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# OneApm RubyAgent Configuration
# Here are the settings that are common to all environments
common: &default_settings
# ============================== LICENSE KEY ===============================
# Get your license key from
license_key: 'BAQMBw8FUwR2542UFFpDXFgVVk66e2dZWB4EBlQHSf846wgBGwICFQoD0498BAEfBgNIAlQ='
# Agent Enabled (Ruby/Rails Only)
# Valid values are true, false and auto.
# agent_enabled: auto
# This app_name will be the application name in in your account.
# Caution: If you change this name, a new application will appear in the OneApm
# user interface with the new name, and data will stop reporting to the
# app with the old name.
app_name: trusite
# When "true", the agent collects performance data about your
# application and reports this data to the OneApm service at
# This global switch is normally overridden for each
# environment below. (formerly called 'enabled')
monitor_mode: true
# Specify its log level here.
log_level: info
# log_file_path: 'log'
# log_file_name: 'oneapm_agent.log'
# The oneapm agent communicates with the service via https by default.
# ssl: true
# ======================== Browser Monitoring =============================
# By default the agent automatically injects the monitoring JavaScript
# into web pages. Set this attribute to false to turn off this behavior.
auto_instrument: true
# Proxy settings for connecting to the OneApm server.
# proxy_host: hostname
# proxy_port: 8080
# proxy_user:
# proxy_pass:
# Tells transaction tracer and error collector (when enabled)
# whether or not to capture HTTP params. When true, frameworks can
# exclude HTTP parameters from being captured.
# Rails: the RoR filter_parameter_logging excludes parameters
capture_params: false
# Transaction tracer captures deep information about slow
# transactions and sends this to the OneApm service once a
# minute. Included in the transaction is the exact call sequence of
# the transactions including any SQL statements issued.
# Transaction tracer is enabled by default.
enabled: true
# Threshold in seconds for when to collect a transaction
# trace. When the response time of a controller action exceeds
# this threshold, a transaction trace will be recorded and sent to
# OneApm. Valid values are any float value, or (default) "apdex_f",
# which will use the threshold for an dissatisfying Apdex
# controller action - four times the Apdex T value.
transaction_threshold: apdex_f
# When transaction tracer is on, SQL statements can optionally be
# recorded. The recorder has three modes, "off" which sends no
# SQL, "raw" which sends the SQL statement in its original form,
# and "obfuscated", which strips out numeric and string literals.
record_sql: obfuscated
# Threshold in seconds for when to collect stack trace for a SQL
# call. In other words, when SQL statements exceed this threshold,
# then capture and send to OneApm the current stack trace. This is
# helpful for pinpointing where long SQL calls originate from.
stack_trace_threshold: 0.500
# Determines whether the agent will capture query plans for slow
# SQL queries. Only supported in mysql and postgres. Should be
# set to false when using other adapters.
# explain_enabled: true
# Threshold for query execution time below which query plans will
# not be captured. Relevant only when `explain_enabled` is true.
# explain_threshold: 0.5
# Error collector captures information about uncaught exceptions and
# sends them to OneApm for viewing
# Error collector is enabled by default.
enabled: true
# Ignore the following errors, add your own.
ignore_errors: "ActionController::RoutingError,Sinatra::NotFound"
# ===================== Application Environments ========================
# Environment-specific settings are in this section.
# For Rails applications, RAILS_ENV is used to determine the environment.
# NOTE if your application has other named environments, you should
# provide oneapm configuration settings for these environments here.
<<: *default_settings
# Turn on communication to OneApm service in development mode
monitor_mode: true
app_name: My Application (Development)
<<: *default_settings
monitor_mode: false
# Turn on the agent in production for 24x7 monitoring.
<<: *default_settings
monitor_mode: true
# Staging environment which behaves identically to production.
<<: *default_settings
monitor_mode: true
app_name: My Application (Staging)