<% @nav_dispaly_course_all_label = 1 @nav_dispaly_forum_label = 1 @nav_dispaly_course_label = nil @nav_dispaly_store_all_label = 1 %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'welcome' %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'welcome' %>
<%#= render partial: 'wei_xin' %>
<%= image_tag(@logoLink, width:@course_page.image_width,height: @course_page.image_height) %>
<% if @school_id.nil? and (User.current.user_extensions.nil? || User.current.user_extensions.school.nil?) %> <% else %> <% if @school_id == "0" %> <% else %> <% if @school_id.nil? %> <%= link_to School.find(User.current.user_extensions.school.id).name, options={:action => 'course', :school_id => User.current.user_extensions.school.id}, html_options={:class => 'font_welcome_school', :method => 'get'} %>
<% else %> <%= link_to School.find(@school_id).name, options={:action => 'course', :school_id => @school_id}, html_options={:class => 'font_welcome_school', :method => 'get'} %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% unless @course_page.nil? %> <%= @course_page.title %> <% if @school_id.nil? and (User.current.user_extensions.nil? || User.current.user_extensions.school.nil?) %> , <%= @course_page.description %> <% else %> <% if @school_id == "0" %> , <%= @course_page.description %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>

<%= l(:lable_hot_course)%>

<% month_now = Time.now.strftime("%m").to_i %> <% year_now = Time.new.strftime("%Y") %> <% (month_now >= 3 && month_now < 9) ? course_term = "春季学期" : course_term = "秋季学期" %> <% @school_id.nil? ? cur_school_course = [] : cur_school_course = find_miracle_course(10,7,@school_id, year_now, course_term) %> <% if cur_school_course.count == 0 %> <%= render :partial => 'more_course', :locals => {:school_id => nil}%>
<% else %> <% if cur_school_course.count < 9 %> <%= render :partial => 'more_course', :locals => {:school_id => nil}%> <% else %> <%= render :partial => 'more_course', :locals => {:school_id => @school_id}%> <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= l(:label_issue_feedback_activities)%> <%= link_to l(:label_my_question), newbie_send_path, {:class => 'orangeButton idea_btn', :style => "color: #EEEEEE"} %> <%= link_to l(:label_my_feedback), suggestion_send_path, {:class => 'orangeButton idea_btn', :style => "color: #EEEEEE"} %>

<%= link_to "更多>>", forums_path %>
<%= render partial: 'link_to_another' %>