4598 lines
159 KiB
Executable File
4598 lines
159 KiB
Executable File
* Editor.md
* @file editormd.js
* @version v1.5.0
* @description Open source online markdown editor.
* @license MIT License
* @author Pandao
* {@link https://github.com/pandao/editor.md}
* @updateTime 2015-06-09
;(function(factory) {
"use strict";
// CommonJS/Node.js
if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object")
module.exports = factory;
else if (typeof define === "function") // AMD/CMD/Sea.js
if (define.amd) // for Require.js
/* Require.js define replace */
define(["jquery"], factory); // for Sea.js
window.editormd = factory();
}(function() {
/* Require.js assignment replace */
"use strict";
var $ = (typeof (jQuery) !== "undefined") ? jQuery : Zepto;
if (typeof ($) === "undefined") {
return ;
* editormd
* @param {String} id 编辑器的ID
* @param {Object} options 配置选项 Key/Value
* @returns {Object} editormd 返回editormd对象
var editormd = function (id, options) {
return new editormd.fn.init(id, options);
editormd.title = editormd.$name = "Editor.md";
editormd.version = "1.5.0";
editormd.homePage = "https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/";
editormd.classPrefix = "editormd-";
editormd.toolbarModes = {
full : [
"undo", "redo", "|",
"bold", "del", "italic", "quote", "ucwords", "uppercase", "lowercase", "|",
"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "|",
"list-ul", "list-ol", "hr", "|",
"link", "reference-link", "image", "code", "preformatted-text", "code-block", "table", "datetime", "emoji", "html-entities", "pagebreak", "|",
"goto-line", "watch", "preview", "fullscreen", "clear", "search", "|",
"help", "info"
simple : [
"undo", "redo", "|",
"bold", "del", "italic", "quote", "uppercase", "lowercase", "|",
"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "|",
"list-ul", "list-ol", "hr", "|",
"watch", "preview", "fullscreen", "|",
"help", "info"
mini : [
"undo", "redo", "|",
"watch", "preview", "|",
"help", "info"
editormd.defaults = {
mode : "gfm", //gfm or markdown
name : "", // Form element name
value : "", // value for CodeMirror, if mode not gfm/markdown
theme : "", // Editor.md self themes, before v1.5.0 is CodeMirror theme, default empty
editorTheme : "default", // Editor area, this is CodeMirror theme at v1.5.0
previewTheme : "", // Preview area theme, default empty
markdown : "", // Markdown source code
appendMarkdown : "", // if in init textarea value not empty, append markdown to textarea
width : "100%",
height : "100%",
path : "./lib/", // Dependents module file directory
pluginPath : "", // If this empty, default use settings.path + "../plugins/"
delay : 300, // Delay parse markdown to html, Uint : ms
autoLoadModules : true, // Automatic load dependent module files
watch : true,
placeholder : "Enjoy Markdown! coding now...",
gotoLine : true,
codeFold : false,
autoHeight : false,
autoFocus : true,
autoCloseTags : true,
searchReplace : true,
syncScrolling : true, // true | false | "single", default true
readOnly : false,
tabSize : 4,
indentUnit : 4,
lineNumbers : true,
lineWrapping : true,
autoCloseBrackets : true,
showTrailingSpace : true,
matchBrackets : true,
indentWithTabs : true,
styleSelectedText : true,
matchWordHighlight : true, // options: true, false, "onselected"
styleActiveLine : true, // Highlight the current line
dialogLockScreen : true,
dialogShowMask : true,
dialogDraggable : true,
dialogMaskBgColor : "#fff",
dialogMaskOpacity : 0.1,
fontSize : "13px",
saveHTMLToTextarea : false,
disabledKeyMaps : [],
onload : function() {},
onresize : function() {},
onchange : function() {},
onwatch : null,
onunwatch : null,
onpreviewing : function() {},
onpreviewed : function() {},
onfullscreen : function() {},
onfullscreenExit : function() {},
onscroll : function() {},
onpreviewscroll : function() {},
imageUpload : false,
imageFormats : ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp"],
imageUploadURL : "",
crossDomainUpload : false,
uploadCallbackURL : "",
toc : true, // Table of contents
tocm : false, // Using [TOCM], auto create ToC dropdown menu
tocTitle : "", // for ToC dropdown menu btn
tocDropdown : false,
tocContainer : "",
tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification
pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========]
atLink : true, // for @link
emailLink : true, // for email address auto link
taskList : false, // Enable Github Flavored Markdown task lists
emoji : false, // :emoji: , Support Github emoji, Twitter Emoji (Twemoji);
// Support FontAwesome icon emoji :fa-xxx: > Using fontAwesome icon web fonts;
// Support Editor.md logo icon emoji :editormd-logo: :editormd-logo-1x: > 1~8x;
tex : false, // TeX(LaTeX), based on KaTeX
flowChart : false, // flowChart.js only support IE9+
sequenceDiagram : false, // sequenceDiagram.js only support IE9+
previewCodeHighlight : true,
toolbar : true, // show/hide toolbar
toolbarAutoFixed : true, // on window scroll auto fixed position
toolbarIcons : "full",
toolbarTitles : {},
toolbarHandlers : {
ucwords : function() {
return editormd.toolbarHandlers.ucwords;
lowercase : function() {
return editormd.toolbarHandlers.lowercase;
toolbarCustomIcons : { // using html tag create toolbar icon, unused default <a> tag.
lowercase : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"Lowercase\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"lowercase\" style=\"font-size:24px;margin-top: -10px;\">a</i></a>",
"ucwords" : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"ucwords\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"ucwords\" style=\"font-size:20px;margin-top: -3px;\">Aa</i></a>"
toolbarIconsClass : {
undo : "fa-undo",
redo : "fa-repeat",
bold : "fa-bold",
del : "fa-strikethrough",
italic : "fa-italic",
quote : "fa-quote-left",
uppercase : "fa-font",
h1 : editormd.classPrefix + "bold",
h2 : editormd.classPrefix + "bold",
h3 : editormd.classPrefix + "bold",
h4 : editormd.classPrefix + "bold",
h5 : editormd.classPrefix + "bold",
h6 : editormd.classPrefix + "bold",
"list-ul" : "fa-list-ul",
"list-ol" : "fa-list-ol",
hr : "fa-minus",
link : "fa-link",
"reference-link" : "fa-anchor",
image : "fa-picture-o",
code : "fa-code",
"preformatted-text" : "fa-file-code-o",
"code-block" : "fa-file-code-o",
table : "fa-table",
datetime : "fa-clock-o",
emoji : "fa-smile-o",
"html-entities" : "fa-copyright",
pagebreak : "fa-newspaper-o",
"goto-line" : "fa-terminal", // fa-crosshairs
watch : "fa-eye-slash",
unwatch : "fa-eye",
preview : "fa-desktop",
search : "fa-search",
fullscreen : "fa-arrows-alt",
clear : "fa-eraser",
help : "fa-question-circle",
info : "fa-info-circle"
toolbarIconTexts : {},
lang : {
name : "zh-cn",
description : "开源在线Markdown编辑器<br/>Open source online Markdown editor.",
tocTitle : "目录",
toolbar : {
undo : "撤销(Ctrl+Z)",
redo : "重做(Ctrl+Y)",
bold : "粗体",
del : "删除线",
italic : "斜体",
quote : "引用",
ucwords : "将每个单词首字母转成大写",
uppercase : "将所选转换成大写",
lowercase : "将所选转换成小写",
h1 : "标题1",
h2 : "标题2",
h3 : "标题3",
h4 : "标题4",
h5 : "标题5",
h6 : "标题6",
"list-ul" : "无序列表",
"list-ol" : "有序列表",
hr : "横线",
link : "链接",
"reference-link" : "引用链接",
image : "添加图片",
code : "行内代码",
"preformatted-text" : "预格式文本 / 代码块(缩进风格)",
"code-block" : "代码块(多语言风格)",
table : "添加表格",
datetime : "日期时间",
emoji : "Emoji表情",
"html-entities" : "HTML实体字符",
pagebreak : "插入分页符",
"goto-line" : "跳转到行",
watch : "关闭实时预览",
unwatch : "开启实时预览",
preview : "全窗口预览HTML(按 Shift + ESC还原)",
fullscreen : "全屏(按ESC还原)",
clear : "清空",
search : "搜索",
help : "使用帮助",
info : "关于" + editormd.title
buttons : {
enter : "确定",
cancel : "取消",
close : "关闭"
dialog : {
link : {
title : "添加链接",
url : "链接地址",
urlTitle : "链接标题",
urlEmpty : "错误:请填写链接地址。"
referenceLink : {
title : "添加引用链接",
name : "引用名称",
url : "链接地址",
urlId : "链接ID",
urlTitle : "链接标题",
nameEmpty: "错误:引用链接的名称不能为空。",
idEmpty : "错误:请填写引用链接的ID。",
urlEmpty : "错误:请填写引用链接的URL地址。"
image : {
title : "添加图片",
url : "图片地址",
link : "图片链接",
alt : "图片描述",
uploadButton : "本地上传",
imageURLEmpty : "错误:图片地址不能为空。",
uploadFileEmpty : "错误:上传的图片不能为空。",
formatNotAllowed : "错误:只允许上传图片文件,允许上传的图片文件格式有:"
preformattedText : {
title : "添加预格式文本或代码块",
emptyAlert : "错误:请填写预格式文本或代码的内容。"
codeBlock : {
title : "添加代码块",
selectLabel : "代码语言:",
selectDefaultText : "请选择代码语言",
otherLanguage : "其他语言",
unselectedLanguageAlert : "错误:请选择代码所属的语言类型。",
codeEmptyAlert : "错误:请填写代码内容。"
htmlEntities : {
title : "HTML 实体字符"
help : {
title : "使用帮助"
editormd.classNames = {
tex : editormd.classPrefix + "tex"
editormd.dialogZindex = 99999;
editormd.$katex = null;
editormd.$marked = null;
editormd.$CodeMirror = null;
editormd.$prettyPrint = null;
var timer, flowchartTimer;
editormd.prototype = editormd.fn = {
state : {
watching : false,
loaded : false,
preview : false,
fullscreen : false
* 构造函数/实例初始化
* Constructor / instance initialization
* @param {String} id 编辑器的ID
* @param {Object} [options={}] 配置选项 Key/Value
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
init : function (id, options) {
options = options || {};
if (typeof id === "object")
options = id;
var _this = this;
var classPrefix = this.classPrefix = editormd.classPrefix;
var settings = this.settings = $.extend(true, editormd.defaults, options);
id = (typeof id === "object") ? settings.id : id;
var editor = this.editor = $("#" + id);
this.id = id;
this.lang = settings.lang;
var classNames = this.classNames = {
textarea : {
html : classPrefix + "html-textarea",
markdown : classPrefix + "markdown-textarea"
settings.pluginPath = (settings.pluginPath === "") ? settings.path + "../plugins/" : settings.pluginPath;
this.state.watching = (settings.watch) ? true : false;
if ( !editor.hasClass("editormd") ) {
width : (typeof settings.width === "number") ? settings.width + "px" : settings.width,
height : (typeof settings.height === "number") ? settings.height + "px" : settings.height
if (settings.autoHeight)
editor.css("height", "auto");
var markdownTextarea = this.markdownTextarea = editor.children("textarea");
if (markdownTextarea.length < 1)
markdownTextarea = this.markdownTextarea = editor.children("textarea");
markdownTextarea.addClass(classNames.textarea.markdown).attr("placeholder", settings.placeholder);
if (typeof markdownTextarea.attr("name") === "undefined" || markdownTextarea.attr("name") === "")
markdownTextarea.attr("name", (settings.name !== "") ? settings.name : id + "-markdown-doc");
var appendElements = [
(!settings.readOnly) ? "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"fa fa-close " + classPrefix + "preview-close-btn\"></a>" : "",
( (settings.saveHTMLToTextarea) ? "<textarea class=\"" + classNames.textarea.html + "\" name=\"" + id + "-html-code\"></textarea>" : "" ),
"<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "preview\"><div class=\"markdown-body " + classPrefix + "preview-container\"></div></div>",
"<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "container-mask\" style=\"display:block;\"></div>",
"<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "mask\"></div>"
editor.append(appendElements).addClass(classPrefix + "vertical");
if (settings.theme !== "")
editor.addClass(classPrefix + "theme-" + settings.theme);
this.mask = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "mask");
this.containerMask = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "container-mask");
if (settings.markdown !== "")
if (settings.appendMarkdown !== "")
markdownTextarea.val(markdownTextarea.val() + settings.appendMarkdown);
this.htmlTextarea = editor.children("." + classNames.textarea.html);
this.preview = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "preview");
this.previewContainer = this.preview.children("." + classPrefix + "preview-container");
if (settings.previewTheme !== "")
this.preview.addClass(classPrefix + "preview-theme-" + settings.previewTheme);
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd)
if (typeof katex !== "undefined")
editormd.$katex = katex;
if (settings.searchReplace && !settings.readOnly)
editormd.loadCSS(settings.path + "codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog");
editormd.loadCSS(settings.path + "codemirror/addon/search/matchesonscrollbar");
if ((typeof define === "function" && define.amd) || !settings.autoLoadModules)
if (typeof CodeMirror !== "undefined") {
editormd.$CodeMirror = CodeMirror;
if (typeof marked !== "undefined") {
editormd.$marked = marked;
return this;
* 所需组件加载队列
* Required components loading queue
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
loadQueues : function() {
var _this = this;
var settings = this.settings;
var loadPath = settings.path;
var loadFlowChartOrSequenceDiagram = function() {
if (editormd.isIE8)
return ;
if (settings.flowChart || settings.sequenceDiagram)
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "raphael.min", function() {
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "underscore.min", function() {
if (!settings.flowChart && settings.sequenceDiagram)
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "sequence-diagram.min", function() {
else if (settings.flowChart && !settings.sequenceDiagram)
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "flowchart.min", function() {
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "jquery.flowchart.min", function() {
else if (settings.flowChart && settings.sequenceDiagram)
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "flowchart.min", function() {
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "jquery.flowchart.min", function() {
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "sequence-diagram.min", function() {
editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/codemirror.min");
if (settings.searchReplace && !settings.readOnly)
editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog");
editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/addon/search/matchesonscrollbar");
if (settings.codeFold)
editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter");
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "codemirror/codemirror.min", function() {
editormd.$CodeMirror = CodeMirror;
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "codemirror/modes.min", function() {
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "codemirror/addons.min", function() {
if (settings.mode !== "gfm" && settings.mode !== "markdown")
return false;
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "marked.min", function() {
editormd.$marked = marked;
if (settings.previewCodeHighlight)
editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "prettify.min", function() {
return this;
* 设置 Editor.md 的整体主题,主要是工具栏
* Setting Editor.md theme
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setTheme : function(theme) {
var editor = this.editor;
var oldTheme = this.settings.theme;
var themePrefix = this.classPrefix + "theme-";
editor.removeClass(themePrefix + oldTheme).addClass(themePrefix + theme);
this.settings.theme = theme;
return this;
* 设置 CodeMirror(编辑区)的主题
* Setting CodeMirror (Editor area) theme
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setEditorTheme : function(theme) {
var settings = this.settings;
settings.editorTheme = theme;
if (theme !== "default")
editormd.loadCSS(settings.path + "codemirror/theme/" + settings.editorTheme);
this.cm.setOption("theme", theme);
return this;
* setEditorTheme() 的别名
* setEditorTheme() alias
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setCodeMirrorTheme : function (theme) {
return this;
* 设置 Editor.md 的主题
* Setting Editor.md theme
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setPreviewTheme : function(theme) {
var preview = this.preview;
var oldTheme = this.settings.previewTheme;
var themePrefix = this.classPrefix + "preview-theme-";
preview.removeClass(themePrefix + oldTheme).addClass(themePrefix + theme);
this.settings.previewTheme = theme;
return this;
* 配置和初始化CodeMirror组件
* CodeMirror initialization
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setCodeMirror : function() {
var settings = this.settings;
var editor = this.editor;
if (settings.editorTheme !== "default")
editormd.loadCSS(settings.path + "codemirror/theme/" + settings.editorTheme);
var codeMirrorConfig = {
mode : settings.mode,
theme : settings.editorTheme,
tabSize : settings.tabSize,
dragDrop : false,
autofocus : settings.autoFocus,
autoCloseTags : settings.autoCloseTags,
readOnly : (settings.readOnly) ? "nocursor" : false,
indentUnit : settings.indentUnit,
lineNumbers : settings.lineNumbers,
lineWrapping : settings.lineWrapping,
extraKeys : {
"Ctrl-Q": function(cm) {
foldGutter : settings.codeFold,
gutters : ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"],
matchBrackets : settings.matchBrackets,
indentWithTabs : settings.indentWithTabs,
styleActiveLine : settings.styleActiveLine,
styleSelectedText : settings.styleSelectedText,
autoCloseBrackets : settings.autoCloseBrackets,
showTrailingSpace : settings.showTrailingSpace,
highlightSelectionMatches : ( (!settings.matchWordHighlight) ? false : { showToken: (settings.matchWordHighlight === "onselected") ? false : /\w/ } )
this.codeEditor = this.cm = editormd.$CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.markdownTextarea[0], codeMirrorConfig);
this.codeMirror = this.cmElement = editor.children(".CodeMirror");
if (settings.value !== "")
fontSize : settings.fontSize,
width : (!settings.watch) ? "100%" : "50%"
if (settings.autoHeight)
this.codeMirror.css("height", "auto");
this.cm.setOption("viewportMargin", Infinity);
if (!settings.lineNumbers)
this.codeMirror.find(".CodeMirror-gutters").css("border-right", "none");
return this;
* 获取CodeMirror的配置选项
* Get CodeMirror setting options
* @returns {Mixed} return CodeMirror setting option value
getCodeMirrorOption : function(key) {
return this.cm.getOption(key);
* 配置和重配置CodeMirror的选项
* CodeMirror setting options / resettings
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setCodeMirrorOption : function(key, value) {
this.cm.setOption(key, value);
return this;
* 添加 CodeMirror 键盘快捷键
* Add CodeMirror keyboard shortcuts key map
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
addKeyMap : function(map, bottom) {
this.cm.addKeyMap(map, bottom);
return this;
* 移除 CodeMirror 键盘快捷键
* Remove CodeMirror keyboard shortcuts key map
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
removeKeyMap : function(map) {
return this;
* 跳转到指定的行
* Goto CodeMirror line
* @param {String|Intiger} line line number or "first"|"last"
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
gotoLine : function (line) {
var settings = this.settings;
if (!settings.gotoLine)
return this;
var cm = this.cm;
var editor = this.editor;
var count = cm.lineCount();
var preview = this.preview;
if (typeof line === "string")
if(line === "last")
line = count;
if (line === "first")
line = 1;
if (typeof line !== "number")
alert("Error: The line number must be an integer.");
return this;
line = parseInt(line) - 1;
if (line > count)
alert("Error: The line number range 1-" + count);
return this;
cm.setCursor( {line : line, ch : 0} );
var scrollInfo = cm.getScrollInfo();
var clientHeight = scrollInfo.clientHeight;
var coords = cm.charCoords({line : line, ch : 0}, "local");
cm.scrollTo(null, (coords.top + coords.bottom - clientHeight) / 2);
if (settings.watch)
var cmScroll = this.codeMirror.find(".CodeMirror-scroll")[0];
var height = $(cmScroll).height();
var scrollTop = cmScroll.scrollTop;
var percent = (scrollTop / cmScroll.scrollHeight);
if (scrollTop === 0)
else if (scrollTop + height >= cmScroll.scrollHeight - 16)
preview.scrollTop(preview[0].scrollHeight * percent);
return this;
* 扩展当前实例对象,可同时设置多个或者只设置一个
* Extend editormd instance object, can mutil setting.
* @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.)
extend : function() {
if (typeof arguments[1] !== "undefined")
if (typeof arguments[1] === "function")
arguments[1] = $.proxy(arguments[1], this);
this[arguments[0]] = arguments[1];
if (typeof arguments[0] === "object" && typeof arguments[0].length === "undefined")
$.extend(true, this, arguments[0]);
return this;
* 设置或扩展当前实例对象,单个设置
* Extend editormd instance object, one by one
* @param {String|Object} key option key
* @param {String|Object} value option value
* @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.)
set : function (key, value) {
if (typeof value !== "undefined" && typeof value === "function")
value = $.proxy(value, this);
this[key] = value;
return this;
* 重新配置
* Resetting editor options
* @param {String|Object} key option key
* @param {String|Object} value option value
* @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.)
config : function(key, value) {
var settings = this.settings;
if (typeof key === "object")
settings = $.extend(true, settings, key);
if (typeof key === "string")
settings[key] = value;
this.settings = settings;
return this;
* 注册事件处理方法
* Bind editor event handle
* @param {String} eventType event type
* @param {Function} callback 回调函数
* @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.)
on : function(eventType, callback) {
var settings = this.settings;
if (typeof settings["on" + eventType] !== "undefined")
settings["on" + eventType] = $.proxy(callback, this);
return this;
* 解除事件处理方法
* Unbind editor event handle
* @param {String} eventType event type
* @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.)
off : function(eventType) {
var settings = this.settings;
if (typeof settings["on" + eventType] !== "undefined")
settings["on" + eventType] = function(){};
return this;
* 显示工具栏
* Display toolbar
* @param {Function} [callback=function(){}] 回调函数
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
showToolbar : function(callback) {
var settings = this.settings;
if(settings.readOnly) {
return this;
if (settings.toolbar && (this.toolbar.length < 1 || this.toolbar.find("." + this.classPrefix + "menu").html() === "") )
settings.toolbar = true;
$.proxy(callback || function(){}, this)();
return this;
* 隐藏工具栏
* Hide toolbar
* @param {Function} [callback=function(){}] 回调函数
* @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.)
hideToolbar : function(callback) {
var settings = this.settings;
settings.toolbar = false;
$.proxy(callback || function(){}, this)();
return this;
* 页面滚动时工具栏的固定定位
* Set toolbar in window scroll auto fixed position
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setToolbarAutoFixed : function(fixed) {
var state = this.state;
var editor = this.editor;
var toolbar = this.toolbar;
var settings = this.settings;
if (typeof fixed !== "undefined")
settings.toolbarAutoFixed = fixed;
var autoFixedHandle = function(){
var $window = $(window);
var top = $window.scrollTop();
if (!settings.toolbarAutoFixed)
return false;
if (top - editor.offset().top > 10 && top < editor.height())
position : "fixed",
width : editor.width() + "px",
left : ($window.width() - editor.width()) / 2 + "px"
position : "absolute",
width : "100%",
left : 0
if (!state.fullscreen && !state.preview && settings.toolbar && settings.toolbarAutoFixed)
$(window).bind("scroll", autoFixedHandle);
return this;
* 配置和初始化工具栏
* Set toolbar and Initialization
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setToolbar : function() {
var settings = this.settings;
if(settings.readOnly) {
return this;
var editor = this.editor;
var preview = this.preview;
var classPrefix = this.classPrefix;
var toolbar = this.toolbar = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "toolbar");
if (settings.toolbar && toolbar.length < 1)
var toolbarHTML = "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "toolbar\"><div class=\"" + classPrefix + "toolbar-container\"><ul class=\"" + classPrefix + "menu\"></ul></div></div>";
toolbar = this.toolbar = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "toolbar");
if (!settings.toolbar)
return this;
var icons = (typeof settings.toolbarIcons === "function") ? settings.toolbarIcons()
: ((typeof settings.toolbarIcons === "string") ? editormd.toolbarModes[settings.toolbarIcons] : settings.toolbarIcons);
var toolbarMenu = toolbar.find("." + this.classPrefix + "menu"), menu = "";
var pullRight = false;
for (var i = 0, len = icons.length; i < len; i++)
var name = icons[i];
if (name === "||")
pullRight = true;
else if (name === "|")
menu += "<li class=\"divider\" unselectable=\"on\">|</li>";
var isHeader = (/h(\d)/.test(name));
var index = name;
if (name === "watch" && !settings.watch) {
index = "unwatch";
var title = settings.lang.toolbar[index];
var iconTexts = settings.toolbarIconTexts[index];
var iconClass = settings.toolbarIconsClass[index];
title = (typeof title === "undefined") ? "" : title;
iconTexts = (typeof iconTexts === "undefined") ? "" : iconTexts;
iconClass = (typeof iconClass === "undefined") ? "" : iconClass;
var menuItem = pullRight ? "<li class=\"pull-right\">" : "<li>";
if (typeof settings.toolbarCustomIcons[name] !== "undefined" && typeof settings.toolbarCustomIcons[name] !== "function")
menuItem += settings.toolbarCustomIcons[name];
menuItem += "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"" + title + "\" unselectable=\"on\">";
menuItem += "<i class=\"fa " + iconClass + "\" name=\""+name+"\" unselectable=\"on\">"+((isHeader) ? name.toUpperCase() : ( (iconClass === "") ? iconTexts : "") ) + "</i>";
menuItem += "</a>";
menuItem += "</li>";
menu = pullRight ? menuItem + menu : menu + menuItem;
toolbarMenu.find("[title=\"Lowercase\"]").attr("title", settings.lang.toolbar.lowercase);
toolbarMenu.find("[title=\"ucwords\"]").attr("title", settings.lang.toolbar.ucwords);
return this;
* 工具栏图标事件处理对象序列
* Get toolbar icons event handlers
* @param {Object} cm CodeMirror的实例对象
* @param {String} name 要获取的事件处理器名称
* @returns {Object} 返回处理对象序列
dialogLockScreen : function() {
$.proxy(editormd.dialogLockScreen, this)();
return this;
dialogShowMask : function(dialog) {
$.proxy(editormd.dialogShowMask, this)(dialog);
return this;
getToolbarHandles : function(name) {
var toolbarHandlers = this.toolbarHandlers = editormd.toolbarHandlers;
return (name && typeof toolbarIconHandlers[name] !== "undefined") ? toolbarHandlers[name] : toolbarHandlers;
* 工具栏图标事件处理器
* Bind toolbar icons event handle
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setToolbarHandler : function() {
var _this = this;
var settings = this.settings;
if (!settings.toolbar || settings.readOnly) {
return this;
var toolbar = this.toolbar;
var cm = this.cm;
var classPrefix = this.classPrefix;
var toolbarIcons = this.toolbarIcons = toolbar.find("." + classPrefix + "menu > li > a");
var toolbarIconHandlers = this.getToolbarHandles();
toolbarIcons.bind(editormd.mouseOrTouch("click", "touchend"), function(event) {
var icon = $(this).children(".fa");
var name = icon.attr("name");
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (name === "") {
return ;
_this.activeIcon = icon;
if (typeof toolbarIconHandlers[name] !== "undefined")
$.proxy(toolbarIconHandlers[name], _this)(cm);
if (typeof settings.toolbarHandlers[name] !== "undefined")
$.proxy(settings.toolbarHandlers[name], _this)(cm, icon, cursor, selection);
if (name !== "link" && name !== "reference-link" && name !== "image" && name !== "code-block" &&
name !== "preformatted-text" && name !== "watch" && name !== "preview" && name !== "search" && name !== "fullscreen" && name !== "info")
return false;
return this;
* 动态创建对话框
* Creating custom dialogs
* @param {Object} options 配置项键值对 Key/Value
* @returns {dialog} 返回创建的dialog的jQuery实例对象
createDialog : function(options) {
return $.proxy(editormd.createDialog, this)(options);
* 创建关于Editor.md的对话框
* Create about Editor.md dialog
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
createInfoDialog : function() {
var _this = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var classPrefix = this.classPrefix;
var infoDialogHTML = [
"<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog " + classPrefix + "dialog-info\" style=\"\">",
"<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog-container\">",
"<h1><i class=\"editormd-logo editormd-logo-lg editormd-logo-color\"></i> " + editormd.title + "<small>v" + editormd.version + "</small></h1>",
"<p>" + this.lang.description + "</p>",
"<p style=\"margin: 10px 0 20px 0;\"><a href=\"" + editormd.homePage + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + editormd.homePage + " <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a></p>",
"<p style=\"font-size: 0.85em;\">Copyright © 2015 <a href=\"https://github.com/pandao\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"hover-link\">Pandao</a>, The <a href=\"https://github.com/pandao/editor.md/blob/master/LICENSE\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"hover-link\">MIT</a> License.</p>",
"<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"fa fa-close " + classPrefix + "dialog-close\"></a>",
var infoDialog = this.infoDialog = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "dialog-info");
infoDialog.find("." + classPrefix + "dialog-close").bind(editormd.mouseOrTouch("click", "touchend"), function() {
infoDialog.css("border", (editormd.isIE8) ? "1px solid #ddd" : "").css("z-index", editormd.dialogZindex).show();
return this;
* 关于Editor.md对话居中定位
* Editor.md dialog position handle
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
infoDialogPosition : function() {
var infoDialog = this.infoDialog;
var _infoDialogPosition = function() {
top : ($(window).height() - infoDialog.height()) / 2 + "px",
left : ($(window).width() - infoDialog.width()) / 2 + "px"
return this;
* 显示关于Editor.md
* Display about Editor.md dialog
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
showInfoDialog : function() {
$("html,body").css("overflow-x", "hidden");
var _this = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var settings = this.settings;
var infoDialog = this.infoDialog = editor.children("." + this.classPrefix + "dialog-info");
if (infoDialog.length < 1)
opacity : settings.dialogMaskOpacity,
backgroundColor : settings.dialogMaskBgColor
infoDialog.css("z-index", editormd.dialogZindex).show();
return this;
* 隐藏关于Editor.md
* Hide about Editor.md dialog
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
hideInfoDialog : function() {
$("html,body").css("overflow-x", "");
return this;
* 锁屏
* lock screen
* @param {Boolean} lock Boolean 布尔值,是否锁屏
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
lockScreen : function(lock) {
return this;
* 编辑器界面重建,用于动态语言包或模块加载等
* Recreate editor
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
recreate : function() {
var _this = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var settings = this.settings;
if (!settings.readOnly)
if (editor.find(".editormd-dialog").length > 0) {
if (settings.toolbar)
return this;
* 高亮预览HTML的pre代码部分
* highlight of preview codes
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
previewCodeHighlight : function() {
var settings = this.settings;
var previewContainer = this.previewContainer;
if (settings.previewCodeHighlight)
previewContainer.find("pre").addClass("prettyprint linenums");
if (typeof prettyPrint !== "undefined")
return this;
* 解析TeX(KaTeX)科学公式
* TeX(KaTeX) Renderer
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
katexRender : function() {
if (timer === null)
return this;
this.previewContainer.find("." + editormd.classNames.tex).each(function(){
var tex = $(this);
editormd.$katex.render(tex.text(), tex[0]);
tex.find(".katex").css("font-size", "1.6em");
return this;
* 解析和渲染流程图及时序图
* FlowChart and SequenceDiagram Renderer
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
flowChartAndSequenceDiagramRender : function() {
var $this = this;
var settings = this.settings;
var previewContainer = this.previewContainer;
if (editormd.isIE8) {
return this;
if (settings.flowChart) {
if (flowchartTimer === null) {
return this;
if (settings.sequenceDiagram) {
previewContainer.find(".sequence-diagram").sequenceDiagram({theme: "simple"});
var preview = $this.preview;
var codeMirror = $this.codeMirror;
var codeView = codeMirror.find(".CodeMirror-scroll");
var height = codeView.height();
var scrollTop = codeView.scrollTop();
var percent = (scrollTop / codeView[0].scrollHeight);
var tocHeight = 0;
tocHeight += $(this).height();
var tocMenuHeight = preview.find(".editormd-toc-menu").height();
tocMenuHeight = (!tocMenuHeight) ? 0 : tocMenuHeight;
if (scrollTop === 0)
else if (scrollTop + height >= codeView[0].scrollHeight - 16)
preview.scrollTop((preview[0].scrollHeight + tocHeight + tocMenuHeight) * percent);
return this;
* 注册键盘快捷键处理
* Register CodeMirror keyMaps (keyboard shortcuts).
* @param {Object} keyMap KeyMap key/value {"(Ctrl/Shift/Alt)-Key" : function(){}}
* @returns {editormd} return this
registerKeyMaps : function(keyMap) {
var _this = this;
var cm = this.cm;
var settings = this.settings;
var toolbarHandlers = editormd.toolbarHandlers;
var disabledKeyMaps = settings.disabledKeyMaps;
keyMap = keyMap || null;
if (keyMap)
for (var i in keyMap)
if ($.inArray(i, disabledKeyMaps) < 0)
var map = {};
map[i] = keyMap[i];
for (var k in editormd.keyMaps)
var _keyMap = editormd.keyMaps[k];
var handle = (typeof _keyMap === "string") ? $.proxy(toolbarHandlers[_keyMap], _this) : $.proxy(_keyMap, _this);
if ($.inArray(k, ["F9", "F10", "F11"]) < 0 && $.inArray(k, disabledKeyMaps) < 0)
var _map = {};
_map[k] = handle;
$(window).keydown(function(event) {
var keymaps = {
"120" : "F9",
"121" : "F10",
"122" : "F11"
if ( $.inArray(keymaps[event.keyCode], disabledKeyMaps) < 0 )
switch (event.keyCode)
case 120:
$.proxy(toolbarHandlers["watch"], _this)();
return false;
case 121:
$.proxy(toolbarHandlers["preview"], _this)();
return false;
case 122:
$.proxy(toolbarHandlers["fullscreen"], _this)();
return false;
return this;
* 绑定同步滚动
* @returns {editormd} return this
bindScrollEvent : function() {
var _this = this;
var preview = this.preview;
var settings = this.settings;
var codeMirror = this.codeMirror;
var mouseOrTouch = editormd.mouseOrTouch;
if (!settings.syncScrolling) {
return this;
var cmBindScroll = function() {
codeMirror.find(".CodeMirror-scroll").bind(mouseOrTouch("scroll", "touchmove"), function(event) {
var height = $(this).height();
var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
var percent = (scrollTop / $(this)[0].scrollHeight);
var tocHeight = 0;
tocHeight += $(this).height();
var tocMenuHeight = preview.find(".editormd-toc-menu").height();
tocMenuHeight = (!tocMenuHeight) ? 0 : tocMenuHeight;
if (scrollTop === 0)
else if (scrollTop + height >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight - 16)
preview.scrollTop((preview[0].scrollHeight + tocHeight + tocMenuHeight) * percent);
$.proxy(settings.onscroll, _this)(event);
var cmUnbindScroll = function() {
codeMirror.find(".CodeMirror-scroll").unbind(mouseOrTouch("scroll", "touchmove"));
var previewBindScroll = function() {
preview.bind(mouseOrTouch("scroll", "touchmove"), function(event) {
var height = $(this).height();
var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
var percent = (scrollTop / $(this)[0].scrollHeight);
var codeView = codeMirror.find(".CodeMirror-scroll");
if(scrollTop === 0)
else if (scrollTop + height >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight)
codeView.scrollTop(codeView[0].scrollHeight * percent);
$.proxy(settings.onpreviewscroll, _this)(event);
var previewUnbindScroll = function() {
preview.unbind(mouseOrTouch("scroll", "touchmove"));
mouseover : cmBindScroll,
mouseout : cmUnbindScroll,
touchstart : cmBindScroll,
touchend : cmUnbindScroll
if (settings.syncScrolling === "single") {
return this;
mouseover : previewBindScroll,
mouseout : previewUnbindScroll,
touchstart : previewBindScroll,
touchend : previewUnbindScroll
return this;
bindChangeEvent : function() {
var _this = this;
var cm = this.cm;
var settings = this.settings;
if (!settings.syncScrolling) {
return this;
cm.on("change", function(_cm, changeObj) {
if (settings.watch)
_this.previewContainer.css("padding", settings.autoHeight ? "20px 20px 50px 40px" : "20px");
timer = setTimeout(function() {
timer = null;
}, settings.delay);
return this;
* 加载队列完成之后的显示处理
* Display handle of the module queues loaded after.
* @param {Boolean} recreate 是否为重建编辑器
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
loadedDisplay : function(recreate) {
recreate = recreate || false;
var _this = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var preview = this.preview;
var settings = this.settings;
if (settings.watch) {
editor.data("oldWidth", editor.width()).data("oldHeight", editor.height()); // 为了兼容Zepto
if (!recreate)
$.proxy(settings.onload, this)();
this.state.loaded = true;
return this;
* 设置编辑器的宽度
* Set editor width
* @param {Number|String} width 编辑器宽度值
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
width : function(width) {
this.editor.css("width", (typeof width === "number") ? width + "px" : width);
return this;
* 设置编辑器的高度
* Set editor height
* @param {Number|String} height 编辑器高度值
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
height : function(height) {
this.editor.css("height", (typeof height === "number") ? height + "px" : height);
return this;
* 调整编辑器的尺寸和布局
* Resize editor layout
* @param {Number|String} [width=null] 编辑器宽度值
* @param {Number|String} [height=null] 编辑器高度值
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
resize : function(width, height) {
width = width || null;
height = height || null;
var state = this.state;
var editor = this.editor;
var preview = this.preview;
var toolbar = this.toolbar;
var settings = this.settings;
var codeMirror = this.codeMirror;
if (width)
editor.css("width", (typeof width === "number") ? width + "px" : width);
if (settings.autoHeight && !state.fullscreen && !state.preview)
editor.css("height", "auto");
codeMirror.css("height", "auto");
if (height)
editor.css("height", (typeof height === "number") ? height + "px" : height);
if (state.fullscreen)
if (settings.toolbar && !settings.readOnly)
codeMirror.css("margin-top", toolbar.height() + 1).height(editor.height() - toolbar.height());
codeMirror.css("margin-top", 0).height(editor.height());
codeMirror.width(editor.width() / 2);
preview.width((!state.preview) ? editor.width() / 2 : editor.width());
this.previewContainer.css("padding", settings.autoHeight ? "20px 20px 50px 40px" : "20px");
if (settings.toolbar && !settings.readOnly)
preview.css("top", toolbar.height() + 1);
preview.css("top", 0);
if (settings.autoHeight && !state.fullscreen && !state.preview)
var previewHeight = (settings.toolbar && !settings.readOnly) ? editor.height() - toolbar.height() : editor.height();
if (state.loaded)
$.proxy(settings.onresize, this)();
return this;
* 解析和保存Markdown代码
* Parse & Saving Markdown source code
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
save : function() {
if (timer === null)
return this;
var _this = this;
var state = this.state;
var settings = this.settings;
var cm = this.cm;
var cmValue = cm.getValue();
var previewContainer = this.previewContainer;
if (settings.mode !== "gfm" && settings.mode !== "markdown")
return this;
var marked = editormd.$marked;
var markdownToC = this.markdownToC = [];
var rendererOptions = this.markedRendererOptions = {
toc : settings.toc,
tocm : settings.tocm,
tocStartLevel : settings.tocStartLevel,
pageBreak : settings.pageBreak,
taskList : settings.taskList,
emoji : settings.emoji,
tex : settings.tex,
atLink : settings.atLink, // for @link
emailLink : settings.emailLink, // for mail address auto link
flowChart : settings.flowChart,
sequenceDiagram : settings.sequenceDiagram,
previewCodeHighlight : settings.previewCodeHighlight,
var markedOptions = this.markedOptions = {
renderer : editormd.markedRenderer(markdownToC, rendererOptions),
gfm : true,
tables : true,
breaks : true,
pedantic : false,
sanitize : (settings.htmlDecode) ? false : true, // 关闭忽略HTML标签,即开启识别HTML标签,默认为false
smartLists : true,
smartypants : true
var newMarkdownDoc = editormd.$marked(cmValue, markedOptions);
//console.info("cmValue", cmValue, newMarkdownDoc);
newMarkdownDoc = editormd.filterHTMLTags(newMarkdownDoc, settings.htmlDecode);
//console.error("cmValue", cmValue, newMarkdownDoc);
if (settings.saveHTMLToTextarea)
if(settings.watch || (!settings.watch && state.preview))
if (settings.toc)
var tocContainer = (settings.tocContainer === "") ? previewContainer : $(settings.tocContainer);
var tocMenu = tocContainer.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu");
tocContainer.attr("previewContainer", (settings.tocContainer === "") ? "true" : "false");
if (settings.tocContainer !== "" && tocMenu.length > 0)
editormd.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel);
if (settings.tocDropdown || tocContainer.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0)
editormd.tocDropdownMenu(tocContainer, (settings.tocTitle !== "") ? settings.tocTitle : this.lang.tocTitle);
if (settings.tocContainer !== "")
previewContainer.find(".markdown-toc").css("border", "none");
if (settings.tex)
if (!editormd.kaTeXLoaded && settings.autoLoadModules)
editormd.loadKaTeX(function() {
editormd.$katex = katex;
editormd.kaTeXLoaded = true;
editormd.$katex = katex;
if (settings.flowChart || settings.sequenceDiagram)
flowchartTimer = setTimeout(function(){
flowchartTimer = null;
}, 10);
if (state.loaded)
$.proxy(settings.onchange, this)();
return this;
* 聚焦光标位置
* Focusing the cursor position
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
focus : function() {
return this;
* 设置光标的位置
* Set cursor position
* @param {Object} cursor 要设置的光标位置键值对象,例:{line:1, ch:0}
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setCursor : function(cursor) {
return this;
* 获取当前光标的位置
* Get the current position of the cursor
* @returns {Cursor} 返回一个光标Cursor对象
getCursor : function() {
return this.cm.getCursor();
* 设置光标选中的范围
* Set cursor selected ranges
* @param {Object} from 开始位置的光标键值对象,例:{line:1, ch:0}
* @param {Object} to 结束位置的光标键值对象,例:{line:1, ch:0}
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setSelection : function(from, to) {
this.cm.setSelection(from, to);
return this;
* 获取光标选中的文本
* Get the texts from cursor selected
* @returns {String} 返回选中文本的字符串形式
getSelection : function() {
return this.cm.getSelection();
* 设置光标选中的文本范围
* Set the cursor selection ranges
* @param {Array} ranges cursor selection ranges array
* @returns {Array} return this
setSelections : function(ranges) {
return this;
* 获取光标选中的文本范围
* Get the cursor selection ranges
* @returns {Array} return selection ranges array
getSelections : function() {
return this.cm.getSelections();
* 替换当前光标选中的文本或在当前光标处插入新字符
* Replace the text at the current cursor selected or insert a new character at the current cursor position
* @param {String} value 要插入的字符值
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
replaceSelection : function(value) {
return this;
* 在当前光标处插入新字符
* Insert a new character at the current cursor position
* 同replaceSelection()方法
* With the replaceSelection() method
* @param {String} value 要插入的字符值
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
insertValue : function(value) {
return this;
* 追加markdown
* append Markdown to editor
* @param {String} md 要追加的markdown源文档
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
appendMarkdown : function(md) {
var settings = this.settings;
var cm = this.cm;
cm.setValue(cm.getValue() + md);
return this;
* 设置和传入编辑器的markdown源文档
* Set Markdown source document
* @param {String} md 要传入的markdown源文档
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setMarkdown : function(md) {
this.cm.setValue(md || this.settings.markdown);
return this;
* 获取编辑器的markdown源文档
* Set Editor.md markdown/CodeMirror value
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
getMarkdown : function() {
return this.cm.getValue();
* 获取编辑器的源文档
* Get CodeMirror value
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
getValue : function() {
return this.cm.getValue();
* 设置编辑器的源文档
* Set CodeMirror value
* @param {String} value set code/value/string/text
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
setValue : function(value) {
return this;
* 清空编辑器
* Empty CodeMirror editor container
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
clear : function() {
return this;
* 获取解析后存放在Textarea的HTML源码
* Get parsed html code from Textarea
* @returns {String} 返回HTML源码
getHTML : function() {
if (!this.settings.saveHTMLToTextarea)
alert("Error: settings.saveHTMLToTextarea == false");
return false;
return this.htmlTextarea.val();
* getHTML()的别名
* getHTML (alias)
* @returns {String} Return html code 返回HTML源码
getTextareaSavedHTML : function() {
return this.getHTML();
* 获取预览窗口的HTML源码
* Get html from preview container
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
getPreviewedHTML : function() {
if (!this.settings.watch)
alert("Error: settings.watch == false");
return false;
return this.previewContainer.html();
* 开启实时预览
* Enable real-time watching
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
watch : function(callback) {
var settings = this.settings;
if ($.inArray(settings.mode, ["gfm", "markdown"]) < 0)
return this;
this.state.watching = settings.watch = true;
if (this.toolbar)
var watchIcon = settings.toolbarIconsClass.watch;
var unWatchIcon = settings.toolbarIconsClass.unwatch;
var icon = this.toolbar.find(".fa[name=watch]");
icon.parent().attr("title", settings.lang.toolbar.watch);
this.codeMirror.css("border-right", "1px solid #ddd").width(this.editor.width() / 2);
timer = 0;
if (!settings.onwatch)
settings.onwatch = callback || function() {};
$.proxy(settings.onwatch, this)();
return this;
* 关闭实时预览
* Disable real-time watching
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
unwatch : function(callback) {
var settings = this.settings;
this.state.watching = settings.watch = false;
if (this.toolbar)
var watchIcon = settings.toolbarIconsClass.watch;
var unWatchIcon = settings.toolbarIconsClass.unwatch;
var icon = this.toolbar.find(".fa[name=watch]");
icon.parent().attr("title", settings.lang.toolbar.unwatch);
this.codeMirror.css("border-right", "none").width(this.editor.width());
if (!settings.onunwatch)
settings.onunwatch = callback || function() {};
$.proxy(settings.onunwatch, this)();
return this;
* 显示编辑器
* Show editor
* @param {Function} [callback=function()] 回调函数
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
show : function(callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
var _this = this;
this.editor.show(0, function() {
$.proxy(callback, _this)();
return this;
* 隐藏编辑器
* Hide editor
* @param {Function} [callback=function()] 回调函数
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
hide : function(callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
var _this = this;
this.editor.hide(0, function() {
$.proxy(callback, _this)();
return this;
* 隐藏编辑器部分,只预览HTML
* Enter preview html state
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
previewing : function() {
var _this = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var preview = this.preview;
var toolbar = this.toolbar;
var settings = this.settings;
var codeMirror = this.codeMirror;
var previewContainer = this.previewContainer;
if ($.inArray(settings.mode, ["gfm", "markdown"]) < 0) {
return this;
if (settings.toolbar && toolbar) {
var escHandle = function(event) {
if (event.shiftKey && event.keyCode === 27) {
if (codeMirror.css("display") === "none") // 为了兼容Zepto,而不使用codeMirror.is(":hidden")
this.state.preview = true;
if (this.state.fullscreen) {
preview.css("background", "#fff");
editor.find("." + this.classPrefix + "preview-close-btn").show().bind(editormd.mouseOrTouch("click", "touchend"), function(){
if (!settings.watch)
previewContainer.css("padding", "");
previewContainer.addClass(this.classPrefix + "preview-active");
position : "",
top : 0,
width : editor.width(),
height : (settings.autoHeight && !this.state.fullscreen) ? "auto" : editor.height()
if (this.state.loaded)
$.proxy(settings.onpreviewing, this)();
$(window).bind("keyup", escHandle);
$(window).unbind("keyup", escHandle);
* 显示编辑器部分,退出只预览HTML
* Exit preview html state
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
previewed : function() {
var editor = this.editor;
var preview = this.preview;
var toolbar = this.toolbar;
var settings = this.settings;
var previewContainer = this.previewContainer;
var previewCloseBtn = editor.find("." + this.classPrefix + "preview-close-btn");
this.state.preview = false;
if (settings.toolbar) {
preview[(settings.watch) ? "show" : "hide"]();
previewCloseBtn.hide().unbind(editormd.mouseOrTouch("click", "touchend"));
previewContainer.removeClass(this.classPrefix + "preview-active");
if (settings.watch)
previewContainer.css("padding", "20px");
background : null,
position : "absolute",
width : editor.width() / 2,
height : (settings.autoHeight && !this.state.fullscreen) ? "auto" : editor.height() - toolbar.height(),
top : (settings.toolbar) ? toolbar.height() : 0
if (this.state.loaded)
$.proxy(settings.onpreviewed, this)();
return this;
* 编辑器全屏显示
* Fullscreen show
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
fullscreen : function() {
var _this = this;
var state = this.state;
var editor = this.editor;
var preview = this.preview;
var toolbar = this.toolbar;
var settings = this.settings;
var fullscreenClass = this.classPrefix + "fullscreen";
if (toolbar) {
var escHandle = function(event) {
if (!event.shiftKey && event.keyCode === 27)
if (state.fullscreen)
if (!editor.hasClass(fullscreenClass))
state.fullscreen = true;
$("html,body").css("overflow", "hidden");
width : $(window).width(),
height : $(window).height()
$.proxy(settings.onfullscreen, this)();
$(window).bind("keyup", escHandle);
$(window).unbind("keyup", escHandle);
return this;
* 编辑器退出全屏显示
* Exit fullscreen state
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
fullscreenExit : function() {
var editor = this.editor;
var settings = this.settings;
var toolbar = this.toolbar;
var fullscreenClass = this.classPrefix + "fullscreen";
this.state.fullscreen = false;
if (toolbar) {
$("html,body").css("overflow", "");
width : editor.data("oldWidth"),
height : editor.data("oldHeight")
$.proxy(settings.onfullscreenExit, this)();
return this;
* 加载并执行插件
* Load and execute the plugin
* @param {String} name plugin name / function name
* @param {String} path plugin load path
* @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象
executePlugin : function(name, path) {
var _this = this;
var cm = this.cm;
var settings = this.settings;
path = settings.pluginPath + path;
if (typeof define === "function")
if (typeof this[name] === "undefined")
alert("Error: " + name + " plugin is not found, you are not load this plugin.");
return this;
return this;
if ($.inArray(path, editormd.loadFiles.plugin) < 0)
editormd.loadPlugin(path, function() {
editormd.loadPlugins[name] = _this[name];
$.proxy(editormd.loadPlugins[name], this)(cm);
return this;
* 搜索替换
* Search & replace
* @param {String} command CodeMirror serach commands, "find, fintNext, fintPrev, clearSearch, replace, replaceAll"
* @returns {editormd} return this
search : function(command) {
var settings = this.settings;
if (!settings.searchReplace)
alert("Error: settings.searchReplace == false");
return this;
if (!settings.readOnly)
this.cm.execCommand(command || "find");
return this;
searchReplace : function() {
return this;
searchReplaceAll : function() {
return this;
editormd.fn.init.prototype = editormd.fn;
* 锁屏
* lock screen when dialog opening
* @returns {void}
editormd.dialogLockScreen = function() {
var settings = this.settings || {dialogLockScreen : true};
if (settings.dialogLockScreen)
$("html,body").css("overflow", "hidden");
* 显示透明背景层
* Display mask layer when dialog opening
* @param {Object} dialog dialog jQuery object
* @returns {void}
editormd.dialogShowMask = function(dialog) {
var editor = this.editor;
var settings = this.settings || {dialogShowMask : true};
top : ($(window).height() - dialog.height()) / 2 + "px",
left : ($(window).width() - dialog.width()) / 2 + "px"
if (settings.dialogShowMask) {
editor.children("." + this.classPrefix + "mask").css("z-index", parseInt(dialog.css("z-index")) - 1).show();
editormd.toolbarHandlers = {
undo : function() {
redo : function() {
bold : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
cm.replaceSelection("**" + selection + "**");
if(selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 2);
del : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
cm.replaceSelection("~~" + selection + "~~");
if(selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 2);
italic : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
cm.replaceSelection("*" + selection + "*");
if(selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 1);
quote : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (cursor.ch !== 0)
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, 0);
cm.replaceSelection("> " + selection);
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 2);
cm.replaceSelection("> " + selection);
//cm.replaceSelection("> " + selection);
//cm.setCursor(cursor.line, (selection === "") ? cursor.ch + 2 : cursor.ch + selection.length + 2);
ucfirst : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var selection = cm.getSelection();
var selections = cm.listSelections();
ucwords : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var selection = cm.getSelection();
var selections = cm.listSelections();
uppercase : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var selection = cm.getSelection();
var selections = cm.listSelections();
lowercase : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
var selections = cm.listSelections();
h1 : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (cursor.ch !== 0)
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, 0);
cm.replaceSelection("# " + selection);
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 2);
cm.replaceSelection("# " + selection);
h2 : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (cursor.ch !== 0)
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, 0);
cm.replaceSelection("## " + selection);
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 3);
cm.replaceSelection("## " + selection);
h3 : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (cursor.ch !== 0)
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, 0);
cm.replaceSelection("### " + selection);
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 4);
cm.replaceSelection("### " + selection);
h4 : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (cursor.ch !== 0)
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, 0);
cm.replaceSelection("#### " + selection);
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 5);
cm.replaceSelection("#### " + selection);
h5 : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (cursor.ch !== 0)
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, 0);
cm.replaceSelection("##### " + selection);
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 6);
cm.replaceSelection("##### " + selection);
h6 : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (cursor.ch !== 0)
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, 0);
cm.replaceSelection("###### " + selection);
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 7);
cm.replaceSelection("###### " + selection);
"list-ul" : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (selection === "")
cm.replaceSelection("- " + selection);
var selectionText = selection.split("\n");
for (var i = 0, len = selectionText.length; i < len; i++)
selectionText[i] = (selectionText[i] === "") ? "" : "- " + selectionText[i];
"list-ol" : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if(selection === "")
cm.replaceSelection("1. " + selection);
var selectionText = selection.split("\n");
for (var i = 0, len = selectionText.length; i < len; i++)
selectionText[i] = (selectionText[i] === "") ? "" : (i+1) + ". " + selectionText[i];
hr : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
cm.replaceSelection(((cursor.ch !== 0) ? "\n\n" : "\n") + "------------\n\n");
tex : function() {
if (!this.settings.tex)
alert("settings.tex === false");
return this;
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
cm.replaceSelection("$$" + selection + "$$");
if(selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 2);
link : function() {
this.executePlugin("linkDialog", "link-dialog/link-dialog");
"reference-link" : function() {
this.executePlugin("referenceLinkDialog", "reference-link-dialog/reference-link-dialog");
pagebreak : function() {
if (!this.settings.pageBreak)
alert("settings.pageBreak === false");
return this;
var cm = this.cm;
var selection = cm.getSelection();
image : function() {
this.executePlugin("imageDialog", "image-dialog/image-dialog");
code : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
cm.replaceSelection("`" + selection + "`");
if (selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 1);
"code-block" : function() {
this.executePlugin("codeBlockDialog", "code-block-dialog/code-block-dialog");
"preformatted-text" : function() {
this.executePlugin("preformattedTextDialog", "preformatted-text-dialog/preformatted-text-dialog");
table : function() {
this.executePlugin("tableDialog", "table-dialog/table-dialog");
datetime : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var selection = cm.getSelection();
var date = new Date();
var langName = this.settings.lang.name;
var datefmt = editormd.dateFormat() + " " + editormd.dateFormat((langName === "zh-cn" || langName === "zh-tw") ? "cn-week-day" : "week-day");
emoji : function() {
this.executePlugin("emojiDialog", "emoji-dialog/emoji-dialog");
"html-entities" : function() {
this.executePlugin("htmlEntitiesDialog", "html-entities-dialog/html-entities-dialog");
"goto-line" : function() {
this.executePlugin("gotoLineDialog", "goto-line-dialog/goto-line-dialog");
watch : function() {
this[this.settings.watch ? "unwatch" : "watch"]();
preview : function() {
fullscreen : function() {
clear : function() {
search : function() {
help : function() {
this.executePlugin("helpDialog", "help-dialog/help-dialog");
info : function() {
editormd.keyMaps = {
"Ctrl-1" : "h1",
"Ctrl-2" : "h2",
"Ctrl-3" : "h3",
"Ctrl-4" : "h4",
"Ctrl-5" : "h5",
"Ctrl-6" : "h6",
"Ctrl-B" : "bold", // if this is string == editormd.toolbarHandlers.xxxx
"Ctrl-D" : "datetime",
"Ctrl-E" : function() { // emoji
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (!this.settings.emoji)
alert("Error: settings.emoji == false");
return ;
cm.replaceSelection(":" + selection + ":");
if (selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 1);
"Ctrl-Alt-G" : "goto-line",
"Ctrl-H" : "hr",
"Ctrl-I" : "italic",
"Ctrl-K" : "code",
"Ctrl-L" : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
var title = (selection === "") ? "" : " \""+selection+"\"";
cm.replaceSelection("[" + selection + "]("+title+")");
if (selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 1);
"Ctrl-U" : "list-ul",
"Shift-Ctrl-A" : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
if (!this.settings.atLink)
alert("Error: settings.atLink == false");
return ;
cm.replaceSelection("@" + selection);
if (selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 1);
"Shift-Ctrl-C" : "code",
"Shift-Ctrl-Q" : "quote",
"Shift-Ctrl-S" : "del",
"Shift-Ctrl-K" : "tex", // KaTeX
"Shift-Alt-C" : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
cm.replaceSelection(["```", selection, "```"].join("\n"));
if (selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 3);
"Shift-Ctrl-Alt-C" : "code-block",
"Shift-Ctrl-H" : "html-entities",
"Shift-Alt-H" : "help",
"Shift-Ctrl-E" : "emoji",
"Shift-Ctrl-U" : "uppercase",
"Shift-Alt-U" : "ucwords",
"Shift-Ctrl-Alt-U" : "ucfirst",
"Shift-Alt-L" : "lowercase",
"Shift-Ctrl-I" : function() {
var cm = this.cm;
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
var selection = cm.getSelection();
var title = (selection === "") ? "" : " \""+selection+"\"";
if (selection === "") {
cm.setCursor(cursor.line, cursor.ch + 4);
"Shift-Ctrl-Alt-I" : "image",
"Shift-Ctrl-L" : "link",
"Shift-Ctrl-O" : "list-ol",
"Shift-Ctrl-P" : "preformatted-text",
"Shift-Ctrl-T" : "table",
"Shift-Alt-P" : "pagebreak",
"F9" : "watch",
"F10" : "preview",
"F11" : "fullscreen",
* 清除字符串两边的空格
* Clear the space of strings both sides.
* @param {String} str string
* @returns {String} trimed string
var trim = function(str) {
return (!String.prototype.trim) ? str.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, "") : str.trim();
editormd.trim = trim;
* 所有单词首字母大写
* Words first to uppercase
* @param {String} str string
* @returns {String} string
var ucwords = function (str) {
return str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b(\w)|\s(\w)/g, function($1) {
return $1.toUpperCase();
editormd.ucwords = editormd.wordsFirstUpperCase = ucwords;
* 字符串首字母大写
* Only string first char to uppercase
* @param {String} str string
* @returns {String} string
var firstUpperCase = function(str) {
return str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b(\w)/, function($1){
return $1.toUpperCase();
var ucfirst = firstUpperCase;
editormd.firstUpperCase = editormd.ucfirst = firstUpperCase;
editormd.urls = {
atLinkBase : "https://github.com/"
editormd.regexs = {
atLink : /@(\w+)/g,
email : /(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+)\.?(\w+)?/g,
emailLink : /(mailto:)?([\w\.\_]+)@(\w+)\.(\w+)\.?(\w+)?/g,
emoji : /:([\w\+-]+):/g,
emojiDatetime : /(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/g,
twemoji : /:(tw-([\w]+)-?(\w+)?):/g,
fontAwesome : /:(fa-([\w]+)(-(\w+)){0,}):/g,
editormdLogo : /:(editormd-logo-?(\w+)?):/g,
pageBreak : /^\[[=]{8,}\]$/
// Emoji graphics files url path
editormd.emoji = {
path : "http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/graphics/emojis/",
ext : ".png"
// Twitter Emoji (Twemoji) graphics files url path
editormd.twemoji = {
path : "http://twemoji.maxcdn.com/36x36/",
ext : ".png"
* 自定义marked的解析器
* Custom Marked renderer rules
* @param {Array} markdownToC 传入用于接收TOC的数组
* @returns {Renderer} markedRenderer 返回marked的Renderer自定义对象
editormd.markedRenderer = function(markdownToC, options) {
var defaults = {
toc : true, // Table of contents
tocm : false,
tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC
pageBreak : true,
atLink : true, // for @link
emailLink : true, // for mail address auto link
taskList : false, // Enable Github Flavored Markdown task lists
emoji : false, // :emoji: , Support Twemoji, fontAwesome, Editor.md logo emojis.
tex : false, // TeX(LaTeX), based on KaTeX
flowChart : false, // flowChart.js only support IE9+
sequenceDiagram : false, // sequenceDiagram.js only support IE9+
var settings = $.extend(defaults, options || {});
var marked = editormd.$marked;
var markedRenderer = new marked.Renderer();
markdownToC = markdownToC || [];
var regexs = editormd.regexs;
var atLinkReg = regexs.atLink;
var emojiReg = regexs.emoji;
var emailReg = regexs.email;
var emailLinkReg = regexs.emailLink;
var twemojiReg = regexs.twemoji;
var faIconReg = regexs.fontAwesome;
var editormdLogoReg = regexs.editormdLogo;
var pageBreakReg = regexs.pageBreak;
markedRenderer.emoji = function(text) {
text = text.replace(editormd.regexs.emojiDatetime, function($1) {
return $1.replace(/:/g, ":");
var matchs = text.match(emojiReg);
if (!matchs || !settings.emoji) {
return text;
for (var i = 0, len = matchs.length; i < len; i++)
if (matchs[i] === ":+1:") {
matchs[i] = ":\\+1:";
text = text.replace(new RegExp(matchs[i]), function($1, $2){
var faMatchs = $1.match(faIconReg);
var name = $1.replace(/:/g, "");
if (faMatchs)
for (var fa = 0, len1 = faMatchs.length; fa < len1; fa++)
var faName = faMatchs[fa].replace(/:/g, "");
return "<i class=\"fa " + faName + " fa-emoji\" title=\"" + faName.replace("fa-", "") + "\"></i>";
var emdlogoMathcs = $1.match(editormdLogoReg);
var twemojiMatchs = $1.match(twemojiReg);
if (emdlogoMathcs)
for (var x = 0, len2 = emdlogoMathcs.length; x < len2; x++)
var logoName = emdlogoMathcs[x].replace(/:/g, "");
return "<i class=\"" + logoName + "\" title=\"Editor.md logo (" + logoName + ")\"></i>";
else if (twemojiMatchs)
for (var t = 0, len3 = twemojiMatchs.length; t < len3; t++)
var twe = twemojiMatchs[t].replace(/:/g, "").replace("tw-", "");
return "<img src=\"" + editormd.twemoji.path + twe + editormd.twemoji.ext + "\" title=\"twemoji-" + twe + "\" alt=\"twemoji-" + twe + "\" class=\"emoji twemoji\" />";
var src = (name === "+1") ? "plus1" : name;
src = (src === "black_large_square") ? "black_square" : src;
src = (src === "moon") ? "waxing_gibbous_moon" : src;
return "<img src=\"" + editormd.emoji.path + src + editormd.emoji.ext + "\" class=\"emoji\" title=\":" + name + ":\" alt=\":" + name + ":\" />";
return text;
markedRenderer.atLink = function(text) {
if (atLinkReg.test(text))
if (settings.atLink)
text = text.replace(emailReg, function($1, $2, $3, $4) {
return $1.replace(/@/g, "_#_@_#_");
text = text.replace(atLinkReg, function($1, $2) {
return "<a href=\"" + editormd.urls.atLinkBase + "" + $2 + "\" title=\"@" + $2 + "\" class=\"at-link\">" + $1 + "</a>";
}).replace(/_#_@_#_/g, "@");
if (settings.emailLink)
text = text.replace(emailLinkReg, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
return (!$2 && $.inArray($5, "jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|ico|icon|pdf".split("|")) < 0) ? "<a href=\"mailto:" + $1 + "\">"+$1+"</a>" : $1;
return text;
return text;
markedRenderer.link = function (href, title, text) {
if (this.options.sanitize) {
try {
var prot = decodeURIComponent(unescape(href)).replace(/[^\w:]/g,"").toLowerCase();
} catch(e) {
return "";
if (prot.indexOf("javascript:") === 0) {
return "";
var out = "<a href=\"" + href + "\"";
if (atLinkReg.test(title) || atLinkReg.test(text))
if (title)
out += " title=\"" + title.replace(/@/g, "@");
return out + "\">" + text.replace(/@/g, "@") + "</a>";
if (title) {
out += " title=\"" + title + "\"";
out += ">" + text + "</a>";
return out;
markedRenderer.heading = function(text, level, raw) {
var linkText = text;
var hasLinkReg = /\s*\<a\s*href\=\"(.*)\"\s*([^\>]*)\>(.*)\<\/a\>\s*/;
var getLinkTextReg = /\s*\<a\s*([^\>]+)\>([^\>]*)\<\/a\>\s*/g;
if (hasLinkReg.test(text))
var tempText = [];
text = text.split(/\<a\s*([^\>]+)\>([^\>]*)\<\/a\>/);
for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++)
tempText.push(text[i].replace(/\s*href\=\"(.*)\"\s*/g, ""));
text = tempText.join(" ");
text = trim(text);
var escapedText = text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, "-");
var toc = {
text : text,
level : level,
slug : escapedText
var isChinese = /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/.test(text);
var id = (isChinese) ? escape(text).replace(/\%/g, "") : text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, "-");
var headingHTML = "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">";
headingHTML += "<a name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"reference-link\"></a>";
headingHTML += "<span class=\"header-link octicon octicon-link\"></span>";
headingHTML += (hasLinkReg) ? this.atLink(this.emoji(linkText)) : this.atLink(this.emoji(text));
headingHTML += "</h" + level + ">";
return headingHTML;
markedRenderer.pageBreak = function(text) {
if (pageBreakReg.test(text) && settings.pageBreak)
text = "<hr style=\"page-break-after:always;\" class=\"page-break editormd-page-break\" />";
return text;
markedRenderer.paragraph = function(text) {
var isTeXInline = /\$\$(.*)\$\$/g.test(text);
var isTeXLine = /^\$\$(.*)\$\$$/.test(text);
var isTeXAddClass = (isTeXLine) ? " class=\"" + editormd.classNames.tex + "\"" : "";
var isToC = (settings.tocm) ? /^(\[TOC\]|\[TOCM\])$/.test(text) : /^\[TOC\]$/.test(text);
var isToCMenu = /^\[TOCM\]$/.test(text);
if (!isTeXLine && isTeXInline)
text = text.replace(/(\$\$([^\$]*)\$\$)+/g, function($1, $2) {
return "<span class=\"" + editormd.classNames.tex + "\">" + $2.replace(/\$/g, "") + "</span>";
text = (isTeXLine) ? text.replace(/\$/g, "") : text;
var tocHTML = "<div class=\"markdown-toc editormd-markdown-toc\">" + text + "</div>";
return (isToC) ? ( (isToCMenu) ? "<div class=\"editormd-toc-menu\">" + tocHTML + "</div><br/>" : tocHTML )
: ( (pageBreakReg.test(text)) ? this.pageBreak(text) : "<p" + isTeXAddClass + ">" + this.atLink(this.emoji(text)) + "</p>\n" );
markedRenderer.code = function (code, lang, escaped) {
if (lang === "seq" || lang === "sequence")
return "<div class=\"sequence-diagram\">" + code + "</div>";
else if ( lang === "flow")
return "<div class=\"flowchart\">" + code + "</div>";
else if ( lang === "math" || lang === "latex" || lang === "katex")
return "<p class=\"" + editormd.classNames.tex + "\">" + code + "</p>";
return marked.Renderer.prototype.code.apply(this, arguments);
markedRenderer.tablecell = function(content, flags) {
var type = (flags.header) ? "th" : "td";
var tag = (flags.align) ? "<" + type +" style=\"text-align:" + flags.align + "\">" : "<" + type + ">";
return tag + this.atLink(this.emoji(content)) + "</" + type + ">\n";
markedRenderer.listitem = function(text) {
if (settings.taskList && /^\s*\[[x\s]\]\s*/.test(text))
text = text.replace(/^\s*\[\s\]\s*/, "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"task-list-item-checkbox\" /> ")
.replace(/^\s*\[x\]\s*/, "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"task-list-item-checkbox\" checked disabled /> ");
return "<li style=\"list-style: none;\">" + this.atLink(this.emoji(text)) + "</li>";
return "<li>" + this.atLink(this.emoji(text)) + "</li>";
return markedRenderer;
* 生成TOC(Table of Contents)
* Creating ToC (Table of Contents)
* @param {Array} toc 从marked获取的TOC数组列表
* @param {Element} container 插入TOC的容器元素
* @param {Integer} startLevel Hx 起始层级
* @returns {Object} tocContainer 返回ToC列表容器层的jQuery对象元素
editormd.markdownToCRenderer = function(toc, container, tocDropdown, startLevel) {
var html = "";
var lastLevel = 0;
var classPrefix = this.classPrefix;
startLevel = startLevel || 1;
for (var i = 0, len = toc.length; i < len; i++)
var text = toc[i].text;
var level = toc[i].level;
if (level < startLevel) {
if (level > lastLevel)
html += "";
else if (level < lastLevel)
html += (new Array(lastLevel - level + 2)).join("</ul></li>");
html += "</ul></li>";
html += "<li><a class=\"toc-level-" + level + "\" href=\"#" + text + "\" level=\"" + level + "\">" + text + "</a><ul>";
lastLevel = level;
var tocContainer = container.find(".markdown-toc");
if ((tocContainer.length < 1 && container.attr("previewContainer") === "false"))
var tocHTML = "<div class=\"markdown-toc " + classPrefix + "markdown-toc\"></div>";
tocHTML = (tocDropdown) ? "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "toc-menu\">" + tocHTML + "</div>" : tocHTML;
tocContainer = container.find(".markdown-toc");
if (tocDropdown)
tocContainer.wrap("<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "toc-menu\"></div><br/>");
tocContainer.html("<ul class=\"markdown-toc-list\"></ul>").children(".markdown-toc-list").html(html.replace(/\r?\n?\<ul\>\<\/ul\>/g, ""));
return tocContainer;
* 生成TOC下拉菜单
* Creating ToC dropdown menu
* @param {Object} container 插入TOC的容器jQuery对象元素
* @param {String} tocTitle ToC title
* @returns {Object} return toc-menu object
editormd.tocDropdownMenu = function(container, tocTitle) {
tocTitle = tocTitle || "Table of Contents";
var zindex = 400;
var tocMenus = container.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu");
tocMenus.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var toc = $this.children(".markdown-toc");
var icon = "<i class=\"fa fa-angle-down\"></i>";
var btn = "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"toc-menu-btn\">" + icon + tocTitle + "</a>";
var menu = toc.children("ul");
var list = menu.find("li");
list.first().before("<li><h1>" + tocTitle + " " + icon + "</h1></li>");
var li = $(this);
var ul = li.children("ul");
if (ul.html() === "")
if (ul.length > 0 && ul.html() !== "")
var firstA = li.children("a").first();
if (firstA.children(".fa").length < 1)
firstA.append( $(icon).css({ float:"right", paddingTop:"4px" }) );
ul.css("z-index", zindex).show();
zindex += 1;
return tocMenus;
* 简单地过滤指定的HTML标签
* Filter custom html tags
* @param {String} html 要过滤HTML
* @param {String} filters 要过滤的标签
* @returns {String} html 返回过滤的HTML
editormd.filterHTMLTags = function(html, filters) {
if (typeof html !== "string") {
html = new String(html);
if (typeof filters !== "string") {
return html;
var expression = filters.split("|");
var filterTags = expression[0].split(",");
var attrs = expression[1];
for (var i = 0, len = filterTags.length; i < len; i++)
var tag = filterTags[i];
html = html.replace(new RegExp("\<\s*" + tag + "\s*([^\>]*)\>([^\>]*)\<\s*\/" + tag + "\s*\>", "igm"), "");
//return html;
if (typeof attrs !== "undefined")
var htmlTagRegex = /\<(\w+)\s*([^\>]*)\>([^\>]*)\<\/(\w+)\>/ig;
if (attrs === "*")
html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
return "<" + $2 + ">" + $4 + "</" + $5 + ">";
else if (attrs === "on*")
html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
var el = $("<" + $2 + ">" + $4 + "</" + $5 + ">");
var _attrs = $($1)[0].attributes;
var $attrs = {};
$.each(_attrs, function(i, e) {
if (e.nodeName !== '"') $attrs[e.nodeName] = e.nodeValue;
$.each($attrs, function(i) {
if (i.indexOf("on") === 0) {
delete $attrs[i];
var text = (typeof el[1] !== "undefined") ? $(el[1]).text() : "";
return el[0].outerHTML + text;
html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4) {
var filterAttrs = attrs.split(",");
var el = $($1);
$.each(filterAttrs, function(i) {
el.attr(filterAttrs[i], null);
return el[0].outerHTML;
return html;
* 将Markdown文档解析为HTML用于前台显示
* Parse Markdown to HTML for Font-end preview.
* @param {String} id 用于显示HTML的对象ID
* @param {Object} [options={}] 配置选项,可选
* @returns {Object} div 返回jQuery对象元素
editormd.markdownToHTML = function(id, options) {
var defaults = {
gfm : true,
toc : true,
tocm : false,
tocStartLevel : 1,
tocTitle : "目录",
tocDropdown : false,
tocContainer : "",
markdown : "",
markdownSourceCode : false,
htmlDecode : false,
autoLoadKaTeX : true,
pageBreak : true,
atLink : true, // for @link
emailLink : true, // for mail address auto link
tex : false,
taskList : false, // Github Flavored Markdown task lists
emoji : false,
flowChart : false,
sequenceDiagram : false,
previewCodeHighlight : true
editormd.$marked = marked;
var div = $("#" + id);
var settings = div.settings = $.extend(true, defaults, options || {});
var saveTo = div.find("textarea");
if (saveTo.length < 1)
saveTo = div.find("textarea");
var markdownDoc = (settings.markdown === "") ? saveTo.val() : settings.markdown;
var markdownToC = [];
var rendererOptions = {
toc : settings.toc,
tocm : settings.tocm,
tocStartLevel : settings.tocStartLevel,
taskList : settings.taskList,
emoji : settings.emoji,
tex : settings.tex,
pageBreak : settings.pageBreak,
atLink : settings.atLink, // for @link
emailLink : settings.emailLink, // for mail address auto link
flowChart : settings.flowChart,
sequenceDiagram : settings.sequenceDiagram,
previewCodeHighlight : settings.previewCodeHighlight,
var markedOptions = {
renderer : editormd.markedRenderer(markdownToC, rendererOptions),
gfm : settings.gfm,
tables : true,
breaks : true,
pedantic : false,
sanitize : (settings.htmlDecode) ? false : true, // 是否忽略HTML标签,即是否开启HTML标签解析,为了安全性,默认不开启
smartLists : true,
smartypants : true
markdownDoc = new String(markdownDoc);
var markdownParsed = marked(markdownDoc, markedOptions);
markdownParsed = editormd.filterHTMLTags(markdownParsed, settings.htmlDecode);
if (settings.markdownSourceCode) {
} else {
div.addClass("markdown-body " + this.classPrefix + "html-preview").append(markdownParsed);
var tocContainer = (settings.tocContainer !== "") ? $(settings.tocContainer) : div;
if (settings.tocContainer !== "")
tocContainer.attr("previewContainer", false);
if (settings.toc)
div.tocContainer = this.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel);
if (settings.tocDropdown || div.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0)
this.tocDropdownMenu(div, settings.tocTitle);
if (settings.tocContainer !== "")
div.find(".editormd-toc-menu, .editormd-markdown-toc").remove();
if (settings.previewCodeHighlight)
div.find("pre").addClass("prettyprint linenums");
if (!editormd.isIE8)
if (settings.flowChart) {
if (settings.sequenceDiagram) {
div.find(".sequence-diagram").sequenceDiagram({theme: "simple"});
if (settings.tex)
var katexHandle = function() {
div.find("." + editormd.classNames.tex).each(function(){
var tex = $(this);
katex.render(tex.html().replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">"), tex[0]);
tex.find(".katex").css("font-size", "1.6em");
if (settings.autoLoadKaTeX && !editormd.$katex && !editormd.kaTeXLoaded)
this.loadKaTeX(function() {
editormd.$katex = katex;
editormd.kaTeXLoaded = true;
div.getMarkdown = function() {
return saveTo.val();
return div;
// Editor.md themes, change toolbar themes etc.
// added @1.5.0
editormd.themes = ["default", "dark"];
// Preview area themes
// added @1.5.0
editormd.previewThemes = ["default", "dark"];
// CodeMirror / editor area themes
// @1.5.0 rename -> editorThemes, old version -> themes
editormd.editorThemes = [
"default", "3024-day", "3024-night",
"ambiance", "ambiance-mobile",
"base16-dark", "base16-light", "blackboard",
"eclipse", "elegant", "erlang-dark",
"mbo", "mdn-like", "midnight", "monokai",
"neat", "neo", "night",
"paraiso-dark", "paraiso-light", "pastel-on-dark",
"the-matrix", "tomorrow-night-eighties", "twilight",
"xq-dark", "xq-light"
editormd.loadPlugins = {};
editormd.loadFiles = {
js : [],
css : [],
plugin : []
* 动态加载Editor.md插件,但不立即执行
* Load editor.md plugins
* @param {String} fileName 插件文件路径
* @param {Function} [callback=function()] 加载成功后执行的回调函数
* @param {String} [into="head"] 嵌入页面的位置
editormd.loadPlugin = function(fileName, callback, into) {
callback = callback || function() {};
this.loadScript(fileName, function() {
}, into);
* 动态加载CSS文件的方法
* Load css file method
* @param {String} fileName CSS文件名
* @param {Function} [callback=function()] 加载成功后执行的回调函数
* @param {String} [into="head"] 嵌入页面的位置
editormd.loadCSS = function(fileName, callback, into) {
into = into || "head";
callback = callback || function() {};
var css = document.createElement("link");
css.type = "text/css";
css.rel = "stylesheet";
css.onload = css.onreadystatechange = function() {
css.href = fileName + ".css";
if(into === "head") {
} else {
editormd.isIE = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer");
editormd.isIE8 = (editormd.isIE && navigator.appVersion.match(/8./i) == "8.");
* 动态加载JS文件的方法
* Load javascript file method
* @param {String} fileName JS文件名
* @param {Function} [callback=function()] 加载成功后执行的回调函数
* @param {String} [into="head"] 嵌入页面的位置
editormd.loadScript = function(fileName, callback, into) {
into = into || "head";
callback = callback || function() {};
var script = null;
script = document.createElement("script");
script.id = fileName.replace(/[\./]+/g, "-");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = fileName + ".js";
if (editormd.isIE8)
script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete")
script.onreadystatechange = null;
script.onload = function() {
if (into === "head") {
} else {
// 使用国外的CDN,加载速度有时会很慢,或者自定义URL
// You can custom KaTeX load url.
editormd.katexURL = {
css : "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.3.0/katex.min",
js : "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.3.0/katex.min"
editormd.kaTeXLoaded = false;
* 加载KaTeX文件
* load KaTeX files
* @param {Function} [callback=function()] 加载成功后执行的回调函数
editormd.loadKaTeX = function (callback) {
editormd.loadCSS(editormd.katexURL.css, function(){
editormd.loadScript(editormd.katexURL.js, callback || function(){});
* 锁屏
* lock screen
* @param {Boolean} lock Boolean 布尔值,是否锁屏
* @returns {void}
editormd.lockScreen = function(lock) {
$("html,body").css("overflow", (lock) ? "hidden" : "");
* 动态创建对话框
* Creating custom dialogs
* @param {Object} options 配置项键值对 Key/Value
* @returns {dialog} 返回创建的dialog的jQuery实例对象
editormd.createDialog = function(options) {
var defaults = {
name : "",
width : 420,
height: 240,
title : "",
drag : true,
closed : true,
content : "",
mask : true,
maskStyle : {
backgroundColor : "#fff",
opacity : 0.1
lockScreen : true,
footer : true,
buttons : false
options = $.extend(true, defaults, options);
var $this = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var classPrefix = editormd.classPrefix;
var guid = (new Date()).getTime();
var dialogName = ( (options.name === "") ? classPrefix + "dialog-" + guid : options.name);
var mouseOrTouch = editormd.mouseOrTouch;
var html = "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog " + dialogName + "\">";
if (options.title !== "")
html += "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog-header\"" + ( (options.drag) ? " style=\"cursor: move;\"" : "" ) + ">";
html += "<strong class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog-title\">" + options.title + "</strong>";
html += "</div>";
if (options.closed)
html += "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"fa fa-close " + classPrefix + "dialog-close\"></a>";
html += "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog-container\">" + options.content;
if (options.footer || typeof options.footer === "string")
html += "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog-footer\">" + ( (typeof options.footer === "boolean") ? "" : options.footer) + "</div>";
html += "</div>";
html += "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog-mask " + classPrefix + "dialog-mask-bg\"></div>";
html += "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "dialog-mask " + classPrefix + "dialog-mask-con\"></div>";
html += "</div>";
var dialog = editor.find("." + dialogName);
dialog.lockScreen = function(lock) {
if (options.lockScreen)
$("html,body").css("overflow", (lock) ? "hidden" : "");
return dialog;
dialog.showMask = function() {
if (options.mask)
editor.find("." + classPrefix + "mask").css(options.maskStyle).css("z-index", editormd.dialogZindex - 1).show();
return dialog;
dialog.hideMask = function() {
if (options.mask)
editor.find("." + classPrefix + "mask").hide();
return dialog;
dialog.loading = function(show) {
var loading = dialog.find("." + classPrefix + "dialog-mask");
loading[(show) ? "show" : "hide"]();
return dialog;
zIndex : editormd.dialogZindex,
border : (editormd.isIE8) ? "1px solid #ddd" : "",
width : (typeof options.width === "number") ? options.width + "px" : options.width,
height : (typeof options.height === "number") ? options.height + "px" : options.height
var dialogPosition = function(){
top : ($(window).height() - dialog.height()) / 2 + "px",
left : ($(window).width() - dialog.width()) / 2 + "px"
dialog.children("." + classPrefix + "dialog-close").bind(mouseOrTouch("click", "touchend"), function() {
if (typeof options.buttons === "object")
var footer = dialog.footer = dialog.find("." + classPrefix + "dialog-footer");
for (var key in options.buttons)
var btn = options.buttons[key];
var btnClassName = classPrefix + key + "-btn";
footer.append("<button class=\"" + classPrefix + "btn " + btnClassName + "\">" + btn[0] + "</button>");
btn[1] = $.proxy(btn[1], dialog);
footer.children("." + btnClassName).bind(mouseOrTouch("click", "touchend"), btn[1]);
if (options.title !== "" && options.drag)
var posX, posY;
var dialogHeader = dialog.children("." + classPrefix + "dialog-header");
if (!options.mask) {
dialogHeader.bind(mouseOrTouch("click", "touchend"), function(){
editormd.dialogZindex += 2;
dialog.css("z-index", editormd.dialogZindex);
dialogHeader.mousedown(function(e) {
e = e || window.event; //IE
posX = e.clientX - parseInt(dialog[0].style.left);
posY = e.clientY - parseInt(dialog[0].style.top);
document.onmousemove = moveAction;
var userCanSelect = function (obj) {
obj.removeClass(classPrefix + "user-unselect").off("selectstart");
var userUnselect = function (obj) {
obj.addClass(classPrefix + "user-unselect").on("selectstart", function(event) { // selectstart for IE
return false;
var moveAction = function (e) {
e = e || window.event; //IE
var left, top, nowLeft = parseInt(dialog[0].style.left), nowTop = parseInt(dialog[0].style.top);
if( nowLeft >= 0 ) {
if( nowLeft + dialog.width() <= $(window).width()) {
left = e.clientX - posX;
} else {
left = $(window).width() - dialog.width();
document.onmousemove = null;
} else {
left = 0;
document.onmousemove = null;
if( nowTop >= 0 ) {
top = e.clientY - posY;
} else {
top = 0;
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onselectstart = function() {
return false;
dialog[0].style.left = left + "px";
dialog[0].style.top = top + "px";
document.onmouseup = function() {
document.onselectstart = null;
document.onmousemove = null;
dialogHeader.touchDraggable = function() {
var offset = null;
var start = function(e) {
var orig = e.originalEvent;
var pos = $(this).parent().position();
offset = {
x : orig.changedTouches[0].pageX - pos.left,
y : orig.changedTouches[0].pageY - pos.top
var move = function(e) {
var orig = e.originalEvent;
top : orig.changedTouches[0].pageY - offset.y,
left : orig.changedTouches[0].pageX - offset.x
this.bind("touchstart", start).bind("touchmove", move);
editormd.dialogZindex += 2;
return dialog;
* 鼠标和触摸事件的判断/选择方法
* MouseEvent or TouchEvent type switch
* @param {String} [mouseEventType="click"] 供选择的鼠标事件
* @param {String} [touchEventType="touchend"] 供选择的触摸事件
* @returns {String} EventType 返回事件类型名称
editormd.mouseOrTouch = function(mouseEventType, touchEventType) {
mouseEventType = mouseEventType || "click";
touchEventType = touchEventType || "touchend";
var eventType = mouseEventType;
try {
eventType = touchEventType;
} catch(e) {}
return eventType;
* 日期时间的格式化方法
* Datetime format method
* @param {String} [format=""] 日期时间的格式,类似PHP的格式
* @returns {String} datefmt 返回格式化后的日期时间字符串
editormd.dateFormat = function(format) {
format = format || "";
var addZero = function(d) {
return (d < 10) ? "0" + d : d;
var date = new Date();
var year = date.getFullYear();
var year2 = year.toString().slice(2, 4);
var month = addZero(date.getMonth() + 1);
var day = addZero(date.getDate());
var weekDay = date.getDay();
var hour = addZero(date.getHours());
var min = addZero(date.getMinutes());
var second = addZero(date.getSeconds());
var ms = addZero(date.getMilliseconds());
var datefmt = "";
var ymd = year2 + "-" + month + "-" + day;
var fymd = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
var hms = hour + ":" + min + ":" + second;
switch (format)
case "UNIX Time" :
datefmt = date.getTime();
case "UTC" :
datefmt = date.toUTCString();
case "yy" :
datefmt = year2;
case "year" :
case "yyyy" :
datefmt = year;
case "month" :
case "mm" :
datefmt = month;
case "cn-week-day" :
case "cn-wd" :
var cnWeekDays = ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"];
datefmt = "星期" + cnWeekDays[weekDay];
case "week-day" :
case "wd" :
var weekDays = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
datefmt = weekDays[weekDay];
case "day" :
case "dd" :
datefmt = day;
case "hour" :
case "hh" :
datefmt = hour;
case "min" :
case "ii" :
datefmt = min;
case "second" :
case "ss" :
datefmt = second;
case "ms" :
datefmt = ms;
case "yy-mm-dd" :
datefmt = ymd;
case "yyyy-mm-dd" :
datefmt = fymd;
case "yyyy-mm-dd h:i:s ms" :
case "full + ms" :
datefmt = fymd + " " + hms + " " + ms;
case "full" :
case "yyyy-mm-dd h:i:s" :
datefmt = fymd + " " + hms;
return datefmt;
return editormd;