
251 lines
7.3 KiB

ANTLR v4 Honey Badger
March 7, 2013
* Added export to PNG feature to the parse tree viewer
March 6, 2013
* Allow direct calls to left-recursive rules (fixes #161)
* Change error type 146 (EPSILON_TOKEN) to a warning (fixes #180)
* Specify locale for all format operations (fixes #158)
* Fix generation of invalid Unicode escape sequences in Java code (fixes #164)
* Do not require escape for $ in action when not followed by an ID start char
(fixes #176)
February 23, 2013
* Refactoring Target-related classes to improve support for additional language
February 22, 2013
* Do not allow raw newline characters in literals
* Pair and Triple are immutable; Triple is not a Pair
February 5, 2013
* Fix IntervalSet.add when multiple merges are required (fixes #153)
January 29, 2013
* don't call process() if args aren't specified (Dave Parfitt)
January 21, 2013 -- Release 4.0
* Updated PredictionContext Javadocs
* Updated Maven site documentation
* Minor tweaks in Java.stg
January 15, 2013
* Tweak error messages
* (Tool) Make TokenVocabParser fields `protected final`
* Fix generated escape sequences for literals containing backslashes
January 14, 2013
* Relax parser in favor of errors during semantic analysis
* Add error 145: lexer mode must contain at least one non-fragment rule
* Add error 146: non-fragment lexer rule can match the empty string
January 11, 2013
* Updated error 72, 76; added 73-74 and 136-143: detailed errors about name
* Report exact location for parameter/retval/local name conflicts
* Add error 144: multi-character literals are not allowed in lexer sets
* Error 134 now only applies to rule references in lexer sets
* Updated error messages (cleanup)
* Reduce size of _serializedATN by adding 2 to each element: new representation
avoids embedded values 0 and 0xFFFF which are common and have multi-byte
representations in Java's modified UTF-8
January 10, 2013
* Add error 135: cannot assign a value to list label: $label
(fixes antlr/antlr4#128)
January 2, 2013
* Fix EOF handling (antlr/antlr4#110)
* Remove TREE_PARSER reference
* Additional validation checks in ATN deserialization
* Fix potential NPE in parser predicate evaluation
* Fix termination condition detection in full-context parsing
January 1, 2013
* Updated documentation
* Minor code cleanup
* Added the `-XdbgSTWait` command line option for the Tool
* Removed method override since bug was fixed in V3 runtime
December 31, 2012
* I altered Target.getTargetStringLiteralFromANTLRStringLiteral() so that
it converts \uXXXX in an ANTLR string to \\uXXXX, thus, avoiding Java's
conversion to a single character before compilation.
December 16, 2012
* Encapsulate some fields in ANTLRMessage
* Remove ErrorType.INVALID
* Update error/warning messages, show all v3 compatibility messages
December 12, 2012
* Use arrays instead of HashSet to save memory in SemanticContext.AND/OR
* Use arrays instead of HashSet to save memory in cached DFA
* Reduce single-operand SemanticContext.and/or operations
December 11, 2012
* Add -long-messages option; only show exceptions with errors when set
* "warning treated as error" is a one-off error
* Listen for issues reported by StringTemplate, report them as warnings
* Fix template issues
* GrammarASTWithOptions.getOptions never returns null
* Use EnumSet instead of HashSet
* Use new STGroup.GROUP_FILE_EXTENSION value
December 2, 2012
* Remove -Xverbose-dfa option
* Create the ParseTreeVisitor interface for all visitors, rename previous base
visitor class to AbstractParseTreeVisitor
December 1, 2012
* escape [\n\r\t] in lexical error messages; e.g,:
line 2:3 token recognition error at: '\t'
line 2:4 token recognition error at: '\n'
* added error for bad sets in lexer; e.g.:
lexer set element A is invalid (either rule ref or literal with > 1 char)
some tests in TestSets appeared to allow ~('a'|B) but it was randomly working.
('a'|B) works, though doesn't collapse to a set.
* label+='foo' wasn't generating good code. It was generating token type as
variable name. Now, I gen "s<ttype>" for implicit labels on string literals.
* tokens now have token and char source to draw from.
* remove -Xsave-lexer option; log file as implicit lexer AST.
November 30, 2012
* Maven updates (cleanup, unification, and specify Java 6 bootstrap classpath)
November 28, 2012
* Maven updates (uber-jar, manifest details)
November 27, 2012
* Maven updates (prepare for deploying to Sonatype OSS)
* Use efficient bitset tests instead of long chains of operator ==
November 26, 2012
* Maven updates (include sources and javadocs, fix warnings)
* Don't generate action methods for lexer rules not containing an action
* Generated action and sempred methods are private
* Remove unused / problematic methods:
** (unused) TerminalNodeImpl.isErrorNode
** (unused) RuleContext.conflictsWith, RuleContext.suffix.
** (problematic) RuleContext.hashCode, RuleContext.equals.
November 23, 2012
* Updated Maven build (added master POM, cleaned up module POMs)
November 22, 2012
* make sure left-recur rule translation uses token stream from correct imported file.
* actions like @after in imported rules caused inf loop.
* This misidentified scope lexer/parser: @lexer::members { } @parser::members { }
November 18, 2012
* fixed: undefined rule refs caused exception
* cleanup, rm dead etypes, add check for ids that cause code gen issues
* added notion of one-off error
* added check for v3 backward incompatibilities:
** tree grammars
** labels in lexer rules
** tokens {A;B;} syntax
** tokens {A='C';} syntax
** {...}?=> gate semantic predicates
** (...)=> syntactic predicates
* Detect EOF in lexer rule
November 17, 2012
* .tokens files goes in output dir like parser file.
* added check: action in lexer rules must be last element of outermost alt
* properly check for grammar/filename difference
* if labels, don't allow set collapse for
a : A # X | B ;
* wasn't checking soon enough for rule redef; now it sets a dead flag in
AST so no more walking dup.
error(51): T.g:7:0: rule s redefinition (ignoring); previous at line 3
November 11, 2012
* Change version to 4.0b4 (btw, forgot to push 4.0b3 in when
I made git tag 4.0b3...ooops).
November 4, 2012
* Kill box in tree dialog box makes dialog dispose of itself
October 29, 2012
* Sam fixes nongreedy more.
* -Werror added.
* Sam made speed improvement re preds in lexer.
October 20, 2012
* Merged Sam's fix for nongreedy lexer/parser. lots of unit tests. A fix in
prediction ctx merge.
October 14, 2012
* Rebuild how ANTLR detects SLL conflict and failover to full LL. LL is
a bit slower but correct now. Added ability to ask for exact ambiguity
October 8, 2012
* Fixed a bug where labeling the alternatives of the start rule caused
a null pointer exception.
October 1, 2012 -- 4.0b2 release
September 30, 2012
* Fixed the unbuffered streams, which actually buffered everything
up by mistake. tweaked a few comments.
* Added a getter to IntStream for the token factory
* Added -depend cmd-line option.
September 29, 2012
* no nongreedy or wildcard in parser.
September 28, 2012
* empty "tokens {}" is ok now.
September 22, 2012
* Rule exception handlers weren't passed to the generated code
* $ weren't handled properly
* Added -package option
September 18, 2012 -- 4.0b1 release