## fq class BidingProject < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :bid_id, :project_id, :user_id, :description,:reward belongs_to :bid belongs_to :project belongs_to :user DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT = 500 validates_length_of :description, :maximum => DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT validates_presence_of :user_id, :bid_id, :project_id validate :validate_user validate :validate_bid validate :validate_project validates_uniqueness_of :bid_id, :scope => :project_id def self.cerate_bidding(bid_id, project_id, description = nil) self.create(:user_id => User.current.id, :bid_id => bid_id, :project_id => project_id, :description => description) end # used to update the reward ,the value varies from 0,1,2,3,4,5 # added by william def update_reward(which) self.update_attribute(:reward,which) end # return the reward,the value is a type of string # added by william def get_reward self.reward end def cancel_bidding unless self.nil? if User.current.id == self.user_id self.destroy end end end private def validate_user errors.add :user_id, :invalid if user.nil? || !user.active? end def validate_bid errors.add :bid_id, :invalid if bid.nil? end def validate_project errors.add :project_id, :invalid if project.nil? end end