1098 lines
36 KiB
1098 lines
36 KiB
# # fq
# class BidsController < ApplicationController
# #Added by young
# menu_item l(:label_homework), :only => [:edit, :udpate]
# menu_item :respond
# menu_item :course, :only => :show_courseEx
# menu_item :project, :only => [:show_project,:show_results, :new_submit_homework]
# menu_item :homework_respond, :only => :homework_respond
# menu_item :homework_statistics, :only => :homework_statistics
# menu_item :edit, :only => :edit
# before_filter :auth_login1, :only => [:show_courseEx]
# before_filter :can_show_course,only: []
# before_filter :can_show_contest,only: []
# #Ended by young
# before_filter :find_bid, :only => [:show, :show_project, :create,:destroy,:more,:back,:add,:delete,:new,:show_results,:set_reward, :add_homework, :fork, :create_fork,
# :show_course, :show_courseEx,:show_bid_project, :show_bid_user, :join_in_contest, :unjoin_in_contest, :new_join,:show_participator, :settings]
# # added by fq
# before_filter :require_login, :only => [:join_in_contest, :unjoin_in_contest]
# # end
# before_filter :require_login,:only => [:set_reward, :destroy, :add, :new, ]
# #before_filter :memberAccess, only: :show_project
# helper :watchers
# helper :attachments
# include AttachmentsHelper
# include ApplicationHelper
# include BidsHelper
# helper :projects
# helper :words
# helper :welcome
# helper :project_score
# def find_project_by_bid_id
# @bid = Bid.find(params[:id])
# @project = @bid.courses[0]
# rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# render_404
# end
# def homework_ajax_modal
# @bid = Bid.find_by_id(params[:id])
# # find_bid
# respond_to do |format|
# format.js
# end
# end
# def index
# @project_type = params[:project_type]
# # Modified by nie
# # @requirement_title = "4"
# @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 10})
# if @project_type == '1'
# @bids = Bid.visible.where('reward_type = ?', 3)
# # elsif
# # @bids = Bid.visible.where('reward_type = ? or reward_type = ?', 4)
# else
# @bids = Bid.visible.where('reward_type = ?', 1)
# end
# @bids = @bids.like(params[:name]) if params[:name].present?
# @bid_count = @bids.count
# @bid_pages = Paginator.new @bid_count, @limit, params['page']
# @offset ||= @bid_pages.reverse_offset
# #added by nie
# if params[:bid_sort_type].present?
# case params[:bid_sort_type]
# when '0'
# unless @offset == 0
# @bids = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# else
# limit = @bid_count % @limit
# limit = @limit if limit == 0
# @bids = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
# end
# @s_state = 0
# when '1'
# unless @offset == 0
# @bids = @bids.reorder('bids.commit').offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# else
# limit = @bid_count % @limit
# limit = @limit if limit == 0
# @bids = @bids.reorder('bids.commit').offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
# end
# @s_state = 1
# when '2'
# unless @offset == 0
# @bids = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# else
# limit = @bid_count % @limit
# limit = @limit if limit == 0
# @bids = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# end
# @s_state = 0
# end
# else
# unless @offset == 0
# @bids = @bids.reorder('bids.commit').offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# else
# limit = @bid_count % @limit
# limit = @limit if limit == 0
# @bids = @bids.reorder('bids.commit').offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
# end
# @s_state = 1
# end
# #end
# end
# #huang
# def contest
# # Modified by nie
# # @requirement_title = "4"
# @offset, @limit = api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 10})
# @bids = Bid.visible.where('reward_type = ?', 2)
# # elsif
# # @bids = Bid.visible.where('reward_type = ? or reward_type = ?', 4)
# @bids = @bids.like(params[:name]) if params[:name].present?
# @bid_count = @bids.count
# @bid_pages = Paginator.new @bid_count, @limit, params['page']
# @offset ||= @bid_pages.reverse_offset
# #added by nie
# if params[:contest_sort_type].present?
# case params[:contest_sort_type]
# when '0'
# unless @offset == 0
# @bids = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# else
# limit = @bid_count % @limit
# limit = @limit if limit == 0
# @bids = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
# end
# @s_state = 0
# when '1'
# unless @offset == 0
# @bids = @bids.reorder('bids.commit').offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# else
# limit = @bid_count % @limit
# limit = @limit if limit == 0
# @bids = @bids.reorder('bids.commit').offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
# end
# @s_state = 1
# when '2'
# unless @offset == 0
# @bids = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# else
# limit = @bid_count % @limit
# limit = @limit if limit == 0
# @bids = @bids.offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# end
# @s_state = 0
# end
# else
# unless @offset == 0
# @bids = @bids.reorder('bids.commit').offset(@offset).limit(@limit).all.reverse
# else
# limit = @bid_count % @limit
# limit = @limit if limit == 0
# @bids = @bids.reorder('bids.commit').offset(@offset).limit(limit).all.reverse
# end
# @s_state = 1
# end
# #end
# end
# def fork
# @courses = []
# @membership = User.current.memberships.all(:conditions => Project.visible_condition(User.current))
# @membership.each do |membership|
# if membership.project.project_type == 1
# @courses << membership.project
# end
# end
# end
# #将某个企业外包需求选为作业,目前此功能已放弃
# def create_fork
# @homework = Bid.new
# @homework.name = params[:bid][:name]
# @homework.description = params[:bid][:description]
# @homework.reward_type = 3
# # @bid.budget = params[:bid][:budget]
# @homework.deadline = params[:bid][:deadline]
# @homework.budget = 0
# @homework.author_id = User.current.id
# @homework.commit = 0
# @homework.homework_type = 1
# @homework.is_evaluation = params[:bid][:is_evaluation]
# @homework.parent_id = @bid.id
# @homework.save_attachments(params[:attachments] || (params[:bid] && params[:bid][:uploads]))
# # @bid.
# if @homework.save
# HomeworkForCourse.create(:course_id => params[:course], :bid_id => @homework.id)
# unless @bid.watched_by?(User.current)
# if @bid.add_watcher(User.current)
# flash[:notice] = l(:label_bid_succeed)
# end
# end
# redirect_to course_for_bid_path(@homework)
# else
# @bid.safe_attributes = params[:bid]
# @courses = []
# @membership = User.current.coursememberships.all#(:conditions => Project.visible_condition(User.current))
# @membership.each do |membership|
# @courses << membership.course
# end
# render :action => 'fork'
# end
# end
# #有两个路由链接到此方法:/bids/:id /calls/:id但是貌似这两个路由都不能访问。。方法作用有待确认
# def show
# @user = @bid.author
# @jours = @bid.journals_for_messages.where('m_parent_id IS NULL').order('created_on DESC')
# @limit = 10
# @feedback_count = @jours.count
# @feedback_pages = Paginator.new @feedback_count, @limit, params['page']
# @offset ||= @feedback_pages.offset
# @jour = @jours[@offset, @limit]
# @state = false
# respond_to do |format|
# layout_file = ''
# case @bid.reward_type
# when 3
# html_title(l(:label_question_student))
# layout_file = 'base_homework'
# when 1
# layout_file = 'base_bids'
# else
# layout_file = 'base_contest'
# end
# format.html {
# render :layout => layout_file
# }
# format.api
# end
# end
# def join_in_contest
# if @bid.reward_type == 2 && params[:course_password] == @bid.password
# JoinInContest.create(:user_id => User.current.id, :bid_id => @bid.id)
# @state = 0
# else
# @state = 1
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# format.js { render :partial => 'set_join', :locals => {:user => User.current, :object_id => params[:id]} }
# end
# end
# def unjoin_in_contest
# joined = JoinInContest.where('bid_id = ? and user_id = ?', @bid.id, User.current.id)
# joined.each do |join|
# join.delete
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# format.js { render :partial => 'set_join', :locals => {:user => User.current, :object_id => params[:id]} }
# end
# end
# def new_join
# end
# # added by bai 增加了参与者和竞赛设置
# def show_participator
# render :layout => 'base_contest'
# end
# #配置竞赛
# def settings
# if @bid.author.id == User.current.id
# if @bid.reward_type == 2
# @contest = Bid.find_by_reward_type(@bid.reward_type)
# render :layout => 'base_contest'
# end
# else
# render_403 :message => :notice_not_contest_setting_authorized
# end
# end
# #end
# # 显示课程作业,但是好像已经废弃
# def show_course
# bids = Bid.where('parent_id = ?', @bid.id)
# @courses = []
# for bid in bids
# @courses << bid.courses.first
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# if @bid.reward_type == 3
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# }
# elsif @bid.reward_type == 1
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_bids'
# }
# else
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_contest'
# }
# end
# format.api
# end
# end
# def show_bid_project
# bids = Bid.where('parent_id = ?', @bid.id)
# @projects = []
# for bid in bids
# @projects += bid.biding_projects
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# if @bid.reward_type == 3
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# }
# elsif @bid.reward_type == 1
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_bids'
# }
# else
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_contest'
# }
# end
# format.api
# end
# end
# def show_bid_user
# bids = Bid.where('parent_id = ?', @bid.id)
# @users = []
# for bid in bids
# for project in bid.projects
# @users += project.users
# end
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# if @bid.reward_type == 3
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# }
# elsif @bid.reward_type == 1
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_bids'
# }
# else
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_contest'
# }
# end
# format.api
# end
# end
# def show_project
# # flash[:notice] = ""
# @membership = User.current.memberships.all(:conditions => Project.visible_condition(User.current))
# @option = []
# @membership.each do |membership|
# unless(membership.project.project_type==1)
# if membership.user.allowed_to?(:quote_project,membership.project)
# @option << membership.project
# end
# end
# end
# # a = [1]
# # @project = Project.where("id in []", a)
# @user = @bid.author
# @bidding_project = @bid.biding_projects.all
# if params[:student_id].present?
# @temp = []
# @bidding_project.each do |pro|
# if pro.project && pro.project.project_status
# if /#{params[:student_id]}/ =~ pro.user.user_extensions.student_id
# @temp << pro
# end
# end
# @temp
# end
# @bidding_project = @temp
# else
# #added by nie
# @temp = []
# @bidding_project.each do |pro|
# if pro.project && pro.project.project_status
# @temp << pro
# end
# @temp
# end
# if @temp.size > 0
# @bidding_project = @temp.sort {|a,b| b.project.project_status.grade <=> a.project.project_status.grade}
# end
# #ended
# end
# if @bid.homework_type == 1
# @homework = HomeworkAttach.new
# #@homework_list = @bid.homeworks
# #增加作业按评分排序,
# @homework_list = @bid.homeworks.eager_load(:rate_averages, :user, :attachments).order('seems_rateable_cached_ratings.avg DESC').order("#{HomeworkAttach.table_name}.created_at ASC")
# if params[:student_id].present?
# @temp = []
# @homework_list.each do |pro|
# if /#{params[:student_id]}/ =~ pro.user.user_extensions.student_id
# @temp << pro
# end
# @temp
# end
# @homework_list = @temp
# end
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# if @bid.reward_type == 3
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# }
# elsif @bid.reward_type == 1
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_bids'
# }
# else
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_contest'
# }
# end
# format.api
# end
# end
# # 显示作业课程
# # add by nwb
# def show_courseEx
# if (User.current.logged? && (User.current.member_of_course?(@bid.courses.first) || User.current.admin?))
# @membership = User.current.coursememberships.all(:conditions => Course.visible_condition(User.current))
# @user = @bid.author
# @bidding_project = @bid.biding_projects.all
# if params[:student_id].present?
# @temp = []
# @bidding_project.each do |pro|
# if pro.project && pro.project.project_status
# if /#{params[:student_id]}/ =~ pro.user.user_extensions.student_id
# @temp << pro
# end
# end
# @temp
# end
# @bidding_project = @temp
# else
# #added by nie
# @temp = []
# @bidding_project.each do |pro|
# if pro.project && pro.project.project_status
# @temp << pro
# end
# @temp
# end
# if @temp.size > 0
# @bidding_project = @temp.sort {|a,b| b.project.project_status.grade <=> a.project.project_status.grade}
# end
# #ended
# end
# if @bid.homework_type
# @homework = HomeworkAttach.new
# @is_teacher = is_course_teacher(User.current,@bid.courses.first)
# if @is_teacher
# all_homework_list = HomeworkAttach.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM (SELECT homework_attaches.*,
# (SELECT stars FROM seems_rateable_rates WHERE rateable_type = 'HomeworkAttach' AND rateable_id = homework_attaches.id AND is_teacher_score = 1 AND stars IS NOT NULL ORDER BY updated_at DESC limit 0,1) AS t_score,
# (SELECT AVG(stars) FROM seems_rateable_rates WHERE rateable_type = 'HomeworkAttach' AND rateable_id = homework_attaches.id AND is_teacher_score = 0) AS s_score
# FROM homework_attaches WHERE bid_id = #{@bid.id} ORDER BY s_score DESC,created_at ASC) AS table1
# WHERE table1.t_score IS NULL")
# @not_batch_homework = true
# @cur_type = 1
# else
# all_homework_list = HomeworkAttach.find_by_sql("SELECT homework_attaches.*,
# (SELECT stars FROM seems_rateable_rates WHERE rateable_type = 'HomeworkAttach' AND rateable_id = homework_attaches.id AND is_teacher_score = 1 AND stars IS NOT NULL ORDER BY updated_at DESC limit 0,1) AS t_score,
# (SELECT AVG(stars) FROM seems_rateable_rates WHERE rateable_type = 'HomeworkAttach' AND rateable_id = homework_attaches.id AND is_teacher_score = 0) AS s_score,
# (SELECT stars FROM seems_rateable_rates WHERE rateable_type = 'HomeworkAttach' AND rateable_id = homework_attaches.id AND rater_id = #{User.current.id} AND is_teacher_score = #{@is_teacher ? 1 : 0}) AS m_score
# FROM homework_attaches
# INNER JOIN homework_evaluations ON homework_evaluations.homework_attach_id = homework_attaches.id
# WHERE homework_attaches.bid_id = #{@bid.id} AND homework_evaluations.user_id = #{User.current.id} ORDER BY s_score DESC")
# @is_student_batch_homework = true
# @cur_type = 4
# end
# @cur_page = params[:page] || 1
# # @homework_list = paginateHelper all_homework_list,10
# @homework_list = all_homework_list
# @jours_count = @bid.journals_for_messages.where('m_parent_id IS NULL').count
# if params[:student_id].present?
# @temp = []
# @homework_list.each do |pro|
# if /#{params[:student_id]}/ =~ pro.user.user_extensions.student_id
# @temp << pro
# end
# @temp
# end
# @homework_list = @temp
# end
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# if @bid.reward_type == 3
# format.html {
# html_title(l(:label_homework_info))
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# }
# elsif @bid.reward_type == 1
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_bids'
# }
# else
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_contest'
# }
# end
# format.api
# end
# else
# render_403 :message => :notice_not_authorized
# end
# end
# ##### by huang
# def show_project_homework
# # flash[:notice] = ""
# @membership = User.current.memberships.all(:conditions => Project.visible_condition(User.current))
# @option = []
# @membership.each do |membership|
# end
# # a = [1]
# # @project = Project.where("id in []", a)
# @user = @bid.author
# @bidding_project = @bid.biding_projects
# respond_to do |format|
# if @bid.reward_type == 3
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# }
# elsif @bid.reward_type == 1
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_bids'
# }
# else
# format.html {
# render :layout => 'base_contest'
# }
# end
# format.api
# end
# end
# ###添加应标项目
# def add
# project = Project.find(params[:bid])
# bid_message = params[:bid_for_save][:bid_message]
# if BidingProject.where("project_id = ? and bid_id = ?", project.id, @bid.id).size == 0
# if BidingProject.cerate_bidding(@bid.id, project.id, bid_message)
# # added by bai type ==1 需求,type==2 竞赛, type==3 作业
# if @bid.reward_type == 1
# flash.now[:notice] = l(:label_bidding_succeed)
# elsif @bid.reward_type == 2
# flash.now[:notice] = l(:label_bidding_contest_succeed)
# else @bid.reward_type == 3
# flash.now[:notice] = l(:label_bidding_homework_succeed)
# end
# # end
# end
# else
# if @bid.reward_type == 3
# flash.now[:error] = l(:label_bidding_homework_fail)
# else
# flash.now[:error] = l(:label_bidding_fail)
# end
# end
# @bidding_project = @bid.biding_projects
# respond_to do |format|
# # format.html { redirect_to_referer_or {render :text => 'Watcher added.', :layout => true}}
# # format.html
# format.html { redirect_to :back }
# format.js
# #format.api { render_api_ok }
# end
# end
# #删除已提交的项目作业(不删项目)
# def delete
# binding_project = params[:binding_project]
# if can_delete_project_homework(BidingProject.find(binding_project),User.current)
# if BidingProject.delete(binding_project)
# redirect_to project_for_bid_url
# else
# render_403;
# end
# end
# end
# ## 新建留言
# def create
# if params[:bid_message][:message].size>0
# if params[:reference_content]
# message = params[:bid_message][:message] + "\n" + params[:reference_content]
# else
# message = params[:bid_message][:message]
# @m = message
# end
# refer_user_id = params[:bid_message][:reference_user_id].to_i
# @bid.add_jour(User.current, message, refer_user_id)
# end
# @user = @bid.author
# @jours = @bid.journals_for_messages.where('m_parent_id IS NULL').order('created_on DESC')
# @jour = paginateHelper @jours,10
# @bid.set_commit(@feedback_count)
# respond_to do |format|
# format.js
# #format.api { render_api_ok }
# end
# end
# ##删除留言
# def destroy
# @user = @bid.author
# if User.current.admin? || User.current.id == @user.id
# JournalsForMessage.delete_message(params[:object_id])
# end
# @jours = @bid.journals_for_messages.reverse
# @limit = 10
# @feedback_count = @jours.count
# @feedback_pages = Paginator.new @feedback_count, @limit, params['page']
# @offset ||= @feedback_pages.offset
# @jour = @jours[@offset, @limit]
# @bid.set_commit(@feedback_count)
# # if a_message.size > 5
# # @message = a_message[-5, 5]
# # else
# # @message = a_message
# # end
# # @message_count = a_message.count
# respond_to do |format|
# # format.html
# format.js
# #format.api { render_api_ok }
# end
# end
# #删除作业
# #by xianbo
# def homework_destroy
# @bid_to_destroy = Bid.find params[:id]
# course_url = course_homework_path(@bid_to_destroy.courses.first)
# (render_403; return false) unless User.current.admin?||User.current.id==@bid_to_destroy.author_id
# @bid_to_destroy.destroy
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html { redirect_to course_url }
# format.js
# #format.api { render_api_ok }
# end
# end
# #end by xianbo
# ##引用
# def new
# @jour = JournalsForMessage.find(params[:journal_id]) if params[:journal_id]
# if @jour
# user = @jour.user
# text = @jour.notes
# else
# user = @bid.author
# text = @bid.description
# end
# # Replaces pre blocks with [...]
# text = text.to_s.strip.gsub(%r{<pre>((.|\s)*?)</pre>}m, '[...]')
# @content = "> #{ll(User.current.language, :text_user_wrote, user)}\n> "
# @content << text.gsub(/(\r?\n|\r\n?)/, "\n> ") + "\n\n"
# @id = user.id
# rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# render_404
# end
# ##新建需求
# def new_bid
# @bid = Bid.new
# @bid.safe_attributes = params[:bid]
# end
# #huang
# def create_contest
# @bid = Bid.new
# @bid.name = params[:bid][:name]
# @bid.description = params[:bid][:description]
# @bid.reward_type = 2
# @bid.budget = params[:bid][:budget]
# @bid.deadline = params[:bid][:deadline]
# @bid.password = params[:bid][:password] #added by bai
# @bid.author_id = User.current.id
# @bid.commit = 0
# if @bid.save
# unless @bid.watched_by?(User.current)
# if @bid.add_watcher(User.current)
# flash[:notice] = l(:label_bid_succeed)
# end
# end
# redirect_to respond_url(@bid)
# else
# @bid.safe_attributes = params[:bid]
# render :action => 'new_bid'
# end
# end
# # added by bai
# def update_contest
# @bid = Bid.find(params[:id])
# @bid.name = params[:bid][:name]
# @bid.description = params[:bid][:description]
# @bid.reward_type = 2
# @bid.budget = params[:bid][:budget]
# @bid.deadline = params[:bid][:deadline]
# @bid.password = params[:bid][:password]
# @bid.author_id = User.current.id
# @bid.commit = 0
# if @bid.save
# unless @bid.watched_by?(User.current)
# if @bid.add_watcher(User.current)
# flash[:notice] = l(:label_bid_succeed)
# end
# end
# redirect_to respond_url(@bid)
# else
# @bid.safe_attributes = params[:bid]
# render :action => 'new_bid'
# end
# end
# #huang
# def new_contest
# @bid = Bid.new
# @bid.safe_attributes = params[:bid]
# end
# def create_bid
# @bid = Bid.new
# @bid.name = params[:bid][:name]
# @bid.description = params[:bid][:description]
# @bid.reward_type = 1
# @bid.budget = params[:bid][:budget]
# @bid.deadline = params[:bid][:deadline]
# @bid.author_id = User.current.id
# @bid.commit = 0
# if @bid.save
# unless @bid.watched_by?(User.current)
# if @bid.add_watcher(User.current)
# flash[:notice] = l(:label_bid_succeed)
# end
# end
# redirect_to respond_url(@bid)
# else
# @bid.safe_attributes = params[:bid]
# render :action => 'new_bid'
# end
# end
# def create_homework
# @bid = Bid.new
# @bid.name = params[:bid][:name]
# @bid.description = params[:bid][:description]
# @bid.is_evaluation = params[:bid][:is_evaluation]
# @bid.proportion = params[:bid][:proportion]
# @bid.evaluation_num = params[:bid][:evaluation_num]
# params[:bid][:open_anonymous_evaluation] ? @bid.open_anonymous_evaluation = 1 : @bid.open_anonymous_evaluation = 0
# @bid.reward_type = 3
# # @bid.budget = params[:bid][:budget]
# @bid.deadline = params[:bid][:deadline]
# @bid.budget = 0
# @bid.author_id = User.current.id
# @bid.commit = 0
# @bid.homework_type = 1
# @bid.save_attachments(params[:attachments] || (params[:bid] && params[:bid][:uploads]))
# # @bid.
# if @bid.save
# HomeworkForCourse.create(:course_id => params[:course_id], :bid_id => @bid.id)
# unless @bid.watched_by?(User.current)
# if @bid.add_watcher(User.current)
# flash[:notice] = l(:label_bid_succeed)
# end
# end
# redirect_to course_homework_url(params[:course_id])
# else
# @bid.safe_attributes = params[:bid]
# @homework = @bid
# @course = Course.find_by_id(params[:course_id])
# @course_id = @course.id
# #respond_to do |format|
# # format.html { redirect_to new_homework_course_path(params[:course_id]),:layout => 'base_courses'}
# # format.api { render_validation_errors(@bid) }
# #end
# render file: 'courses/new_homework', layout: 'base_courses'
# end
# end
# # modify by nwb\
# # 编辑作业
# def edit
# @bid = Bid.find(params[:bid_id])
# if (User.current.admin?||User.current.allowed_to?(:as_teacher,@bid.courses.first))
# @course_id = params[:course_id]
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html {
# @course = Course.find(params[:course_id])
# @user= User.find(User.current.id)
# render :layout => 'base_courses'
# }
# end
# else
# render_403
# end
# end
# def update
# @bid = Bid.find(params[:id])
# @course = @bid.courses.first#Project.find(params[:course_id])
# @bid.name = params[:bid][:name]
# @bid.description = params[:bid][:description]
# @bid.is_evaluation = params[:bid][:is_evaluation]
# @bid.proportion = params[:bid][:proportion]
# @bid.evaluation_num = params[:bid][:evaluation_num]
# params[:bid][:open_anonymous_evaluation] ? @bid.open_anonymous_evaluation = 1 : @bid.open_anonymous_evaluation = 0
# @bid.reward_type = 3
# @bid.deadline = params[:bid][:deadline]
# @bid.budget = 0
# #@bid.author_id = User.current.id
# @bid.commit = 0
# @bid.homework_type = 1
# @bid.save_attachments(params[:attachments] || (params[:bid] && params[:bid][:uploads]))
# if @bid.save
# flash[:notice] = l(:label_update_homework_succeed)
# redirect_to course_homework_url(@course)
# else
# @bid.safe_attributes = params[:bid]
# render :action => 'edit', :layout =>'base_courses'
# end
# end
# def new_submit_homework
# #render html to prepare create submit homework
# find_bid
# find_bid
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# end
# def add_homework
# if User.current.logged? && (!Member.where('user_id = ? and project_id = ?', User.current.id, @bid.courses.first.id).first.nil? && (Member.where('user_id = ? and project_id = ?', User.current.id, @bid.courses.first.id).first.roles&Role.where('id = ? or id = ? or id =?',5, 10, 7)).size >0)
# # homework = HomeworkAttach.create(:bid_id => @bid.id, :user_id => User.current.id)
# # homework.save_attachments(params[:attachments] || (params[:bid] && params[:bid][:uploads]))
# if hadcommittedhomework(User.current.id, @bid.id) == true
# @homework_flag = l(:label_bidding_homework_committed)
# else
# @homework = HomeworkAttach.new
# @homework.safe_attributes = params[:homeworkattach]
# @homework.bid_id = @bid.id
# @homework.user_id = User.current.id
# @homework.save_attachments(params[:attachments])
# render_attachment_warning_if_needed(@homework)
# @homework_flag = if @homework.save
# l(:label_bidding_homework_succeed)
# else
# l(:label_bidding_homework_failed)
# end
# if @homework.attachments.empty?
# @homework.delete
# #flash[:error] = l(:no_attachmens_allowed)
# @homework_flag = l(:no_attachmens_allowed)
# # else
# end
# end
# end
# @homework_list = @bid.homeworks
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html{
# #redirect_to project_for_bid_path, notice: @homework_flag.to_s
# flash[:notice] = @homework_flag.to_s
# redirect_back_or_default(project_for_bid_path)
# }
# format.js
# end
# end
# # 作业统计
# def homework_statistics
# @course = @bid.courses.first
# @member = []
# @course.memberships.each do |member|
# unless (member.roles && Role.where('id = ? ', 3)).empty?
# @member.push member
# end
# end
# if @bid.homework_type = 1
# @student = User.where("id in (select DISTINCT user_id from #{HomeworkAttach.table_name} where bid_id = ? )", @bid.id)
# @homework_type = true
# else
# @homework_type = false
# end
# @user = @bid.author
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# end
# def homework_respond
# @user = @bid.author
# render :layout => 'base_homework'
# end
# def more
# @jour = @bid.journals_for_messages
# @jour.each_with_index {|j,i| j.indice = i+1}
# @state = true
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html { redirect_to :back }
# format.js
# #format.api { render_api_ok }
# end
# end
# def back
# @jour = @bid.journals_for_messages
# @jour.each_with_index {|j,i| j.indice = i+1}
# @state = false
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html { redirect_to :back }
# format.js
# #format.api { render_api_ok }
# end
# end
# #added by william
# #used to set the bidding project reward
# def set_reward
# @b_p = nil
# @biding_project_id = nil
# if params[:set_reward][:reward]&&((User.current.id==@bid.author_id)||User.current.admin)
# # @bid_id = params[:id]
# @biding_project_id = params[:set_reward][:b_id]
# @b_p = BidingProject.find_by_id(@biding_project_id)
# # 把字段存进表中
# @b_p.update_reward(params[:set_reward][:reward].to_s)
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# format.js
# end
# end
# # added by william
# # used to manage the bid and end the bid
# def manage
# end
# # 启动匿评
# def start_anonymous_comment
# @bid = Bid.find(params[:id])
# @course = @bid.courses.first
# if(@bid.comment_status == 0)
# homeworks = @bid.homeworks
# if(homeworks && homeworks.size >= 2)
# homeworks.each_with_index do |homework, index|
# user = homework.user
# n = @bid.evaluation_num
# n = n < homeworks.size ? n : homeworks.size - 1
# assigned_homeworks = get_assigned_homeworks(homeworks, n, index)
# assigned_homeworks.each do |h|
# @homework_evaluation = HomeworkEvaluation.new(user_id: user.id, homework_attach_id: h.id)
# @homework_evaluation.save
# end
# end
# @bid.update_column('comment_status', 1)
# @statue = 1
# else
# @statue = 2
# end
# else
# @statue = 3
# end
# respond_to do |format|
# format.js
# end
# end
# def stop_anonymous_comment
# @bid = Bid.find(params[:id])
# @bid.update_column('comment_status', 2)
# respond_to do |format|
# format.js
# end
# end
# def alert_anonymous_comment
# @bid = Bid.find params[:id]
# @course = @bid.courses.first
# @cur_size = 0
# @totle_size = 0
# if @bid.comment_status == 0
# @totle_size = searchStudent(@course).size
# @cur_size = @bid.homeworks.size
# elsif @bid.comment_status == 1
# @bid.homeworks.map { |homework| @totle_size += homework.homework_evaluations.count}
# @cur_size = 0
# @bid.homeworks.map { |homework| @cur_size += homework.rates(:quality).where("seems_rateable_rates.is_teacher_score = 0").count}
# end
# @percent = format("%.2f",(@cur_size.to_f / ( @totle_size == 0 ? 1 : @totle_size)) * 100)
# respond_to do |format|
# format.js
# end
# end
# private
# def get_assigned_homeworks(homeworks, n, index)
# homeworks += homeworks
# homeworks[index + 1 .. index + n]
# end
# def find_bid
# if params[:id]
# @bid = Bid.find(params[:id], :include => [{:homeworks => :user}])
# @user = @bid.author
# end
# rescue
# render_404
# end
# def memberAccess
# # 是课程,则判断当前用户是否参加了课程
# return true if current_user.admin?
# #return 0 if @bid.courses.first.project_type == Project::ProjectType_project
# currentUser = User.current
# render_403 unless currentUser.member_of_course?(@bid.courses.first)
# end
# #验证是否显示课程
# def can_show_course
# @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project')
# if @first_page.show_course == 2
# render_404
# end
# end
# #验证是否显示竞赛
# def can_show_contest
# @first_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('project')
# if @first_page.show_contest == 2
# render_404
# end
# end
# end