# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE !!! # Settings can be defined through the application in Admin -> Settings app_title: default: Trustie2 app_subtitle: default: Project management welcome_text: default: login_required: default: 0 self_registration: default: 3 lost_password: default: 1 unsubscribe: default: 1 password_min_length: format: int default: 6 # Maximum lifetime of user sessions in minutes session_lifetime: format: int default: 525600 # User session timeout in minutes session_timeout: format: int default: 2880 attachment_max_size: format: int default: 5120 issues_export_limit: format: int default: 500 activity_days_default: format: int default: 30 per_page_options: default: '25,50,100' mail_from: default: trustieforge@gmail.com bcc_recipients: default: 1 plain_text_mail: default: 0 text_formatting: default: textile cache_formatted_text: default: 0 wiki_compression: default: "" default_language: default: zh host_name: default: forge.trustie.net protocol: default: http feeds_limit: format: int default: 15 gantt_items_limit: format: int default: 500 # Maximum size of files that can be displayed # inline through the file viewer (in KB) file_max_size_displayed: format: int default: 5120 diff_max_lines_displayed: format: int default: 1500 enabled_scm: serialized: true default: - Git autofetch_changesets: default: 1 sys_api_enabled: default: 0 sys_api_key: default: '' commit_cross_project_ref: default: 0 commit_ref_keywords: default: 'refs,references,IssueID' commit_fix_keywords: default: 'fixes,closes' commit_fix_status_id: format: int default: 0 commit_fix_done_ratio: default: 100 commit_logtime_enabled: default: 0 commit_logtime_activity_id: format: int default: 0 # autologin duration in days # 0 means autologin is disabled autologin: format: int default: 365 # date format date_format: default: '' time_format: default: '' user_format: default: :firstname_lastname format: symbol cross_project_issue_relations: default: 0 # Enables subtasks to be in other projects cross_project_subtasks: default: 'tree' issue_group_assignment: default: 0 default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date: default: 1 notified_events: serialized: true default: - issue_added - issue_updated mail_handler_body_delimiters: default: '' mail_handler_api_enabled: default: 0 mail_handler_api_key: default: issue_list_default_columns: serialized: true default: - tracker - status - priority - subject - assigned_to - updated_on display_subprojects_issues: default: 1 issue_done_ratio: default: 'issue_field' default_projects_public: default: 1 default_projects_modules: serialized: true default: - issue_tracking - news - files - wiki - repository - boards - calendar - gantt default_projects_tracker_ids: serialized: true default: # Role given to a non-admin user who creates a project new_project_user_role_id: format: int default: 3 sequential_project_identifiers: default: 0 # encodings used to convert repository files content to UTF-8 # multiple values accepted, comma separated repositories_encodings: default: 'UTF-8' # encoding used to convert commit logs to UTF-8 commit_logs_encoding: default: 'UTF-8' repository_log_display_limit: format: int default: 100 ui_theme: default: 'redpenny-master' emails_footer: default: |- You have received this notification because you have either subscribed to it, or are involved in it. To change your notification preferences, please click here: http://hostname/my/account gravatar_enabled: default: 0 openid: default: 0 gravatar_default: default: '' start_of_week: default: '' rest_api_enabled: default: 0 jsonp_enabled: default: 0 default_notification_option: default: 'only_my_events' emails_header: default: '' thumbnails_enabled: default: 0 thumbnails_size: format: int default: 100 non_working_week_days: serialized: true default: - '6' - '7' #### added by liuping show_tags_length: format: int default: 5 tags_min_length: format: int default: 1 tags_max_length: format: int default: 13 tags_show_search_results: format: int default: 5 user_domain: default: user.trustie.net project_domain: default: forge.trustie.net contest_domain: default: contest.trustie.net course_domain: default: course.trustie.net