# Load the rails application require File.expand_path('../application', __FILE__) # Make sure there's no plugin in vendor/plugin before starting vendor_plugins_dir = File.join(Rails.root, "vendor", "plugins") if Dir.glob(File.join(vendor_plugins_dir, "*")).any? $stderr.puts "Plugins in vendor/plugins (#{vendor_plugins_dir}) are no longer allowed. " + "Please, put your Redmine plugins in the `plugins` directory at the root of your " + "Redmine directory (#{File.join(Rails.root, "plugins")})" exit 1 end # Initialize the rails application RedmineApp::Application.initialize! #日志格式 class Logger def format_message(level, time, progname, msg) "#{time.to_s(:db)} #{level} -- #{msg}\r\n" end end #输出日志(database文件夹下get、sql、controller按照日期 分别输出路由信息、SQL语句、调用页面)[影响系统效率使用完请注释掉] #include LoggerHelper #LoggerHelper.OutLogger