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package com.educoder.bridge.controller;
import com.educoder.bridge.exception.GameException;
import com.educoder.bridge.service.*;
import com.educoder.bridge.settings.AppConfig;
import com.educoder.bridge.utils.*;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
* 和实训相关的接口
* @author weishao
* @date 2017/11/02
@Api(value = "game控制器", hidden = true)
public class GameController extends BaseController {
private AppConfig appConfig;
private GameService gameService;
private KubernetesService kubernetesService;
private K8sService k8sService;
private ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor;
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GameController.class);
* 开启实训:
* 克隆版本库
* @return
@RequestMapping(path = "/openGameInstance")
@ApiOperation(value = "开启实训", httpMethod = "POST", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public JSONObject openGameInstance(
@ApiParam(name = "tpmGitURL", required = true, value = "Tpm的gitUrl需要base64编码") @RequestParam String tpmGitURL,
@ApiParam(name = "tpiID", required = true, value = "实训实例的ID") @RequestParam String tpiID,
@ApiParam(name = "tpiRepoName", required = true, value = "tpiRepoName") @RequestParam String tpiRepoName
) throws Exception {"tpmGitURL: {}\n, tpiID: {}, tpiRepoName: {}", tpmGitURL, tpiID, tpiRepoName);
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
// 设定工作路径为${workspace}/myshixun_${tpiID}
String path = appConfig.getWorkspace() + File.separator + "myshixun_" + tpiID;
// 对当前TPI从TPM clone 版本库
tpmGitURL = Base64Util.decode(tpmGitURL);
gameService.gitClone(path, tpmGitURL, "remote_origin", tpiRepoName);
response.put("code", 0);
response.put("msg", "开启成功");
return response;
* 评测:
* 对每一次评测请求,先判断是否能立即执行还是需要先排队,如果能立即执行,开启一个线程执行以下步骤
* 如果需要排队将相关参数封装成一个线程存入redis队列等待执行并返回标志位给前台通知前台进行轮询
* 1. gitpull
* 2. 如果有端口映射
* 3. 创建pod 和 service 并 创建定时删除pod的定时任务
* 4. 在pod中执行评测脚本
* 5. 回传结果
* @param tpiID
* @param tpiGitURL
* @param buildID
* @param instanceChallenge
* @param resubmit
* @param times
* @return
* @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(path = "/gameEvaluate")
@ApiOperation(value = "评测", httpMethod = "POST", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public JSONObject gameEvaluate(
@ApiParam(name = "tpiID", required = true, value = "实训实例的ID") @RequestParam String tpiID,
@ApiParam(name = "tpiGitURL", required = true, value = "学员对应当前实训的版本库地址需要base64编码") @RequestParam String tpiGitURL,
@ApiParam(name = "buildID", required = true, value = "本次评测ID") @RequestParam String buildID,
@ApiParam(name = "instanceChallenge", required = true, value = "当前处在第几关") @RequestParam String instanceChallenge,
@ApiParam(name = "testCases", required = true, value = "测试用例") @RequestParam String testCases,
@ApiParam(name = "tpmScript", required = true, value = "tpm评测脚本需要base64编码") @RequestParam String tpmScript,
@ApiParam(name = "timeLimit", required = false, value = "时间限制") Integer timeLimit,
@ApiParam(name = "resubmit", required = true, value = "是否是重复评测") @RequestParam String resubmit,
@ApiParam(name = "times", required = true, value = "是否是时间轮询请求") @RequestParam Integer times,
@ApiParam(name = "needPortMapping", required = false, value = "容器中需要被映射的端口") Integer needPortMapping,
@ApiParam(name = "podType", required = true, value = "pod类型(0.evaluate1.webssh2.evassh)") @RequestParam Integer podType,
@ApiParam(name = "file", required = false, value = "需要传文件的实训,给出文件存放路径(一个目录)及文件类型") String file,
@ApiParam(name = "containers", required = true, value = "需要使用的容器,base64编码") @RequestParam String containers)
throws Exception {
// 记录开始时间
SimpleDateFormat dateformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS");"training_task_status start#1**{}**** {}", tpiID, dateformat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
long evaStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
String evaluateStart = dateformat.format(evaStart);
JSONObject cost = new JSONObject();
cost.put("evaluateStart", evaluateStart);
cost.put("evaluateAllTime", evaStart);
ConstantUtil.costMap.put(tpiID, cost);
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
// 所有构建需要的参数放到map中供执行线程使用
tpiGitURL = Base64Util.decode(tpiGitURL);
needPortMapping = needPortMapping == null ? 0 : needPortMapping;
timeLimit = timeLimit == null ? Integer.parseInt(appConfig.getDefaultTimeLimit()) : timeLimit;
testCases = Base64Util.decode(testCases);
containers = Base64Util.decode(containers);
// 每次评测均生成新TPI评测脚本
tpmScript = Base64Util.decode(tpmScript);
String path = appConfig.getWorkspace() + File.separator + "myshixun_" + tpiID;
String tpiRepoName = StringHelper.getRepoName(tpiGitURL);"generateTpiEvaluateShellScript start#2**{}**** {}", tpiID, dateformat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
gameService.generateTpiEvaluateShellScript(tpmScript, path, tpiRepoName);"retryformat start#3**{}**** {}", tpiID, dateformat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
JSONObject buildParams = new JSONObject(true);
buildParams.put("tpiID", tpiID);
buildParams.put("tpiGitURL", tpiGitURL);
buildParams.put("buildID", buildID);
buildParams.put("instanceChallenge", instanceChallenge);
buildParams.put("testCases", testCases);
buildParams.put("timeLimit", timeLimit);
buildParams.put("resubmit", resubmit);
buildParams.put("needPortMapping", needPortMapping);
buildParams.put("podType", podType);
buildParams.put("containers", containers);
// 若实训生成文件
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(file)) {
file = Base64Util.decode(file);
buildParams.put("file", file);
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(file);
// 清空目标文件夹以防止影响此次评测结果
String dir = path + "/" + tpiRepoName + "/" + jsonObject.getString("path");
StringHelper.deleteFiles(dir, "pic");
StringHelper.deleteFiles(dir, "apk");
StringHelper.deleteFiles(dir, "html");
// 最大running pod数量
int maxRunningPodNum = Integer.parseInt(appConfig.getMaxRunningPodNum());
// podName
String podName = podType == 0 ? "evaluate-" + tpiID : "evassh-" + tpiID;
// 若需要端口映射服务则分配端口将podName-port键值对存储于redis
String port = "-1";
if(needPortMapping != -1) {
port = JedisUtil.hget("port", podName);
if(port == null) {
port = PortUtil.getPort() + "";
JedisUtil.hset("port", podName, port);
// 构建任务字符串便于redis存储
String task = buildParams.toJSONString();
// 此次请求只为轮询时间,只返回轮询的时间结果
if (times != 1) {
double buildRank;
try {
buildRank = JedisUtil.zrank("task", task);
} catch (Exception e) {
response.put("ableToCreate", 0);
response.put("waitNum", maxRunningPodNum + JedisUtil.zlen("task"));
response.put("code", 0);
response.put("msg", "等待评测");
return response;
if (buildRank != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
logger.debug("任务:{} : 还在等待队列中!", task);
response.put("ableToCreate", 0);
response.put("waitNum", buildRank == Double.MAX_VALUE ? maxRunningPodNum + JedisUtil.zlen("task") : buildRank + maxRunningPodNum);
response.put("code", 0);
response.put("msg", "等待评测");
return response;
} else {
// 轮询时间请求,发现目标任务不在队列,就直接认为其正在运行
logger.debug("任务:{} : 正在执行中!", task);
response.put("ableToCreate", 1);
response.put("waitNum", 0);
response.put("code", 0);
response.put("port", Integer.parseInt(port));
response.put("msg", "正在评测");
return response;
}"kubernetes start#4**{}**** {}", tpiID, dateformat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// 获取Running状态的pod数
int runningPodNum = kubernetesService.getRunningPodNum();
// 判断是否可以立即执行(若pod已经存在或是pod不存在但是此时可以创建pod)
boolean executeImmediately = kubernetesService.isPodRunning("tpiID", tpiID)
|| (runningPodNum < maxRunningPodNum && k8sService.ableToEvaluate());
if (executeImmediately) {
// 直接执行任务"execute start#5**{}**** {}", tpiID, dateformat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
BuildThread buildThread = gameService.getBuildThread(buildParams);
long evaEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
long costTime = evaEnd - evaStart;
response.put("ableToCreate", 1);
response.put("costTime", costTime);
response.put("waitNum", 0);
response.put("code", 0);
response.put("port", port);
response.put("msg", "评测完成");
logger.debug("直接执行任务task: {}, tpi: {}", task, tpiID);
} else {
// 否则将构建任务推入redis
JedisUtil.zpush("task", task);
response.put("ableToCreate", 0);
response.put("waitNum", JedisUtil.zlen("task") + maxRunningPodNum);
response.put("code", 0);
response.put("msg", "等待评测");
logger.debug("任务入队等待!task: {}, tpi: {}", task, tpiID);
return response;
* tpm版本库已更新同步
* @param tpiID
* @param tpiGitURL
* @param tpmGitURL
* @return
@RequestMapping(path = "/resetTpmRepository", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ApiOperation(value = "tpm版本库已更新同步操作", httpMethod = "POST", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public JSONObject reset(
@ApiParam(name = "tpiID", required = true, value = "tpi") @RequestParam String tpiID,
@ApiParam(name = "tpiGitURL", required = true, value = "学员对应当前实训的版本库地址base64编码") @RequestParam String tpiGitURL,
@ApiParam(name = "tpmGitURL", required = true, value = "学员对应当前实训的tpm版本库地址base64编码") @RequestParam String tpmGitURL,
@ApiParam(name = "identifier", required = true, value = "push权限") @RequestParam String identifier)
throws Exception {
logger.debug("tpm版本库已更新同步tpi版本库tpiID:{}", tpiID);
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
tpmGitURL = Base64Util.decode(tpmGitURL);
tpiGitURL = Base64Util.decode(tpiGitURL);
String tpiRepoName = StringHelper.getRepoName(tpiGitURL);
String path = appConfig.getWorkspace() + File.separator + "myshixun_" + tpiID;
try {
// 从tpm远程库拉取代码到myshixun版本库然后强推到tpi远程库
gameService.gitPullFromTpm(path, tpmGitURL, tpiRepoName);
gameService.gitPushToTpi(path, tpiGitURL, identifier);
logger.debug("tpm库更新内容已同步tpiID:{}", tpiID);
response.put("code", 0);
response.put("msg", "版本库更新成功");
} catch (GameException e) {
logger.debug("tpm库更新内容同步失败, tpiID:{}", tpiID);
response.put("code", -1);
response.put("msg", "版本库同步失败!");
return response;
* tpi版本库head是否存在若缺失则修复
* @param tpiID
* @param tpiGitURL
* @return
* @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(path = "/check")
@ApiOperation(value = "进入实训时做校验", httpMethod = "POST", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public JSONObject check(
@ApiParam(name = "tpiID", required = true, value = "实训实例的ID") @RequestParam String tpiID,
@ApiParam(name = "tpiGitURL", required = true, value = "学员对应当前实训的版本库地址base64编码") @RequestParam String tpiGitURL)
throws Exception {
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
tpiGitURL = Base64Util.decode(tpiGitURL);
String tpiRepoName = StringHelper.getRepoName(tpiGitURL);
String tpiRepoPath = appConfig.getWorkspace() + "/myshixun_" + tpiID + "/" + tpiRepoName;
// 远程tpi库是否缺失head了
boolean noHead = ShellUtil.execute("cd " + tpiRepoPath + " && git remote show origin").contains("unknown");
if (noHead) {
logger.debug("tpiID:{} 远程tpi版本库head丢失", tpiID);
String identifier = StringHelper.getIdentifier(tpiGitURL);
// 处理仓库head丢失 ssh -p1122 git@ 'cd /home/git/repositories/p79061248/klp26sqc.git/refs/tmp/;
// cd `ls -t | sed -n "2p"`; cat head >../../heads/master; git update-ref HEAD `cat head`'
String command = "ssh -p1122 git@" + appConfig.getGitIP() + " 'cd repositories/" + identifier + "/"
+ tpiRepoName + ".git/refs/tmp; cd `ls -t | sed -n \"2p\"`; cat head >../../heads/master; git update-ref HEAD `cat head`'";
JSONObject result = ShellUtil.executeAndGetExitStatus(command);
response.put("fixHead", result.getIntValue("exitStatus"));
response.put("msg", "finished");
return response;