got initial scope parser copied from v3

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/code/antlr4/main/": change = 6679]
This commit is contained in:
parrt 2010-02-09 18:21:56 -08:00
parent 1cea245655
commit 6f2a5f3c57
3 changed files with 313 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
package org.antlr.v4.parse;
import org.antlr.tool.ErrorManager;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Attribute;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.AttributeScope;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
/** Parse args, return values, and dynamic scopes.
* rule[arg1, arg2, ..., argN] returns [ret1, ..., retN]
* scope { decl1; decl2; ... declN; }
* The ',' and ';' are significant. Use \, and \; to use within
* types if necessary like [Map<String\,String> foo, int y].
* arg, ret, and decl are target language dependent. Java/C#/C/C++ would
* use "int i" but ruby/python would use "i".
public class ScopeParser {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(parseTypeList("int i"));
System.out.println(parseTypeList("int[] i, int j[]"));
System.out.println(parseTypeList("Map<A\\,B>[] i, int j[]"));
System.out.println(parseTypeList("int i = 34+a[3], int j[] = new int[34]"));
System.out.println(parseTypeList("char *foo32[3] = {1\\,2\\,3}"));
System.out.println(parseDynamicScope("int i;"));
System.out.println(parseDynamicScope("int[] i; int j[];"));
System.out.println(parseDynamicScope("Map<A,B>[] i; int j[];"));
System.out.println(parseDynamicScope("int i = 34+a[3]; int j[] = new int[34];"));
System.out.println(parseDynamicScope("char *foo32[] = {1,2,3};"));
/** Given an arg or retval scope definition list like
* Map<String, String>, int[] j3, char *foo32[3]
* or
* int i=3, j=a[34]+20
* convert to an attribute scope.
public static AttributeScope parseTypeList(String s) { return parse(s, ','); }
public static AttributeScope parseDynamicScope(String s) { return parse(s, ';'); }
public static AttributeScope parse(String s, char separator) {
int i = 0;
int n = s.length();
AttributeScope scope = new AttributeScope();
while ( i<n ) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
while ( i<n && s.charAt(i)!=separator ) {
if ( s.charAt(i)=='\\' ) {
if ( i<n && s.charAt(i)==separator ) {
i++; // skip separator
Attribute a = parseAttributeDef(buf.toString());
scope.attributes.put(, a);
return scope;
/** For decls like "String foo" or "char *foo32[]" compute the ID
* and type declarations. Also handle "int x=3" and 'T t = new T("foo")'
* but if the separator is ',' you cannot use ',' in the initvalue
* unless you escape use "\," escape.
protected static Attribute parseAttributeDef(String decl) {
if ( decl==null ) return null;
Attribute attr = new Attribute();
boolean inID = false;
int start = -1;
int rightEdgeOfDeclarator = decl.length()-1;
int equalsIndex = decl.indexOf('=');
if ( equalsIndex>0 ) {
// everything after the '=' is the init value
attr.initValue = decl.substring(equalsIndex+1,decl.length());
rightEdgeOfDeclarator = equalsIndex-1;
// walk backwards looking for start of an ID
for (int i=rightEdgeOfDeclarator; i>=0; i--) {
// if we haven't found the end yet, keep going
if ( !inID && Character.isLetterOrDigit(decl.charAt(i)) ) {
inID = true;
else if ( inID &&
decl.charAt(i)=='_') ) {
start = i+1;
if ( start<0 && inID ) {
start = 0;
if ( start<0 ) {
// walk forwards looking for end of an ID
int stop=-1;
for (int i=start; i<=rightEdgeOfDeclarator; i++) {
// if we haven't found the end yet, keep going
if ( !(Character.isLetterOrDigit(decl.charAt(i))||
decl.charAt(i)=='_') )
stop = i;
if ( i==rightEdgeOfDeclarator ) {
stop = i+1;
// the name is the last ID = decl.substring(start,stop);
// the type is the decl minus the ID (could be empty)
attr.type = decl.substring(0,start);
if ( stop<=rightEdgeOfDeclarator ) {
attr.type += decl.substring(stop,rightEdgeOfDeclarator+1);
attr.type = attr.type.trim();
if ( attr.type.length()==0 ) {
attr.type = null;
attr.decl = decl;
return attr;
/** Given an argument list like
* x, (*a).foo(21,33), 3.2+1, '\n',
* "a,oo\nick", {bl, "fdkj"eck}, ["cat\n,", x, 43]
* convert to a list of attributes. Allow nested square brackets etc...
* Set separatorChar to ';' or ',' or whatever you want.
public static List<String> splitArgumentList(String s, int separatorChar) {
List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
_splitArgumentList(s, 0, -1, separatorChar, args);
return args;
public static int _splitArgumentList(String actionText,
int start,
int targetChar,
int separatorChar,
List<String> args)
if ( actionText==null ) {
return -1;
actionText = actionText.replaceAll("//.*\n", "");
int n = actionText.length();
int p = start;
int last = p;
while ( p<n && actionText.charAt(p)!=targetChar ) {
int c = actionText.charAt(p);
switch ( c ) {
case '\'' :
while ( p<n && actionText.charAt(p)!='\'' ) {
if ( actionText.charAt(p)=='\\' && (p+1)<n &&
actionText.charAt(p+1)=='\'' )
p++; // skip escaped quote
case '"' :
while ( p<n && actionText.charAt(p)!='\"' ) {
if ( actionText.charAt(p)=='\\' && (p+1)<n &&
actionText.charAt(p+1)=='\"' )
p++; // skip escaped quote
case '(' :
p = _splitArgumentList(actionText,p+1,')',separatorChar,args);
case '{' :
p = _splitArgumentList(actionText,p+1,'}',separatorChar,args);
case '<' :
if ( actionText.indexOf('>',p+1)>=p ) {
// do we see a matching '>' ahead? if so, hope it's a generic
// and not less followed by expr with greater than
p = _splitArgumentList(actionText,p+1,'>',separatorChar,args);
else {
p++; // treat as normal char
case '[' :
p = _splitArgumentList(actionText,p+1,']',separatorChar,args);
default :
if ( c==separatorChar && targetChar==-1 ) {
String arg = actionText.substring(last, p);
last = p+1;
if ( targetChar==-1 && p<=n ) {
String arg = actionText.substring(last, p).trim();
if ( arg.length()>0 ) {
return p;

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package org.antlr.v4.tool;
/** Track the names of attributes define in arg lists, return values,
* scope blocks etc...
public class Attribute {
/** The entire declaration such as "String foo;" */
public String decl;
/** The type; might be empty such as for Python which has no static typing */
public String type;
/** The name of the attribute "foo" */
public String name;
/** The optional attribute intialization expression */
public String initValue;
public Attribute() {;}
public Attribute(String name, String decl) { = name;
this.decl = decl;
public String toString() {
if ( initValue!=null ) {
return type+" "+name+"="+initValue;
return type+" "+name;

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package org.antlr.v4.tool;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
/** Track the attributes within a scope. A named scoped has just its list
* of attributes. Each rule has potentially 3 scopes: return values,
* parameters, and an implicitly-named scope (i.e., a scope defined in a rule).
* Implicitly-defined scopes are named after the rule; rules and scopes then
* must live in the same name space--no collisions allowed.
public class AttributeScope {
/** The scope name */
private String name;
public static enum Type {
GLOBAL_SCOPE, // scope symbols { ...}
RULE_SCOPE; // scope { int i; int j; }
/** The list of Attribute objects */
public LinkedHashMap<String, Attribute> attributes =
new LinkedHashMap<String, Attribute>();
public String getName() {
// if ( isParameterScope ) {
// return name+"_parameter";
// }
// else if ( isReturnScope ) {
// return name+"_return";
// }
return name;
public String toString() {
return getName()+":"+attributes;