# encoding: utf-8 # # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. module UserScoreHelper def calculate_collaboration_count(user) issue_c = 0 issues = Issue.where('author_id = ?', user.id) issues.each do |issue| issue_c = issue_c + issue.journals.where("user_id <> ?", user.id).count end issue_c = issue_c + Journal.where("user_id = ?", user.id).count ############################ memos = Memo.where('author_id = ? AND parent_id IS NOT NULL', user.id) memos.each do |m| if Memo.find(m.parent_id).author.id != user.id issue_c = issue_c + 1 else issue_c = issue_c - 1 end end pmemos = Memo.where('author_id = ? AND parent_id IS NULL', user.id) pmemos.each do |pm| issue_c = issue_c + pm.replies_count end ############################ issue_c = issue_c + JournalsForMessage.where('user_id = ? AND reply_id IS NOT NULL AND reply_id <> ?', user.id, user.id).count + JournalsForMessage.where('reply_id = ? AND user_id <> ?', user.id, user.id).count return issue_c end def calculate_influence_count(user) watcher_count = Watcher.where("watchable_type = 'principal' AND watchable_id = ?", user.id).count end def calculate_skill_count(user) praise_count_l0 = 0 praise_count_l1 = 0 praise_count_l2 = 0 tread_count_l0 = 0 tread_count_l1 = 0 tread_count_l2 = 0 issues = Issue.where('author_id = ?', user.id) issues.each do |i| pts = PraiseTread.where('praise_tread_object_id = ?', i.id) pts.each do |p| templevel = calculate_level(User.find(p.user_id)) if templevel.to_i == 0 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l0 = praise_count_l0 + 1 else tread_count_l0 = tread_count_l0 + 1 end end if templevel.to_i == 1 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l1 = praise_count_l1 + 1 else tread_count_l1 = tread_count_l1 + 1 end end if templevel.to_i == 2 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l2 = praise_count_l2 + 1 else tread_count_l2 + tread_count_l2 + 1 end end end end bids = Bid.where('author_id = ?', user.id) bids.each do |b| ptcs = PraiseTread.where('praise_tread_object_id = ?', b.id) ptcs.each do |p| templevel = calculate_level(User.find(p.user_id)) if templevel.to_i == 0 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l0 = praise_count_l0 + 1 else tread_count_l0 = tread_count_l0 + 1 end end if templevel.to_i == 1 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l1 = praise_count_l1 + 1 else tread_count_l1 = tread_count_l1 + 1 end end if templevel.to_i == 2 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l2 = praise_count_l2 + 1 else tread_count_l2 + tread_count_l2 + 1 end end end end contests = Contest.where('author_id = ?', user.id) contests.each do |c| ptcs = PraiseTread.where('praise_tread_object_id = ?', c.id) ptcs.each do |p| templevel = calculate_level(User.find(p.user_id)) if templevel.to_i == 0 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l0 = praise_count_l0 + 1 else tread_count_l0 = tread_count_l0 + 1 end end if templevel.to_i == 1 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l1 = praise_count_l1 + 1 else tread_count_l1 = tread_count_l1 + 1 end end if templevel.to_i == 2 if p.praise_or_tread == 1 praise_count_l2 = praise_count_l2 + 1 else tread_count_l2 + tread_count_l2 + 1 end end end end # case level # when 0 skill_score = praise_count - 0.5 * tread_count # when 1 skill_score = 2 * praise_count - 1.5 * tread_count # when 2 skill_socre = 3 * praise_count - 2.5 * tread_count # when 3 skill_socre = 4 * praise_count - 3.5 * tread_count # when 4 skill_socre = 5 * praise_count - 4.5 * tread_count # end skill_score = 2 * praise_count_l0.to_f + 3 * praise_count_l1.to_f + 4 * praise_count_l2.to_f - 1 * tread_count_l0.to_f - 1.5 * tread_count_l1.to_f - 2 * tread_count_l2.to_f tread_user_count = PraiseTread.where('praise_or_tread = ? AND user_id = ?', 0, user.id).count skill_score = skill_score.to_f - tread_user_count.to_f return skill_score end def calculate_level(user) commit_count = user.changesets.count max_praise_num = 0 issues = Issue.where('author_id = ?', user.id) issues.each do |i| ptcs = PraiseTreadCache.where('object_id = ?', i.id) ptcs.each do |p| if p.praise_num.to_i > max_praise_num.to_i max_praise_num = p.praise_num end end end bids = Bid.where('author_id = ?', user.id) bids.each do |b| ptcs = PraiseTreadCache.where('object_id = ?', b.id) ptcs.each do |p| if p.praise_num.to_i > max_praise_num.to_i max_praise_num = p.praise_num end end end contests = Contest.where('author_id = ?', user.id) contests.each do |c| ptcs = PraiseTreadCache.where('object_id = ?', c.id) ptcs.each do |p| if p.praise_num.to_i > max_praise_num.to_i max_praise_num = p.praise_num end end end best_answer_num = 0 isManager = 0 members = Member.where('user_id = ?', user.id) members.each do |m| @membership = m.memberships.all(:conditions => Project.visible_condition(User.current)) @membership.each do |membership| #拥有编辑项目权限的可操作该项目 if m.allowed_to?(:is_manager, membership.project, :global => false) isManager = 1 end end end level = 0 if max_praise_num > 4 level = 1 end if commit_count > 0 and commit_count < 101 level = 1 end if commit_count > 100 or isManager == 1 level = 2 end return level end def calculate_activity_count(user) # commit_count = user.changesets.count # issue_details_count = 0 # issues = Issue.where('assigned_to_id = ?', user.id) # issues.each do |issue| # change_count = issue.journals.where("prop_key = ?", "done_ratio").count # issue_details_count = change_count + issue_details_count # end # file_count = user.file_commit.count # issue_count = Issue.where('author_id = ?', user.id).count #f = user.user_score.file #i = user.user_score.issue #f_max = UserScore.find_max_file #f_min = UserScore.find_min_file #i_max = UserScore.find_max_issue #i_min = UserScore.find_min_issue #score = 100 * ((f - f_min)/(f_max - f_min) + (i - i_min)/(i_max - i_min)) end def calculate_file(user) file_count = user.file_commit.count issue_count = Issue.where('author_id = ?', user.id).count return (file_count + issue_count) end def calculate_issue(user) commit_count = user.changesets.count issue_details_count = 0 issues = Issue.where('assigned_to_id = ?', user.id) change_count = 0 issues.each do |issue| js = issue.journals js.each do |j| change_count = change_count + j.details.where("prop_key = ?", "done_ratio").count end issue_details_count = change_count + issue_details_count end return (commit_count + issue_details_count) end def calculate_attachments(user) attachments = Attachment.where("container_type IS NOT NULL AND container_type <> 'Issue' AND author_id = ?", user.id).count return attachments end def calculate_user_score(user) collaboration = calculate_collaboration_count(user) influence = calculate_influence_count(user) skill = calculate_skill_count(user) activity = calculate_activity_count(user) file = calculate_file(user) issue = calculate_issue(user) level = calculate_level(user) #user.user_score << UserScore.new(:collaboration => collaboration, :influence => influence, :skill => skill, # :activity => activity, :file => file, :issue => issue, :level => level) UserScore.new(:collaboration => collaboration, :influence => influence, :skill => skill, :activity => activity, :file => file, :issue => issue, :level => level) end def update_user_score(user) collaboration = calculate_collaboration_count(user) influence = calculate_influence_count(user) skill = calculate_skill_count(user) file = calculate_file(user) issue = calculate_issue(user) ##activity = calculate_activity_count(user) level = calculate_level(user) user.user_score.update_attributes(:collaboration => collaboration, :influence => influence, :skill => skill, :activity => activity, :file => file, :issue => issue, :level => level) end #======================================================================================================== #个人得分统计 #======================================================================================================== #type 1:个人得分、2:个人在项目project中的得分 def get_option_number(user,type,project=nil) if project.nil? option_number = OptionNumber.where("user_id = '#{user.id}' and score_type = '#{type}'"); else option_number = OptionNumber.where("user_id = '#{user.id}' and score_type = '#{type}' and project_id = '#{project.id}'"); end result = nil if option_number.nil? || option_number.count == 0 result = OptionNumber.new result.user_id = user.id result.memo = 0 result.messages_for_issues = 0 result.issues_status = 0 result.replay_for_message = 0 result.replay_for_memo = 0 result.follow = 0 result.tread = 0 result.praise_by_one = 0 result.praise_by_two = 0 result.praise_by_three = 0 result.tread_by_one = 0 result.tread_by_two = 0 result.tread_by_three = 0 result.changeset = 0 result.document = 0 result.attachment = 0 result.issue_done_ratio = 0 result.post_issue = 0 result.total_score = 0 result.score_type =type unless project.nil? result.project_id = project.id end else result = option_number.first end result end #更新分数 def update_score(option_number) option_number.total_score = collaboration(option_number) + influence(option_number) + skill(option_number) + active(option_number) if option_number.total_score < 0 option_number.total_score = 0 end option_number.save option_number.total_score end #协同得分 def collaboration(option_number) option_number.memo * 2 + option_number.messages_for_issues + option_number.issues_status + option_number.replay_for_message + option_number.replay_for_memo end #影响力得分 def influence(option_number) option_number.follow * 2 end #技术得分 def skill(option_number) option_number.praise_by_one * 4 + option_number.praise_by_two * 6 + option_number.praise_by_three * 8 - option_number.tread * 2 - option_number.tread_by_one * 2 - option_number.tread_by_two * 4 - option_number.tread_by_three * 6 end #项目贡献得分 def active(option_number) option_number.changeset * 4 + option_number.document * 4 + option_number.attachment * 4 + option_number.issue_done_ratio * 2 + option_number.post_issue * 4 end #更新发帖数 def update_memo_number(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.memo = memo_num(user,project)#Message.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NULL and author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count + Memo.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NULL and author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count update_score(option_number) end #发帖数 def memo_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Message.includes(:author).joins(:board).where("#{Message.table_name}.parent_id IS NULL and #{Message.table_name}.author_id = '#{user.id}' and #{Board.table_name}.project_id != -1").all.count #+ Memo.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NULL and author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count #user.messages.where("parent_id IS NULL").count else Message.includes(:author).joins(:board).where("#{Message.table_name}.parent_id IS NULL and #{Message.table_name}.author_id = '#{user.id}' and #{Board.table_name}.project_id = #{project.id}").all.count end end def memo_score(user,project=nil) if project.nil? User.find_by_sql("SELECT `users`.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) * 2 FROM `messages` JOIN `boards` ON boards.project_id != -1 AND messages.board_id = boards.id WHERE messages.parent_id IS NULL AND messages.author_id = `users`.id) AS m_count FROM `users` where id = #{user.id}") else User.find_by_sql("SELECT `users`.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) * 2 FROM `messages` JOIN `boards` ON boards.project_id = '#{project.id}' AND messages.board_id = boards.id WHERE messages.parent_id IS NULL AND messages.author_id = `users`.id) AS m_count FROM `users` where id = #{user.id}") end end #更新对缺陷留言数 def update_messges_for_issue(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.messages_for_issues = messges_for_issue_num(user,project)#Journal.includes(:user).where("user_id = '#{user.id}' and notes != '' and notes is not null").all.count update_score(option_number) end def messges_for_issue_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Journal.includes(:user).where("user_id = '#{user.id}' and notes is not null and notes != ''").all.count else Journal.includes(:user).joins(:issue).where("#{Journal.table_name}.user_id = '#{user.id}' and #{Issue.table_name}.project_id = '#{project.id}' and #{Journal.table_name}.notes != '' and #{Journal.table_name}.notes is not null").all.count end end def messges_for_issue_score(user,project=nil) if project.nil? User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals WHERE journals.user_id = users.id AND journals.notes IS NOT NULL AND journals.notes != '') AS m_score FROM users where id = #{user.id}") else User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals join issues on #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_type = 'Issue' and #{Journal.table_name}.journalized_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id WHERE journals.user_id = users.id AND journals.notes IS NOT NULL AND journals.notes != ''and #{Issue.table_name}.project_id = '#{project.id}') AS m_score FROM users where id = #{user.id}") end end #更新更改缺陷状态状态次数 def update_issues_status(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.issues_status = issues_status_num(user,project)#Journal.joins(:details, :user).where("#{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'status_id' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count update_score(option_number) end def issues_status_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Journal.joins(:details, :user).where("#{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'status_id' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count else Journal.joins(:issue,:details,:user).where("#{Issue.table_name}.project_id = '#{project.id}' and #{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'status_id' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count end end def issues_status_score(user,project=nil) if project.nil? #Journal.joins(:details, :user).where("#{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'status_id' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals JOIN journal_details on journals.id = journal_details.journal_id WHERE journal_details.prop_key = 'status_id' and journals.user_id = users.id) AS m_score FROM users WHERE users.id = '#{user.id}'") else #Journal.joins(:issue,:details,:user).where("#{Issue.table_name}.project_id = '#{project.id}' and #{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'status_id' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journals JOIN journal_details on journals.id = journal_details.journal_id JOIN issues ON issues.id = journals.journalized_id and journalized_type = 'Issue' WHERE journal_details.prop_key = 'status_id' and journals.user_id = users.id and issues.project_id = '#{project.id}') AS m_score FROM users WHERE users.id = '#{user.id}'") end end #更新对留言的回复数量 def update_replay_for_message(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.replay_for_message = replay_for_message_num(user,project)#JournalsForMessage.includes(:user).where("m_parent_id IS NOT NULL and user_id = #{user.id}").count update_score(option_number) end def replay_for_message_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? JournalsForMessage.includes(:user).where("m_parent_id IS NOT NULL and user_id = #{user.id} and jour_type = 'Project'").count else JournalsForMessage.includes(:user).where("m_parent_id IS NOT NULL and user_id = #{user.id} and jour_type = 'Project' and jour_id = '#{project.id}'").count end end def replay_for_message_score(user,project=nil) if project.nil? User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) From journals_for_messages WHERE m_parent_id IS NOT NULL and user_id = users.id and jour_type = 'Project') as m_score FROM users WHERE users.id = '#{user.id}'") else User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) From journals_for_messages WHERE m_parent_id IS NOT NULL and user_id = users.id and jour_type = 'Project' and jour_id = '#{project.id}') as m_score FROM users WHERE users.id = '#{user.id}'") end end #更新对帖子的回复数量 def update_replay_for_memo(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.replay_for_memo = replay_for_memo_num(user,project)#Message.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NOT NULL and author_id = #{user.id}").all.count #+ Memo.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NOT NULL and author_id = #{user.id}").all.count update_score(option_number) end def replay_for_memo_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Message.includes(:author).joins(:board).where("#{Message.table_name}.parent_id IS NOT NULL and #{Message.table_name}.author_id = '#{user.id}' and #{Board.table_name}.project_id != -1").all.count else Message.includes(:author).joins(:board).where("#{Message.table_name}.parent_id IS NOT NULL and #{Message.table_name}.author_id = '#{user.id}' and #{Board.table_name}.project_id = #{project.id}").all.count end end def replay_for_memo_score(user,project=nil) if project.nil? User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages JOIN boards on messages.board_id = boards.id WHERE messages.parent_id IS NOT NULL AND messages.author_id = users.id AND boards.project_id != -1) FROM users WHERE users.id = #{user.id}") else User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages JOIN boards on messages.board_id = boards.id WHERE messages.parent_id IS NOT NULL AND messages.author_id = users.id AND boards.project_id = #{project.id}) FROM users WHERE users.id = #{user.id}") end end #更新被关注的人数 def update_follow(user,type) option_number = get_option_number(user,type) option_number.follow = Watcher.includes(:watchable).where("watchable_type = 'Principal' and watchable_id = '#{user.id}'").count update_score(option_number) end def follow_num(user) Watcher.includes(:watchable).where("watchable_type = 'Principal' and watchable_id = '#{user.id}'").count end def follow_score(user) User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id, (SELECT COUNT(*) * 2 FROM #{Watcher.table_name} WHERE watchable_type = 'Principal' and watchable_id = '#{user.id}') FROM users WHERE users.id = '#{user.id}'") end #更新帖子踩各项数量 def update_tread(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) tread_nums = tread_num(user,project) option_number.tread = tread_nums[:tread] option_number.tread_by_one = tread_nums[:tead_by_one] option_number.tread_by_two = tread_nums[:tread_by_two] option_number.tread_by_three = tread_nums[:tread_by_three] update_score(option_number) end def tread_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? result0 = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type IN ( 'Issue','Message') and praise_or_tread = 0 and user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count pts = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type IN ( 'Issue','Message') and praise_or_tread = 0").all result = [] result1 = [] result2 = [] pts.each do |pt| obj = PraiseTread.find_object_by_type_and_id(pt.praise_tread_object_type, pt.praise_tread_object_id) if obj.nil? next end target_user = obj.author level = UserLevels.get_level(pt.user)#pt.user.get_level #project = pt.project if level == 1 && target_user.id == user.id result << pt elsif level == 2 && target_user.id == user.id result1 << pt elsif level == 3 && target_user.id == user.id result2 << pt end end {:tread=>result0,:tead_by_one => result.count,:tread_by_two => result1.count,:tread_by_three =>result2.count} else result0 = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type IN ( 'Issue','Message') and praise_or_tread = 0 and user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count pts = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type IN ( 'Issue','Message') and praise_or_tread = 0").all result = [] result1 = [] result2 = [] pts.each do |pt| obj = PraiseTread.find_object_by_type_and_id(pt.praise_tread_object_type, pt.praise_tread_object_id) if obj.nil? || (pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Issue" && obj.project.nil?) || (pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Message" && obj.board.nil?) || (pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Message" && obj.board.project.nil?) next end if !(pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Issue" && obj.project.id == project.id) && !(pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Message" && obj.board.project.id == project.id) next end target_user = obj.author level = UserLevels.get_level(pt.user)#pt.user.get_level #project = pt.project if level == 1 && target_user.id == user.id result << pt elsif level == 2 && target_user.id == user.id result1 << pt elsif level == 3 && target_user.id == user.id result2 << pt end end {:tread=>result0,:tead_by_one => result.count,:tread_by_two => result1.count,:tread_by_three =>result2.count} end end #更新帖子顶数量 def update_praise(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) praise_nums = praise_num(user,project) option_number.praise_by_one = praise_nums[:praise_by_one] option_number.praise_by_two = praise_nums[:praise_by_two] option_number.praise_by_three = praise_nums[:praise_by_three] update_score(option_number) end def praise_num(user,project=nil) if !project.nil? pts = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type IN ( 'Issue','Message') and praise_or_tread = 1").all result = [] result1 = [] result2 = [] pts.each do |pt| obj = PraiseTread.find_object_by_type_and_id(pt.praise_tread_object_type, pt.praise_tread_object_id) if obj.nil? || (pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Issue" && obj.project.nil?) || (pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Message" && obj.board.nil?) || (pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Message" && obj.board.project.nil?) next end if !(pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Issue" && obj.project.id == project.id) && !(pt.praise_tread_object_type == "Message" && obj.board.project.id == project.id) next end target_user = obj.author level = UserLevels.get_level(pt.user)#pt.user.get_level #project = pt.project if level == 1 && target_user.id == user.id result << pt elsif level == 2 && target_user.id == user.id result1 << pt elsif level == 3 && target_user.id == user.id result2 << pt end end {:praise_by_one => result.count,:praise_by_two => result1.count,:praise_by_three => result2.count} else pts = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type IN ( 'Issue','Message') and praise_or_tread = 1").all result = [] result1 = [] result2 = [] pts.each do |pt| obj = PraiseTread.find_object_by_type_and_id(pt.praise_tread_object_type, pt.praise_tread_object_id) if obj.nil? next end #if obj.project.id == -1 # next #end target_user = obj.author level = UserLevels.get_level(pt.user)#pt.user.get_level project = pt.project if level == 1 && target_user.id == user.id result << pt elsif level == 2 && target_user.id == user.id result1 << pt elsif level == 3 && target_user.id == user.id result2 << pt end end {:praise_by_one => result.count,:praise_by_two => result1.count,:praise_by_three => result2.count} end end #更新提交代码次数 def update_changeset(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.changeset = changeset_num(user,project)#Changeset.includes(:user).where("user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count update_score(option_number) end def changeset_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Changeset.includes(:user).where("user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count else Changeset.includes(:user).joins(:repository).where("#{Changeset.table_name}.user_id = '#{user.id}' and #{Repository.table_name}.project_id = #{project.id}").all.count end end #更新文档提交次数 def update_document(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.document = document_num(user,project)#Document.includes(:user).where("user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count update_score(option_number) end def document_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Document.includes(:user).where("user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count else Document.includes(:user,:project).where("user_id = '#{user.id}' and project_id = '#{project.id}'").all.count end end #更新附件提交数量 def update_attachment(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.attachment = attachment_num(user,project)#Attachment.includes(:author).where("author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count update_score(option_number) end def attachment_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Attachment.includes(:author,:container).where("author_id = '#{user.id}' and container_type = 'Project'").all.count else Attachment.includes(:author,:container).where("author_id = '#{user.id}' and container_type = 'Project' and container_id = #{project.id}").all.count end end #更新缺陷完成度次数 def update_issue_done_ratio(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.issue_done_ratio = issue_done_ratio_num(user,project) #Journal.joins(:details, :user).where("#{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'done_ratio' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count update_score(option_number) end def issue_done_ratio_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Journal.joins(:details, :user).where("#{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'done_ratio' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count else Journal.joins(:issue,:details,:user).where("#{Issue.table_name}.project_id = '#{project.id}' and #{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'done_ratio' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count end end #更新发布缺陷次数 def update_post_issue(user,type,project=nil) option_number = get_option_number(user,type,project) option_number.post_issue = post_issue_num(user,project) #Issue.includes(:author).where("author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count update_score(option_number) end def post_issue_num(user,project=nil) if project.nil? Issue.includes(:author).where("author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count else Issue.includes(:author).where("author_id = '#{user.id}' and project_id = '#{project.id}'").all.count end end #读取项目成员得分 def read_user_project_scores(user,project) option_num = get_option_number(user,2,project) option_num.total_score end def user_scores(user,type,project=nil) ooption_num = get_option_number(user,type,project) update_memo_number(user,type,project) update_messges_for_issue(user,type,project) update_issues_status(user,type,project) update_replay_for_message(user,type,project) update_replay_for_memo(user,type,project) update_tread(user,type,project) update_praise(user,type,project) update_changeset(user,type,project) update_document(user,type,project) update_attachment(user,type,project) update_issue_done_ratio(user,type,project) update_post_issue(user,type,project) update_score(ooption_num) ooption_num end end