2015-12-30 12:31:10 +08:00
# Style and conventions
## Traditionally hex settings should use JSON integers, not JSON strings
For example, [`"classID": 1048577`][class-id] instead of `"classID": "0x100001"` .
2016-01-15 04:18:52 +08:00
The config JSON isn't enough of a UI to be worth jumping through string < - > integer hoops to support an 0x… form ([source][integer-over-hex]).
2015-12-30 12:31:10 +08:00
## Constant names should keep redundant prefixes
For example, `CAP_KILL` instead of `KILL` in [**`linux.capabilities`**][capabilities]).
The redundancy reduction from removing the namespacing prefix is not useful enough to be worth trimming the upstream identifier ([source][keep-prefix]).
## Optional settings should have pointer Go types
So we have a consistent way to identify unset values ([source][optional-pointer]).
2016-01-26 13:00:30 +08:00
The exceptions are entries where the Go default for the type is a no-op in the spec, in which case `omitempty` is sufficient and no pointer is needed (sources [here][no-pointer-for-slices], [here][no-pointer-for-boolean], and [here][pointer-when-updates-require-changes]).
2015-12-30 12:31:10 +08:00
[capabilities]: config-linux.md#capabilities
config: Single, unified config file
Reverting 7232e4b1 (specs: introduce the concept of a runtime.json,
2015-07-30, #88) after discussion on the mailing list [1]. The main
reason is that it's hard to draw a clear line around "inherently
runtime-specific" or "non-portable", so we shouldn't try to do that in
the spec. Folks who want to flag settings as non-portable for their
own system are welcome to do so (e.g. "we will clobber 'hooks' in
bundles we run") are welcome to do so, but we don't have to have
to split the config into multiple files to do that.
There have been a number of additional changes since #88, so this
isn't a pure Git reversion. Besides copy-pasting and the associated
link-target updates, I've:
* Restored path -> destination, now that the mount type contains both
source and target paths again. I'd prefer 'target' to 'destination'
to match mount(2), but the pre-7232e4b1 phrasing was 'destination'
(possibly due to Windows using 'target' for the source?).
* Restored the Windows mount example to its pre-7232e4b1 content.
* Removed required mounts from the config example (requirements landed
in 3848a238, config-linux: specify the default devices/filesystems
available, 2015-09-09, #164), because specifying those mounts in the
config is now redundant.
* Used headers (vs. bold paragraphs) to set off mount examples so we
get link anchors in the rendered Markdown.
* Replaced references to runtime.json with references to config.json.
[1]: https://groups.google.com/a/opencontainers.org/forum/#!topic/dev/0QbyJDM9fWY
Subject: Single, unified config file (i.e. rolling back specs#88)
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 09:53:20 -0800
Message-ID: <20151104175320.GC24652@odin.tremily.us>
Signed-off-by: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
2015-12-29 02:06:40 +08:00
[class-id]: config-linux.md#network
2015-12-30 12:31:10 +08:00
[integer-over-hex]: https://github.com/opencontainers/specs/pull/267#discussion_r48360013
[keep-prefix]: https://github.com/opencontainers/specs/pull/159#issuecomment-138728337
2016-01-26 13:00:30 +08:00
[no-pointer-for-boolean]: https://github.com/opencontainers/specs/pull/290#discussion_r50296396
[no-pointer-for-slices]: https://github.com/opencontainers/specs/pull/316/files#r50782982
2015-12-30 12:31:10 +08:00
[optional-pointer]: https://github.com/opencontainers/specs/pull/233#discussion_r47829711
2016-01-26 13:00:30 +08:00
[pointer-when-updates-require-changes]: https://github.com/opencontainers/specs/pull/317/files#r50932706