2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
package seccomp
import (
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
const (
EQ = 0
NE = 1
GE = 2
LE = 3
const (
DENY = 1
JUMP = 2
const (
JUMP_JT = 0xff
JUMP_JF = 0xff
LABEL_JT = 0xfe
LABEL_JF = 0xfe
const (
pseudoCall = 30
const (
ScmpActAllow = 0x0
PF_LD = 0x0
BPF_RET = syscall.BPF_RET
BPF_K = syscall.BPF_K
BPF_ABS = syscall.BPF_ABS
BPF_JMP = syscall.BPF_JMP
BPF_JEQ = syscall.BPF_JEQ
BPF_W = syscall.BPF_W
BPF_LD = syscall.BPF_LD
BPF_JA = syscall.BPF_JA
BPF_MEM = syscall.BPF_MEM
BPF_ST = syscall.BPF_ST
BPF_JGT = syscall.BPF_JGT
BPF_JGE = syscall.BPF_JGE
SECCOMP_RET_KILL = 0x00000000
SECCOMP_RET_TRAP = 0x00030000
SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW = 0x7fff0000
type seccompData struct {
nr int32
arch uint32
insPointer uint64
args [6]uint64
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
type sockFilter struct {
code uint16
jt uint8
jf uint8
k uint32
type sockFprog struct {
len uint16
filt []sockFilter
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
type FilterArgs struct {
Args []Filter
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
type Action struct {
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
action int
args []FilterArgs
type Filter struct {
Arg uint32 //index of args which start from zero
Op int //operation, such ass EQ/NE/GE/LE
V uint //the value of arg
type bpfLabel struct {
label string
location uint32
type bpfLabels struct {
count uint32
labels []bpfLabel
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
type ScmpCtx struct {
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
CallMap map[int]*Action
filter []sockFilter
label bpfLabels
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2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
type argOFunc func(uint32) uint32
type argFunc func(*ScmpCtx, uint32)
type jFunc func(*ScmpCtx, uint, sockFilter)
type addFunc func(ctx *ScmpCtx, call int, action int, args ...FilterArgs) error
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2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
var secData seccompData = seccompData{0, 0, 0, [6]uint64{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
var hiArg argOFunc
var loArg argOFunc
var arg argFunc
var jEq jFunc
var jNe jFunc
var jGe jFunc
var jLe jFunc
var secAdd addFunc = nil
var op [4]jFunc
var (
sysCallMin = 0
sysCallMax = 0
var sigSec bool = false
func arg32(ctx *ScmpCtx, idx uint32) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter,
scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, loArg(idx)))
func jEq32(ctx *ScmpCtx, v uint, jt sockFilter) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, uint32(v), 0, 1))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
func jNe32(ctx *ScmpCtx, v uint, jt sockFilter) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, uint32(v), 1, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
func jGe32(ctx *ScmpCtx, v uint, jt sockFilter) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGE+BPF_K, uint32(v), 0, 1))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
func jLe32(ctx *ScmpCtx, v uint, jt sockFilter) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, uint32(v), 1, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
func arg64(ctx *ScmpCtx, idx uint32) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, loArg(idx)))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_ST, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, hiArg(idx)))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_ST, 1))
func jNe64(ctx *ScmpCtx, v uint, jt sockFilter) {
lo := uint32(uint64(v) % 0x100000000)
hi := uint32(uint64(v) / 0x100000000)
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 5, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (lo), 2, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1))
func jGe64(ctx *ScmpCtx, v uint, jt sockFilter) {
lo := uint32(uint64(v) % 0x100000000)
hi := uint32(uint64(v) / 0x100000000)
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (hi), 4, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 5))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGE+BPF_K, (lo), 0, 2))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1))
func jEq64(ctx *ScmpCtx, v uint, jt sockFilter) {
lo := uint32(uint64(v) % 0x100000000)
hi := uint32(uint64(v) / 0x100000000)
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 5))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (lo), 0, 2))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1))
func jLe64(ctx *ScmpCtx, v uint, jt sockFilter) {
lo := uint32(uint64(v) % 0x100000000)
hi := uint32(uint64(v) / 0x100000000)
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (hi), 6, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 3))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (lo), 2, 0))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1))
func allow(ctx *ScmpCtx) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_RET+BPF_K, SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW))
func deny(ctx *ScmpCtx) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_RET+BPF_K, SECCOMP_RET_TRAP))
func jump(ctx *ScmpCtx, lb string) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JA, findLabel(&ctx.label, lb),
func label(ctx *ScmpCtx, lb string) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JA, findLabel(&ctx.label, lb),
func secCall(ctx *ScmpCtx, nr int, jt sockFilter) {
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, uint32(nr), 0, 1))
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter, jt)
func findLabel(labels *bpfLabels, lb string) uint32 {
var id uint32
for id = 0; id < labels.count; id++ {
if true == strings.EqualFold(lb, labels.labels[id].label) {
return id
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tlabel := bpfLabel{lb, 0xffffffff}
labels.labels = append(labels.labels, tlabel)
labels.count += 1
return id
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func hiArgLittle(idx uint32) uint32 {
if idx < 0 || idx >= 6 {
return 0
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hi := uint32(unsafe.Offsetof(secData.args)) + uint32(unsafe.Alignof(secData.args[0]))*idx + uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(secData.arch))
return uint32(hi)
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func hiArgBig(idx uint32) uint32 {
if idx >= 6 {
return 0
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hi := uint32(unsafe.Offsetof(secData.args)) + 8*idx
return uint32(hi)
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func isLittle() bool {
litEndian := true
x := 0x1234
p := unsafe.Pointer(&x)
p2 := (*[unsafe.Sizeof(0)]byte)(p)
if p2[0] == 0 {
litEndian = false
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return litEndian
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func scmpBpfStmt(code uint16, k uint32) sockFilter {
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
return sockFilter{code, 0, 0, k}
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
func scmpBpfJump(code uint16, k uint32, jt, jf uint8) sockFilter {
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
return sockFilter{code, jt, jf, k}
func prctl(option int, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 uintptr) (err error) {
_, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_PRCTL, uintptr(option), arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, 0)
if e1 != 0 {
err = e1
return nil
func scmpfilter(prog *sockFprog) (err error) {
_, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_PRCTL, uintptr(syscall.PR_SET_SECCOMP),
uintptr(SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(prog)))
if e1 != 0 {
err = e1
return nil
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
func CombineArgs(args1 []FilterArgs, args2 []FilterArgs) []FilterArgs {
ilen1 := len(args1)
if ilen1 > len(args2) {
ilen1 = len(args2)
for i1 := 0; i1 < ilen1; i1++ {
jlen1 := len(args1[i1].Args)
jlen2 := len(args2[i1].Args)
for j2 := 0; j2 < jlen2; j2++ {
num := 0
for j1 := 0; j1 < jlen1; j1++ {
if args1[i1].Args[j1] == args2[i1].Args[j2] {
num = num + 1
if num == jlen1 {
args1[i1].Args = append(args1[i1].Args, args2[i1].Args[j2])
if ilen1 < len(args2) {
args1 = append(args1, args2[ilen1:]...)
return args1
func Sys(call string) int {
number, exists := syscallMap[call]
if exists {
return number
return -1
func ScmpInit(action int) (*ScmpCtx, error) {
ctx := ScmpCtx{
CallMap: make(map[int]*Action),
filter: make([]sockFilter, 0, 128),
label: bpfLabels{
count: 0,
labels: make([]bpfLabel, 0, 128),
ctx.filter = append(ctx.filter,
sockFilter{PF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 0, 0, uint32(unsafe.Offsetof(secData.nr))})
return &ctx, nil
func ScmpDel(ctx *ScmpCtx, call int) error {
_, exists := ctx.CallMap[call]
if exists {
delete(ctx.CallMap, call)
return nil
return errors.New("syscall not exist")
func ScmpAdd(ctx *ScmpCtx, call int, action int, args ...FilterArgs) error {
if call < 0 {
return errors.New("syscall error, call < 0")
if call <= sysCallMax {
_, exists := ctx.CallMap[call]
if exists {
return errors.New("syscall exist")
ctx.CallMap[call] = &Action{action, args}
return nil
} else {
if nil != secAdd {
return secAdd(ctx, call, action, args...)
return errors.New("syscall not surport")
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
func ScmpLoad(ctx *ScmpCtx) error {
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
for call, act := range ctx.CallMap {
if len(act.args) == 0 {
secCall(ctx, call, scmpBpfStmt(BPF_RET+BPF_K, SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW))
} else {
if len(act.args[0].Args) > 0 {
lb := fmt.Sprintf("lb-%d-%d", call, act.args[0].Args[0].Arg)
secCall(ctx, call,
scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JA, findLabel(&ctx.label, lb),
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2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
for call, act := range ctx.CallMap {
for i := 0; i < len(act.args); i++ {
if len(act.args[i].Args) > 0 {
lb := fmt.Sprintf("lb-%d-%d", call, act.args[i].Args[0].Arg)
label(ctx, lb)
arg(ctx, act.args[i].Args[0].Arg)
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2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
for j := 0; j < len(act.args[i].Args); j++ {
var jf sockFilter
if len(act.args)-1 > i && len(act.args[i+1].Args) > 0 {
lbj := fmt.Sprintf("lb-%d-%d", call, act.args[i+1].Args[0].Arg)
jf = scmpBpfJump(BPF_JMP+BPF_JA,
findLabel(&ctx.label, lbj), JUMP_JT, JUMP_JF)
} else {
op[act.args[i].Args[j].Op](ctx, act.args[i].Args[j].V, jf)
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2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
idx := int32(len(ctx.filter) - 1)
for ; idx >= 0; idx-- {
filter := &ctx.filter[idx]
if filter.code != (BPF_JMP + BPF_JA) {
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2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
rel := int32(filter.jt)<<8 | int32(filter.jf)
if ((JUMP_JT << 8) | JUMP_JF) == rel {
if ctx.label.labels[filter.k].location == 0xffffffff {
return errors.New("Unresolved label")
filter.k = ctx.label.labels[filter.k].location - uint32(idx+1)
filter.jt = 0
filter.jf = 0
} else if ((LABEL_JT << 8) | LABEL_JF) == rel {
if ctx.label.labels[filter.k].location != 0xffffffff {
return errors.New("Duplicate label use")
ctx.label.labels[filter.k].location = uint32(idx)
filter.k = 0
filter.jt = 0
filter.jf = 0
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
prog := sockFprog{
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
len: uint16(len(ctx.filter)),
filt: ctx.filter,
2015-04-16 08:39:12 +08:00
if nil != prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0) {
fmt.Println("prctl PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS error")
return errors.New("prctl PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS error")
if nil != scmpfilter(&prog) {
fmt.Println("scmpfilter error")
return errors.New("scmpfilter error")
return nil
2015-05-23 07:10:20 +08:00
func sigSeccomp() {
sigSec = true
func ScmpError() bool {
ret := sigSec
sigSec = false
return ret
func init() {
if runtime.GOARCH == "386" {
sysCallMax = 340
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
sysCallMax = 302
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
sysCallMax = 377
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
sysCallMax = 281
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "ppc64" {
sysCallMax = 354
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "ppc64le" {
sysCallMax = 354
if isLittle() {
hiArg = hiArgLittle
loArg = hiArgBig
} else {
hiArg = hiArgBig
loArg = hiArgLittle
var length int
if 8 == int(unsafe.Sizeof(length)) {
arg = arg64
jEq = jEq64
jNe = jNe64
jGe = jGe64
jLe = jLe64
} else {
arg = arg32
jEq = jEq32
jNe = jNe32
jGe = jGe32
jLe = jLe32
op[EQ] = jEq
op[NE] = jNe
op[GE] = jGe
op[LE] = jLe
chSignal := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(chSignal, syscall.SIGSYS)
go sigSeccomp()