<%= link_to l(:label_user_new), new_user_path, :class => 'icon icon-add' %>

<%= l(:label_user_plural)%>

<%= form_tag(users_path, :method => :get) do %>
<%= l(:label_filter_plural) %> <%= select_tag 'status', users_status_options_for_select(@status), :class => "small", :onchange => "this.form.submit(); return false;" %> <% if @groups.present? %> <%= select_tag 'group_id', content_tag('option') + options_from_collection_for_select(@groups, :id, :name, params[:group_id].to_i), :onchange => "this.form.submit(); return false;" %> <% end %> <%= text_field_tag 'name', params[:name], :size => 30 %> <%= submit_tag l(:button_apply), :class => "small", :name => nil %> <%= link_to l(:button_clear), users_path, :class => 'icon icon-reload' %>
<% end %>  
<% for user in @users -%>
<%= content_tag "p", "Trustie2 member since #{format_time(user.created_on)}", :class => "float_right member_since" %> <%= image_tag(avatar_image(user), :class => 'avatar')%> <%= content_tag "div", link_to_user(user), :class => "nomargin avatar_name" %> <%= content_tag "div", content_tag("p", user.firstname), :class => "clear avatar_name" %>

Contributes to <%= user.id%> projects including

14168 total commits to 18 projects | managed 7 projects | Most experience in c++

<% end -%>
<% html_title(l(:label_user_plural)) -%>