#encoding: utf-8 # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class UsersController < ApplicationController layout :setting_layout #Added by young before_filter :auth_login1, :only => [:show, :user_activities, :user_newfeedback] before_filter :logged_user_by_apptoken, :only => [:show,:user_newfeedback] menu_item :activity menu_item :user_information, :only => :info menu_item :user_course, :only => :user_courses menu_item :user_homework, :only => :user_homeworks menu_item :user_project, :only => [:user_projects, :watch_projects] menu_item :requirement_focus, :only => :watch_contests menu_item :user_newfeedback, :only => :user_newfeedback menu_item :user_messages, :only => :user_messages # before_filter :can_show_course, :only => [:user_courses,:user_homeworks] before_filter :find_user, :only => [:user_fanslist, :user_watchlist, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy, :edit_membership, :user_courses, :user_homeworks, :destroy_membership, :user_activities, :user_projects, :user_newfeedback, :user_comments, :watch_contests, :info, :watch_projects, :show_score, :topic_score_index, :project_score_index, :activity_score_index, :influence_score_index, :score_index,:show_new_score, :topic_new_score_index, :project_new_score_index, :activity_new_score_index, :influence_new_score_index, :score_new_index,:user_projects_index,:user_resource, :user_courses4show,:user_projects4show,:user_course_activities,:user_project_activities,:user_feedback4show,:user_visitorlist,:user_messages,:edit_brief_introduction, :user_import_homeworks,:user_search_homeworks,:user_import_resource, :user_system_messages] before_filter :auth_user_extension, only: :show #before_filter :rest_user_score, only: :show #before_filter :select_entry, only: :user_projects accept_api_auth :index, :show, :create, :update, :destroy,:tag_save , :tag_saveEx #william before_filter :require_login, :only => [:tag_save,:tag_saveEx] #before_filter :refresh_changests, :only =>[:user_activities,:user_courses,:user_projects,:user_newfeedback] #visitor before_filter :recorded_visitor, :only => [:show,:user_fanslist,:user_watchlist,:user_visitorlist] helper :sort include SortHelper helper :custom_fields include CustomFieldsHelper include AvatarHelper include WordsHelper include GitlabHelper include UserScoreHelper include PollHelper helper :user_score helper :journals # added by liuping 关注 helper :watchers helper :activities ### added by william include ActsAsTaggableOn::TagsHelper # fq helper :words helper :project_score helper :issues include UsersHelper def refresh_changests if !(@user.nil?) && !(@user.memberships.nil?) @user.memberships.each do |member| unless member.project.nil? member.project.repository.fetch_changesets if Setting.autofetch_changesets? end end end end # 用户消息 # 说明: homework 发布作业;message:讨论区; news:新闻; poll:问卷;works_reviewers:作品评阅;works_reply:作品回复,exercise:课程测验 # issue:问题;journal:缺陷状态更新; forum:公共贴吧: user_feedback: 用户留言; new_reply:新闻回复(comment) def user_messages if !User.current.logged? redirect_to signin_url return elsif @user != User.current && !User.current.admin? return render_403 end # 初始化/更新 点击按钮时间 # 24小时内显示系统消息 update_onclick_time # 全部设为已读 if params[:viewed] == "all" update_message_viewed(@user) end # @new_message_count = forge_querys.count + forum_querys.count + course_querys.count + user_querys.count case params[:type] when nil @message_alls = [] messages = MessageAll.where("(user_id =? and message_type !=?) or message_type =?" ,@user, "SystemMessage", "SystemMessage").order("created_at desc") messages.each do |message_all| @message_alls << message_all.message end when 'unviewed' @message_alls = [] messages = MessageAll.where("user_id =?", @user).order("created_at desc") messages.each do |message_all| # 在点击或者刷新消息列表后未读的消息存放在数组 if message_all.message_type != "SystemMessage"&& !message_all.message.nil? && message_all.message.viewed == 0 @message_alls << message_all.message end end #课程相关消息 when 'homework' @message_alls = CourseMessage.where("course_message_type in ('HomeworkCommon','StudentWorksScore','JournalsForMessage','StudentWork','Exercise') and user_id =?", @user).order("created_at desc") when 'course_message' @message_alls = CourseMessage.where("course_message_type =? and user_id =?", "Message", @user).order("created_at desc") when 'course_news' # 课程通知包含发布的通知和回复的通知 @message_alls = CourseMessage.where("course_message_type in (?, ? ,?)", "News", "Comment", "Course").where("user_id =?", @user).order("created_at desc") when 'poll' @message_alls = CourseMessage.where("course_message_type =? and user_id =?", "Poll", @user).order("created_at desc") #项目相关消息 when 'issue' @message_alls = ForgeMessage.where("forge_message_type =? or forge_message_type =?" , "Issue", "Journal").where("user_id=?", @user).order("created_at desc") when 'forge_message' @message_alls = ForgeMessage.where("forge_message_type =? and user_id =?", "Message", @user).order("created_at desc") when 'forge_news' @message_alls = ForgeMessage.where("forge_message_type in (?,?) and user_id =?", "News", "Comment", @user).order("created_at desc") when 'apply' @message_alls = ForgeMessage.where("forge_message_type in ('ProjectInvite', 'AppliedProject', 'JoinProject', 'RemoveFromProject') and user_id =?", @user).order("created_at desc") #贴吧消息 when 'forum' @message_alls = MemoMessage.where("memo_type =? and user_id =?", "Memo", @user).order("created_at desc") #用户留言 when 'user_feedback' @message_alls = UserFeedbackMessage.where("journals_for_message_type =? and user_id =?", "JournalsForMessage", @user).order("created_at desc") else render_404 return end @message_alls = paginateHelper @message_alls,25 respond_to do |format| format.html{render :layout=>'new_base_user'} end end # 初始化/更新 点击按钮时间 def update_onclick_time # 记录当前点击按钮的时间 # 考虑到用户未退出刷新消息页面 message_time = OnclickTime.where("user_id =?", User.current).first if message_time.nil? message_new_time = OnclickTime.new message_new_time.user_id = User.current.id message_new_time.onclick_time = Time.now message_new_time.save else message_time.update_attributes(:onclick_time => Time.now) end end # 消息设置为已读 def update_message_viewed(user) course_querys = CourseMessage.where("user_id =? and viewed =?", user, 0) forge_querys = ForgeMessage.where("user_id =? and viewed =?", user, 0) user_querys = UserFeedbackMessage.where("user_id =? and viewed =?", user, 0) forum_querys = MemoMessage.where("user_id =? and viewed =?", user, 0) if User.current.id == @user.id course_querys.update_all(:viewed => true) forge_querys.update_all(:viewed => true) user_querys.update_all(:viewed => true) forum_querys.update_all(:viewed => true) end end # 系统消息 def user_system_messages @sytem_messages = SystemMessage.order("created_at desc").all @sytem_messages = paginateHelper @sytem_messages, 10 respond_to do |format| format.html{render :layout=>'new_base_user'} end end def user_projects_index if User.current.admin? memberships = @user.memberships.all(conditions: "projects.project_type = #{Project::ProjectType_project}").first else cond = Project.visible_condition(User.current) + " AND projects.project_type <> 1" memberships = @user.memberships.all(:conditions => cond).first end watch_projects = Project.joins(:watchers).where("project_type <>? and watchable_type = ? and `watchers`.user_id = ?", '1','Project', @user.id).first if memberships.nil? && watch_projects redirect_to(:watch_projects_user) and return else redirect_to(:user_projects_user) and return end end #added by young def user_projects unless User.current.admin? if !@user.active? #|| (@user != User.current && @memberships.empty? && events.empty?) render_404 return end end projects = @user.projects.visible.select("projects.*,(SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM `forge_activities` WHERE forge_activities.project_id = projects.id) AS a").order("a desc") if(params[:status] == '1') projects = projects.where("projects.user_id = ?",@user.id) elsif(params[:status] == '2') projects = projects.where("projects.user_id <> ?",@user.id) end @list = paginateHelper projects,10 @params = params[:status] respond_to do |format| format.html{render :layout=>'base_users_new'} format.api end end #处理加入课程成为教辅教师的请求 #status 1 同意 2 拒绝 def dealwith_apply_request @msg = CourseMessage.find(params[:msg_id]) #CourseMessage content存的是role 7教辅 9 教师 case params[:agree] when 'Y' apply_user = User.find(@msg.course_message_id) if apply_user.member_of_course?(Course.find(@msg.course_id)) #将角色改为老师或者教辅 member = Course.find(@msg.course_id).members.where(:user_id=>apply_user.id).all[0] member.role_ids = [@msg.content] # msg content保存的是申请的职位角色 #删除为学生的记录 joined = StudentsForCourse.where('student_id = ? and course_id = ?', member.user_id,@msg.course_id) joined.each do |join| join.delete end member.course_group_id = 0 member.save CourseMessage.create(:user_id => @msg.course_message_id, :course_id => @msg.course_id, :viewed => false,:content=> @msg.content,:course_message_id=>User.current.id,:content=>@msg.content,:course_message_type=>'CourseRequestDealResult',:status=>1) @msg.update_attributes(:status=>1,:viewed=>1) else members = [] members << Member.new(:role_ids => [@msg.content.to_i], :user_id => @msg.course_message_id) Course.find(@msg.course_id).members << members CourseMessage.create(:user_id => @msg.course_message_id, :course_id => @msg.course_id, :viewed => false,:content=> @msg.content,:course_message_id=>User.current.id,:content=>@msg.content,:course_message_type=>'CourseRequestDealResult',:status=>1) @msg.update_attributes(:status=>1,:viewed=>1) end when 'N' CourseMessage.create(:user_id => @msg.course_message_id, :course_id => @msg.course_id, :viewed => false,:content=> @msg.content,:course_message_id=>User.current.id,:content=>@msg.content,:course_message_type=>'CourseRequestDealResult',:status=>2) @msg.update_attributes(:status=>2,:viewed=>1) end respond_to do |format| format.js end end # added by bai def show_score end def show_new_score render :layout => 'users_base' end # end ##added by fq def watch_bids # cond = 'bids.reward_type <> 1' # @bids = Bid.watched_by(@user).where('reward_type = ?', 1) # added by huang # @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 10}) # @bid_count = @bids.count # @bid_pages = Paginator.new @bid_count, @limit, params['page'] # @offset ||= @bid_pages.reverse_offset # unless @offset == 0 # @bid = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse # else # limit = @bid_count % @limit # @bid = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse # end # # respond_to do |format| # format.html { # render :layout => 'base_users' # } # format.api # end end #new add by linchun def watch_contests @bids = Contest.watched_by(@user) @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 10}) @contest_count = @contests.count @contest_pages = Paginator.new @contest_count, @limit, params['page'] @offset ||= @contest_pages.reverse_offset unless @offset == 0 @contest = @contests.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse else limit = @bid_count % @limit @contest = @contests.offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse end respond_to do |format| format.html { render :layout => 'base_users' } format.api end end # added by fq def user_activities redirect_to user_url(@user, type: params[:type], page: params[:page]) return # useless abort. @watcher = User.watched_by_id(@user) events = [] for user in @watcher events << Redmine::Activity::Fetcher.new(User.current, :author => @user).events(nil, nil, :limit => 30) end @events_by_day = events.group_by(&:event_date) unless User.current.admin? if !@user.active? || (@user != User.current && @memberships.empty? && events.empty?) render_404 return end end respond_to do |format| format.html format.api end end # end #用户作业列表 def user_homeworks if User.current == @user @page = params[:page] ? params[:page].to_i + 1 : 0 user_course_ids = @user.courses.empty? ? "(-1)" :"(" + @user.courses.visible.map{|course| course.id}.join(",") + ")" #判断当前用户在当前课程的身份 visibleCourse = @user.courses.empty? ? [] : @user.courses.visible homework_ids = [] visibleCourse.each do |course| if User.current.allowed_to?(:as_teacher,course) homeworks = HomeworkCommon.where("course_id = #{course.id}") homework_ids << homeworks.pluck(:id) unless homeworks.empty? else homeworks = HomeworkCommon.where("course_id = #{course.id} and publish_time <= '#{Date.today}'") homework_ids << homeworks.pluck(:id) unless homeworks.empty? end end visible_homework_ids = homework_ids.size == 0 ? "(-1)" :"(" + homework_ids.join(",") + ")" @homework_commons = HomeworkCommon.where("id in #{visible_homework_ids}").order("created_at desc").limit(10).offset(@page * 10) @is_teacher = User.current.user_extensions && User.current.user_extensions.identity == 0 && User.current.allowed_to?(:add_course, nil, :global => true) @is_in_course = params[:is_in_course].to_i || 0 respond_to do |format| format.js format.html {render :layout => 'new_base_user'} end else render_403 end end #导入作业 def user_import_homeworks @select_course = params[:select_course] ? 1 : 0 @user_homeworks = HomeworkCommon.where(:user_id => @user.id).order("created_at desc") respond_to do |format| format.js end end #用户主页过滤作业 def user_search_homeworks @user_homeworks = HomeworkCommon.where("user_id = '#{@user.id}' and lower(name) like '%#{params[:name].to_s.downcase}%'").order("created_at desc") respond_to do |format| format.js end end #导入作业,确定按钮 def user_select_homework homework = HomeworkCommon.find_by_id params[:checkMenu] homework_detail_programing = homework.homework_detail_programing homework_detail_group = homework.homework_detail_group @homework = HomeworkCommon.new @select_course = params[:select_course] || 0 if homework @homework.name = homework.name @homework.description = homework.description @homework.end_time = homework.end_time @homework.homework_type = homework.homework_type @homework.course_id = homework.course_id homework.attachments.each do |attachment| att = attachment.copy att.container_id = nil att.container_type = nil att.copy_from = attachment.id att.save @homework.attachments << att end if homework_detail_programing @homework.homework_detail_programing = HomeworkDetailPrograming.new @homework_detail_programing = @homework.homework_detail_programing @homework_detail_programing.ta_proportion = homework_detail_programing.ta_proportion @homework_detail_programing.language = homework_detail_programing.language homework.homework_tests.each_with_index do |homework_test| @homework.homework_tests << HomeworkTest.new( input: homework_test.input, output: homework_test.output ) end end if homework_detail_group @homework.homework_detail_group = HomeworkDetailGroup.new @homework_detail_group = @homework.homework_detail_group @homework_detail_group.min_num = homework_detail_group.min_num @homework_detail_group.max_num = homework_detail_group.max_num @homework_detail_group.base_on_project = homework_detail_group.base_on_project end end respond_to do |format| format.js end end def new_user_commit_homework if User.current.logged? @user = User.current @homework = HomeworkCommon.find(params[:homework_id]) @is_test = params[:is_test] == 'true' @student_work = StudentWork.where(homework_common_id: @homework.id, user_id: User.current.id).first if @student_work.nil? @student_work = StudentWork.new end respond_to do |format| format.js format.html {render :layout => 'new_base_user'} end else render_403 end end #修改编程作业 def edit_user_commit_homework if User.current.logged? respond_to do |format| format.js format.html {render :layout => 'new_base_user'} end else render_403 end end def user_commit_homework homework = HomeworkCommon.find(params[:homework]) student_work = StudentWork.where(homework_common_id: homework.id, user_id: User.current.id).first if student_work #提交作品时,计算是否迟交 if Time.parse(homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") < Time.parse(Time.now.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") student_work.late_penalty = 1 else student_work.late_penalty = 0 end student_work.save flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_create) redirect_to student_work_index_url(:homework => params[:homework]) else render_403 end end def user_new_homework if User.current.logged? if params[:homework_common] homework = HomeworkCommon.new homework.name = params[:homework_common][:name] homework.description = params[:homework_common][:description] homework.end_time = params[:homework_common][:end_time] || Date.today if params[:homework_common][:publish_time] == "" homework.publish_time = Date.today else homework.publish_time = params[:homework_common][:publish_time] end homework.homework_type = params[:homework_type].to_i || 1 homework.late_penalty = 10 homework.teacher_priority = 1 homework.user_id = User.current.id homework.course_id = params[:course_id] homework.save_attachments(params[:attachments]) render_attachment_warning_if_needed(homework) homework_detail_manual = HomeworkDetailManual.new homework_detail_manual.ta_proportion = homework.homework_type == 1 ? 0.6 : 0.3 if homework.publish_time > Date.today homework_detail_manual.comment_status = 0 else homework_detail_manual.comment_status = 1 end homework_detail_manual.evaluation_start = params[:evaluation_start].blank? ? homework.end_time + 7 : params[:evaluation_start] homework_detail_manual.evaluation_end = params[:evaluation_end].blank? ? homework_detail_manual.evaluation_start + 7 : params[:evaluation_end] homework_detail_manual.evaluation_num = params[:evaluation_num] || 3 homework_detail_manual.absence_penalty = 5 homework.homework_detail_manual = homework_detail_manual #编程作业相关属性 if homework.homework_type == 2 homework_detail_programing = HomeworkDetailPrograming.new homework.homework_detail_programing = homework_detail_programing homework_detail_programing.ta_proportion = 0.5 homework_detail_programing.language = params[:language_type].to_i inputs = params[:program][:input] if Array === inputs inputs.each_with_index do |val, i| homework.homework_tests << HomeworkTest.new( input: val, output: params[:program][:output][i] ) end end end #分组作业 if homework.homework_type == 3 homework_detail_group = HomeworkDetailGroup.new homework.homework_detail_group = homework_detail_group homework_detail_group.min_num = params[:min_num].to_i homework_detail_group.max_num = params[:max_num].to_i homework_detail_group.base_on_project = params[:base_on_project].to_i end if homework.save homework_detail_manual.save if homework_detail_manual homework_detail_programing.save if homework_detail_programing homework_detail_group.save if homework_detail_group if params[:is_in_course] == "1" redirect_to homework_common_index_path(:course => homework.course_id) else redirect_to user_homeworks_user_path(User.current.id) end end end else render_403 end end #用户从资源库导入资源到作业 def user_import_resource @user = User.current user_course_ids = @user.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") @type = params[:type] @homework_id = params[:homework_id] @limit = 7 @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset @seleted_resources = session[:seleted_resource_ids].nil? ? [] : session[:seleted_resource_ids] #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,7 respond_to do |format| format.js end end #引入资源列表根据类型过滤 def user_resource_type if User.current.id.to_i != params[:id].to_i render_403 return end if(params[:type].blank? || params[:type] == "1") #全部 user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") elsif params[:type] == "2" #课程资源 user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Course') or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')})) ").order("created_on desc") elsif params[:type] == "3" #项目资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Project'").order("created_on desc") elsif params[:type] == "4" #附件 @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')").order("created_on desc") elsif params[:type] == "5" #用户资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Principal'").order("created_on desc") end @type = params[:type] @limit = 7 @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset @seleted_resources = session[:seleted_resource_ids].nil? ? [] : session[:seleted_resource_ids] #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,7 respond_to do |format| format.js end end #引入资源列表根据关键词过滤 def user_ref_resource_search search = params[:search].to_s.strip.downcase if(params[:type].blank? || params[:type] == "1") #全部 user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 取交集并查询 @attachments = Attachment.where("((author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ " or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))) and (filename like '%#{search}%') ").order("created_on desc") elsif params[:type] == "2" #课程资源 user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Course') or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')})) and (filename like '%#{search}%') ").order("created_on desc") elsif params[:type] == "3" #项目资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Project' and (filename like '%#{search}%')").order("created_on desc") elsif params[:type] == "4" #附件 @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon') and (filename like '%#{search}%')").order("created_on desc") elsif params[:type] == "5" #用户资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Principal' and (filename like '%#{search}%')").order("created_on desc") end @type = params[:type] @limit = 7 @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset @seleted_resources = session[:seleted_resource_ids].nil? ? [] : session[:seleted_resource_ids] #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,7 respond_to do |format| format.js end end #将资源批量引入 def import_resources_to_homework @attachments = [] unless session[:seleted_resource_ids].nil? || session[:seleted_resource_ids].blank? session[:seleted_resource_ids].each do |id| atta = Attachment.find(id) att_copy = atta.copy att_copy.container_id = nil att_copy.container_type = nil att_copy.author_id = User.current.id att_copy.copy_from = atta.id att_copy.save @attachments << att_copy end end session[:seleted_resource_ids] = [] #保存后清空 respond_to do |format| format.js end end # ajax 用session保存选择的资源id def store_selected_resource session[:seleted_resource_ids] = [] if session[:seleted_resource_ids].nil? if params[:save] == 'y' session[:seleted_resource_ids] << params[:res_id] else session[:seleted_resource_ids].delete( params[:res_id]) end render :nothing => true end include CoursesHelper def user_courses unless User.current.admin? if !@user.active? render_404 return end end courses = @user.courses.visible.select("courses.*,(SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM `course_activities` WHERE course_activities.course_id = courses.id) AS a").order("a desc") if(params[:status] == '1') courses = courses.where("endup_time >= ? or endup_time is null or endup_time=''",Time.now) elsif(params[:status] == '2') courses = courses.where("endup_time < ?",Time.now) end @list = paginateHelper courses,10 @params = params[:status] render :layout=>'base_users_new' end # modified by fq def user_newfeedback unless User.current.logged? redirect_to signin_url return end # 自己访问自己的页面才更新消息状态 if User.current == @user journals_messages = UserFeedbackMessage.where("user_id =? and journals_for_message_type =? and viewed =?", User.current.id, "JournalsForMessage", 0) journals_messages.each do |journals_message| journals_message.update_attributes(:viewed => true) end end # end jours = @user.journals_for_messages.where('m_parent_id IS NULL').order('created_on DESC') if User.current == @user jours.update_all(:is_readed => true, :status => false) jours.each do |journal| fetch_user_leaveWord_reply(journal).update_all(:is_readed => true, :status => false) end end @jour = paginateHelper jours,10 @state = false render :layout=>'new_base_user' end def user_comments end #end def index @status = params[:status] || 1 sort_init 'login', 'asc' sort_update %w(login firstname lastname mail admin created_on last_login_on) case params[:format] when 'xml', 'json' @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 15}) else @limit = 15 end # retrieve all users # 先内连一下statuses 保证排序之后数量一致 scope = User.visible. joins("INNER JOIN user_statuses ON users.id = user_statuses.user_id") # unknow scope = scope.in_group(params[:group_id]) if params[:group_id].present? # pagination @user_count = scope.count @user_pages = Paginator.new @user_count, @limit, params['page'] # users classify case params[:user_sort_type] when '0' # 创建时间排序 @s_type = 0 @users = scope.reorder('users.created_on DESC') when '1' # 活跃度排序, 就是所谓的得分情况 @s_type = 1 @users = scope. joins("LEFT JOIN option_numbers ON users.id = option_numbers.user_id and option_numbers.score_type = 1"). reorder('option_numbers.total_score DESC') when '2' # 粉丝数排序 @s_type = 2 @users = scope. #joins("INNER JOIN user_statuses ON users.id = user_statuses.user_id"). reorder('user_statuses.watchers_count DESC') else # 默认活跃度排序 @s_type = 1 @users = scope. joins("LEFT JOIN option_numbers ON users.id = option_numbers.user_id and option_numbers.score_type = 1"). reorder('option_numbers.total_score DESC') end # limit and offset @users = @users.limit(@user_pages.per_page).offset(@user_pages.offset) @user_base_tag = params[:id] ? 'base_users':'users_base' respond_to do |format| format.html { @groups = Group.all.sort User.current.admin? ? (render :layout => @user_base_tag) : (render_404) } format.api end end def search sort_init 'login', 'asc' sort_update %w(login firstname lastname mail admin created_on last_login_on) (redirect_to user_url, :notice => l(:label_sumbit_empty);return) if params[:name].blank? case params[:format] when 'xml', 'json' @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 15}) else @limit = 15#per_page_option end # #@status = params[:status] || 1 #has = { # "show_changesets" => true #} # scope = User.logged.status(@status) # @search_by = params[:search_by] ? params[:search_by][:id] : 0 # scope = scope.like(params[:name],@search_by) if params[:name].present? @search_by = params[:search_by] ? params[:search_by] : 0 us = UsersService.new scope = us.search_user params @user_count = scope.count @user_pages = Paginator.new @user_count, @limit, params['page'] @user_base_tag = params[:id] ? 'base_users':'users_base' @offset ||= @user_pages.reverse_offset unless @offset == 0 @users = scope.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse else limit = @user_count % @limit if limit == 0 limit = @limit end @users = scope.offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse end @name = params[:name] @type = 'users' respond_to do |format| format.html { @groups = Group.all.sort render :layout => @user_base_tag } format.api end end #显示更多用户课程 def user_courses4show @page = params[:page].to_i + 1 @courses = @user.courses.visible.select("courses.*,(SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM `course_activities` WHERE course_activities.course_id = courses.id) AS a").order("a desc").limit(5).offset(@page * 5) end #显示更多用户项目 def user_projects4show @page = params[:page].to_i + 1 @projects = @user.projects.visible.select("projects.*,(SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM `forge_activities` WHERE forge_activities.project_id = projects.id) AS a").order("a desc").limit(5).offset(@page * 5) end def user_course_activities lastid = nil if params[:lastid]!=nil && !params[:lastid].empty? lastid = params[:lastid]; end user_ids = [] if @user == User.current watcher = User.watched_by(@user) watcher.push(User.current) user_ids = watcher.map{|x| x.id} else user_ids << @user.id end query = Activity.joins("join courses c on c.id=#{Activity.table_name}.activity_container_id and #{Activity.table_name}.activity_container_type='Course'") query = query.where("#{Activity.table_name}.user_id in (?)", user_ids) if User.current != @user #看别人 if @user.user_extensions!=nil && @user.user_extensions.identity == 0 #看老师 query = query.joins("join members m on c.id=m.course_id and m.user_id = #{@user.id}") query = query.joins("join member_roles r on m.id = r.member_id") query = query.where("r.role_id in(3,7,9)") end query = query.where("c.is_public=1") end if(lastid != nil) query = query.where("#{Activity.table_name}.id < ?",lastid) end query = query.order("#{Activity.table_name}.id desc") @list = query_activities(query) render :layout=>nil end def user_project_activities lastid = nil if params[:lastid]!=nil && !params[:lastid].empty? lastid = params[:lastid]; end user_ids = [] if @user == User.current watcher = User.watched_by(@user) watcher.push(User.current) user_ids = watcher.map{|x| x.id} else user_ids << @user.id end query = Activity.joins("join projects c on c.id=#{Activity.table_name}.activity_container_id and #{Activity.table_name}.activity_container_type='Project'") query = query.where(user_id: user_ids) if User.current != @user #看别人 query = query.where("c.is_public=1") end if(lastid != nil) query = query.where("#{Activity.table_name}.id < ?",lastid) end query = query.order("#{Activity.table_name}.id desc") @list = query_activities(query) render :action=>'user_course_activities',:layout=>nil end def user_feedback4show query = @user.journals_for_messages if params[:lastid]!=nil && !params[:lastid].empty? query = query.where("#{JournalsForMessage.table_name}.id < ?",params[:lastid]) end logger.info('xxoo') @list = query.order("#{JournalsForMessage.table_name}.id desc").limit(3).all logger.info('aavv') render :layout=>nil,:locals => {:feed_list=>@list} end def show #更新用户申请成为课程老师或教辅消息的状态 if params[:course_id] != nil join_course_messages = CourseMessage.where("course_id =? and course_message_type =? and user_id =? and course_message_id =? and viewed =?", params[:course_id], 'JoinCourseRequest', User.current.id, @user.id, false) join_course_messages.update_all(:viewed => true) end @page = params[:page] ? params[:page].to_i + 1 : 0 user_project_ids = @user.projects.visible.empty? ? "(-1)" : "(" + @user.projects.visible.map{|project| project.id}.join(",") + ")" user_course_ids = @user.courses.visible.empty? ? "(-1)" : "(" + @user.courses.visible.map{|course| course.id}.join(",") + ")" course_types = "('Message','News','HomeworkCommon','Poll','Course')" project_types = "('Message','Issue','ProjectCreateInfo')" principal_types = "JournalsForMessage" if params[:type].present? case params[:type] when "course_homework" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'HomeworkCommon'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) when "course_news" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'News'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) when "course_message" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'Message'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) when "course_poll" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type = 'Poll'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) when "project_issue" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type = 'Issue'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) when "project_message" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type = 'Message'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) when "user_journals" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= 'JournalsForMessage' and container_id = #{@user.id}").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) when "current_user" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("user_id = #{@user.id} and ((container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types}) or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}))").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) else blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+","+((User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 )? '0' :User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.blog.id}.join(','))+")" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types})" + "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}) "+ "or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id}) " + "or (container_type = 'Blog' and act_type= 'BlogComment' and container_id in #{blog_ids})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) end else # @user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types}) or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types})or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) blog_ids = "("+@user.blog.id.to_s+","+((User.watched_by(@user.id).count == 0 )? '0' :User.watched_by(@user.id).map{|u| u.blog.id}.join(','))+")" @user_activities = UserActivity.where("(container_type = 'Project' and container_id in #{user_project_ids} and act_type in #{project_types})" + "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in #{user_course_ids} and act_type in #{course_types}) "+ "or (container_type = 'Principal' and act_type= '#{principal_types}' and container_id = #{@user.id}) " + "or (container_type = 'Blog' and act_type= 'BlogComment' and container_id in #{blog_ids})").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10) end # @user_activities = paginateHelper @user_activities,500 @type = params[:type] respond_to do |format| format.js format.html {render :layout => 'new_base_user'} end end def show_old pre_count = 10 #limit # Time 2015-02-04 11:46:34 # Author lizanle # Description type 1 :所有动态包括我关注的人 type 2:我的动态 type 3:关于我的回复 case params[:type] when "1" if @user == User.current activity = Activity.where('user_id = ?', User.current.id).order('id desc') @activity_count = activity.count @activity_pages = Paginator.new @activity_count, pre_count, params['page'] @activity = activity.offset(@activity_pages.offset).limit(@activity_pages.per_page).all @state = 1 end when "2" message = [] if @user == User.current message = JournalsForMessage.reference_message(@user.id) message += Journal.reference_message(@user.id) end @activity_count = message.size @info_pages = Paginator.new @activity_count, pre_count, params['page'] messages = message.sort {|x,y| y.created_on <=> x.created_on } @message = messages[@info_pages.offset, @info_pages.per_page] @state = 2 else # Time 2015-02-04 10:50:49 # Author lizanle # Description 所有动态 where_condition = nil; # where_condition = "act_type <> 'JournalsForMessage'" user_ids = [] if @user == User.current watcher = User.watched_by(@user) watcher.push(User.current) user_ids = watcher.map{|x| x.id} else user_ids << @user.id end activity = Activity.where(where_condition).where(user_id: user_ids).order('id desc') permission = !User.current.admin? if permission #Issue act_ids = activity.where(act_type: 'Issue').select('act_id').map{|x| x.act_id} project_ids = Issue.where(id: act_ids).select('distinct project_id').map{|x| x.project_id} p_ids = [] Project.where(id: project_ids).each do |x| p_ids << x.id unless x.visible?(User.current) end ids = [] ids << Issue.where(id: act_ids, project_id: p_ids).map{|x| x.id} #HomeworkCommon act_ids = activity.where(act_type: 'HomeworkCommon').select('act_id').map{|x| x.act_id} course_ids = HomeworkCommon.where(id: act_ids).select('distinct course_id').map{|x| x.course_id} c_ids = [] Course.where(id: course_ids).each do |x| c_ids << x.id unless x.is_public !=0 && User.current.member_of_course?(x) end ids << HomeworkCommon.where(id: act_ids, course_id: c_ids).map{|x| x.id} #Journal act_ids = activity.where(act_type: 'Journal').select('act_id').map{|x| x.act_id} project_ids = Journal.where(id:act_ids, journalized_type: 'Project').select('distinct journalized_id').map{|x| x.journalized_id} p_ids = [] Project.where(id: project_ids).each do |x| p_ids << x.id unless x.visible?(User.current) end ids << Journal.where(id: act_ids, journalized_id: p_ids, journalized_type: 'Project').map{|x| x.id} #News act_ids = activity.where(act_type: 'News').select('act_id').map{|x| x.act_id} project_ids = News.where(id: act_ids).select('distinct project_id').map{|x| x.project_id} p_ids = [] Project.where(id: project_ids).each do |x| p_ids << x.id unless x.visible?(User.current) end ids << News.where(id: act_ids, project_id: p_ids).map{|x| x.id} project_ids = News.where(id: act_ids).select('distinct course_id').map{|x| x.course_id} c_ids = [] Course.where(id: project_ids).each do |x| c_ids << x.id unless x.is_public !=0 && User.current.member_of_course?(x) end ids << News.where(id: act_ids, course_id: p_ids).map{|x| x.id} #Message act_ids = activity.where(act_type: 'Message').select('act_id').map{|x| x.act_id} board_ids = Message.where(id: act_ids).select('distinct board_id').map{|x| x.board_id} project_ids = Board.where(id: board_ids).select('distinct project_id').map{|x| x.project_id} p_ids = [] Project.where(id: project_ids).each do |x| p_ids << x.id unless x.visible?(User.current) end ids << Message.where(id: act_ids, board_id: p_ids).map{|x| x.id} project_ids = Board.where(id: board_ids).select('distinct course_id').map{|x| x.course_id} c_ids = [] Course.where(id: project_ids).each do |x| c_ids << x.id unless x.is_public !=0 && User.current.member_of_course?(x) end ids << Message.where(id: act_ids, board_id: c_ids).map{|x| x.id} logger.debug "filter ids #{ids}" activity = activity.where('act_id not in (?)', ids.flatten ).order('id desc') unless ids.flatten.empty? end # activity = activity.reject { |e| # e.act.nil? || # (!User.current.admin? && !e.act.nil? # (((e.act_type == "Issue") && !e.act.project.visible?(User.current)) || # (e.act_type == "Bid" && !e.act.courses.first.nil? && e.act.courses.first.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of_course?(e.act.courses.first)) || # (e.act_type == "Journal" && e.act.respond_to?("Project") && !e.act.project.visible?(User.current)) || # (e.act_type == "News" && ((!e.act.project.nil? && !e.act.project.visible?(User.current)) || (!e.act.course.nil? && e.act.course.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of_course?(e.act.course)))) || # (e.act_type == "Message" && !e.act.board.nil? && ((!e.act.board.project.nil? && !e.act.board.project.visible?(User.current)) || (!e.act.board.course.nil? && e.act.board.course.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of_course?(e.act.board.course)))))) # } # @activity_count = activity.count @activity_pages = Paginator.new @activity_count, pre_count, params['page'] @activity = activity.slice(@activity_pages.offset,@activity_pages.per_page) @state = 0 end if params[:user].present? user_temp = User.find_by_sql("select id from users where concat(lastname,firstname) like '%#{params[:user]}%' or lastname like '%#{params[:user]}%'") if user_temp.size > 1 activity = Activity.where('user_id in (?)', user_temp).where('user_id in (?)', watcher).order('id desc') elsif user_temp.size == 1 activity = Activity.where('user_id = ?', user_temp).where('user_id in (?)', watcher).order('id desc') else activity = Activity.where("1 = 0") end @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 10}) @activity_count = activity.count @activity_pages = Paginator.new @activity_count, @limit, params['page'] @offset ||= @activity_pages.offset @activity = activity.offset(@offset).limit(@limit) @state = 0 end #Modified by nie unless User.current.admin? if !@user.active? #|| (@user != User.current && @memberships.empty? && events.empty?) # redirect_to home_path render_404 return end end respond_to do |format| format.html format.api end end ##end fq #### added by fq def info message = [] if @user == User.current message = JournalsForMessage.reference_message(@user.id) message += Journal.reference_message(@user.id) end @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 10}) @info_count = message.size @info_pages = Paginator.new @info_count, @limit, params['page'] @offset ||= @info_pages.offset messages = message.sort {|x,y| y.created_on <=> x.created_on } @message = messages[@offset, @limit] unless User.current.admin? if !@user.active? render_404 return end end respond_to do |format| format.html format.api end end #### end def new @user = User.new(:language => Setting.default_language, :mail_notification => Setting.default_notification_option) @auth_sources = AuthSource.all render :layout => "users_base" end def create @user = User.new(:language => Setting.default_language, :mail_notification => Setting.default_notification_option) @user.safe_attributes = params[:user] @user.admin = params[:user][:admin] || false @user.login = params[:user][:login] @user.password, @user.password_confirmation = params[:user][:password], params[:user][:password_confirmation] unless @user.auth_source_id if @user.save @user.pref.attributes = params[:pref] @user.pref[:no_self_notified] = (params[:no_self_notified] == '1') @user.pref.save @user.notified_project_ids = (@user.mail_notification == 'selected' ? params[:notified_project_ids] : []) Mailer.run.account_information(@user, params[:user][:password]) if params[:send_information] respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = l(:notice_user_successful_create, :id => view_context.link_to(@user.login, user_path(@user))) if params[:continue] redirect_to new_user_url else redirect_to edit_user_url(@user) end } format.api { render :action => 'show', :status => :created, :location => user_url(@user) } end else @auth_sources = AuthSource.all # Clear password input @user.password = @user.password_confirmation = nil respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => 'new',:layout => "users_base" } format.api { render_validation_errors(@user) } end end unless @user.id.nil? #后台注册的用户默认权限为男性开发员 ue = UserExtensions.create(:identity => 3, :gender => 0, :user_id => @user.id) ue.save end end def edit @auth_sources = AuthSource.all @membership ||= Member.new end def watch_projects @watch_projects = Project.joins(:watchers).where("project_type <>? and watchable_type = ? and `watchers`.user_id = ?", '1','Project', @user.id) @state = 1 respond_to do |format| format.html { render :layout => 'base_users' } format.api end end def update @user.admin = params[:user][:admin] if params[:user][:admin] @user.login = params[:user][:login] if params[:user][:login] if params[:user][:password].present? && (@user.auth_source_id.nil? || params[:user][:auth_source_id].blank?) @user.password, @user.password_confirmation = params[:user][:password], params[:user][:password_confirmation] end @user.safe_attributes = params[:user] # Was the account actived ? (do it before User#save clears the change) was_activated = (@user.status_change == [User::STATUS_REGISTERED, User::STATUS_ACTIVE]) # TODO: Similar to My#account @user.pref.attributes = params[:pref] @user.pref[:no_self_notified] = (params[:no_self_notified] == '1') if @user.save @user.pref.save @user.notified_project_ids = (@user.mail_notification == 'selected' ? params[:notified_project_ids] : []) if was_activated Mailer.run.account_activated(@user) elsif @user.active? && params[:send_information] && !params[:user][:password].blank? && @user.auth_source_id.nil? Mailer.run.account_information(@user, params[:user][:password]) end respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update) redirect_to_referer_or edit_user_url(@user) } format.api { render_api_ok } end else @auth_sources = AuthSource.all @membership ||= Member.new # Clear password input @user.password = @user.password_confirmation = nil respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => :edit } format.api { render_validation_errors(@user) } end end end # 上传用户资源 def user_resource_create @user = User.find(params[:id]) #@user.save_attachments(params[:attachments],User.current) # Container_type为Principal Attachment.attach_filesex(@user, params[:attachments], params[:attachment_type]) if(params[:type].blank?|| params[:type] == "1") #全部 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") else user_course_ids = User.find(params[:id]).courses.visible.map { |c| c.id} #Ta的资源库的话,应该是他上传的公开资源 加上 他加入的所有我可见课程里的公开资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 " + "and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) " + "or (container_type = 'Course' and is_public = 1 and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "2" #课程资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Course') or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')})) ").order("created_on desc") else user_course_ids = User.find(params[:id]).courses.visible.map { |c| c.id} #如果课程私有资源,那么要看这个资源的课程是不是在 这个user的所有我可见的课程中 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Course')"+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and is_public = 1 and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "3" #项目资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Project'").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Project' ").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "4" #附件 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type in('Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "5" #附件 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type ='Principal'").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type ='Principal'").order("created_on desc") end end @type = params[:type] || 1 @limit = 25 @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,25 respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 删除用户资源,分为批量删除 和 单个删除,只能删除自己上传的资源 def user_resource_delete if params[:resource_id].present? Attachment.where("author_id = #{User.current.id}").delete(params[:resource_id]) elsif params[:checkbox1].present? params[:checkbox1].each do |id| Attachment.where("author_id = #{User.current.id}").delete(id) end end if(params[:type].nil? || params[:type].blank? || params[:type] == "1" || params[:type] == 'all') #全部 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") else user_course_ids = User.find(params[:id]).courses.visible.map { |c| c.id} #Ta的资源库的话,应该是他上传的公开资源 加上 他加入的所有我可见课程里的公开资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 " + "and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) " + "or (container_type = 'Course' and is_public = 1 and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "2" #课程资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Course') or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')})) ").order("created_on desc") else user_course_ids = User.find(params[:id]).courses.visible.map { |c| c.id} #如果课程私有资源,那么要看这个资源的课程是不是在 这个user的所有我可见的课程中 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Course')"+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and is_public = 1 and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "3" #项目资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Project'").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Project' ").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "4" #附件 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type in('Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "5" #用户资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type ='Principal'").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type ='Principal'").order("created_on desc") end end @type = params[:type] @limit = 25 @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,25 respond_to do |format| format.js end end #根据id或者名称搜索教师或者助教为当前用户的课程 def search_user_course @user = User.current if !params[:search].nil? @course = @user.courses.where(" #{Course.table_name}.id = #{params[:search].to_i } or #{Course.table_name}.name like '%#{params[:search.to_s]}%'") .select { |course| @user.allowed_to?(:as_teacher,course)} else @course = @user.courses .select { |course| @user.allowed_to?(:as_teacher,course)} end @search = params[:search] #这里仅仅是传递需要发送的资源id @send_id = params[:send_id] @send_ids = params[:checkbox1] || params[:send_ids] respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 根据id或者名称搜索当前用户所在的项目 def search_user_project @user = User.current if !params[:search].nil? @projects = @user.projects.where(" #{Project.table_name}.id = #{params[:search].to_i } or #{Project.table_name}.name like '%#{params[:search.to_s]}%'") else @projects = @user.projects end @search = params[:search] #这里仅仅是传递需要发送的资源id @send_id = params[:send_id] @send_ids = params[:checkbox1] || params[:send_ids] #搜索的时候 和 直接 用表格提交的时候的send_ids respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 将资源发送到对应的课程,分为发送单个,或者批量发送 def add_exist_file_to_course @flag = true if params[:send_id].present? send_id = params[:send_id] ori = Attachment.find_by_id(send_id) course_ids = params[:course_ids] if course_ids.nil? @flag = false end unless course_ids.nil? course_ids.each do |id| next if ori.blank? attach_copied_obj = ori.copy attach_copied_obj.tag_list.add(ori.tag_list) # tag关联 attach_copied_obj.container = Course.find(id) attach_copied_obj.created_on = Time.now attach_copied_obj.author_id = User.current.id if attach_copied_obj.attachtype == nil attach_copied_obj.attachtype = 4 end attach_copied_obj.save @save_message = attach_copied_obj.errors.full_messages end end elsif params[:send_ids].present? send_ids = params[:send_ids].split(" ") course_ids = params[:course_ids] if course_ids.nil? @flag = false end send_ids.each do |send_id| ori = Attachment.find_by_id(send_id) unless course_ids.nil? course_ids.each do |id| next if ori.blank? attach_copied_obj = ori.copy attach_copied_obj.tag_list.add(ori.tag_list) # tag关联 attach_copied_obj.container = Course.find(id) attach_copied_obj.created_on = Time.now attach_copied_obj.author_id = User.current.id if attach_copied_obj.attachtype == nil attach_copied_obj.attachtype = 4 end attach_copied_obj.save @save_message = attach_copied_obj.errors.full_messages end end end else @flag = false end user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") @type = params[:type] @limit = 25 @user = User.current @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,25 respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 添加资源到对应的项目 def add_exist_file_to_project @flag = true if params[:send_id].present? send_id = params[:send_id] project_ids = params[:projects_ids] if project_ids.nil? @flag = false end ori = Attachment.find_by_id(send_id) unless project_ids.nil? project_ids.each do |project_id| next if ori.blank? attach_copied_obj = ori.copy attach_copied_obj.tag_list.add(ori.tag_list) # tag关联 attach_copied_obj.container = Project.find(project_id) attach_copied_obj.created_on = Time.now attach_copied_obj.author_id = User.current.id if attach_copied_obj.attachtype == nil attach_copied_obj.attachtype = 1 end attach_copied_obj.save end end elsif params[:send_ids].present? send_ids = params[:send_ids].split(" ") project_ids = params[:projects_ids] if project_ids.nil? @flag = false end send_ids.each do |send_id| ori = Attachment.find_by_id(send_id) unless project_ids.nil? project_ids.each do |project_id| next if ori.blank? attach_copied_obj = ori.copy attach_copied_obj.tag_list.add(ori.tag_list) # tag关联 attach_copied_obj.container = Project.find(project_id) attach_copied_obj.created_on = Time.now attach_copied_obj.author_id = User.current.id if attach_copied_obj.attachtype == nil attach_copied_obj.attachtype = 1 end attach_copied_obj.save end end end else @flag=true end user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") @type = params[:type] @limit = 25 @user = User.current @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,25 respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 资源预览 def resource_preview preview_id = params[:resource_id] @file = Attachment.find(preview_id) @preview_able = false; if %w(pdf pptx doc docx xls xlsx).any?{|x| @file.filename.downcase.end_with?(x)} @preview_able = true; end respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 重命名资源 def rename_resource @attachment = Attachment.find(params[:res_id]) if params[:res_id].present? if @attachment != nil @attachment.filename = params[:res_name] @flag = @attachment.save end # respond_to do |format| # format.js # end if @flag render :text=> download_named_attachment_path(@attachment.id, @attachment.filename) else render :text=>'fail' end end def destroy @user.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_back_or_default(admin_users_path) } format.api { render_api_ok } end end def edit_membership @membership = Member.edit_membership(params[:membership_id], params[:membership], @user) @membership.save respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_user_url(@user, :tab => 'memberships') } format.js end end def destroy_membership @membership = Member.find(params[:membership_id]) if @membership.deletable? @membership.destroy end respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_user_url(@user, :tab => 'memberships') } format.js end end ################# added by william def tag_save @tags = params[:tag_for_save][:name] @obj_id = params[:tag_for_save][:object_id] @obj_flag = params[:tag_for_save][:object_flag] case @obj_flag when '1' then @obj = User.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '2' then @obj = Project.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '3' then @obj = Issue.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '4' then # @obj = Bid.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '5' then @obj = Forum.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '6' @obj = Attachment.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '7' then @obj = Contest.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '8' @obj = OpenSourceProject.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '9' @obj = Course.find_by_id(@obj_id) else @obj = nil end unless @obj.nil? @obj.tag_list.add(@tags.split(",")) else return end if @obj.save logger.debug "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__} ===> #{@obj.to_json}" else logger.error "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__} ===> #{@obj.errors.try(:full_messages)}" end respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def tag_saveEx @tags = params[:tag_name] @obj_id = params[:obj_id] @obj_flag = params[:obj_flag] case @obj_flag when '1' then @obj = User.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '2' then @obj = Project.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '3' then @obj = Issue.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '4' then # @obj = Bid.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '5' then @obj = Forum.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '6' @obj = Attachment.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '7' then @obj = Contest.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '8' @obj = OpenSourceProject.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '9' @obj = Course.find_by_id(@obj_id) else @obj = nil end unless @obj.nil? @obj.tag_list.add(@tags.split(",")) else return end if @obj.save ## 执行成功的操作。 else #捕获异常 end respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end ###add by huang def user_watchlist limit = 10; query = User.watched_by(@user.id); @obj_count = query.count(); @obj_pages = Paginator.new @obj_count,limit,params['page'] @list = query.order("#{Watcher.table_name}.id desc").limit(limit).offset(@obj_pages.offset).all(); @action = 'watch' render :template=>'users/user_fanslist',:layout=>'new_base_user' end ###add by huang def user_fanslist limit = 10; query = @user.watcher_users; @obj_count = query.count(); @obj_pages = Paginator.new @obj_count,limit,params['page'] @list = query.order("#{Watcher.table_name}.id desc").limit(limit).offset(@obj_pages.offset).all(); @action = 'fans' render :layout=>'new_base_user' end def user_visitorlist limit = 10; #query = @user.watcher_users; query = User.joins("join visitors v on #{User.table_name}.id=v.user_id") query = query.where("v.master_id=?",@user.id) @obj_count = query.count(); @obj_pages = Paginator.new @obj_count,limit,params['page'] @list = query.order("v.updated_on desc").limit(limit).offset(@obj_pages.offset).all(); @action = 'visitor' render :template=>'users/user_fanslist',:layout=>'base_users_new' end #william def update_extensions(user_extensions) user_extensions = params[:user_extensions] unless user_extensions.nil? user_extensions = UserExtensions.find_by_id(user_extensions.user_id) # user_extensions. end end def update_score @user = User.find(params[:id]) end #修改个人简介 def edit_brief_introduction if @user && @user.extensions @user.extensions.update_column("brief_introduction",params[:brief_introduction]) end respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 资源库 分为全部 课程资源 项目资源 附件 def user_resource #确定container_type # @user = User.find(params[:id]) # 别人的资源库是没有权限去看的 if User.current.id.to_i != params[:id].to_i render_403 return end if(params[:type].blank? || params[:type] == "1") #全部 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") else user_course_ids = User.find(params[:id]).courses.visible.map { |c| c.id} #Ta的资源库的话,应该是他上传的公开资源 加上 他加入的所有我可见课程里的公开资源 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 " + "and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) " + "or (container_type = 'Course' and is_public = 1 and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "2" #课程资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Course') or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')})) ").order("created_on desc") else user_course_ids = User.find(params[:id]).courses.visible.map { |c| c.id} #如果课程私有资源,那么要看这个资源的课程是不是在 这个user的所有我可见的课程中 @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Course')"+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and is_public = 1 and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "3" #项目资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Project'").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Project' ").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "4" #附件 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type in('Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "5" #用户资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Principal'").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Principal'").order("created_on desc") end end @type = params[:type] @limit = 25 @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,25 respond_to do |format| format.js format.html {render :layout => 'new_base_user'} end end # 根据资源关键字进行搜索 def resource_search search = params[:search].to_s.strip.downcase if(params[:type].nil? || params[:type].blank? || params[:type] == "1" || params[:type] == 'all') #全部 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} #我的资源库的话,那么应该是我上传的所有资源 加上 我加入的课程的所有资源 取交集并查询 @attachments = Attachment.where("((author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon')) "+ " or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')}))) and (filename like '%#{search}%') ").order("created_on desc") else user_course_ids = User.find(params[:id]).courses.visible.map { |c| c.id} #如果课程私有资源,那么要看这个资源的课程是不是在 这个user的所有我可见的课程中 @attachments = Attachment.where("((author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type in" + " ('Project','Principal','Course','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon'))"+ " or (container_type = 'Course' and is_public = 1 and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')})) )" + " and (filename like '%#{search}%') ").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "2" #课程资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i user_course_ids = User.current.courses.map { |c| c.id} @attachments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Course') or (container_type = 'Course' and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')})) and (filename like '%#{search}%') ").order("created_on desc") else user_course_ids = User.find(params[:id]).courses.visible.map { |c| c.id} #如果课程私有资源,那么要看这个资源的课程是不是在 这个user的所有我可见的课程中 @attachments = Attachment.where("((author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Course') "+ "or (container_type = 'Course' and is_public = 1 and container_id in (#{user_course_ids.empty? ? '0': user_course_ids.join(',')})) )"+ " and (filename like '%#{search}%') ").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "3" #项目资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Project' and (filename like '%#{search}%')").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Project' and (filename like '%#{search}%') ").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "4" #附件 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type in('Project','Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon') and (filename like '%#{search}%')").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type in('Issue','Document','Message','News','StudentWorkScore','HomewCommon') and (filename like '%#{search}%')").order("created_on desc") end elsif params[:type] == "5" #用户资源 if User.current.id.to_i == params[:id].to_i @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and container_type = 'Principal' and (filename like '%#{search}%')").order("created_on desc") else @attachments = Attachment.where("author_id = #{params[:id]} and is_public = 1 and container_type = 'Principal' and (filename like '%#{search}%')").order("created_on desc") end end @type = params[:type] @limit = 25 @is_remote = true @atta_count = @attachments.count @atta_pages = Paginator.new @atta_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @atta_pages.offset #@curse_attachments_all = @all_attachments[@offset, @limit] @attachments = paginateHelper @attachments,25 respond_to do |format| format.js end end def user_organizations @user = User.current @orgs = @user.organizations respond_to do |format| format.html {render :layout => 'static_base'} end end def search_user_orgs name="" if !params[:search_orgs].nil? name = params[:search_orgs].strip end name = "%"+name+"%" @orgs = User.current.organizations.where("name like ?", name) @user = User.current respond_to do |format| format.html {render :layout => 'static_base'} format.js end end private def find_user if params[:id] == 'current' require_login || return @user = User.current else @user = User.find(params[:id]) end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound render_404 end def setting_layout(default_base='base_users_new') User.current.admin? ? default_base : default_base end # 必填自己的工作单位,其实就是学校 def auth_user_extension if @user == User.current && @user.user_extensions.nil? flash[:error] = l(:error_complete_occupation) redirect_to my_account_url end end #重置用户得分 def rest_user_score memo_num(@user) messges_for_issue_num(@user) issues_status_num(@user) replay_for_memo_num(@user) tread_num(@user) praise_num(@user) changeset_num(@user) document_num(@user) attachment_num(@user) issue_done_ratio_num(@user) post_issue_num(@user) end #验证是否显示课程 def can_show_course @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') if @first_page.show_course == 2 render_404 end end def recorded_visitor if(User.current.logged? && User.current != @user) #impl = Visitor.where('user_id=? and master_id=?',User.current.id,@user.id).find; # impl = Visitor.find_by_sql('user_id=? and master_id=?',[User.current.id,@user.id]); impl = Visitor.find_by_user_id_and_master_id(User.current.id,@user.id); if(impl.nil?) impl = Visitor.new impl.user_id = User.current.id impl.master_id = @user.id else impl.updated_on = Time.now end impl.save end end end