module Mobile module Entities #普通留言 class Jours < Grape::Entity include Redmine::I18n def self.jours_expose(field) expose field do |f,opt| if f.is_a?(Hash) && f.key?(field) f[field] elsif f.is_a?(::JournalsForMessage) && f.respond_to?(field) if field == :created_on format_time(f.send(field)) else f.send(field) end else case field when :lasted_comment time_from_now f.created_on when :reply_count # f.children.count all_comments = [] get_all_children(all_comments, f).count when :praise_count get_activity_praise_num(f) when :act_type 'JournalsForMessage' when :act_id end end end end jours_expose :act_type jours_expose :act_id jours_expose :id jours_expose :jour_type jours_expose :jour_id expose :user,using: Mobile::Entities::User do |f, opt| f.user end jours_expose :created_on jours_expose :lasted_comment jours_expose :notes jours_expose :m_reply_id jours_expose :m_parent_id jours_expose :reply_count jours_expose :praise_count expose :course,using:Mobile::Entities::Course do |f,opt| if f.is_a?(::JournalsForMessage) && f[:jour_type] == "Course" f.course end end expose :reply_user,using: Mobile::Entities::User do |f, opt| f.at_user end expose :child_reply,using: Mobile::Entities::Jours do |f, opt| if f.is_a?(::JournalsForMessage) f.children.reverse end end expose :has_praise , if: lambda { |instance, options| options[:user] } do |instance, options| has_praise = false current_user = options[:user] obj = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_id=? and praise_tread_object_type=? and user_id=?",,instance.class.to_s, has_praise = obj.empty? ? false : true has_praise end end end end