# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class AdminController < ApplicationController layout 'admin' menu_item :projects, :only => :projects menu_item :plugins, :only => :plugins menu_item :info, :only => :info before_filter :require_admin helper :sort helper :Users helper :Settings,SchoolHelper include SortHelper def index @no_configuration_data = Redmine::DefaultData::Loader::no_data? end def projects =begin @status = params[:status] || 1 scope = Project.status(@status) scope = scope.like(params[:name]) if params[:name].present? @projects = scope.where(project_type: Project::ProjectType_project).reorder("created_on desc").all =end @projects = Project.like(@name).order('created_on desc') @projects = paginateHelper @projects,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 render :action => "projects", :layout => false if request.xhr? end def syllabuses @name = params[:name] @syllabuses = Syllabus.like(@name).order('created_at desc') @syllabuses = paginateHelper @syllabuses,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #为班级选择课程 def select_course_syllabus @flag = false if params[:syllabus_id] && params[:course_id] course = Course.where("id = #{params[:course_id].to_i}").first unless course.nil? course.update_column('syllabus_id', params[:syllabus_id].to_i) Rails.logger.error "update_syllabus_id: admin_controller/select_scourse_syllabus" @flag = true end end if @flag render :text=> "succ" else render :text=>'fail' end end #新建课程 def create_syllabus if params[:course_id] course = Course.where("id = #{params[:course_id]}").first if course @user = course.teacher syllabus = Syllabus.new syllabus.update_attributes(:title => params[:title], :eng_name => params[:eng_name], :user_id => @user.id) syllabus.description = Message.where("id = 19412").first.nil? ? nil : Message.where("id = 19412").first.content if syllabus.save course.update_column('syllabus_id', syllabus.id) Rails.logger.error "update_syllabus_id: admin_controller/create_syllabus" @flag = params[:flag].to_i @course = course respond_to do |format| format.js end end end end end def courses @name = params[:name].to_s.strip.downcase if @name && @name != "" @courses = Course.select{ |course| course.teacher && ((course.teacher.show_name).include?(@name) || course.name.include?(@name))} @courses = @courses.sort{|x, y| y.created_at <=> x.created_at} else @courses = Course.order('created_at desc') end @courses = paginateHelper @courses,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #未配置班级列表 def non_syllabus_courses @name = params[:name].to_s.strip.downcase if @name && @name != "" @courses = Course.where("syllabus_id is null and is_delete = 0").select{ |course| (course.teacher[:lastname].to_s.downcase + course.teacher[:firstname].to_s.downcase).include?(@name) || course.name.include?(@name)} @courses = @courses.sort{|x, y| y.created_at <=> x.created_at} else @courses = Course.where("syllabus_id is null and is_delete = 0").order('created_at desc') end @courses = paginateHelper @courses,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #修改班级名称 def update_course_name @course = Course.where("id = #{params[:course_id].to_i}").first unless @course.nil? @course.update_column("name", params[:name]) respond_to do |format| format.js end end end #修改课程名称 def update_syllabus_title @syllabus = Syllabus.where("id = #{params[:syllabus_id].to_i}").first unless @syllabus.nil? @syllabus.update_column("title", params[:name]) respond_to do |format| format.js end end end #管理员界面精品课程列表 def excellent_courses @courses = Course.where("is_excellent =? or excellent_option =?", 1, 1 ) respond_to do |format| format.html end end # 单位名称列表下的已审批按照名字排序 def apply_shcool_sort @order = "" @sort = "" if params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'name') # courses = School.find_by_sql("SELECT c.*,count(c.id) FROM courses c,course_activities ca WHERE c.id = ca.course_id AND c.name like '%#{name}%' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY count(c.id) #{params[:sort]}, c.id desc") school = School.find_by_sql(" SELECT aas.name FROM apply_add_schools aas where aas.status = '0' ORDER BY CONVERT(aas.name USING gbk) #{params[:sort]}, aas.id asc ") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] end redirect_to unapplied_schools_url end #精品课程下的全部课程 def excellent_all_courses name = params[:name] @order = "" @sort = "" if params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'act') courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT c.*,count(c.id) FROM courses c,course_activities ca WHERE c.id = ca.course_id AND c.name like '%#{name}%' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY count(c.id) #{params[:sort]}, c.id desc") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] elsif params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'time') courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM courses WHERE name like '%#{name}%' ORDER BY time #{params[:sort]}, id desc") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] elsif params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'post') courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT c.*, count(m.id) count FROM boards b, courses c, messages m WHERE m.board_id = b.id AND b.course_id = c.id AND c.name like '%#{name}%' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY count #{params[:sort]}, c.id desc") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] elsif params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'res') courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT c.*, count(at.container_id) cat FROM attachments at, courses c WHERE at.container_type = 'Course' AND at.container_id = c.id AND c.name like '%#{name}%' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY cat #{params[:sort]}, id desc") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] elsif params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'works') courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT c.*, count(hc.id) chc FROM courses c, homework_commons hc,student_works sw WHERE c.id = hc.course_id AND sw.homework_common_id = hc.id AND c.name like '%#{name}%' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY chc #{params[:sort]}, id desc") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] elsif params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'homework') courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT c.*, count(sw.id) csw FROM student_works sw, courses c, homework_commons hc WHERE c.id = hc.course_id AND sw.id = c.id AND c.name like '%#{name}%' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY csw #{params[:sort]}, id desc") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] elsif params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'std') courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT c.*, count(sfc.id) sfc FROM courses c, students_for_courses sfc WHERE sfc.course_id = c.id AND c.name like '%#{name}%' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY sfc #{params[:sort]}, id desc") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] elsif params[:sort] && (params[:order] == 'open') courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM courses WHERE name like '%#{name}%' ORDER BY is_public #{params[:sort]},id desc") @order = params[:order] @sort = params[:sort] else courses = Course.like(name).order('created_at desc') end @courses = paginateHelper courses,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #设为精品 def set_excellent_course @course = Course.find params[:id] unless @course.nil? if @course.is_excellent == 1 || @course.excellent_option == 1 @course.update_column('is_excellent', 0) @course.update_column('excellent_option', 0) else @course.update_column('is_excellent', 1) end respond_to do |format| format.js end end end #取消精品 def cancel_excellent_course @course = Course.find params[:id] unless @course.nil? if @course.is_excellent == 1 || @course.excellent_option == 1 @course.update_column('is_excellent', 0) @course.update_column('excellent_option', 0) end end respond_to do |format| format.html{ redirect_to excellent_courses_url } end end #管理员界面课程资源列表 def course_resource_list if params[:sort] == 'file_size' @resource = Attachment.where(:container_type => 'Course').order("filesize desc") elsif params[:sort] == 'file_upload' @resource = Attachment.where(:container_type => 'Course').order("created_on desc") elsif params[:sort] == 'file_download_times' @resource = Attachment.where(:container_type => 'Course').order("downloads desc") else @resource = Attachment.where(:container_type => 'Course').order("created_on desc") end @resource = paginateHelper @resource,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #管理员界面項目资源列表 def project_resource_list if params[:sort] == 'file_size' @pro_resource = Attachment.where(:container_type => 'Project').order("filesize desc") elsif params[:sort] == 'file_upload' @pro_resource = Attachment.where(:container_type => 'Project').order("created_on desc") elsif params[:sort] == 'file_download_times' @pro_resource = Attachment.where(:container_type => 'Project').order("downloads desc") else @pro_resource = Attachment.where(:container_type => 'Project').order("created_on desc") end @pro_resource = paginateHelper @pro_resource,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end def users sort_init 'login', 'asc' sort_update %w(login firstname lastname mail admin created_on last_login_on) case params[:format] when 'xml', 'json' @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 50}) else @limit = 50 #per_page_option end @status = params[:status] || 1 scope = User.logged.status(@status) scope = User.like(params[:name]) if params[:name].present? scope = scope.in_group(params[:group_id]) if params[:group_id].present? @user_count = scope.count @user_pages = Paginator.new @user_count, @limit, params['page'] @offset ||= @user_pages.offset @users = scope.order(sort_clause).limit(@limit).offset(@offset).all respond_to do |format| format.html { @groups = Group.all.sort } format.api end end # 系统消息 def messages @admin_messages = SystemMessage.new end def plugins @plugins = Redmine::Plugin.all end # Loads the default configuration # (roles, trackers, statuses, workflow, enumerations) def default_configuration if request.post? begin Redmine::DefaultData::Loader::load(params[:lang]) flash[:notice] = l(:notice_default_data_loaded) rescue Exception => e flash[:error] = l(:error_can_t_load_default_data, e.message) end end redirect_to admin_url end def test_email raise_delivery_errors = ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors # Force ActionMailer to raise delivery errors so we can catch it ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true begin @test = Mailer.test_email(User.current).deliver flash[:notice] = l(:notice_email_sent, User.current.mail) rescue Exception => e flash[:error] = l(:notice_email_error, e.message) end ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = raise_delivery_errors redirect_to settings_url(:tab => 'notifications') end def info @db_adapter_name = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name @checklist = [ [:text_default_administrator_account_changed, User.default_admin_account_changed?], [:text_file_repository_writable, File.writable?(Attachment.storage_path)], [:text_plugin_assets_writable, File.writable?(Redmine::Plugin.public_directory)], [:text_rmagick_available, Object.const_defined?(:Magick)] ] end #管理功能用户列表的搜索 def search sort_init 'login', 'asc' sort_update %w(login firstname lastname mail admin created_on last_login_on) case params[:format] when 'xml', 'json' @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 15}) else @limit = 15#per_page_option end @status = params[:status] || 1 scope = User.logged.status(@status) scope = scope.like(params[:name],params[:search_by][:id]) if params[:name].present? @user_count = scope.count @user_pages = Paginator.new @user_count, @limit, params['page'] @user_base_tag = params[:id] ? 'base_users':'base' @users = scope.offset(@user_pages.offset).limit(@user_pages.per_page) respond_to do |format| format.html { @groups = Group.all.sort } format.api end end #首页定制 def first_page_made if request.get? @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') elsif request.post? @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') @first_page.web_title = params[:web_title] @first_page.description = params[:first_page][:description] #@first_page.title = params[:title] @first_page.image_width = params[:image_width] @first_page.image_height = params[:image_height] @first_page.sort_type = params[:sort_type] @first_page.show_course = params[:show_course] @first_page.show_contest = params[:show_contest] if @first_page.save respond_to do |format| flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update) format.html { redirect_to first_page_made_url } format.api { render_api_ok } #format.json { render json: @first_page, status: :created, location: @first_page } end else respond_to do |format| flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@first_page.errors.full_messages[0]}" format.html { render :action => 'first_page_made' } format.api { render_validation_errors(@first_page) } #format.json { render json: @first_page.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end end def course_page_made if request.get? @course_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('course') @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') elsif request.post? @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') @course_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('course') @first_page.web_title = params[:web_title] @course_page.web_title = params[:web_title] @course_page.title = params[:course_title] @course_page.image_width = params[:image_width] @course_page.image_height = params[:image_height] @course_page.description = params[:course_description] if @first_page.save && @course_page.save respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update) redirect_to course_page_made_url } format.api { render_api_ok } end else respond_to do |format| flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@first_page.errors.full_messages[0]}\n\t#{@course_page.errors.full_messages[0]}" #flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@course_page.errors.full_messages[0]}" format.html { render :action => 'course_page_made' } format.api { render_validation_errors(@first_page) } format.api { render_validation_errors(@course_page) } end end end end def contest_page_made if request.get? @contest_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('contest') @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') elsif request.post? @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') @contest_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('contest') @first_page.web_title = params[:web_title] @contest_page.web_title = params[:web_title] @contest_page.title = params[:contest_title] @contest_page.image_width = params[:image_width] @contest_page.image_height = params[:image_height] @contest_page.description = params[:contest_description] if @first_page.save && @contest_page.save respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update) redirect_to contest_page_made_url } format.api { render_api_ok } end else respond_to do |format| flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@first_page.errors.full_messages[0]}\n\t#{@contest_page.errors.full_messages[0]}\n\t#{@notification.errors.full_messages[0]}" format.html { render :action => 'contest_page_made' } format.api { render_validation_errors(@first_page) } format.api { render_validation_errors(@contest_page) } end end end end def web_footer_made if request.get? @organizer = WebFooterOranizer.first @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') #@notification = ContestNotification.all.first; elsif request.post? @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') @first_page.web_title = params[:web_title] @organizer = WebFooterOranizer.first if @organizer.nil? @organizer = WebFooterOranizer.new end @organizer.name = params[:organizer_name] @organizer.description = params[:web_footer_oranizer][:description] if @first_page.save && @organizer.save respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update) redirect_to web_footer_made_url } format.api { render_api_ok } end else respond_to do |format| flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@first_page.errors.full_messages[0]}\n\t#{@organizer.errors.full_messages[0]}}" format.html { render :action => 'web_footer_made' } format.api { render_validation_errors(@first_page) } format.api { render_validation_errors(@contest_page) } end end end end #企业主页定制 def enterprise_page_made @enterprise_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('enterprise') if @enterprise_page.nil? @enterprise_page = FirstPage.new @enterprise_page.page_type = 'enterprise' end if request.get? @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') elsif request.post? @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project') @first_page.web_title = params[:web_title] @enterprise_page.web_title = params[:web_title] @enterprise_page.title = params[:course_title] @enterprise_page.image_width = params[:image_width] @enterprise_page.image_height = params[:image_height] @enterprise_page.description = params[:course_description] if @first_page.save && @enterprise_page.save respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update) redirect_to enterprise_page_made_url } format.api { render_api_ok } end else respond_to do |format| flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@first_page.errors.full_messages[0]}\n\t#{@enterprise_page.errors.full_messages[0]}" #flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@course_page.errors.full_messages[0]}" format.html { render :action => 'enterprise_page_made' } format.api { render_validation_errors(@first_page) } format.api { render_validation_errors(@enterprise_page) } end end end end #组织 def organization @organizations = Organization.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM organizations ORDER BY created_at DESC") #@organizations = Organization.all.order("created_at desc") @organization_count = @organizations.count @organization_pages = Paginator.new @organization_count, 30, params['page'] || 1 @organizations = paginateHelper @organizations,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #学校列表 def schools @schools = School.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM schools ORDER BY created_at DESC") @school_count = @schools.count @school_pages = Paginator.new @school_count, 30, params['page'] || 1 @schools = paginateHelper @schools,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end # 单位审核 # 未审批tab页 # status: 0 未审批; 1 已批阅; 2已更改; 3拒绝; def applied_schools # 更新消息状态 if params[:flag] applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:id => params[:applied_message_id]).first applied_message.update_attribute(:viewed, true) end @name = params[:name] || "" condition = "#{@name.strip}".gsub(" ","") @apply_status = ApplyAddSchools.where("status = 0 and name like '%#{condition}%'").order('created_at desc') @apply_count = @apply_status.count @apply_pages = Paginator.new @apply_count, 30, params['page'] || 1 @apply_status = paginateHelper @apply_status, 30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end # 单位审核 # 已审批tab页 def has_applied_schools @name = params[:name] || "" condition = "#{@name.strip}".gsub(" ","") @has_apply_status = ApplyAddSchools.where("(status = 1 or status = 2) and name like '%#{condition}%'").order('created_at desc') @has_apply_count = @has_apply_status.count @has_apply_pages = Paginator.new @has_apply_count, 30, params['page'] || 1 @has_apply_status = paginateHelper @has_apply_status, 30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end # 单位审核:批准 # 消息发送,发送对象为申请人 # status: 0表示未批准; status:1表示已批准; status: 2表示已更改; status: 3表示已拒绝; def approve_applied_schools applied_school = ApplyAddSchools.find params[:id] applied_school.update_column('status', 1) unless applied_school.nil? school = applied_school.school school.update_attribute("province", applied_school.province) AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => applied_school.user_id, :status => 1, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => applied_school.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools", :name => applied_school.name ) # School.create(:user_id => applied_school.user_id, :status => 1, :viewed => true, :applied_id => applied_school.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools", :name => applied_school.name ) respond_to do |format| format.html{ redirect_to unapplied_schools_url } end end # 单位审核:更改 # 修改该字段 # 同步修改使用了改名称的用户单位 def edit_applied_schools aas = ApplyAddSchools.find(params[:applied_id]) # aas.update_attribute(:name, params[:name]) #applied_add_school = ApplyAddSchools.where(:name => aas.name) school = School.find params[:school_id] begin aas.update_attribute(:status, 2) AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => aas.user_id, :status => 2, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => aas.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools", :name => school[0].name ) users = UserExtensions.where("school_id = #{aas.school_id}") users.update_all(:school_id => school[0].id) if aas.school_id != school[0].id.to_i aas.school.destroy end aas.update_attribute(:school_id, school[0].id) rescue Exception => e puts e end # applied_schools = ApplyAddSchools.find params[:applied_id] # applied_schools.update_column('name', params[:name]) redirect_to unapplied_schools_url end # 单位审核:更改功能搜索合法学校弹框 def all_schools apply_schools = ApplyAddSchools.where("status = 0") apply_school_ids = apply_schools.empty? ? "(-1)" : "(" + apply_schools.map{|sc| sc.school_id}.join(',') + ")" if !params[:search].nil? search = "%#{params[:search].to_s.strip.downcase}%" @schools = School.where("id not in #{apply_school_ids} and #{School.table_name}.name like :p",:p=>search) #@schools = School.all else #@course = @user.courses.where("is_delete = 0 and #{Course.table_name}.id != #{homework.course_id}").select { |course| @user.allowed_to?(:as_teacher,course)} @schools = School.where("id not in #{apply_school_ids}") end @edit_id = params[:school_id] @search = params[:search] respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 单位审核:删除 def delete_applied_schools applied_school = ApplyAddSchools.find(params[:id]) applied_school.update_attribute(:status, 3) # 未审批删除 if params[:tip] == "unapplied" AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => applied_school.user_id, :status => 3, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => applied_school.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools", :name => applied_school.name ) # 删除学校的用户 users = UserExtensions.where("school_id = #{applied_school.school_id}") users.update_all(:school_id => nil) applied_school.school.destroy redirect_to unapplied_schools_url # 已审批删除 elsif params[:tip] == "applied" applied_school.destroy redirect_to applied_schools_url end end #移动端版本管理 def mobile_version @versions = PhoneAppVersion.reorder('created_at desc') @new_version = PhoneAppVersion.new end def create_version @versions = PhoneAppVersion.reorder('created_at desc') @new_version = PhoneAppVersion.new @new_version.version = params[:version] @new_version.description = params[:description] if params[:attachments][:dummy][:file].nil? || params[:attachments][:dummy][:file] == "" respond_to do |format| flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_version_create_fail}: #{l(:label_client_need)}" #flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@course_page.errors.full_messages[0]}" format.html { render :action => 'mobile_version' } format.api { render_validation_errors(@new_version) } end else @new_version.save_attachments(params[:attachments] || (params[:version] && params[:version][:uploads])) if @new_version.save respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_create) redirect_to mobile_version_url } format.api { render_api_ok } end else respond_to do |format| flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_version_create_fail}: #{@new_version.errors.full_messages[0]}" #flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@course_page.errors.full_messages[0]}" format.html { render :action => 'mobile_version' } format.api { render_validation_errors(@new_version) } end end end end #留言列表 def leave_messages @jour = JournalsForMessage.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM journals_for_messages AS j1 WHERE j1.jour_type IN ('Course','Principal') AND (j1.m_parent_id IS NULL OR (j1.m_parent_id IN (SELECT id FROM journals_for_messages WHERE jour_type IN ('Course','Principal')))) order by created_on desc") @jour = paginateHelper @jour,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #帖子 def messages_list @memo = Memo.reorder("created_at desc") @memo = paginateHelper @memo,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #课程讨论区的帖子 def course_messages @course_ms=Message.joins("join boards on messages.board_id=boards.id where boards.course_id is not NULL").reorder('created_on desc') @course_ms = paginateHelper @course_ms,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #项目讨论区的帖子 def project_messages @project_ms=Message.joins("join boards on messages.board_id=boards.id where boards.project_id != -1").reorder('created_on desc') @project_ms = paginateHelper @project_ms,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #通知 def notices @news = News.where('course_id is not NULL').order('created_on desc') @news = paginateHelper @news,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #最近登录用户列表 def latest_login_users scope = User.order('last_login_on desc') scope = scope.where("last_login_on>= '#{params[:startdate]} 00:00:00'") if params[:startdate].present? scope =scope.where("last_login_on <= '#{params[:enddate]} 23:59:59'") if params[:enddate].present? @users = scope @users = paginateHelper @users,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #最近登录老师列表 def latest_login_teachers scope = User.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM users,user_extensions WHERE users.id = user_extensions.user_id AND user_extensions.identity=0 ORDER BY last_login_on DESC") if params[:startdate].present? scope = User.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM users,user_extensions WHERE users.id = user_extensions.user_id AND user_extensions.identity=0 and last_login_on>= '#{params[:startdate]} 00:00:00' ORDER BY last_login_on DESC") end if params[:enddate].present? scope = User.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM users,user_extensions WHERE users.id = user_extensions.user_id AND user_extensions.identity=0 and last_login_on <= '#{params[:enddate]} 23:59:59' ORDER BY last_login_on DESC") end @teachers = scope @teachers = paginateHelper @teachers,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #作业 def homework #@homework = HomeworkCommon.order('end_time desc') @homework = HomeworkCommon.order( 'created_at desc ') @homework = paginateHelper @homework,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end #代码测试列表 def code_work_tests #求出所有条数 tCount = CodeTests.count() #设置个空的数组 以便paginateHelper来分页 @code_work_tests = [] if tCount >= 1 @code_work_tests[tCount-1] = {} end @code_work_tests = paginateHelper @code_work_tests,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 #取出需要的那一页数据 tStart = @page*30 @code_work_tests = CodeTests.find_by_sql("select * from code_tests order by id desc limit #{tStart},30 ") #取出各个作品是否是模拟答题的 is_test = {} #作品是否存在 link_swork = {} #作业是否存在 link_hwork = {} @code_work_tests.each do |test| #作品是否存在 if is_test[test['student_work_id']] != nil test['link_swork'] = link_swork[test['student_work_id']] test['is_test'] = is_test[test['student_work_id']] else work = StudentWork.where("id=?",test['student_work_id']).first test['link_swork'] = !work.nil? test['is_test'] = work.nil? ? false : work.is_test #test['is_test'] = CodeTests.find_by_sql("select is_test from student_works where id = #{test['student_work_id']}").first['is_test'] is_test[test['student_work_id']] = test['is_test'] link_swork[test['student_work_id']] = test['link_swork'] end #作业是否存在 if link_hwork[test['homework_id']] != nil test['link_hwork'] = link_hwork[test['homework_id']] else hwork = HomeworkCommon.where("id=?",test['homework_id']).first test['link_hwork'] = !hwork.nil? link_hwork[test['homework_id']] = test['link_hwork'] end end respond_to do |format| format.html end end #分享作业申请 def apply_for_homework homeworks = ApplyHomework.where("user_id != 0") @homework = paginateHelper homeworks,30 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i - 1 respond_to do |format| format.html end end end