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Project Management Committee Meeting 2021-07-22


The attendance have reached quorum with 7 participants in the meeting.


  1. Review the actions from last meetings
  2. Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight
  3. Open discussion

Review the actions from last meetings:

Topic 1: Proposal for solution-component

    1. The basic OS capability has not been incorporated into the openharmony project, should be embeded in the form of vendor repository.

Topic 2: QEMU Progress Report

    1. Agree to the repository of vendor_ohemu will be accepted into OpenHarmony project.

Topic 3: Proposal the ark toolchain and runtime as a default runtime of OpenHarmony

    1. Agree the proposal

Topic 4: Proposal for creating blockchain sig

    1. As a part of project of security sig

Topic 5: Proposal for creating Python SIG

    1. The code of the SIG group has been refactored and will setup in OpenHarmony SIG group.

Topic 6: Proposal for creating CICD SIG

    1. Suggest to rename as infrastructure SIG and will setup in OpenHarmony SIG group.

topic 7: Porting thirdparty devboard requirements for OpenHarmony

    1. It is tracked by some special issue.

topic 8: Proposal for creating Linkboy sig

    1. Agree the proposal and establish education sig.

Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight

Open discussion