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<% if @force %>
<% message = AppliedMessage.where(:status => 3, :user_id =>, :viewed => 0).first %>
<% unless message.nil? %>
<div class="homepageRightBanner">
<div class="polls_head" style="font-size:8px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;消息:&nbsp;&nbsp;您添加新的单位“<%= %>”的申请,经确认为无效的单位信息,已被删除,请重新编辑您的单位资料。谢谢!</div>
<% message.update_attribute(:viewed, true)%>
<% end %>
<div class="alert alert-orange mb10 mt10" >
<div >&nbsp;&nbsp;提示:&nbsp;&nbsp;您尚未完善您的基本资料,完善后可使用更多功能</div>
<% end %>
<div id="RSide" style="margin-left:0px; margin-bottom:0px; width:728px;">
<div id="users_tb_" class="users_tb_">
<li id="users_tb_1" class="users_hovertab" onclick="x:HoverLi(1);">基本资料</li>
<li id="users_tb_2" class="users_normaltab" onclick="i:HoverLi(2);">密码管理</li>
</div><!--tb_ end-->
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="users_ctt">
<%= labelled_form_for :user, @user, :url => {:action => "account"}, :html => {:id => 'my_account_form', :method => :post} do |f| %>
<div class="users_dis" id="users_tbc_01">
<% if( @act.nil? || @act != 'password') %>
<%= render_flash_messages %>
<%= error_messages_for 'user',@user.user_extensions %>
<% end %>
<ul class="setting_left">
<li><span style="color:red;">*</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;登录名&nbsp;:&nbsp;</li>
<% if @is_oauth && !@is_set_password %>
<% end %>
<li><span style="color:red;">*</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;邮箱&nbsp;:&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="color:red;">*</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;职业&nbsp;:&nbsp;</li>
<li nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" ><span style="color:red;">*</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;姓名&nbsp;:&nbsp;</li>
<li nhname="tag" nh_tag_2="true" style="display:none;">组织名&nbsp;:&nbsp;<span style="color:red;">*</span></li>
<li nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" ><span style="color:red;">*</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;性别&nbsp;:&nbsp;</li>
<li nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" ><span style="color:red;">*</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;单位名称&nbsp;:&nbsp;</li>
<ul class="setting_right ">
<%= f.text_field :login,
:no_label => true,
:required => true,
:style => "color:grey",
:nh_required => "1",
:name => "login",
:class => "w210"
<% if @is_oauth && !@is_set_password %>
<li><input id="new_password" name="new_password" class="w210" type="password" required="true" nh_required="1"><span class="c_red ml5">请输入8-12个字符</span></li>
<li><input id="new_password_confirmation" name="new_password_confirmation" class="w210" type="password" required="true" nh_required="1"></li>
<% end %>
<% if @force %>
<li><%= f.text_field :mail,:no_label=>true, :required => true,:nh_required => "1",:class=>"w210",:disabled=>'disabled'%></li>
<% else %>
<li><%= f.text_field :mail,:no_label=>true, :required => true,:nh_required=>"1",:class=>"w210"%></li>
<% end %>
<select onchange="showtechnical_title(this.value);" required = true, nh_required="1" name="identity" id="userIdentity" class="location" class="w70" style="height:28px;margin-left:2px;">
<option value="-1">
<%= l(:label_account_identity_choose) %>
<option value="0">
<%= l(:label_account_identity_teacher) %>
<option value="1">
<%= l(:label_account_identity_student) %>
<option value="3">
<%= l(:label_account_identity_developer) %>
<select nhname="tag_1" nh_tag_0="true" name="technical_title" id="userTechnical_title" class="w70" style='display:none;height:28px;'>
<option value="教授">教授</option>
<option value="副教授">副教授</option>
<option value="讲师">讲师</option>
<option value="助教">助教</option>
<span nhname="tag_1" nh_tag_1="true" style='display:none;'>
<% if !User.current.user_extensions.nil? && !User.current.user_extensions.student_id.nil? %>
<%= text_field_tag :no, User.current.user_extensions.student_id, :placeholder => l(:label_account_identity_studentID),:style => "width:127px;" %>
<% else %>
<%= text_field_tag :no, nil, :placeholder => l(:label_account_identity_studentID), :style => "60px" %></span>
<% end %>
<span id="identity_hint" style="display: none"></span>
<li nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" ><%= text_field_tag :lastname, @user.lastname+@user.firstname, :no_label => true, :required => true, :nh_required => "1",:class => "w210" %><span id="last_name_notice" class="none c_red">姓名不能为空</span>
<li nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" >
<% if User.current.user_extensions && User.current.user_extensions.gender && User.current.user_extensions.gender == 1 %>
<input type="radio" id="sex" value="0" name="sex" class="fl "><label class="fl mr10">男</label> <input type="radio" id="sex" value="1" name="sex" checked="checked" class="fl "><label class="fl ">女</label>
<% else %>
<input type="radio" id="sex" value="0" name="sex" checked="checked" class="fl "><label class="fl mr10">男</label> <input type="radio" id="sex" value="1" name="sex" class="fl "><label class="fl ">女</label>
<% end %>
<select style = "display: none;" class="w70" style="height:28px;margin-left:2px;" id="gender" name="gender"><option value="0">男</option><option value="1">女</option></select>
<li nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" >
<!-- 基本资料页面单位审核显示 -->
<% if User.current.user_extensions.nil? %>
<input nhname="tag" autocomplete="off" maxlength="36" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" id="province" name="province" class="w210 fl" type="text" placeholder="--请搜索您所在的高校(单位)--" >
<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_4="true" id="occupation" name="occupation" style="display: none;" class="w210" type="text" value="" placeholder=" --请选择您所属的单位--"/>
<p class="fl ml10">
<!-- <span id="errortip" class="icons_warning fl mt5" style="display: none;"></span> -->
<span id="hint" style="color: #7f7f7f;display: none"><a id="school_num" href="javascript:void(0)" style="color: red" ></a><a id="search_condition" href="javascript:void(0)"></a></span>
<!--<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" id="occupation_name" type="text" style="display: none;width:117px;" readonly/>-->
<!-- 从业者选择单位名称 -->
<% elsif User.current.user_extensions.identity == 3 || User.current.user_extensions.identity == 2 %>
<% if User.current.user_extensions.school_id.nil? %>
<input nhname="tag" autocomplete="off" maxlength="36" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" id="province" name="province" class="w210 fl" type="text" placeholder="--请搜索您所在的高校(单位)--" >
<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_4="true" id="occupation" name="occupation" style="display: none;" class="w210" type="text" value="<%= @user.user_extensions.occupation %>" />
<% else %>
<input nhname="tag" autocomplete="off" maxlength="36" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" id="province" name="province" class="w210 fl" type="text"value="<%= %>" >
<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_4="true" id="occupation" name="occupation" style="display: none;" class="w210" type="text" value="<%= %>" /> <!-- 单位名称的test框选中下拉列表框的id -->
<% end %>
<p class="fl ml10">
<!-- <span id="errortip" class="icons_warning fl mt5" style="display: none;"></span> -->
<span id="hint" style="color: #7f7f7f;display: none"><a id="school_num" href="javascript:void(0)" style="color: red" ></a><a id="search_condition" href="javascript:void(0)"></a></span>
<!--<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" id="occupation_name" type="text" style="display: none;width:117px;" readonly/>-->
<% elsif %>
<input nhname="tag" autocomplete="off" maxlength="36" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" id="province" name="province" class="w210 fl" type="text" placeholder="--请搜索您所在的高校(单位)--" >
<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_4="true" id="occupation" name="occupation" style="display: none;" class="w210" type="text" placeholder=" --请选择您所属的单位--" />
<p class="fl ml10">
<!-- <span id="errortip" class="icons_warning fl mt5" style="display: none;"></span> -->
<span id="hint" style="color: #7f7f7f;display: none"><a id="school_num" href="javascript:void(0)" style="color: red" ></a><a id="search_condition" href="javascript:void(0)"></a></span>
<!--<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" id="occupation_name" type="text" style="display: none;width:117px;" readonly/>-->
<% else %>
<input nhname="tag" autocomplete="off" maxlength="36" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" nh_tag_3="true" id="province" name="province" style="display: none;" class="w210 fl" type="text" value="<%= %>" />
<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_4="true" id="occupation" name="occupation" type="text" style="display: none;" class="w210" value="<%= %>"/>
<p class="fl ml10">
<!-- <span id="errortip" class="icons_warning fl mt5" style="display: none;"></span> -->
<span id="hint" style="color: #7f7f7f;display: none"><a id="school_num" href="javascript:void(0)" style="color: red" ></a><a id="search_condition" href="javascript:void(0)"></a></span>
<!--<input nhname="tag" nh_tag_0="true" nh_tag_1="true" id="occupation_name" type="text" style="display: none;width:117px;" value="<%#= %>" readonly="true" style="background-color: #E2E2E2;"/>-->
<% end %>
<select onchange="showcity(this.value, document.getElementById('userCity'));" name="province" id="userProvince" class="location" style="height:28px;margin-left:2px;">
<option value="">--请选择省份--</option>
<option value="北京">北京</option>
<option value="上海">上海</option>
<option value="广东">广东</option>
<option value="江苏">江苏</option>
<option value="浙江">浙江</option>
<option value="重庆">重庆</option>
<option value="安徽">安徽</option>
<option value="福建">福建</option>
<option value="甘肃">甘肃</option>
<option value="广西">广西</option>
<option value="贵州">贵州</option>
<option value="海南">海南</option>
<option value="河北">河北</option>
<option value="黑龙江">黑龙江</option>
<option value="河南">河南</option>
<option value="湖北">湖北</option>
<option value="湖南">湖南</option>
<option value="江西">江西</option>
<option value="吉林">吉林</option>
<option value="辽宁">辽宁</option>
<option value="内蒙古">内蒙古</option>
<option value="宁夏">宁夏</option>
<option value="青海">青海</option>
<option value="山东">山东</option>
<option value="山西">山西</option>
<option value="陕西">陕西</option>
<option value="四川">四川</option>
<option value="天津">天津</option>
<option value="新疆">新疆</option>
<option value="西藏">西藏</option>
<option value="云南">云南</option>
<option value="香港">香港特别行政区</option>
<option value="澳门">澳门特别行政区</option>
<option value="台湾">台湾</option>
<option value="海外">海外</option>
<select name="city" id="userCity" class="location" style="height:28px;"></select>
<!-- <li>
<%#= select_tag( 'user[mail_notification]', options_for_select( user_mail_notification_options(@user), @user.mail_notification) ) %>
<label class="ml10"><%#= check_box_tag 'no_self_notified', 1, @user.pref[:no_self_notified], :style => "height:14px;" %>不要发送对我自己提交的修改的通知</label>
</li> -->
<!--<li><input name="brief_introduction" class="w450" type="text" maxlength="255" value="<%#= (@user.user_extensions.nil?) ? '' : @user.user_extensions.brief_introduction %>"></li>-->
<li style="height:auto;">
<% if @user.homepage && !@user.homepage.article_homepages.empty? %>
<% if @user.base_homepage %>
<%=link_to '查看', homepage_user_path(@user.login), :class => 'linkBlue',:target => '_blank' %>
<% else %>
<%=link_to '查看', user_homepages_path(:user_id =>,:target => '_blank', :class => 'linkBlue' %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<p class="nodata" style="height: 22px; font-size: 14px; text-align: left; line-height: 20px;">您还没有创建属于自己的个人主页。
<% if user_data_complete @user %>
<%= link_to '新建', new_user_homepage_article_homepage_path(:user_id =>,
:homepage_id =>,
:target => "_blank",
:class => 'linkBlue' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<!--<textarea name="description" class="w450 h200" maxlength="255" style="resize:none;"><%#= (@user.user_extensions.nil?) ? '' : @user.user_extensions.description %></textarea>-->
<li style="display:none;"><%= :language, :Chinese => :zh, :English => :en %></li>
<li class="ml2">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="my_account_form_link" class="blue_btn fl" onclick="my_account_form_submit();" style="background: #3b94d6; padding: 0 25px;">确定</a>
<input type="submit" id="my_account_form_btn" style="display:none;"/>
<!--<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="grey_btn ml10 fl">取消</a>-->
<div class="cl"></div>
</div><!--tbc_01 end-->
<% end %>
<%= form_tag({:action => "password"},:id => 'my_password_form') do %>
<div class="users_undis" id="users_tbc_02">
<% if( !@act.nil? && @act == 'password') %>
<%= render_flash_messages %>
<%= error_messages_for 'user' %>
<% end %>
<ul class="setting_left">
<ul class="setting_right ">
<input style="display:none;">
<li><input id="password" name="password" autocomplete="off" class="w210" type="password" required="true" nh_required="1"></li>
<li><input id="new_password" name="new_password" class="w210" type="password" required="true" nh_required="1"><span class="c_red ml5">请输入8-12个字符</span></li>
<li><input id="new_password_confirmation" name="new_password_confirmation" class="w210" type="password" required="true" nh_required="1"></li>
<li class="ml2">
<a href="javascript:;" id="my_password_form_link" class="blue_btn fl">确认</a>
<input type="submit" id="my_password_form_btn" style="display:none;"/>
<!--<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="grey_btn ml10 fl">取消</a>-->
<div class="cl"></div>
</div><!--tbc_02 end-->
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end %>
</div><!--ctt end-->
<!--users_setting end-->
<div id="search_school_result_list" style="width: 205px;line-height: 1.5;min-height:20px; max-height: 200px; height: auto !important;display: none;background: white;overflow: scroll;border: solid 1px #cccccc; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto;">
<div id="WOpenWindow">
<a class="modal_close" href="#"></a>
<h2 style="margin: 10px"><%= l(:lable_school_list)%></h2>
<div class="pcontent">
<ul id="provincelist" class="school_list">
<% @ss = School.find_by_sql("select distinct province from schools") %>
<% @ss.each do |s| %>
<li style="width: 15%; float: left;">
<a style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="get_options('<%= s.province %>')"><%= s.province %>
<% end %>
<div class="content" style="font-size: 13px">
<ul id="schoollist" class="school_list">
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'nyan' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag '/javascripts/jquery.leanModal.min.js' %>
<% if !User.current.user_extensions.nil? %>
<% province = User.current.user_extensions.location %>
<% city = User.current.user_extensions.location_city %>
<% identity = User.current.user_extensions.identity %>
<% occupation1 = User.current.user_extensions.occupation %>
<% occupation = User.current.user_extensions.occupation %>
<% title = User.current.user_extensions.technical_title %>
<% gender = User.current.user_extensions.gender %>
<% language = User.current.language %>
<% else %>
<% province = "湖南省" %>
<% city = "长沙"%>
<% identity = ""%>
<% occupation1 = ""%>
<% title = "" %>
<% language = ""%>
<% end %>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showtechnical_title(val){
function init_identity_and_title(pField, identity, cField, title, language) {
for (var i = 0; i < pField.options.length; i++) {
if (pField.options[i].value == identity) {
pField.selectedIndex = i;
showtechnical_title(identity, cField);
if(language == 'zh') {
switch (title) {
case 'Professor' :
title1 = '教授';
case 'Associate professor' :
title1 = '副教授';
case 'Lecturer' :
title1 = '讲师';
case 'Teaching assistant' :
title1 = '助教';
default :
title1 = title;
else {
switch (title) {
case '教授' :
title1 = 'Professor';
case '副教授' :
title1 = 'Associate professor';
case '讲师' :
title1 = 'Lecturer';
case '助教' :
title1 = 'Teaching assistant';
default :
title1 = title;
for (var i = 0; i < cField.options.length; i++) {
if (cField.options[i].value == title1) {
cField.selectedIndex = i;
function get_options(value) {
var prefix = "";
prefix = "/ros"
type: "POST",
url: prefix + '/school/get_options/' + encodeURIComponent(value),
data: 'text',
success: function (data) {
function test(id, name) {
//$("#occupation").html("<option value='"+id+"'>"+name+"</option>");
function init_province_and_city(pField, province, cField, city) {
for (var i = 0; i < pField.options.length; i++) {
if (pField.options[i].value == province) {
pField.selectedIndex = i;
showcity(province, cField);
for (var i = 0; i < cField.options.length; i++) {
if (cField.options[i].value == city) {
cField.selectedIndex = i;
function init_gender(pField, gender) {
for (var i=0; i<pField.options.length; i++) {
if (pField.options[i].value == gender) {
pField.selectedIndex = i;
function changeValue(value,data){
function apply_add_school(){
var htmlvalue = "<%= escape_javascript( render :partial => 'my/apply_add_school' )%>";
function add_school(name){
url: '<%= url_for(:controller => 'school',:action => 'add_school') %>' + '?name=' + name,
type: 'post',
success: function (data) {
var lastSearchCondition = '';
var page = 1; //唯一控制页码 变量
var count = 0; //查询结果的总量
var maxPage = 0 ;//最大页面值
$(function() {
nScrollHight = $(this)[0].scrollHeight;
nScrollTop = $(this)[0].scrollTop;
var nDivHight = $(this).height();
if(nScrollTop + nDivHight >= nScrollHight) //到底部了,
if(page >= maxPage){
}else{ //如果不是,那就请求下一页,请求数据处理
page ++;
url: '<%= url_for(:controller => 'school',:action => 'on_search') %>' + '?name=' + $("input[name='province']").val() + '&page=' + page,
type: 'post',
success: function (data) {
schoolsResult = data.schools;
if (schoolsResult.length != undefined && schoolsResult.length != 0) {
var i = 0;
for (; i < schoolsResult.length; i++) {
link = '<a onclick="window.changeValue(\'' + schoolsResult[i]\s/g, " ") + '\',\'' + schoolsResult[i] + '\')" href="javascript:void(0)">' + schoolsResult[i] + '</a><br/>';
} else {
$("input[name='province']").on('input', function (e) {
function throttle(method,context,e){
function shcool_search_fn(e){
if($( == lastSearchCondition && $( != ''){//如果输入框没有改变或者输入框为空就返回
$("input[name='occupation']").val(''); //一旦有输入就清空id。
lastSearchCondition = $(;
page = 1; //有新的搜索页面重置为1
url: '<%= url_for(:controller => 'school',:action => 'on_search') %>' + '?name=' +'&page='+page,
type: 'post',
success: function (data) {
schoolsResult = data.schools;
count = data.count;
maxPage = Math.ceil(count/100) //最大页码值
if(schoolsResult.length != undefined && schoolsResult.length != 0) {
var i = 0;
for (; i < schoolsResult.length; i++) {
link = '<a onclick="window.changeValue(\'' + schoolsResult[i]\s/g," ") + '\',\'' + schoolsResult[i] + '\')" href="javascript:void(0)">' + schoolsResult[i] + '</a><br/>';
$("#search_school_result_list").css('left', $(;
$("#search_school_result_list").css('top', $( + 28);
$("#search_school_result_list").css("position", "absolute");
if($( != '') {
str = > 8 ?, 6)+"..." :;
$("#hint").html('找到了' + count + '个包含"' + str + '"的高校(单位)');
str = > 4 ?, 4)+"..." :;
$("#hint").html('如果找不到自己的单位,您可以&nbsp;<a style="color:#64bdd9" onclick="apply_add_school();" href="javascript:void(0);">添加单位</a>');
if($("id") != 'search_school_result_list' && $("id") != 'province')
$("input[name='province']").on('focus', function (e) {
if( $("input[name='occupation']").val() != ''){ //如果已经有id了。肯定存在不用去找了。
url: '<%= url_for(:controller => 'school',:action => 'on_search') %>' + '?name=' +'&page=1',
type: 'post',
success: function (data) {
schoolsResult = data.schools;
count = data.count;
maxPage = Math.ceil(count/100) //最大页码值
if(schoolsResult.length != undefined && schoolsResult.length != 0) {
var i = 0;
for (; i < schoolsResult.length; i++) {
link = '<a onclick="window.changeValue(\'' + schoolsResult[i]\s/g," ") + '\',\'' + schoolsResult[i] + '\')" href="javascript:void(0)">' + schoolsResult[i] + '</a><br/>';
$("#search_school_result_list").css('left', $(;
$("#search_school_result_list").css('top', $( + 28);
$("#search_school_result_list").css("position", "absolute");
if($( != '') {
str = > 8 ?, 6)+"..." :;
$("#hint").html('找到了' + count + '个包含"' + str + '"的高校(单位)');
str = > 4 ?, 4)+"..." :;
$("#hint").html('如果找不到自己的单位,您可以&nbsp;<a style="color:#64bdd9" onclick="apply_add_school();" href="javascript:void(0);">添加单位</a>');
// $("#province").leanModal({top: 100, closeButton: ".modal_close"});
var province = "<%= "#{province}" %>"
var city = "<%= "#{city}" %>"
init_province_and_city(document.getElementById('userProvince'), province, document.getElementById('userCity'), city);
var identity = "<%= "#{identity}" %>"
var title = "<%= "#{title}" %>"
var language = "<%= "#{language}" %>"
var occupation1 = "<%= "#{occupation}" %>"
init_identity_and_title(document.getElementById('userIdentity'), identity, document.getElementById('userTechnical_title'), title, language);
var gender = "<%= "#{gender}" %>"
init_gender(document.getElementById('gender'), gender);
<% if( !@act.nil? && @act == 'password') %>
<% end %>
// $('#my_account_form_link').on("click",(function(e){
// //$('#my_account_form_link').click(function(e){
// if($("#userIdentity").val() == -1 ) {
// $("#identity_hint").html('<span style="color:red">请选择身份</span>').show();
// e.stopImmediatePropagation();
// return;
// }
// if( $("input[name='province']").val().trim() != '' && $("input[name='occupation']").val().trim() == ''){ //学校名字和id不对的话
// $("#hint").html('<span style="color:red">单位名称必须是从下拉列表中选择的,不能手动修改</span>').show();
// e.stopImmediatePropagation();
// return;
// }
// //姓名不能为空
// if( $("#lastname").val() == '' ){
// $("#lastname").focus();
// $("#last_name_notice").show();
// e.stopImmediatePropagation();
// return;
// }
// if( $("input[name='province']").val().trim() == '' ){ //学校名字必须填写
// $("#hint").html('<span style="color:red">高校(单位)名称不能为空</span>').show();
// e.stopImmediatePropagation();
// return;
// }
// if($("#no").is(":visible") == true && $("#no").val() == ""){
// $("#no").focus();
// e.stopImmediatePropagation();
// return;
// }
// $('#my_account_form').submit();
// }));
// 基本资料页面提交表单时,判断身份与单位是否合法
function my_account_form_submit(){
if($("#userIdentity").val() == -1 ) {
$("#identity_hint").html('<span style="color:red">请选择身份</span>').show();
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // 阻止事件冒泡
// 单位或高校必须从下拉列表中选择
if( $("input[name='province']").val().trim() != '' && $("input[name='occupation']").val().trim() == ''){ //学校名字和id不对的话
$("#hint").html('<span style="color:red">单位名称必须是从下拉列表中选择的,不能手动修改</span>').show();
if( $("#lastname").val() == '' ){
if( $("input[name='province']").val().trim() == '' ){ //学校名字必须填写
$("#hint").html('<span style="color:red">高校(单位)名称不能为空</span>').show();
if($("#no").is(":visible") == true && $("#no").val() == ""){
if($(this).val() == ""){
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