#coding=utf-8 class ResourcesService #发送资源到课程 def send_resource_to_course user,params send_id = params[:send_id] @ori = Attachment.find_by_id(send_id) course_ids = params[:course_ids] @flag = false unless course_ids.nil? course_ids.each do |id| next if @ori.blank? @exist = false Course.find(id).attachments.each do |att| #如果课程中包含该资源 if att.id == @ori.id || (!att.copy_from.nil? && !@ori.copy_from.nil? && att.copy_from == @ori.copy_from) || att.copy_from == @ori.id || att.id == @ori.copy_from att.created_on = Time.now att.save @exist = true @flag = true break end end next if @exist attach_copied_obj = @ori.copy attach_copied_obj.tag_list.add(@ori.tag_list) # tag关联 attach_copied_obj.container = Course.find(id) attach_copied_obj.created_on = Time.now attach_copied_obj.author_id = user.id attach_copied_obj.is_public = 0 attach_copied_obj.copy_from = @ori.copy_from.nil? ? @ori.id : @ori.copy_from #发送要添加copy_from if attach_copied_obj.attachtype == nil attach_copied_obj.attachtype = 4 end if attach_copied_obj.save # 更新引用次数 quotes = @ori.quotes.to_i + 1 @ori.update_attribute(:quotes, quotes) unless @ori.nil? @ori.forwards << Forward.new(:to_type => attach_copied_obj.class.name, :to_id => attach_copied_obj.id,:created_at => Time.now) @flag = true else @flag = false @save_message = attach_copied_obj.errors.full_messages break end end end [@ori, @flag, @save_message] end def send_homework_to_course user,params homework = HomeworkCommon.find params[:send_id].to_i @ori = homework course_ids = params[:course_ids] @flag = false unless course_ids.nil? course_ids.each do |course_id| course = Course.find course_id.to_i new_homework = HomeworkCommon.new new_homework.name = homework.name new_homework.user_id = user.id new_homework.description = homework.description new_homework.homework_type = homework.homework_type new_homework.late_penalty = homework.late_penalty new_homework.course_id = course.id new_homework.teacher_priority = homework.teacher_priority new_homework.anonymous_comment = homework.anonymous_comment new_homework.quotes = 0 new_homework.is_open = homework.is_open homework.attachments.each do |attachment| att = attachment.copy att.container_id = nil att.container_type = nil att.copy_from = attachment.id att.save new_homework.attachments << att end homework_detail_manual = homework.homework_detail_manual homework_detail_programing = homework.homework_detail_programing homework_detail_group = homework.homework_detail_group if homework_detail_manual new_homework.homework_detail_manual = HomeworkDetailManual.new new_homework_detail_manual = new_homework.homework_detail_manual new_homework_detail_manual.ta_proportion = homework_detail_manual.ta_proportion new_homework_detail_manual.comment_status = 0 new_homework_detail_manual.evaluation_num = homework_detail_manual.evaluation_num new_homework_detail_manual.absence_penalty = homework_detail_manual.absence_penalty end if homework_detail_programing new_homework.homework_detail_programing = HomeworkDetailPrograming.new new_homework.homework_detail_programing.ta_proportion = homework_detail_programing.ta_proportion new_homework.homework_detail_programing.language = homework_detail_programing.language homework.homework_tests.each_with_index do |homework_test| new_homework.homework_tests << HomeworkTest.new( input: homework_test.input, output: homework_test.output ) end end if homework_detail_group new_homework.homework_detail_group = HomeworkDetailGroup.new new_homework.homework_detail_group.min_num = homework_detail_group.min_num new_homework.homework_detail_group.max_num = homework_detail_group.max_num new_homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project = homework_detail_group.base_on_project end if new_homework.save new_homework_detail_manual.save if new_homework_detail_manual new_homework.homework_detail_programing.save if new_homework.homework_detail_programing new_homework.homework_detail_group.save if new_homework.homework_detail_group @flag = true else @flag = false @save_message = new_homework.errors.full_messages break end homework.update_column(:quotes, homework.quotes+1) end end [@ori, @flag, @save_message] end def send_exercise_to_course user,params # send_id = params[:send_id] # @ori = Attachment.find_by_id(send_id) # course_ids = params[:course_ids] # @flag = false # unless course_ids.nil? # course_ids.each do |id| # next if @ori.blank? # @exist = false # Course.find(id).attachments.each do |att| #如果课程中包含该资源 # if att.id == @ori.id || (!att.copy_from.nil? && !@ori.copy_from.nil? && att.copy_from == @ori.copy_from) || att.copy_from == @ori.id || att.id == @ori.copy_from # att.created_on = Time.now # att.save # @exist = true # @flag = true # break # end # end # next if @exist # attach_copied_obj = @ori.copy # attach_copied_obj.tag_list.add(@ori.tag_list) # tag关联 # attach_copied_obj.container = Course.find(id) # attach_copied_obj.created_on = Time.now # attach_copied_obj.author_id = user.id # attach_copied_obj.is_public = 0 # attach_copied_obj.copy_from = @ori.copy_from.nil? ? @ori.id : @ori.copy_from #发送要添加copy_from # if attach_copied_obj.attachtype == nil # attach_copied_obj.attachtype = 4 # end # if attach_copied_obj.save # # 更新引用次数 # quotes = @ori.quotes.to_i + 1 # @ori.update_attribute(:quotes, quotes) unless @ori.nil? # @ori.forwards << Forward.new(:to_type => attach_copied_obj.class.name, :to_id => attach_copied_obj.id,:created_at => Time.now) # @flag = true # else # @flag = false # @save_message = attach_copied_obj.errors.full_messages # break # end # # end # end [@ori, @flag, @save_message] end # 我的资源-课件 已发布的 def all_course_attachments user courses = user.courses.not_deleted courses_ids = courses.empty? ? '(-1)' :"(" + courses.map(&:id).join(",") + ")" attchments = Attachment.where("(author_id = #{user.id} and is_publish = 1 and container_id in #{courses_ids} and container_type = 'Course') or (container_type = 'Course' and is_publish = 1 and container_id in #{courses_ids})" ).order("created_on desc") # attchments.each do |v| # course = Course.where("id=?",v.container_id).first # v[:coursename] = course.nil? ? "未知" : course.name # v[:attafile_size] = (number_to_human_size(v[:filesize])).gsub("ytes", "").to_s # end attchments end # 我的资源-作业 已发布的 def all_homework_commons user courses = user.courses.not_deleted courses_ids = courses.empty? ? '(-1)' :"(" + courses.map(&:id).join(",") + ")" homeworks = HomeworkCommon.where("course_id in #{courses_ids} and publish_time <= ?",Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")).order("created_at desc") # homeworks.each do |v| # course = Course.where("id=?",v.course_id).first # v[:coursename] = course.nil? ? "未知" : course.name # end homeworks end # 我的资源-测验 已发布的 def all_exercises user courses = user.courses.not_deleted courses_ids = courses.empty? ? '(-1)' :"(" + courses.map(&:id).join(",") + ")" exercises = Exercise.where("exercise_status <> 1 and course_id in #{courses_ids}").order("created_at desc") # exercises.each do |v| # course = Course.where("id=?",v.course_id).first # v[:coursename] = course.nil? ? "未知" : course.name # end exercises end end