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Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter README.
SIG group work objectives and scope
work goals
Develop OpenHarmony architecture design principles, OpenHarmony architecture definition, design, evolution, and maintenance, and architecture review process requirements.
work scope
Responsible for the OpenHarmony architecture (including adding, merging, splitting, and deleting subsystems/components/code repositories) design review, <<Architecture Design Principles>> and <<OpenHarmony System Architecture>> revision.
The repository
SIG Members
- @im-off-this-week(https://gitee.com/im-off-this-week)
- @wanchengzhen(https://gitee.com/wanchengzhen)
- @huawei_qiangbo(https://gitee.com/huawei_qiangbo)
- @karl-z(https://gitee.com/karl-z)
- Meeting time:Every Tuesday at 16:00 o'clock
- Meeting application: OpenHarmony SIG-Architecture Meeting Proposal
- Meeting link: Welink
- Meeting notification: Subscribe to mailing list dev@openharmony.io for the meeting link
Contact (optional)
- Mailing list:dev@openharmony.io
- Slack group:NA
- Wechat group:NA