<%= link_to @repository.identifier.present? ? h(@repository.identifier) : 'root', {:action => 'show', :id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param, :path => nil, :rev => @rev }, :class=>"fl c_blue f14 fb" %> <% dirs = path.split('/') if 'file' == kind filename = dirs.pop end link_path = '' dirs.each do |dir| next if dir.blank? link_path << '/' unless link_path.empty? link_path << "#{dir}" %> / <%= link_to h(dir), :action => 'show', :id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param, :path => to_path_param(link_path), :rev => @rev %> <% end %> <% if filename %> / <%= link_to h(filename), :action => 'changes', :id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param, :path => to_path_param("#{link_path}/#{filename}"), :rev => @rev %> <% end %> <% # @rev is revsion or Git and Mercurial branch or tag. # For Mercurial *tip*, @rev and @changeset are nil. rev_text = @changeset.nil? ? @rev : format_revision(@changeset) %>

<%= "@ #{h rev_text}" unless rev_text.blank? %>

<% html_title(with_leading_slash(path)) -%>