#enconding:utf-8 # fq module BidsHelper def render_notes(bid, journal, options={}) content = '' removable = User.current == journal.user || User.current == bid.author links = [] if !journal.notes.blank? links << link_to(image_tag('comment.png'), {:controller => 'bids', :action => 'new', :id => bid, :journal_id => journal}, :remote => true, :method => 'post', :title => l(:button_quote)) if options[:reply_links] if removable url = {:controller => 'bids', :action => 'destroy', :object_id => journal, :id => bid} links << ' ' links << link_to(image_tag('delete.png'), url, :remote => true, :method => 'delete', :class => "delete", :title => l(:button_delete)) end end content << content_tag('div', links.join(' ').html_safe, :class => 'contextual') unless links.empty? content << textilizable(journal.notes) css_classes = "wiki" content_tag('div', content.html_safe, :id => "journal-#{journal.id}-notes", :class => css_classes) end def link_to_in_place_notes_editor(text, field_id, url, options={}) onclick = "$.ajax({url: '#{url_for(url)}', type: 'get'}); return false;" link_to text, '#', options.merge(:onclick => onclick) end # this method is used to get all projects that tagged one tag # added by william def get_bids_by_tag(tag_name) Bid.tagged_with(tag_name).order('updated_on desc') end #added by huang def sort_bid_enterprise(state, project_type) content = ''.html_safe case state when 0 content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_active), calls_path(:bid_sort_type => '1', :project_type => project_type))) content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_time), calls_path(:bid_sort_type => '0', :project_type => project_type), :class=>"selected"), :class=>"selected") when 1 content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_active), calls_path(:bid_sort_type => '1', :project_type => project_type), :class=>"selected"), :class=>"selected") content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_time), calls_path(:bid_sort_type => '0', :project_type => project_type))) end content = content_tag('ul', content) content_tag('div', content, :class => "tabs_enterprise") end #end def sort_bid(state, project_type) content = ''.html_safe case state when 0 content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_active), calls_path(:bid_sort_type => '1', :project_type => project_type))) content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_time), calls_path(:bid_sort_type => '0', :project_type => project_type), :class=>"selected"), :class=>"selected") when 1 content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_active), calls_path(:bid_sort_type => '1', :project_type => project_type), :class=>"selected"), :class=>"selected") content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_time), calls_path(:bid_sort_type => '0', :project_type => project_type))) end content = content_tag('ul', content) content_tag('div', content, :class => "tabs") end #huang def sort_contest(state) content = ''.html_safe case state when 0 content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_active), contest_path(:contest_sort_type => '1'))) content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_time), contest_path(:contest_sort_type => '0'), :class=>"selected"), :class=>"selected") when 1 content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_active), contest_path(:contest_sort_type => '1'), :class=>"selected"), :class=>"selected") content << content_tag('li', link_to(l(:label_sort_by_time), contest_path(:contest_sort_type => '0'))) end content = content_tag('ul', content) content_tag('div', content, :class => "tabs") end #end def course_options_for_select(courses) # html = '' courses.each do |course| html << "" end html.html_safe end # used to get the reward and handle the value which can be used to display in views # added by william def get_prize(b_project) b_project.get_reward end def count_bid_project bids = Bid.where('parent_id = ?', @bid.id) @projects = [] for bid in bids @projects += bid.biding_projects end @projects.count end def count_bid_user bids = Bid.where('parent_id = ?', @bid.id) @users = [] for bid in bids for project in bid.projects @users += project.users end end @users.count end def im_watching_student_id? bid people = [] people << bid.author case bid.reward_type # 天煞的bid分了三用途,里面各种hasmany还不定能用! when 1 when 2 bid.join_in_contests.each do |jic| people << jic.user end when 3 people += bid.courses.first.users.to_a else raise 'bids_helper: unknow bid type' # 出了错看这里!不知道的抛异常,省的找不到出错的地方! end people.include?(User.current) end def select_option_helper option tmp = Hash.new option.each do |project| tmp[project.name] = project.identifier end tmp end def can_delete_project_homework bind_project,current_user current_user.id == bind_project.user.id || current_user.admin end end