# encoding: utf-8 module StudentWorkHelper def user_projects_option cond = Project.visible_condition(User.current) + " AND projects.project_type <> 1" memberships = User.current.memberships.all(:conditions => cond) projects = memberships.map(&:project) not_have_project = [] not_have_project << Setting.please_chose not_have_project << 0 type = [] type << not_have_project projects.each do |project| if project != nil option = [] option << project.name option << project.id type << option end end type end #获取指定用户对某一作业的评分结果 def student_work_score work,user StudentWorksScore.where(:user_id => user.id,:student_work_id => work.id).first end #获取指定评分的角色 def student_work_score_role score case score.reviewer_role when 1 role = "教师" when 2 role = "助教" when 3 role = "学生" end end def get_role_by_name role case role when "Teacher" result = 1 when "Manager" result = 1 when "TeachingAsistant" result = 2 when "Student" result = 3 end result end #获取赞的总数 def praise_homework_count obj_id PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_id = #{obj_id} AND praise_tread_object_type = 'StudentWork'").count end #判断指定用户是不是已经赞过该作业 def is_praise_homework user_id, obj_id PraiseTread.where("user_id = #{user_id} AND praise_tread_object_id = #{obj_id} AND praise_tread_object_type = 'StudentWork'").empty? end #获取指定学生在指定作业内应匿评的数量 def all_evaluation_count user,homework StudentWorksEvaluationDistribution.joins(:student_work).where("student_works_evaluation_distributions.user_id = #{user.id} AND student_works.homework_common_id = #{homework.id}").count end #获取指定学生在指定作业内已匿评的数量 def has_evaluation_count user,homework StudentWorksScore.joins(:student_work).where("student_works_scores.user_id = #{user.id} AND student_works.homework_common_id = #{homework.id}").count end end