//= require_directory ./rateable //= require_directory ./rateable //= require jquery.min //= require jquery.infinitescroll /* Redmine - project management software Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang */ //未登录弹框提示 function login_notice_box(url){ var htmlvalue = '


'+ '


'+ '知道了
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} function initFilters(){ $('#add_filter_select').change(function(){ addFilter($(this).val(), '', []); }); $('#filters-table td.field input[type=checkbox]').each(function(){ toggleFilter($(this).val()); }); $('#filters-table td.field input[type=checkbox]').on('click',function(){ toggleFilter($(this).val()); }); $('#filters-table .toggle-multiselect').on('click',function(){ toggleMultiSelect($(this).siblings('select')); }); $('#filters-table input[type=text]').on('keypress', function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 13) submit_query_form("query_form"); }); } function addFilter(field, operator, values) { var fieldId = field.replace('.', '_'); var tr = $('#tr_'+fieldId); if (tr.length > 0) { tr.show(); } else { buildFilterRow(field, operator, values); } $('#cb_'+fieldId).attr('checked', true); toggleFilter(field); $('#add_filter_select').val('').children('option').each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('value') == field) { $(this).attr('disabled', true); } }); } function buildFilterRow(field, operator, values) { var fieldId = field.replace('.', '_'); 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var key = ''; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { key += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)]; } return key; } // Can't use Rails' remote select because we need the form data function updateIssueFrom(url) { $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'post', data: $('#issue-form').serialize() }); } function updateBulkEditFrom(url) { $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'post', data: $('#bulk_edit_form').serialize() }); } function clearMessage(id) { $('#'+id).val(""); } function observeAutocompleteField(fieldId, url, options) { $(document).ready(function() { $('#'+fieldId).autocomplete($.extend({ source: url, select: function(e,ui){self.location="/issues/"+ui.item.value;}, minLength: 1, search: function(){$('#'+fieldId).addClass('ajax-loading');}, response: function(){$('#'+fieldId).removeClass('ajax-loading'); } }, options)); $('#'+fieldId).addClass('autocomplete'); }); } function observeSearchfield(fieldId, targetId, url) { $('#'+fieldId).each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.addClass('autocomplete'); $this.attr('data-value-was', $this.val()); 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tmpContent = tmpContent.replace(/(^|[^\"\'])(http|ftp|mms|rstp|news|https)(\:\/\/[^<\s\+,,]+)/gi,"$1$2$3<\/a>"); // tmpContent = tmpContent.replace(/(^|[^\/])(www\.[^<\s\+,,]+)/gi,"$1$2"); $(this).html(tmpContent); }); } $(document).ready(setupAjaxIndicator); $(document).ready(setupHeartBeat); $(document).ready(hideOnLoad); $(document).ready(addFormObserversForDoubleSubmit); function img_thumbnails() { $('.thumbnails a').colorbox({rel:'nofollow'}); $('.attachments').find('a').each(function(index, element) { var href_value = $(element).attr('href'); if (/\.(jpg|png|gif|bmp|jpeg|PNG|BMP|GIF|JPG|JPEG)$/.test(href_value)) { $(element).colorbox({rel:'nofollow'}); } }); $('.for_img_thumbnails').find('a').each(function(index, element) { var href_value = $(element).attr('href'); if (/\.(jpg|png|gif|bmp|jpeg|PNG|BMP|GIF|JPG|JPEG)$/.test(href_value)) { $(element).colorbox({rel:'nofollow'}); } }); } $(document).ready(img_thumbnails); function TimeClose(dateText, inst) { if(inst.id=="issue_start_date"){ time=dateText; } } var time=new Date(); function TimeBeforeShow(input){ if(input.id=="issue_due_date"){ //var minDate = $(input).datepicker('option', 'minDate'); var tempdata=$("#issue_start_date").attr("value"); $(input).datepicker('option', 'minDate',new Date(tempdata.replace(/-/g, "/"))); //$('.selector').datepicker('option', 'minDate', '12/25/2012'); } } function SetMinValue(){ /// var tempdata=$("#issue_start_date").attr("value"); //$('.selector').datepicker('option', 'minDate', '12/25/2012'); //alert(tempdata); //$("#issue_due_date").datepicker({ // minDate: new Date(2014,08,23) //var datepickerOptions= //{dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',minDate: new Date(2014,08,23), showOn: 'button', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonImage: "path_to_image('/images/calendar.png')", showButtonPanel: true, showWeek: true, showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: true}; //alert( $('.issue_due_date').length); //$('.selector')[1].datepicker('option', 'minDate', new Date(2014, 0 - 8, 23)); //$("#issue_due_date").datepicker(datepickerOptions); //$("##{issue_due_date}").datepicker(datepickerOptions); //$("#issue_due_date").datepicker( // {dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',minDate: new Date(2014,08,23), showOn: 'button', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonImage: "path_to_image('/images/calendar.png')", showButtonPanel: true, showWeek: true, showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: true} //) //}); } function PrecentChange(obj){ var _v= obj; if(_v==100) { //var select=$("select[id='issue_status_id']"); $("select[id='issue_status_id']").find("option[value='3']").attr("selected","selected"); } else if(_v==0) { //alert(1); $("select[id='issue_status_id']").find("option[value='1']").attr("selected","selected"); } else if(_v!=100&&_v!=0) { // alert(2); $("select[id='issue_status_id']").find("option[value='2']").attr("selected","selected"); } } //added by lizanle 日期選擇js function HS_DateAdd(interval,number,date){ number = parseInt(number); if (typeof(date)=="string"){var date = new Date(date.split("-")[0],date.split("-")[1],date.split("-")[2])} if (typeof(date)=="object"){var date = date} switch(interval){ case "y":return new Date(date.getFullYear()+number,date.getMonth(),date.getDate()); 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var month = parseInt(selectDate[1])-1+""; var date = selectDate[2]; now = new Date(year,month,date); }else if (typeof(arguments[0])=="object"){ now = arguments[0]; } var lastMonthEndDate = HS_DateAdd("d","-1",now.getFullYear()+"-"+now.getMonth()+"-01").getDate(); var lastMonthDate = WeekDay(now.getFullYear()+"-"+now.getMonth()+"-01"); var thisMonthLastDate = HS_DateAdd("d","-1",now.getFullYear()+"-"+(parseInt(now.getMonth())+1).toString()+"-01"); var thisMonthEndDate = thisMonthLastDate.getDate(); var thisMonthEndDay = thisMonthLastDate.getDay(); var todayObj = new Date(); today = todayObj.getFullYear()+"-"+todayObj.getMonth()+"-"+todayObj.getDate(); for (i=0; i" + lis; lastMonthEndDate--; } for (i=1; i<=thisMonthEndDate; i++){ // Current Month's Date if(today == now.getFullYear()+"-"+now.getMonth()+"-"+i){ var todayString = now.getFullYear()+"-"+(parseInt(now.getMonth())+1).toString()+"-"+i; lis += "
  • "+i+"
  • "; }else{ lis += "
  • "+i+"
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  • "+j+"
  • "; j++; } lis += style; var CalenderTitle = "»"; CalenderTitle += "«"; CalenderTitle += ""+now.getFullYear()+""+(parseInt(now.getMonth())+1).toString()+"月"; if (arguments.length>1){ arguments[1].parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("ul")[1].innerHTML = lis; arguments[1].parentNode.innerHTML = CalenderTitle; }else{ var CalenderBox = style+"
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}else if(lastSendType == '1'){ $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_course', data:{send_id:id, send_type:send_type} }); }else if( lastSendType == '3'){//组织 $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_org', data:{send_id:id, send_type:send_type} }); }else{ $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_course', data:{send_id:id, send_type:send_type} }); } } //为了隐藏非项目功能 //var sendType = '1'; var lastSendType ;//初始为发送到我的项目 function show_send_hidden(id, user_id, send_type){ if (lastSendType === '1'){ //如果已经发送过一次了,那么就应该沿用上次发送的类型。 $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_project', data:{send_id:id, send_type:send_type} }); }else if( lastSendType == '2'){//组织 $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_org', data:{send_id:id, send_type:send_type} }); }else{ $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_project', data:{send_id:id, send_type:send_type} }); } } //id 发送的id //发送的id数组 //send_type:发送的类型,file对应文件,message对应帖子,news对应通知或新闻 function chooseSendType(res_id,res_ids, user_id, send_type){ sendType = $(".resourcesSendType").val(); 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$.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_project' + '?' + "&type=" + type, data:{send_id:res_id, send_ids:res_ids, send_type:send_type} }); }else if(sendType == '3'){ $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_org' + '?' + "&type=" + type, data:{send_id:res_id, send_ids:res_ids, send_type:send_type} }); } } lastSendType = sendType; } //隐藏项目其它信息特用 function chooseSendType2hidden(res_id,res_ids, user_id, send_type, type){ console.log(res_ids); sendType = $(".resourcesSendType").val(); if (sendType === lastSendType) { return; } else if(lastSendType != null) { //不是第一次点击的时候 if (sendType == '1') { $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_project' + '?' + "&type=" + type, data:{send_id:res_id, send_ids:res_ids ,send_type:send_type} }); }else if(sendType == '2'){ $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/users/' + user_id + '/search_user_org' + '?' + "&type=" + type, data:{send_id:res_id, send_ids:res_ids, send_type:send_type} }); } } lastSendType = sendType; } //组织新建和配置中,选择组织为私有后,disbled掉允许游客下载选项 function disable_down(source, des, hint){ if (source.attr("checked")){ des.attr("disabled", false); hint.html(""); } else{ des.attr("checked", false); des.attr("disabled", true); hint.html("(私有组织不允许游客下载资源)"); } } function getRootPath(){ //获取当前网址,如: http://localhost:8083/uimcardprj/share/meun.jsp var curWwwPath=window.document.location.href; //获取主机地址之后的目录,如: uimcardprj/share/meun.jsp var pathName=window.document.location.pathname; var pos=curWwwPath.indexOf(pathName); //获取主机地址,如: http://localhost:8083 var localhostPaht=curWwwPath.substring(0,pos); //获取带"/"的项目名,如:/uimcardprj // var projectName=pathName.substring(0,pathName.substr(1).indexOf('/')+1); var projectName=""; return(localhostPaht+projectName); } //自动保存草稿 var editor2; function elocalStorage(editor,mdu,id){ if (window.sessionStorage){ editor2 = editor; var oc = window.sessionStorage.getItem('content'+mdu); if(oc !== null ){ if(arguments[2]){ var h = '您上次有已保存的数据,是否恢复 ? / 不恢复'; $("#e_tips_"+id).html(h); 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    ' + str + '

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    '+ '

    ' + str + '

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    '+ '

    ' + str + '

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    '+ '

    ' + str + '

    '+ '知道了
    '; pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 350, 140); } //提示框:只有一个确定按钮,点击关闭弹框 function notice_box(str){ var htmlvalue = '


    '+ '

    ' + str + '

    '+ '确定
    '; pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 300, 140); } // 长提示框:只有一个确定按钮,点击关闭弹框 function long_notice_box(str){ var htmlvalue = '


    '+ '

    ' + str + '

    '+ '确定
    '; pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 380, 140); } //提示框:只有一个确定按钮,点击跳转 function notice_box_redirect(url, str){ var htmlvalue = '


    '+ '

    ' + str + '

    '+ '确定
    '; pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 300, 140); } //删除组织成员 function ifDeleteOrgMember(id,name){ var htmlvalue = "

    " + ""; pop_up_box(htmlvalue,580,30,50); } //省市下拉框 function showcity(province, cityField) { switch (province) { case "北京" : var cityOptions = new Array( "东城", "西城", "朝阳", "丰台", "石景山", "海淀", "门头沟", "房山", "通州", "顺义", "昌平", "大兴", "平谷", "怀柔", "密云", "延庆"); break; case "上海" : var cityOptions = new Array( "崇明", "黄浦", "卢湾", "徐汇", "长宁", "静安", "普陀", "闸北", "虹口", "杨浦", "闵行", "宝山", "嘉定", "浦东", "金山", "松江", "青浦", "南汇", "奉贤"); break; case "广东" : var cityOptions = new Array( "广州", "深圳", "珠海", "东莞", "中山", "佛山", "惠州", "河源", "潮州", "江门", "揭阳", "茂名", "梅州", "清远", "汕头", "汕尾", "韶关", "顺德", "阳江", "云浮", "湛江", "肇庆"); break; case "江苏" : var cityOptions = new Array( "南京", "常熟", "常州", "海门", "淮安", "江都", "江阴", "昆山", "连云港", "南通", "启东", "沭阳", "宿迁", "苏州", "太仓", "泰州", "同里", "无锡", "徐州", "盐城", "扬州", "宜兴", "仪征", "张家港", "镇江", "周庄"); break; case "重庆" : var cityOptions = new Array( "万州", "涪陵", "渝中", "大渡口", "江北", "沙坪坝", "九龙坡", "南岸", "北碚", "万盛", "双挢", "渝北", "巴南", "黔江", "长寿", "綦江", "潼南", "铜梁", "大足", "荣昌", "壁山", "梁平", "城口", "丰都", "垫江", "武隆", "忠县", "开县", "云阳", "奉节", "巫山", "巫溪", "石柱", "秀山", "酉阳", "彭水", "江津", "合川", "永川", "南川"); break; case "安徽" : var cityOptions = new Array( "合肥", "安庆", "蚌埠", "亳州", "巢湖", "滁州", "阜阳", "贵池", "淮北", "淮化", "淮南", "黄山", "九华山", "六安", "马鞍山", "宿州", "铜陵", "屯溪", "芜湖", "宣城"); break; case "福建" : var cityOptions = new Array( "福州", "厦门", "泉州", "漳州", "龙岩", "南平", "宁德", "莆田", "三明"); break; case "甘肃" : var cityOptions = new Array( "兰州", "白银", "定西", "敦煌", "甘南", "金昌", "酒泉", "临夏", "平凉", "天水", "武都", "武威", "西峰", "张掖"); break; case "广西" : var cityOptions = new Array( "南宁", "百色", "北海", "桂林", "防城港", "贵港", "河池", "贺州", "柳州", "钦州", "梧州", "玉林"); break; case "贵州" : var cityOptions = new Array( "贵阳", "安顺", "毕节", "都匀", "凯里", "六盘水", "铜仁", "兴义", "玉屏", "遵义"); break; case "海南" : var cityOptions = new Array( "海口", "儋县", "陵水", "琼海", "三亚", "通什", "万宁"); break; case "河北" : var cityOptions = new Array( "石家庄", "保定", "北戴河", "沧州", "承德", "丰润", "邯郸", "衡水", "廊坊", "南戴河", "秦皇岛", "唐山", "新城", "邢台", "张家口"); break; case "黑龙江" : var cityOptions = new Array( "哈尔滨", "北安", "大庆", "大兴安岭", "鹤岗", "黑河", "佳木斯", "鸡西", "牡丹江", "齐齐哈尔", "七台河", "双鸭山", "绥化", "伊春"); break; case "河南" : var cityOptions = new Array( "郑州", "安阳", "鹤壁", "潢川", "焦作", "济源", "开封", "漯河", "洛阳", "南阳", "平顶山", "濮阳", "三门峡", "商丘", "新乡", "信阳", "许昌", "周口", "驻马店"); break; case "香港" : var cityOptions = new Array( "香港", "九龙", "新界"); break; case "湖北" : var cityOptions = new Array( "武汉", "恩施", "鄂州", "黄冈", "黄石", "荆门", "荆州", "潜江", "十堰", "随州", "武穴", "仙桃", "咸宁", "襄阳", "襄樊", "孝感", "宜昌"); break; case "湖南" : var cityOptions = new Array( "长沙", "常德", "郴州", "衡阳", "怀化", "吉首", "娄底", "邵阳", "湘潭", "益阳", "岳阳", "永州", "张家界", "株洲"); break; case "江西" : var cityOptions = new Array( "南昌", "抚州", "赣州", "吉安", "景德镇", "井冈山", "九江", "庐山", "萍乡", "上饶", "新余", "宜春", "鹰潭"); break; case "吉林" : var cityOptions = new Array( "长春", "吉林", "白城", "白山", "珲春", "辽源", "梅河", "四平", "松原", "通化", "延吉"); break; case "辽宁" : var cityOptions = new Array( "沈阳", "鞍山", "本溪", "朝阳", "大连", "丹东", "抚顺", "阜新", "葫芦岛", "锦州", "辽阳", "盘锦", "铁岭", "营口"); break; case "澳门" : var cityOptions = new Array("澳门"); break; case "内蒙古" : var cityOptions = new Array( "呼和浩特", "阿拉善盟", "包头", "赤峰", "东胜", "海拉尔", "集宁", "临河", "通辽", "乌海", "乌兰浩特", "锡林浩特"); break; case "宁夏" : var cityOptions = new Array( "银川", "固源", "石嘴山", "吴忠"); break; case "青海" : var cityOptions = new Array( "西宁", "德令哈", "格尔木", "共和", "海东", "海晏", "玛沁", "同仁", "玉树"); break; case "山东" : var cityOptions = new Array( "济南", "滨州", "兖州", "德州", "东营", "菏泽", "济宁", "莱芜", "聊城", "临沂", "蓬莱", "青岛", "曲阜", "日照", "泰安", "潍坊", "威海", "烟台", "枣庄", "淄博"); break; case "山西" : var cityOptions = new Array( "太原", "长治", "大同", "候马", "晋城", "离石", "临汾", "宁武", "朔州", "忻州", "阳泉", "榆次", "运城"); break; case "陕西" : var cityOptions = new Array( "西安", "安康", "宝鸡", "汉中", "渭南", "商州", "绥德", "铜川", "咸阳", "延安", "榆林"); break; case "四川" : var cityOptions = new Array( "成都", "巴中", "达川", "德阳", "都江堰", "峨眉山", "涪陵", "广安", "广元", "九寨沟", "康定", "乐山", "泸州", "马尔康", "绵阳", "眉山", "南充", "内江", "攀枝花", "遂宁", "汶川", "西昌", "雅安", "宜宾", "自贡", "资阳"); break; case "台湾" : var cityOptions = new Array( "台北", "基隆", "台南", "台中", "高雄", "屏东", "南投", "云林", "新竹", "彰化", "苗栗", "嘉义", "花莲", "桃园", "宜兰", "台东", "金门", "马祖", "澎湖"); break; case "天津" : var cityOptions = new Array( "天津", "和平", "东丽", "河东", "西青", "河西", "津南", "南开", "北辰", "河北", "武清", "红挢", "塘沽", "汉沽", "大港", "宁河", "静海", "宝坻", "蓟县"); break; case "新疆" : var cityOptions = new Array( "乌鲁木齐", "阿克苏", "阿勒泰", "阿图什", "博乐", "昌吉", "东山", "哈密", "和田", "喀什", "克拉玛依", "库车", "库尔勒", "奎屯", "石河子", "塔城", "吐鲁番", "伊宁"); break; case "西藏" : var cityOptions = new Array( "拉萨", "阿里", "昌都", "林芝", "那曲", "日喀则", "山南"); break; case "云南" : var cityOptions = new Array( "昆明", "大理", "保山", "楚雄", "大理", "东川", "个旧", "景洪", "开远", "临沧", "丽江", "六库", "潞西", "曲靖", "思茅", "文山", "西双版纳", "玉溪", "中甸", "昭通"); break; case "浙江" : var cityOptions = new Array( "杭州", "安吉", "慈溪", "定海", "奉化", "海盐", "黄岩", "湖州", "嘉兴", "金华", "临安", "临海", "丽水", "宁波", "瓯海", "平湖", "千岛湖", "衢州", "江山", "瑞安", "绍兴", "嵊州", "台州", "温岭", "温州", "余姚", "舟山"); break; case "海外" : var cityOptions = new Array( "美国", "日本", "英国", "法国", "德国", "其他"); break; default: var cityOptions = new Array(""); break; } cityField.options.length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cityOptions.length; i++) { cityField.options[i] = new Option(cityOptions[i], cityOptions[i]); /* if (cityField.options[i].value==city) { //alert("here put City ok!"); 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      " + "
    • " + "" + "
      " + "" + "
    • " + "
      " + "
    • " + "" + "" + "
    • " + "
      " + "
    • " + "提交" + "取消" + "
      " + "
    • " + "
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i++) { if (pField.options[i].value == province) { pField.selectedIndex = i; } } showcity(province, cField); for (var i = 0; i < cField.options.length; i++) { if (cField.options[i].value == city) { cField.selectedIndex = i; } } } function show_edit_school_province(id){ $("#apply_province_"+id).hide(); $("#school_province_edit_"+id).show(); $("#schoolCity_"+id).show(); } //自动搜索 function throttle_search(e, condition, url) { if($(e.target).val().trim() == condition && condition != '') { return; } condition = $(e.target).val().trim(); $.ajax({ url: url, data:{search: e.target.value}, type:'get' }); } function throttle_me(method, context, e, condition, url){ clearTimeout(method.tId); method.tId=setTimeout(function(){ method.call(context, e, condition, url); },500); } //头像、logo编辑图标显隐 function edit_img(){ $(".homepageEditProfile").parent().mouseover(function(){ $(".homepageEditProfile").show(); }); $(".homepageEditProfile").parent().mouseout(function(){ $(".homepageEditProfile").hide(); }); } $(document).ready(edit_img); 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    '; pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 400, 132); } else{ var htmlvalue = '


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