source '' unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /w32/ 5 # unix-like only 6 gem 'iconv' 7 gem 'rubyzip' 8 gem 'zip-zip' 9 end 10 11 gem 'seems_rateable', path: 'lib/seems_rateable' 12 gem "rails", "3.2.13" 13 gem "jquery-rails", "~> 2.0.2" 14 gem "i18n", "~> 0.6.0" 15 gem "coderay", "~> 1.0.6" 16 gem "fastercsv", "~> 1.5.0", :platforms => [:mri_18, :mingw_18, :jruby] 17 gem "builder", "3.0.0" 18 gem 'acts-as-taggable-on', '2.4.1' 19 gem 'spreadsheet' 20 gem 'ruby-ole' 21 22 group :development do 23 gem 'better_errors', path: 'lib/better_errors' 24 gem 'rack-mini-profiler', path: 'lib/rack-mini-profiler' 25 end 26 27 group :test do 28 gem "shoulda", "~> 3.5.0" 29 gem "mocha", "~> 1.1.0" 30 gem 'capybara', '~> 2.4.1' 31 gem 'nokogiri', '~> 1.6.3' 32 gem 'factory_girl', '~> 4.4.0' 33 gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 2.42.0' 34 35 36 platforms :mri, :mingw do 37 group :rmagick do 38 # RMagick 2 supports ruby 1.9 39 # RMagick 1 would be fine for ruby 1.8 but Bundler does not support 40 # different requirements for the same gem on different platforms 41 gem "rmagick", ">= 2.0.0" 42 end 43 end 44 end 45 46 group :development, :test do 47 gem "guard-rails", '~> 0.5.3' 48 gem 'spork-testunit', '~> 0.0.8' 49 gem 'guard-spork', '~> 1.5.1' 50 gem 'guard-test', '~> 1.0.0' 51 gem 'ruby-prof', '~> 0.15.1' unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /w32/ 52 gem 'pry' 53 gem 'pry-nav' 54 55 end 56 57 58 # Gems used only for assets and not required 59 # in production environments by default. 60 group :assets do 61 gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3' 62 gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.1' 63 64 # See for more supported runtimes 65 gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby 66 67 gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3' 68 end 69 70 # Optional gem for LDAP authentication 71 group :ldap do 72 gem "net-ldap", "~> 0.3.1" 73 end 74 75 76 # Optional gem for OpenID authentication 77 group :openid do 78 gem "ruby-openid", "~> 2.1.4", :require => "openid" 79 gem "rack-openid" 80 end 81 82 # Optional gem for exporting the gantt to a PNG file, not supported with jruby 83 platforms :jruby do 84 # jruby-openssl is bundled with JRuby 1.7.0 85 gem "jruby-openssl" if Object.const_defined?(:JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION < '1.7.0' 86 gem "activerecord-jdbc-adapter", "1.2.5" 87 end 88 89 # Include database gems for the adapters found in the database 90 # configuration file 91 require 'erb' 92 require 'yaml' 93 database_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "config/database.yml") 94 if File.exist?(database_file) 95 database_config = YAML::load( 96 adapters = {|c| c['adapter']}.compact.uniq 97 if adapters.any? 98 adapters.each do |adapter| 99 case adapter 100 when 'mysql2' 101 gem "mysql2", "= 0.3.11", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw] 102 gem "activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby 103 when 'mysql' 104 gem "mysql", "~> 2.8.1", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw] 105 gem "activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby 106 when /postgresql/ 107 gem "pg", ">= 0.11.0", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw] 108 gem "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby 109 when /sqlite3/ 110 gem "sqlite3", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw] 111 gem "activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter", :platforms => :jruby 112 when /sqlserver/ 113 gem "tiny_tds", "~> 0.5.1", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw] 114 gem "activerecord-sqlserver-adapter", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw] 115 else 116 warn("Unknown database adapter `#{adapter}` found in config/database.yml, use Gemfile.local to load your own database gems") 117 end 118 end 119 else 120 warn("No adapter found in config/database.yml, please configure it first") 121 end 122 else 123 warn("Please configure your config/database.yml first") 124 end 125 126 local_gemfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "Gemfile.local") 127 if File.exists?(local_gemfile) 128 puts "Loading Gemfile.local ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v` 129 instance_eval 130 end 131 132 # Load plugins' Gemfiles 133 Dir.glob File.expand_path("../plugins/*/Gemfile", __FILE__) do |file| 134 puts "Loading #{file} ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v` 135 instance_eval 136 end