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#!/usr/bin/env bats
load helpers
function setup() {
function teardown() {
@test "runc run [tty ptsname]" {
# Replace sh script with readlink.
sed -i 's|"sh"|"sh", "-c", "for file in /proc/self/fd/[012]; do readlink $file; done"|' config.json
# run busybox
runc run test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ ${lines[0]} =~ /dev/pts/+ ]]
[[ ${lines[1]} =~ /dev/pts/+ ]]
[[ ${lines[2]} =~ /dev/pts/+ ]]
@test "runc run [tty owner]" {
# tty chmod is not doable in rootless containers without idmap.
# TODO: this can be made as a change to the gid test.
[[ "$ROOTLESS" -ne 0 ]] && requires rootless_idmap
# Replace sh script with stat.
sed -i 's/"sh"/"sh", "-c", "stat -c %u:%g $(tty) | tr : \\\\\\\\n"/' config.json
# run busybox
runc run test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ ${lines[0]} =~ 0 ]]
# This is set by the default config.json (it corresponds to the standard tty group).
[[ ${lines[1]} =~ 5 ]]
@test "runc run [tty owner] ({u,g}id != 0)" {
# tty chmod is not doable in rootless containers without idmap.
[[ "$ROOTLESS" -ne 0 ]] && requires rootless_idmap
# replace "uid": 0 with "uid": 1000
# and do a similar thing for gid.
sed -i 's;"uid": 0;"uid": 1000;g' config.json
sed -i 's;"gid": 0;"gid": 100;g' config.json
# Replace sh script with stat.
sed -i 's/"sh"/"sh", "-c", "stat -c %u:%g $(tty) | tr : \\\\\\\\n"/' config.json
# run busybox
runc run test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ ${lines[0]} =~ 1000 ]]
# This is set by the default config.json (it corresponds to the standard tty group).
[[ ${lines[1]} =~ 5 ]]
@test "runc exec [tty ptsname]" {
# run busybox detached
runc run -d --console-socket $CONSOLE_SOCKET test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
# make sure we're running
testcontainer test_busybox running
# run the exec
runc exec test_busybox sh -c 'for file in /proc/self/fd/[012]; do readlink $file; done'
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ ${lines[0]} =~ /dev/pts/+ ]]
[[ ${lines[1]} =~ /dev/pts/+ ]]
[[ ${lines[2]} =~ /dev/pts/+ ]]
@test "runc exec [tty owner]" {
# tty chmod is not doable in rootless containers without idmap.
# TODO: this can be made as a change to the gid test.
[[ "$ROOTLESS" -ne 0 ]] && requires rootless_idmap
# run busybox detached
runc run -d --console-socket $CONSOLE_SOCKET test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
# make sure we're running
testcontainer test_busybox running
# run the exec
runc exec test_busybox sh -c 'stat -c %u:%g $(tty) | tr : \\n'
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ ${lines[0]} =~ 0 ]]
[[ ${lines[1]} =~ 5 ]]
@test "runc exec [tty owner] ({u,g}id != 0)" {
# tty chmod is not doable in rootless containers without idmap.
[[ "$ROOTLESS" -ne 0 ]] && requires rootless_idmap
# replace "uid": 0 with "uid": 1000
# and do a similar thing for gid.
sed -i 's;"uid": 0;"uid": 1000;g' config.json
sed -i 's;"gid": 0;"gid": 100;g' config.json
# run busybox detached
runc run -d --console-socket $CONSOLE_SOCKET test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
# make sure we're running
testcontainer test_busybox running
# run the exec
runc exec test_busybox sh -c 'stat -c %u:%g $(tty) | tr : \\n'
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ ${lines[0]} =~ 1000 ]]
[[ ${lines[1]} =~ 5 ]]
@test "runc exec [tty consolesize]" {
# allow writing to filesystem
sed -i 's/"readonly": true/"readonly": false/' config.json
# run busybox detached
runc run -d --console-socket $CONSOLE_SOCKET test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
# make sure we're running
testcontainer test_busybox running
tty_info_with_consize_size=$( cat <<EOF
"terminal": true,
"consoleSize": {
"height": 10,
"width": 110
"args": [
"/bin/stty -a > /tmp/tty-info"
"cwd": "/"
# run the exec
runc exec --pid-file pid.txt -d --console-socket $CONSOLE_SOCKET -p <( echo $tty_info_with_consize_size ) test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
# check the pid was generated
[ -e pid.txt ]
#wait user process to finish
timeout 1 tail --pid=$(head -n 1 pid.txt) -f /dev/null
tty_info=$( cat <<EOF
"args": [
"cwd": "/"
# run the exec
runc exec -p <( echo $tty_info ) test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
# test tty width and height against original process.json
[[ ${lines[0]} =~ "rows 10; columns 110" ]]
@test "runc create [terminal=false]" {
# Disable terminal creation.
sed -i 's|"terminal": true,|"terminal": false,|g' config.json
# Replace sh script with sleep.
sed -i 's|"sh"|"sleep", "1000s"|' config.json
# Make sure that the handling of detached IO is done properly. See #1354.
__runc create test_busybox
# Start the command.
runc start test_busybox
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
testcontainer test_busybox running
# Kill the container.
runc kill test_busybox KILL
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@test "runc run [terminal=false]" {
# Disable terminal creation.
sed -i 's|"terminal": true,|"terminal": false,|g' config.json
# Replace sh script with sleep.
sed -i 's|"sh"|"sleep", "1000s"|' config.json
# Make sure that the handling of non-detached IO is done properly. See #1354.
__runc run test_busybox
) &
wait_for_container 15 1 test_busybox
testcontainer test_busybox running
# Kill the container.
runc kill test_busybox KILL
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@test "runc run -d [terminal=false]" {
# Disable terminal creation.
sed -i 's|"terminal": true,|"terminal": false,|g' config.json
# Replace sh script with sleep.
sed -i 's|"sh"|"sleep", "1000s"|' config.json
# Make sure that the handling of detached IO is done properly. See #1354.
__runc run -d test_busybox
testcontainer test_busybox running
# Kill the container.
runc kill test_busybox KILL
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]