Updated CHANGES.txt
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,150 @@
ANTLR v4 Honey Badger
ANTLR v4 Honey Badger
June 24, 2013
* Resize ANTLRInputStream.data after reading a file with fewer characters than
* Fix ATN created for non-greedy optional block with multiple alternatives
* Support Unicode escape sequences with indirection in JavaUnicodeInputStream
(fixes #287)
* Remove the ParserRuleContext.altNum field (fixes #288)
* PredictionContext no longer implements Iterable<SingletonPredictionContext>
* PredictionContext no longer implements Comparable<PredictionContext>
* Add the EPSILON_CLOSURE error and EPSILON_OPTIONAL warning
* Optimized usage of closureBusy set (fixes #282)
June 9, 2013
* Add regression test for #239 (already passes)
June 8, 2013
* Support list labels on a set of tokens (fixes #270)
* Fix associativity of XOR in Java LR grammar (fixes #280)
June 1, 2013
* DiagnosticErrorListener includes rule names for each decision in its reports
* Document ANTLRErrorListener and DiagnosticErrorListener (fixes #265)
* Support '\uFFFF' (fixes #267)
* Optimize serialized ATN
May 26, 2013
* Report errors that occur while lexing a grammar (fixes #262)
* Improved error message for unterminated string literals (fixes #243)
May 24, 2013
* Significantly improve performance of JavaUnicodeInputStream.LA(1)
May 20, 2013
* Generate Javadoc for generated visitor and listener interfaces and classes
* Fix unit tests
May 18, 2013
* Group terminals in Java grammars so ATN can collapse sets
* Improved Java 7 support in Java grammars (numeric literals)
* Updated error listener interfaces
* Support detailed statistics in TestPerformance
May 17, 2013
* Add JavaUnicodeInputStream to handle Unicode escapes in Java code
* Proper Unicode identifier handling in Java grammars
* Report file names with lexer errors in TestPerformance
May 14, 2013
* Use a called rule stack to prevent stack overflow in LL1Analyzer
* Use 0-based indexing for several arrays in the tool
* Code simplification, assertions, documentation
May 13, 2013
* Unit test updates to ensure exceptions are not hidden
May 12, 2013
* Updates to TestPerformance
May 5, 2013
* Updated several classes to use MurmurHash 3 hashing
May 1, 2013
* Added parse tree JTree to TreeViewer (Bart Kiers)
April 30, 2013
* Updated TestPerformance to support parallelization across passes
April 24, 2013
* Remove unused stub class ParserATNPathFinder
* Remove ParserInterpreter.predictATN
* Remove DFA.getATNStatesAlongPath
* Encapsulate implementation methods in LexerATNSimulator and ParserATNSimulator
* Updated documentation
* Simplify creation of new DFA edges
* Fix handling of previously cached error edges
* Fix DFA created during forced-SLL parsing (PredictionMode.SLL)
* Extract methods ParserATNSimulator.getExistingTargetState and
April 22, 2013
* Lazy initialization of ParserATNSimulator.mergeCache
* Improved hash code for DFAState
* Improved hash code with caching for ATNConfigSet
* Add new configuration parameters to TestPerformance
* Update Java LR and Java Std to support Java 7 syntax
April 21, 2013
* Add new configuration parameters to TestPerformance
April 18, 2013
* Must check rule transition follow states before eliminating states in
the ATN (fixes #224)
* Simplify ParserATNSimulator and improve performance by combining execDFA and
execATN and using DFA edges even after edge computation is required
April 15, 2013
* Fix code in TestPerformance that clears the DFA
April 12, 2013
* Improved initialization and concurrency control in DFA updates
* Fix EOF handling in edge case (fixes #218)
April 4, 2013
* Improved testing of error reporting
* Fix NPE revealed by updated testing method
* Strict handling of redefined rules - prevents code generation (fixes #210)
* Updated documentation in Tool
March 27, 2013
* Avoid creating empty action methods in lexer (fixes #202)
* Split serialized ATN when it exceeds Java's 65535 byte limit (fixes #76)
* Fix incorrect reports of label type conflicts across separated labeled outer
alternatives (fixes #195)
* Update Maven plugin site documentation
March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013
* Fix bugs with the closureBusy set in ParserATNSimulator.closure
* Fix handling of empty options{} block (fixes #194)
* Add error 149 INVALID_LEXER_COMMAND (fixes #190)
* Updated documentation in the Parser and RecognitionException classes
* Updated documentation in the Parser and RecognitionException classes
* Refactored and extensively documented the ANTLRErrorStrategy interface and
* Refactored and extensively documented the ANTLRErrorStrategy interface and
DefaultErrorStrategy default implementation
DefaultErrorStrategy default implementation
Reference in New Issue