#coding=utf-8 # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class Journal < ActiveRecord::Base require 'net/http' require 'json' include UserScoreHelper belongs_to :journalized, :polymorphic => true,:touch => true # added as a quick fix to allow eager loading of the polymorphic association # since always associated to an issue, for now belongs_to :issue, :foreign_key => :journalized_id,:touch => true belongs_to :user has_many :details, :class_name => "JournalDetail", :dependent => :delete_all # added by fq has_one :journal_reply has_many :acts, :class_name => 'Activity', :as => :act, :dependent => :destroy # 被ForgeActivity虚拟关联 #has_many :forge_acts, :class_name => 'ForgeActivity',:as =>:forge_act ,:dependent => :destroy 评论不应该算入 # 被ForgeMessage虚拟关联 has_many :forge_messages, :class_name => 'ForgeMessage',:as =>:forge_message ,:dependent => :destroy has_many :at_messages, as: :at_message, dependent: :destroy acts_as_attachable attr_accessor :indice acts_as_tree :counter_cache => :comments_count, :order => "#{Journal.table_name}.created_on ASC" acts_as_event :title =>Proc.new {|o| status = ((s = o.new_status) ? " (#{s})" : nil); "#{o.issue.tracker} ##{o.issue.project_index}#{status}: #{o.issue.subject}" }, :description =>:notes, :author => :user, :group => :issue, :type => Proc.new {|o| (s = o.new_status) ? (s.is_closed? ? 'issue-closed' : 'issue-edit') : 'issue-note' }, :url => Proc.new {|o| {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => o.issue.id, :anchor => "change-#{o.id}"}} acts_as_activity_provider :type => 'issues', :author_key => :user_id, :find_options => {:include => [{:issue => :project}, :details, :user], :conditions => "#{Journal.table_name}.journalized_type = 'Issue' AND" + "(#{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'status_id' OR #{Journal.table_name}.notes <> '')"} before_create :split_private_notes, :add_journals_count # fq after_save :act_as_activity,:be_user_score, :act_as_forge_message, act_as_at_message(:notes, :user_id) # end #after_destroy :down_user_score #before_save :be_user_score after_destroy :down_user_score, :decrease_issues_journal_count scope :visible, lambda {|*args| user = args.shift || User.current includes(:issue => :project). where(Issue.visible_condition(user, *args)). where("(#{Journal.table_name}.private_notes = ? OR (#{Project.allowed_to_condition(user, :view_private_notes, *args)}))", false) } def save(*args) # Do not save an empty journal (details.empty? && notes.blank?) ? false : super end # Returns the new status if the journal contains a status change, otherwise nil def new_status c = details.detect {|detail| detail.prop_key == 'status_id'} (c && c.value) ? IssueStatus.find_by_id(c.value.to_i) : nil end def new_value_for(prop) c = details.detect {|detail| detail.prop_key == prop} c ? c.value : nil end def editable_by?(usr) usr && usr.logged? && (usr.allowed_to?(:edit_issue_notes, project) || (self.user == usr && usr.allowed_to?(:edit_own_issue_notes, project))) end def project journalized.respond_to?(:project) ? journalized.project : nil end def attachments journalized.respond_to?(:attachments) ? journalized.attachments : nil end # Returns a string of css classes def css_classes s = 'journal' s << ' has-notes' unless notes.blank? s << ' has-details' unless details.blank? s << ' private-notes' if private_notes? s end def notify? @notify != false end def notify=(arg) @notify = arg end def recipients notified = journalized.notified_users if private_notes? notified = notified.select {|user| user.allowed_to?(:view_private_notes, journalized.project)} end notified.map(&:mail) end def watcher_recipients notified = journalized.notified_watchers if private_notes? notified = notified.select {|user| user.allowed_to?(:view_private_notes, journalized.project)} end notified.map(&:mail) end ## added_by_fq def self.reference_message(user_id) message = Journal.find_by_sql("select id, journalized_id, user_id, notes, created_on from journals where id in (select journal_id from journal_replies where reply_id = #{user_id})") message += Journal.find_by_sql("select id, journalized_id, user_id, notes, created_on from journals where journalized_id in (select id from issues where assigned_to_id = #{user_id})") message end ## def creator_user self.user end def created_time self.created_on end def content_detail self.notes end private def split_private_notes if private_notes? if notes.present? if details.any? # Split the journal (notes/changes) so we don't have half-private journals journal = Journal.new(:journalized => journalized, :user => user, :notes => nil, :private_notes => false) journal.details = details journal.save self.details = [] self.created_on = journal.created_on end else # Blank notes should not be private self.private_notes = false end end true end # fq def act_as_activity self.acts << Activity.new(:user_id => self.user_id) end # end # # Time 2015-02-27 13:30:19 # # Author lizanle # # Description 公共表中需要保存一份该记录 # def act_as_forge_activity # self.forge_acts << ForgeActivity.new(:user_id => self.user_id, # :project_id => self.issue.project.id) # # end # 缺陷状态更改,消息提醒 def act_as_forge_message receivers = [] # 直接回复 if self.user_id != self.issue.author_id receivers << self.issue.author_id end if self.user_id != self.issue.assigned_to_id && self.issue.assigned_to_id != self.issue.author_id # 指派人不是自己的话,则给指派人发送 receivers << self.issue.assigned_to_id end receivers.each do |r| self.forge_messages << ForgeMessage.new(:user_id => r, :project_id => self.issue.project_id, :viewed => false) end end # 更新用户分数 -by zjc def be_user_score #新建了缺陷留言且留言不为空,不为空白 if !self.notes.nil? && self.notes.gsub(' ','') != '' #协同得分加分 UserScore.joint(:post_issue_message, self.user,self.issue.author,self, { message_id: self.id }) update_messges_for_issue(self.user,1) update_messges_for_issue(self.user,2,self.issue.project) end end # 减少用户分数 -by zjc def down_user_score #删除有效缺陷留言 if !self.notes.nil? && self.notes.gsub(' ','') != '' #协同得分减分 UserScore.joint(:delete_issue_message, self.user,self.issue.author,self, { message_id: self.id }) update_messges_for_issue(self.user,1) update_messges_for_issue(self.user,2,self.issue.project) end end # 减少留言数量统计 def decrease_issues_journal_count unless self.issue.project.nil? journal_count = self.issue.project.project_score.issue_journal_num - 1 # project = self.issue.project self.issue.project.project_score.update_attribute(:issue_journal_num, journal_count < 0 ? 0 : journal_count) end end # issue留言总数更新 def add_journals_count if !self.issue.project.nil? && self.journalized_type == "Issue" && !self.issue.project.project_score.nil? project = self.issue.project project.project_score.update_attribute(:issue_journal_num, project.project_score.issue_journal_num + 1) end end # 回复issue的时候,更新issue的时候 def update_issue_time if self.journalized_type == "Issue" forge_activity = ForgeActivity.where("forge_act_id =? and forge_act_type =?", self.issue, "Issue").first forge_activity.update_attribute(:created_at, self.created_on) unless forge_activity.nil? end end #缺陷回复微信模板消息 # def issue_wechat_message # if !self.notes.nil? && self.notes.gsub(' ','') != '' # ws = WechatService.new # content = strip_html self.notes.html_safe, 200 # ws.comment_template self.issue.author_id, "issues", self.journalized_id, "#{l(:label_issue_comment_template)}", self.user.try(:realname), format_time(self.created_on), content # end # end end