:controller=>'messages',:action => 'reply', :id => activity.id, :board_id => activity.board_id, :is_board => 'true'},:method => "post", :remote => true) do |f|%>

<% end%>