# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class FilesController < ApplicationController layout 'base_projects'#by young menu_item :files before_filter :find_project_by_project_id#, :except => [:getattachtype] before_filter :authorize, :except => [:getattachtype] helper :sort include SortHelper helper :project_score def show_attachments obj all_attachments = [] obj.each do |container| all_attachments += container.attachments end @limit = 10 @feedback_count = all_attachments.count @feedback_pages = Paginator.new @feedback_count, @limit, params['page'] @offset ||= @feedback_pages.offset @curse_attachments = all_attachments[@offset, @limit] end def index #sort_init 'filename', 'asc' sort_init 'created_on', 'desc' sort_update 'created_on' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on", 'filename' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.filename", 'size' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.filesize", 'downloads' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.downloads" sort = "" if params[:project_id] @isproject = true if params[:sort] params[:sort].split(",").each do |sort_type| order_by = sort_type.split(":") case order_by[0] when "filename" attribute = "filename" when "size" attribute = "filesize" when "attach_type" attribute = "attachtype" when "content_type" attribute = "created_on" when "field_file_dense" attribute = "is_public" when "downloads" attribute = "downloads" when "created_on" attribute = "created_on" end if order_by.count == 1 sort += "#{Attachment.table_name}.#{attribute} desc " elsif order_by.count == 2 sort += "#{Attachment.table_name}.#{attribute} #{order_by[1]} " end if sort_type != params[:sort].split(",").last sort += "," end end end @containers = [ Project.includes(:attachments).reorder(sort).find(@project.id)] @containers += @project.versions.includes(:attachments).reorder(sort).all.sort show_attachments @containers render :layout => !request.xhr? elsif params[:course_id] @isproject = false if params[:sort] params[:sort].split(",").each do |sort_type| order_by = sort_type.split(":") case order_by[0] when "filename" attribute = "filename" when "size" attribute = "filesize" when "attach_type" attribute = "attachtype" when "content_type" attribute = "created_on" when "field_file_dense" attribute = "is_public" when "downloads" attribute = "downloads" when "created_on" attribute = "created_on" end if order_by.count == 1 sort += "#{Attachment.table_name}.#{attribute} asc " elsif order_by.count == 2 sort += "#{Attachment.table_name}.#{attribute} #{order_by[1]} " end if sort_type != params[:sort].split(",").last sort += "," end end end @containers = [ Course.includes(:attachments).reorder(sort).find(@course.id)] show_attachments @containers render :layout => 'base_courses' end end def new @versions = @project.versions.sort @course_tag = @project.project_type if @project.project_type == 1 render :layout => 'base_courses' end end def create if params[:add_tag] @addTag=true #render :back tag_saveEx #render :text =>"success" respond_to do |format| format.js end else #modify by nwb if @project @addTag=false container = (params[:version_id].blank? ? @project : @project.versions.find_by_id(params[:version_id])) attachments = Attachment.attach_filesex(container, params[:attachments], params[:attachment_type]) render_attachment_warning_if_needed(container) if !attachments.empty? && !attachments[:files].blank? && Setting.notified_events.include?('file_added') Mailer.attachments_added(attachments[:files]).deliver end # TODO: 临时用 nyan sort_init 'created_on', 'desc' sort_update 'created_on' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on", 'filename' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.filename", 'size' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.filesize", 'downloads' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.downloads" @containers = [Project.includes(:attachments).reorder("#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on DESC").find(@project.id)] #modify by Long Jun @containers += @project.versions.includes(:attachments).reorder("#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on DESC").all.sort show_attachments @containers @attachtype = 0 @contenttype = 0 respond_to do |format| format.js format.html { redirect_to project_files_url(@project) } end elsif @course @addTag=false attachments = Attachment.attach_filesex(@course, params[:attachments], params[:attachment_type]) if !attachments.empty? && !attachments[:files].blank? && Setting.notified_events.include?('file_added') Mailer.attachments_added(attachments[:files]).deliver end # TODO: 临时用 nyan sort_init 'created_on', 'desc' sort_update 'created_on' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on", 'filename' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.filename", 'size' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.filesize", 'downloads' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.downloads" @containers = [Course.includes(:attachments).reorder("#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on DESC").find(@course.id)] show_attachments @containers @attachtype = 0 @contenttype = 0 respond_to do |format| format.js format.html { redirect_to course_files_url(@course) } end end end end def tag_saveEx @tags = params[:tag_name][:name] @obj_id = params[:object_id] @obj_flag = params[:object_flag] case @obj_flag when '1' then @obj = User.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '2' then @obj = Project.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '3' then @obj = Issue.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '4' then @obj = Bid.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '5' then @obj = Forum.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '6' @obj = Attachment.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '7' then @obj = Contest.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '8' @obj = OpenSourceProject.find_by_id(@obj_id) when '9' @obj = Course.find_by_id(@obj_id) else @obj = nil end unless @obj.nil? @obj.tag_list.add(@tags.split(",")) else return end if @obj.save ## 执行成功的操作。 else #捕获异常 end end # 返回指定资源类型的资源列表 # added by nwb def getattachtype sort_init 'created_on', 'desc' sort_update 'created_on' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on", 'filename' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.filename", 'size' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.filesize", 'downloads' => "#{Attachment.table_name}.downloads" if @project @containers = [ Project.includes(:attachments).reorder("#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on DESC").find(@project.id)] @containers += @project.versions.includes(:attachments).reorder("#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on DESC").all.sort elsif @course @containers = [ Course.includes(:attachments).reorder("#{Attachment.table_name}.created_on DESC").find(@course.id)] end show_attachments @containers @attachtype = params[:type].to_i @contenttype = params[:contentType].to_s respond_to do |format| format.js end end end