
72 lines
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Raw Blame History

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<% delete_allowed = User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_files, course) %>
<div class="re_con_top">
<p class="f_l c_blue f_b f_14">共有&nbsp;<%= all_attachments.count%>&nbsp;个资源</p>
<p class="f_r" style="color: #808080">
<% if order == "asc" %>
按&nbsp;<%= link_to "时间",params.merge(:sort=>"created_on:desc"),:class => "f_b c_grey",:remote => @is_remote %><%= render partial: 'arrow_show',locals: { sort: sort,order:order,current:"created_on"} %>&nbsp;/&nbsp;
<%= link_to "下载次数",params.merge(:sort=>"downloads:desc"),:class => "f_b c_grey",:remote => @is_remote %><%= render partial: 'arrow_show',locals: { sort: sort,order:order,current:"downloads"} %>&nbsp;/&nbsp;
<%= link_to "引用次数",params.merge(:sort=>"quotes:desc"),:class => "f_b c_grey",:remote => @is_remote %><%= render partial: 'arrow_show',locals: { sort: sort,order:order,current:"quotes"} %>&nbsp;排序
<% else %>
按&nbsp;<%= link_to "时间",params.merge(:sort=>"created_on:asc"),:class => "f_b c_grey" ,:remote => @is_remote %><%= render partial: 'arrow_show',locals: { sort: sort,order:order,current:"created_on"} %>&nbsp;/&nbsp;
<%= link_to "下载次数",params.merge(:sort=>"downloads:asc"),:class => "f_b c_grey",:remote => @is_remote %><%= render partial: 'arrow_show',locals: { sort: sort,order:order,current:"downloads"} %>&nbsp; /&nbsp;
<%= link_to "引用次数",params.merge(:sort=>"quotes:asc"),:class => "f_b c_grey",:remote => @is_remote %><%= render partial: 'arrow_show',locals: { sort: sort,order:order,current:"quotes"} %>&nbsp;排序
<% end %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="files_tag">
<% unless @tag_list.nil?%>
<% @tag_list.each do |k,v|%>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="files_tag_icon" onclick="search_tag_attachment('<%= search_tag_attachment_course_files_path(@course)%>','<%= k%>','<%= @q%>','<%=>');"><%= k%><span class="c_red"><%= v%></span></a>
<% end%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="for_img_thumbnails">
<% curse_attachments.each do |file| %>
<% if file.is_public? || User.current.member_of_course?(course) %>
<div class="re_con_box">
<div class="">
<%= link_to_attachment file, :download => true,:text => truncate(file.filename,length: 35, omission: '...'), :title => file.filename+"\n"+file.description.to_s, :style => "overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;",:class => "c_dblue f_14 f_b f_l" %>
<% if User.current.logged? %>
<% if (is_course_teacher(User.current,@course) || file.author_id == && course_contains_attachment?(@course,file) %>
<%= link_to("选入我的其他课程",quote_resource_show_course_file_path(@course,file),:class => "f_l re_select",:remote => true) if has_course?(User.current,file) %>
<% if delete_allowed && file.container_id == && file.container_type == "Course" %>
<span id="is_public_<%= %>">
<%= link_to (file.is_public? ? "公开":"私有"), update_file_dense_attachments_path(:attachmentid=>,:newtype=>(file.is_public? ? 0:1)),:remote=>true,:class=>"f_l re_open",:method => :post %>
<% else %>
<!-- <#%= link_to (file.is_public? ? "公开":"私有"),"javascript:void(0)",:class=>"f_l re_open" %> -->
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to("选入我的课程",quote_resource_show_course_file_path(@course,file),:class => "f_l re_select",:remote => true) if has_course?(User.current,file) %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="">
<p class="f_l c_grey02 font">文件大小:<%= number_to_human_size(file.filesize) %></p>
<%= link_to( l(:button_delete), attachment_path(file),
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :method => :delete,:class => "f_r re_de") if delete_allowed && file.container_id == && file.container_type == "Course"%>
<p class="f_r c_grey02" ><%= time_tag(file.created_on).html_safe %><%= l(:label_bids_published_ago) %>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;下载<%= file.downloads %>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;引用<%= file.quotes.nil? ? 0:file.quotes %> </p>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="tag_h">
<%= render :partial => 'tags/tag_new', :locals => {:obj => file, :object_flag => "6"} %>
<%= render :partial => 'tags/tag_add', :locals => {:obj => file, :object_flag => "6"} %>
<div class="cl"></div>
</div><!---re_con_box end-->
<% else %>
<div class="re_con_box"><span class='fr mr10 pr_join_span '><%= file.filename %>是私有资源</span></div>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<ul class="wlist">
<%= pagination_links_full @obj_pages, @obj_count, :per_page_links => false, :remote => @is_remote, :flag => true%>
<div class="cl"></div>