# encoding: utf-8 # # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. module MembersHelper def render_principals_for_new_members(project) scope = Principal.active.sorted.not_member_of(project).like(params[:q]) principal_count = scope.count principal_pages = Redmine::Pagination::Paginator.new principal_count, 10, params['page'] #by young principals = scope.offset(principal_pages.offset).limit(principal_pages.per_page).all s = content_tag('div', principals_check_box_tags_ex('membership[user_ids][]', principals), :id => 'principals') links = pagination_links_full(principal_pages, principal_count, :per_page_links => false) {|text, parameters, options| link_to text, autocomplete_project_memberships_path(project, parameters.merge(:q => params[:q], :format => 'js')), :remote => true } s + content_tag('div', content_tag('ul', links), :class => 'pagination_new') end #获取项目可邀请的成员列表 def render_project_members project if params[:q] && params[:q].lstrip.rstrip != "" scope = Principal.active.sorted.not_member_of(project).like(params[:q]) else scope = [] end principals = paginateHelper scope,10 s = content_tag('ul', project_member_check_box_tags_ex('membership[user_ids][]', principals), :class => 'mb5', :id => 'principals') links = pagination_links_full(@obj_pages, @obj_count, :per_page_links => false, :remote => false, :flag => true, :is_new => true){|text, parameters, options| link_to text, autocomplete_project_memberships_path(project, parameters.merge(:q => params[:q],:flag => true, :format => 'js')), :remote => true } s + content_tag('ul', links,:class => 'wlist', :id => "course_member_pagination_links" ) end # add by nwb # 课程可添加的成员列表 def render_principals_for_new_course_members(course) if params[:q] && params[:q].lstrip.rstrip != "" scope = Principal.active.sorted.not_member_of_course(course).like(params[:q]) else scope = [] end principals = paginateHelper scope,10 s = content_tag('ul', project_member_check_box_tags_ex('membership[user_ids][]', principals), :class => 'mb5', :id => 'principals') links = pagination_links_full(@obj_pages, @obj_count, :per_page_links => false, :remote => false, :flag => true) {|text, parameters, options| link_to text, autocomplete_course_memberships_path(course, parameters.merge(:q => params[:q], :format => 'js')), :remote => true } s + content_tag('ul', links,:class => 'wlist',:id => "course_member_pagination_links") end # 新申请加入项目成员列表 def render_principals_for_applied_members_new project scope = project.applied_projects.map(&:user) principals = paginateHelper scope,10 s = content_tag('ul', principals_check_box_tags_li('membership[user_ids][]', principals), :class => 'mb5') links = pagination_links_full(@obj_pages, @obj_count, :per_page_links => false, :remote => false, :flag => true){|text, parameters, options| link_to text, appliedproject_project_memberships_path(project, parameters.merge(:q => params[:q],:flag => true, :format => 'js')), :remote => true } s + content_tag('ul', links,:class => 'wlist', :id => "course_member_pagination_links" ) end # 当前申请加入的成员名单 def render_principals_for_applied_members(project) scope = project.applied_projects.map(&:user) principal_count = scope.count principal_pages = Redmine::Pagination::Paginator.new principal_count, 10, params['page'] offset ||= principal_pages.offset principals = scope[offset, 10] #principals = scope.offset(principal_pages.offset).limit(principal_pages.per_page).all #principals = ApplicationController.new.paginateHelper scope,10 s = content_tag('div', principals_check_box_tags_ex('membership[user_ids][]', principals), :id => 'principals') links = pagination_links_full(principal_pages, principal_count, :per_page_links => false) {|text, parameters, options| link_to text, appliedproject_project_memberships_path(project, parameters.merge(:q => params[:q], :format => 'js')), :remote => true } s + content_tag('div', content_tag('ul', links), :class => 'applied_new') end private def paginateHelper obj, pre_size=20 @obj_count = obj.count @obj_pages = Redmine::Pagination::Paginator.new @obj_count, pre_size, params['page'] if obj.kind_of? ActiveRecord::Base or obj.kind_of? ActiveRecord::Relation obj.limit(@obj_pages.per_page).offset(@obj_pages.offset) elsif obj.kind_of? Array obj[@obj_pages.offset, @obj_pages.per_page] else logger.error "[ApplicationController] Error : application_controller#paginateHelper ===> unknow category: #{obj.class}" raise RuntimeError, 'unknow type, Please input you type into this helper.' end end end