en: # Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl) direction: ltr # 托管平台主页 > 底部承办单位 label_hosted_organization: Organizer label_hosted_by: National Key Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing, NUDT label_sponsor: Department of Computer Science and Technology, NUDT label_co_organizer_NUDT: College of Computer, NUDT label_co_organizer_EECS: Institute of Software, EECS label_co_organizer_BHU: Beihang University School of Computer Science & Engineering label_co_organizer_CAS: Institute of Software, CAS label_co_organizer_InforS: InforSuite label_rights_reserved: ©2007~2014 label_contact_us: Contact # 英文版不需要显示国内许可证 ,需要页面做判断 # label_license: 湘ICP备09019772