require 'codeclimate-test-reporter' CodeClimate::TestReporter.start ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test' ENV['WECHAT_APPID'] = 'appid' ENV['WECHAT_SECRET'] = 'secret' ENV['WECHAT_TOKEN'] = 'token' require File.expand_path('../dummy/config/environment', __FILE__) require 'rspec/rails' Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../spec/support/**/*.rb')].sort.each { |f| require f } ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:' ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :wechat_logs do |t| t.string :openid, null: false, index: true t.text :request_raw t.text :response_raw t.text :session_raw t.datetime :created_at, null: false end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with :rspec config.infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers = true config.order = 'random' # Limits the available syntax to the non-monkey patched syntax that is # recommended. For more details, see: # - # - # - config.disable_monkey_patching! # This setting enables warnings. It's recommended, but in some cases may # be too noisy due to issues in dependencies. config.warnings = true # Allows RSpec to persist some state between runs in order to support # the `--only-failures` and `--next-failure` CLI options. We recommend # you configure your source control system to ignore this file. config.example_status_persistence_file_path = 'spec/examples.txt' end RSpec::Expectations.configuration.warn_about_potential_false_positives = false