another unit test

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Terence Parr 2012-10-13 15:48:58 -07:00
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@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ public class TestFullContextParsing extends BaseTest {
public void testTrueAmbiguityNoLoop() throws Exception {
public void testAmbiguityNoLoop() throws Exception {
// simpler version of testLoopsSimulateTailRecursion, no loops
String grammar =
"grammar T;\n" +
@ -277,4 +277,40 @@ public class TestFullContextParsing extends BaseTest {
assertEquals(expecting, this.stderrDuringParse);
public void testExprAmbiguity() throws Exception {
// translated left-recursive expr rule to test ambig detection
String grammar =
"grammar T;\n" +
"s : expr[0] {System.out.println($expr.ctx.toStringTree(this));} ;\n" +
"\n" +
"expr[int _p]\n" +
" : ID\n" +
" ( {5 >= $_p}? '*' expr[6]\n" +
" | {4 >= $_p}? '+' expr[5]\n" +
" )*\n" +
" ;\n" +
"\n" +
"ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ; // match identifiers\n" +
"WS : [ \\t\\r\\n]+ -> skip ; // toss out whitespace\n";
String found = execParser("T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s", "a+b", true);
assertEquals("(expr a + (expr b))\n", found);
String expecting =
"line 1:1 reportAttemptingFullContext d=1, input='+'\n" +
"line 1:1 reportContextSensitivity d=1, input='+'\n";
assertEquals(expecting, this.stderrDuringParse);
found = execParser("T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s", "a+b*c", true);
assertEquals("(expr a + (expr b * (expr c)))\n", found);
expecting =
"line 1:1 reportAttemptingFullContext d=1, input='+'\n" +
"line 1:1 reportContextSensitivity d=1, input='+'\n" +
"line 1:3 reportAttemptingFullContext d=1, input='*'\n" +
"line 1:5 reportAmbiguity d=1: ambigAlts={1, 2}, input='*c'\n";
assertEquals(expecting, this.stderrDuringParse);