401 lines
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401 lines
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package org.antlr.v4.automata;
import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeNodeStream;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.Target;
import org.antlr.v4.misc.IntervalSet;
import org.antlr.v4.parse.ANTLRParser;
import org.antlr.v4.parse.GrammarASTAdaptor;
import org.antlr.v4.parse.NFABuilder;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.List;
/** NFA construction routines triggered by NFABuilder.g.
* No side-effects. It builds an NFA object and returns it.
public class ParserNFAFactory implements NFAFactory {
public Grammar g;
public Rule currentRule;
NFA nfa;
public ParserNFAFactory(Grammar g) { this.g = g; nfa = new NFA(g); }
public NFA createNFA() {
return nfa;
public void _createNFA() {
GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor();
for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) {
// find rule's block
GrammarAST blk = (GrammarAST)r.ast.getFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK);
CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(adaptor,blk);
NFABuilder b = new NFABuilder(nodes,this);
try {
Handle h = b.block();
rule(r.ast, r.name, h);
catch (RecognitionException re) {
ErrorManager.fatalInternalError("bad grammar AST structure", re);
public void setCurrentRuleName(String name) {
this.currentRule = g.getRule(name);
/* start->ruleblock->end */
public Handle rule(GrammarAST ruleAST, String name, Handle blk) {
Rule r = g.getRule(name);
RuleStartState start = nfa.ruleToStartState.get(r);
epsilon(start, blk.left);
RuleStopState stop = nfa.ruleToStopState.get(r);
epsilon(blk.right, stop);
Handle h = new Handle(start, stop);
// FASerializer ser = new FASerializer(g, h.left);
// System.out.println(ruleAST.toStringTree()+":\n"+ser);
return h;
public NFAState newState(Class nodeType, GrammarAST node) {
try {
Constructor ctor = nodeType.getConstructor(NFA.class);
NFAState s = (NFAState)ctor.newInstance(nfa);
s.ast = node;
s.rule = currentRule;
return s;
catch (Exception e) {
ErrorManager.internalError("can't create NFA node: "+nodeType.getName(), e);
return null;
public BasicState newState(GrammarAST node) {
BasicState n = new BasicState(nfa);
n.rule = currentRule;
n.ast = node;
return n;
public BasicState newState() { return newState(null); }
/** From label A build Graph o-A->o */
public Handle tokenRef(TerminalAST node) {
BasicState left = newState(node);
BasicState right = newState(node);
int ttype = g.getTokenType(node.getText());
left.transition = new AtomTransition(ttype, right);
right.incidentTransition = left.transition;
return new Handle(left, right);
/** From set build single edge graph o->o-set->o. To conform to
* what an alt block looks like, must have extra state on left.
public Handle set(IntervalSet set, GrammarAST associatedAST) {
BasicState left = newState(associatedAST);
BasicState right = newState(associatedAST);
left.transition = new SetTransition(set, right);
right.incidentTransition = left.transition;
return new Handle(left, right);
public Handle tree(List<Handle> els) {
return null;
/** Not valid for non-lexers */
public Handle range(GrammarAST a, GrammarAST b) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public Handle not(GrammarAST n, Handle A) {
GrammarAST ast = A.left.ast;
int ttype = 0;
if ( g.getType()==ANTLRParser.LEXER ) {
ttype = Target.getCharValueFromGrammarCharLiteral(ast.getText());
else {
ttype = g.getTokenType(ast.getText());
IntervalSet notAtom =
if ( notAtom.isNil() ) {
return set(notAtom, n);
/** For a non-lexer, just build a simple token reference atom. */
public Handle stringLiteral(TerminalAST stringLiteralAST) {
return tokenRef(stringLiteralAST);
/** For reference to rule r, build
* o->(r) o
* where (r) is the start of rule r and the trailing o is not linked
* to from rule ref state directly (uses followState).
public Handle ruleRef(GrammarAST node) {
Rule r = g.getRule(node.getText());
RuleStartState start = nfa.ruleToStartState.get(r);
BasicState left = newState(node);
BasicState right = newState(node);
RuleTransition call = new RuleTransition(r, start, right);
call.followState = right;
// add follow edge from end of invoked rule
RuleStopState stop = nfa.ruleToStopState.get(r);
epsilon(stop, right);
return new Handle(left, right);
/** From an empty alternative build o-e->o */
public Handle epsilon(GrammarAST node) {
BasicState left = newState(node);
BasicState right = newState(node);
epsilon(left, right);
return new Handle(left, right);
/** Build what amounts to an epsilon transition with a semantic
* predicate action. The pred is a pointer into the AST of
* the SEMPRED token.
public Handle sempred(GrammarAST pred) {
//System.out.println("sempred: "+ pred);
BasicState left = newState(pred);
NFAState right = newState(pred);
left.transition = new PredicateTransition(pred, right);
return new Handle(left, right);
public Handle gated_sempred(GrammarAST pred) {
return null;
/** Build what amounts to an epsilon transition with an action.
* The action goes into NFA though it is ignored during analysis.
* It slows things down a bit, but I must ignore predicates after
* having seen an action (5-5-2008).
public Handle action(GrammarAST action) {
//System.out.println("action: "+action);
BasicState left = newState(action);
NFAState right = newState(action);
left.transition = new ActionTransition(action, right);
return new Handle(left, right);
/** From a set ('a'|'b') build
* o->o-'a'..'b'->o->o (last NFAState is blockEndNFAState pointed to by all alts)
public Handle blockFromSet(Handle set) { return null; }
/** From A|B|..|Z alternative block build
* o->o-A->o->o (last NFAState is BlockEndState pointed to by all alts)
* | ^
* |->o-B->o--|
* | |
* ... |
* | |
* |->o-Z->o--|
* So start node points at every alternative with epsilon transition
* and every alt right side points at a block end NFAState.
* Special case: only one alternative: don't make a block with alt
* begin/end.
* Special case: if just a list of tokens/chars/sets, then collapse
* to a single edge'd o-set->o graph.
* TODO: Set alt number (1..n) in the states?
public Handle block(GrammarAST blkAST, List<Handle> alts) {
if ( alts.size()==1 ) return alts.get(0);
BlockStartState start = (BlockStartState)newState(BlockStartState.class, blkAST);
BlockEndState end = (BlockEndState)newState(BlockEndState.class, blkAST);
for (Handle alt : alts) {
epsilon(start, alt.left);
epsilon(alt.right, end);
Handle h = new Handle(start, end);
// FASerializer ser = new FASerializer(g, h.left);
// System.out.println(blkAST.toStringTree()+":\n"+ser);
return h;
public Handle alt(List<Handle> els) {
Handle prev = null;
for (Handle el : els) { // hook up elements
if ( prev!=null ) epsilon(prev.right, el.left);
prev = el;
Handle first = els.get(0);
Handle last = els.get(els.size()-1);
return new Handle(first.left, last.right);
/** From (A)? build either:
* o--A->o
* | ^
* o---->|
* or, if A is a block, just add an empty alt to the end of the block
public Handle optional(GrammarAST optAST, Handle blk) {
if ( blk.left instanceof BlockStartState ) {
epsilon(blk.left, blk.right);
// FASerializer ser = new FASerializer(g, blk.left);
// System.out.println(optAST.toStringTree()+":\n"+ser);
return blk;
// construct block
BlockStartState start = (BlockStartState)newState(BlockStartState.class, optAST);
BlockEndState end = (BlockEndState)newState(BlockEndState.class, optAST);
epsilon(start, blk.left);
epsilon(blk.right, end);
epsilon(start, end);
Handle h = new Handle(start, end);
// FASerializer ser = new FASerializer(g, h.left);
// System.out.println(optAST.toStringTree()+":\n"+ser);
return h;
/** From (A)+ build
* |------|
* v |
* o->o-A-o->o->o
* Meaning that the last NFAState in A blk points to loop back node,
* which points back to block start. We add start/end nodes to
* outside.
public Handle plus(GrammarAST plusAST, Handle blk) {
PlusBlockStartState start = (PlusBlockStartState)newState(PlusBlockStartState.class, plusAST);
LoopbackState loop = (LoopbackState)newState(LoopbackState.class, plusAST);
BlockEndState end = (BlockEndState)newState(BlockEndState.class, plusAST);
epsilon(start, blk.left);
epsilon(loop, blk.left);
epsilon(blk.right, loop);
epsilon(loop, end);
return new Handle(start, end);
/** From (A)* build
* |------|
* v |
* o->o-A-o->o->o
* | ^
* o------------| (optional branch is 2nd alt of StarBlockStartState)
* There are 2 or 3 decision points in a A*. If A is not a block (i.e.,
* it only has one alt), then there are two decisions: the optional bypass
* and then loopback. If A is a block of alts, then there are three
* decisions: bypass, loopback, and A's decision point.
* Note that the optional bypass must be outside the loop as (A|B)* is
* not the same thing as (A|B|)+.
* This is an accurate NFA representation of the meaning of (A)*, but
* for generating code, I don't need a DFA for the optional branch by
* virtue of how I generate code. The exit-loopback-branch decision
* is sufficient to let me make an appropriate enter, exit, loop
* determination.
public Handle star(GrammarAST starAST, Handle blk) {
StarBlockStartState start = (StarBlockStartState)newState(StarBlockStartState.class, starAST);
LoopbackState loop = (LoopbackState)newState(LoopbackState.class, starAST);
BlockEndState end = (BlockEndState)newState(BlockEndState.class, starAST);
epsilon(start, blk.left);
epsilon(start, end); // bypass edge
epsilon(loop, blk.left);
epsilon(blk.right, loop);
epsilon(loop, end);
return new Handle(start, end);
/** Build an atom with all possible values in its label */
public Handle wildcard(GrammarAST associatedAST) { return null; }
/** Build a subrule matching ^(. .*) (any tree or node). Let's use
* (^(. .+) | .) to be safe.
public Handle wildcardTree(GrammarAST associatedAST) { return null; }
void epsilon(NFAState a, NFAState b) {
if ( a!=null ) a.addTransition(new EpsilonTransition(b));
/** Define all the rule begin/end NFAStates to solve forward reference
* issues.
void createRuleStartAndStopNFAStates() {
for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) {
RuleStartState start = (RuleStartState)newState(RuleStartState.class, r.ast);
RuleStopState stop = (RuleStopState)newState(RuleStopState.class, r.ast);
start.stopState = stop;
start.rule = r;
stop.rule = r;
nfa.ruleToStartState.put(r, start);
nfa.ruleToStopState.put(r, stop);
/** add an EOF transition to any rule end NFAState that points to nothing
* (i.e., for all those rules not invoked by another rule). These
* are start symbols then.
* Return the number of grammar entry points; i.e., how many rules are
* not invoked by another rule (they can only be invoked from outside).
* These are the start rules.
public int addEOFTransitionToStartRules() {
int n = 0;
for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) {
NFAState stop = nfa.ruleToStopState.get(r);
if ( stop.getNumberOfTransitions()>0 ) continue;
BasicState eofTarget = newState(r.ast);
Transition t = new AtomTransition(Label.EOF, eofTarget);
return n;