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v0.7.1 (released at 1/11/2016)

  • Fix after using http, upload file function break. #78
  • Add callback function after_wechat_response support. by @zfben #79
  • Should using department_id instead of departmentid at enterprise api: user_simplelist/user_list.

v0.7.0 (released at 1/1/2016)

  • Using http instead of rest-client for performance reason. (not support upload file yet)

v0.6.9 (released at 1/6/2016)

  • Fix token refresh bug on multi worker. #76
  • Rewrite the token relative code to add more storage support in future.

v0.6.8 (released at 12/25/2015)

  • Support Rails 5.0.0.beta1.
  • English README available
  • Fix oauth2_url calling error, fix #75

v0.6.7 (released at 12/18/2015)

  • Add timeout configuration option, close #74
  • New getuserinfo and oauth2_url to support getting FromUserName from web page.

v0.6.6 (released at 12/15/2015)

  • Add jsapi_ticket support for Enterprise Account
  • Default generated WechatsController < ActionController::Base, as many Rails application may having #authenticate_user or #set_current_user in ApplicationController, so easily affect the first time using experience.
  • New syntax on :view, with: 'VIEW_URL' support.
  • New command upload_replaceparty which combine three sub command to make uploading department easier.
  • New command upload_replaceuser which combine three sub command to make uploading user easier.

v0.6.5 (released at 11/24/2015)

  • Handle 48001 error if token is expire/not valid, close #71
  • ApiLoader will do config reading and initialize the api instead of spreading the logic.

v0.6.4 (released at 11/16/2015)

  • Command mode now display different command set based on enterprise/public account setting
  • Move config logic in command/wechat to ApiLoader class
  • Unsubscribe can only reply plain text 'success' #68
  • Fix 404 qrcode download problem, by @huangxiangdan #69

v0.6.3 (released at 11/14/2015)

  • Official testing and support public encrypt mode, also fix one cipher bug, many thanks to @hlltc #67
  • hlltc report public account FILE_BASE no longer needs, clean code #67
  • Media command line reflect recent Tecent json schema change. #67

v0.6.2 (released at 11/05/2015)

  • Tecent report location API changed, so change wechat gems also. #64

v0.6.1 (released at 10/20/2015)

  • Handle 40001, invalid credential, access_token is invalid or not latest hint # 57
  • Support at Rails 4.2.1 wechat can not run #58

v0.6.0 (released at 10/08/2015)

Scan and Batch job are BREAK CHANGE!

  • Scan 2D barcode using new syntax on :scan, with: 'BINDING_QR_CODE' instead of on :event, with: 'BINDING_QR_CODE' in previous version #55 Which will fix can not using on :event, with: "scan" problem
  • Batch job using new syntax on :batch_job, with: 'replace_user' instead of previous on :event, with: 'replace_user' .
  • Click menu support new syntax on :click, with: 'BOOK_LUNCH' , but on :event, with: 'BOOK_LUNCH' still supported. perfer on :click because it running faster and more nature expression.
  • Wechat::Responder using Hash for new :client and :batch_job event, avoid time consuming Array match responder
  • Fix refresh token not working problem under ruby 2.0.0 #54
  • New department_update, user_batchdelete, convert_to_openid API

v0.5.0 (released at 9/25/2015)

  • Only relay on activesupport on run time, so will greatly improve wechat cli startup time
  • Add rails generator support rails g wechat:install
  • Add batch job support for enterprise account like batch create user/department, both API, callback responder and CLI
  • Add material management API and CLI
  • Add tag API and CLI for enterprise account
  • Add QR code scene function for public account

v0.4.2 (released at 9/7/2015)

  • Fix wrong number of arguments at Wechat::Responder.on by using arity #47
  • Fix can not access wechat method after using instance level context.
  • Fix skip_verify_ssl parameter error.

v0.4.1 (released at 9/6/2015)

  • Limit news articles collection to 10, close #5
  • Resolve the conflict with gem "responders" by @seamon #45

v0.4.0 (released at 9/5/2015)

  • Enable the verify SSL for enterprise mode by default, as security is more importent than speed, but still can switch off by configure
  • Support scancode_push/scancode_waitmsg event.
  • New API method can get wechat server IP list
  • New API to query/create department/media/material
  • Fix can not read token_file in mingw bug, which introduce at #43

v0.3.0 (released at 8/30/2015)

  • New user group management API
  • Allow transfer to customer service on fallback. #42
  • Read and write access_token properly using file locking, #43

v0.2.0 (released at 8/27/2015)

  • Add wechat enterprise account support
  • Make responder execute in action context, by @lazing #15
  • jsapi_ticket support, by @feitian124 #27
  • Rename gems to wechat and ambitious to being #1 gems about development wechat. thanks Xiaoning transfer this gem name.
  • Original gem wechat-rails author skinnyworm trasfer to Eric-Guo as maintainer
