# encoding: utf-8 # Trustie - education management software # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 class StoresController < ApplicationController layout 'base_stores' def search begin q = "%#{params[:name].strip}%" (redirect_to stores_url, :notice => l(:label_sumbit_empty);return) if params[:name].blank? result = find_public_attache q @searched_attach = paginateHelper result @result_all_count = result.count; rescue Exception => e #render 'stores' redirect_to stores_url end end def find_public_attache keywords # StoresController#search 将每条文件都查出来,再次进行判断过滤。---> resultSet.to_a.map # 此时内容不多速度还可,但文件增长,每条判断多则进行3-4次表连接。 # 现在还木有思路 药丸 resultSet = Attachment.where("attachments.container_type IS NOT NULL AND filename LIKE :like ", like: "%#{keywords}%"). reorder("created_on DESC") result = resultSet.to_a.dup resultSet.to_a.map { |res| if(res.container.nil? || (res.container.class.to_s=="Project" && res.container.is_public == false) || (res.container.has_attribute?(:project) && res.container.project.is_public == false) || (res.container.class.to_s=="HomeworkAttach" && res.container.bid.reward_type == 3) || false ) || (res.container.is_a?(Course) && res.container.is_public == 0) result.delete(res) end } result end LIMIT = 12 unless const_defined?(:LIMIT) def index @projects_attach = project_classification(0).take(LIMIT) @courses_attach = Attachment.includes(:course).where("courses.is_public = 1"). where(container_type: 'Course'). limit(LIMIT) # @projects_attach = Attachment.includes(:project).where("projects.project_type=? AND projects.is_public = ?", 0, 1). # reorder("#{Attachment.table_name}.downloads DESC"). # limit(LIMIT) # @courses_attach = Attachment.includes(:project).where("projects.project_type=? AND projects.is_public = ?", 1, 1). # reorder("#{Attachment.table_name}.downloads DESC"). # limit(LIMIT) # 悲剧 下面竞赛里没文件 # @homeworks_attach = Attachment. # joins("LEFT JOIN homework_attaches ON homework_attaches.id=attachments.container_id # LEFT JOIN bids ON homework_attaches.bid_id=bids.id"). # where("container_type = 'HomeworkAttach' AND bids.reward_type <> 3"). # reorder("downloads DESC"). # limit(LIMIT) @homeworks_attach = join_tools_project Message, 0 @memos_attach = Attachment.where("container_type = 'Memo'"). reorder("downloads DESC"). limit(LIMIT) @attach_array = Array.new @attach_array.push(@projects_attach, @courses_attach, @homeworks_attach, @memos_attach) @str_arr = [ l(:label_project_deposit), l(:label_course_practice), l(:label_borad_project), #l(:label_contest_innovate), l(:label_forum) ] end #缺失文件列表 def lost_file attachments = [] Attachment.where("container_id is not null and container_type is not null and container_type <> 'Bid' and container_type <> 'HomeworkAttach'").each do |attachment| unless File.exist?(attachment.diskfile) attachments << attachment end end respond_to do |format| format.xls { send_data(homework_to_xls(attachments), :type => "text/excel;charset=utf-8; header=present", :filename => "#{l(:label_file_lost_list)}.xls") } end end private def project_classification project_type=0 # pro_attach = Attachment.joins("LEFT JOIN projects ON attachments.container_id = projects.id"). # where("attachments.container_type='Project' AND projects.is_public=1 AND projects.project_type=#{project_type}"). # reorder("downloads DESC"). # limit(LIMIT) pro_attach = join_tools_project Project, project_type doc_attach = join_tools_project Document, project_type issue_attach = join_tools_project Issue, project_type mess_attach = []#join_tools_project Message, project_type news_attach = join_tools_project News, project_type vers_attach = join_tools_project Version, project_type wiki_attach = join_tools_project WikiPage, project_type tmp = pro_attach tmp = pro_attach+doc_attach+issue_attach+mess_attach+news_attach+vers_attach+wiki_attach tmp.sort { |a, b| b.downloads <=> a.downloads } end def join_tools_project tableName, project_type=0 Attachment.joins(str_join_table(tableName)). where("attachments.container_type='#{tableName.to_s}' AND projects.is_public=1 AND projects.project_type=#{project_type}"). reorder('downloads DESC'). limit(LIMIT) end def str_join_table tableClass case tableClass.to_s when 'Project' "LEFT JOIN projects ON attachments.container_id = projects.id" when 'Document', 'Issue', 'Version', 'News' # 连接子表即有 project_id 字段,即两层连接 "LEFT JOIN #{tableClass.table_name} ON attachments.container_id = #{tableClass.table_name}.id LEFT JOIN projects ON #{tableClass.table_name}.project_id = projects.id" when 'Message' # 三层连接 "LEFT JOIN #{tableClass.table_name} ON attachments.container_id = #{tableClass.table_name}.id LEFT JOIN boards ON boards.id = #{tableClass.table_name}.board_id LEFT JOIN projects ON boards.project_id = projects.id" when 'WikiPage'# 三层连接 "LEFT JOIN #{tableClass.table_name} ON attachments.container_id = #{tableClass.table_name}.id LEFT JOIN wikis ON wikis.id = #{tableClass.table_name}.wiki_id LEFT JOIN projects ON wikis.project_id = projects.id" else end end #作品列表转换为excel def homework_to_xls attachments xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "homework" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue sheet1.row(0).concat(["文件ID","文件名","硬盘路径","上传时间","是否公开","所属对象","所属对象Id"]) count_row = 1 attachments.each do |attachment| sheet1[count_row,0] = attachment.id sheet1[count_row,1] = attachment.filename sheet1[count_row,2] = attachment.diskfile sheet1[count_row,3] = format_time(attachment.created_on) sheet1[count_row,4] = (attachment.is_public == 1 || attachment.is_public) ? "是" :"否" sheet1[count_row,5] = attachment.container_type sheet1[count_row,6] = attachment.container_id count_row += 1 end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end end