CKEditor 4 Changelog ==================== ## CKEditor 4.3.2 * [#11331]( A menu button will have a changed label when selected instead of using the `aria-pressed` attribute. * [#11177]( Widget drag handler improvements: * [#11176]( Fixed: Initial position is not updated when the widget data object is empty. * [#11001]( Fixed: Multiple synchronous layout recalculations are caused by initial drag handler positioning causing performance issues. * [#11161]( Fixed: Drag handler is not repositioned in various situations. * [#11281]( Fixed: Drag handler and mask are duplicated after widget reinitialization. * [#11207]( [Firefox] Fixed: Misplaced [Enhanced Image]( resizer in the inline editor. * [#11102]( `CKEDITOR.template` improvements: * [#11102]( Added newline character support. * [#11216]( Added "\\'" substring support. * [#11121]( [Firefox] Fixed: High Contrast mode is enabled when the editor is loaded in a hidden iframe. * [#11350]( The default value of [`config.contentsCss`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-contentsCss) is affected by [`CKEDITOR.getUrl`](!/api/CKEDITOR-method-getUrl). * [#11097]( Improved the [Autogrow]( plugin performance when dealing with very big tables. * [#11290]( Removed redundant code in the [Source Dialog]( plugin. * [#11133]( [Page Break]( becomes editable if pasted. * [#11126]( Fixed: Native Undo executed once the bottom of the snapshot stack is reached. * [#11131]( [Div Editing Area]( Fixed: Error thrown when switching to source mode if the selection was in widget's nested editable. * [#11139]( [Div Editing Area]( Fixed: Elements Path is not cleared after switching to source mode. * [#10778]( Fixed a bug with range enlargement. The range no longer expands to visible whitespace. * [#11146]( [IE] Fixed: Preview window switches Internet Explorer to Quirks Mode. * [#10762]( [IE] Fixed: JavaScript code displayed in preview window's URL bar. * [#11186]( Introduced the [`widgets.repository.addUpcastCallback`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-method-addUpcastCallback) method that allows to block upcasting given element to a widget. * [#11307]( Fixed: Paste as Plain Text conflict with the [MooTools]( library. * [#11140]( [IE11] Fixed: Anchors are not draggable. * [#11379]( Changed default contents `line-height` to unitless values to avoid huge text overlapping (like in [#9696]( * [#10787]( [Firefox] Fixed: Broken replacement of text while pasting into `div`-based editor. * [#10884]( Widgets integration with the [Show Blocks]( plugin. * [#11021]( Fixed: An error thrown when selecting entire editable contents while fake selection is on. * [#11086]( [IE8] Re-enable inline widgets drag&drop in Internet Explorer 8. * [#11372]( Widgets: Special characters encoded twice in nested editables. * [#10068]( Fixed: Support for protocol-relative URLs. * [#11283]( [Enhanced Image]( A `