.tools: cleanup the commit entry
Accomplishing the same access to the commit entry, with more readable code. Reported-by: Lai Jiangshan <jiangshanlai@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Vincent Batts <vbatts@hashbangbash.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ import (
var DefaultRules = []ValidateRule{
func(c CommitEntry) (vr ValidateResult) {
vr.CommitEntry = c
if len(strings.Split(c.Parent, " ")) > 1 {
if len(strings.Split(c["parent"], " ")) > 1 {
vr.Pass = true
vr.Msg = "merge commits do not require DCO"
return vr
hasValid := false
for _, line := range strings.Split(c.Body, "\n") {
for _, line := range strings.Split(c["body"], "\n") {
if validDCO.MatchString(line) {
hasValid = true
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func main() {
results := ValidateResults{}
for _, commit := range c {
fmt.Printf(" * %s %s ... ", commit.AbbreviatedCommit, commit.Subject)
fmt.Printf(" * %s %s ... ", commit["abbreviated_commit"], commit["subject"])
vr := ValidateCommit(commit, DefaultRules)
results = append(results, vr...)
if _, fail := vr.PassFail(); fail == 0 {
@ -133,51 +133,26 @@ func (vr ValidateResults) PassFail() (pass int, fail int) {
// CommitEntry represents a single commit's information from `git`
type CommitEntry struct {
Commit string
AbbreviatedCommit string `json:"abbreviated_commit"`
Tree string
AbbreviatedTree string `json:"abbreviated_tree"`
Parent string
AbbreviatedParent string `json:"abbreviated_parent"`
Refs string
Encoding string
Subject string
SanitizedSubjectLine string `json:"sanitized_subject_line"`
Body string
CommitNotes string `json:"commit_notes"`
VerificationFlag string `json:"verification_flag"`
ShortMsg string
Signer string
SignerKey string `json:"signer_key"`
Author PersonAction `json:"author,omitempty"`
Committer PersonAction `json:"committer,omitempty"`
// PersonAction is a time and identity of an action on a git commit
type PersonAction struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Date string `json:"date"` // this could maybe be an actual time.Time
type CommitEntry map[string]string
var (
prettyLogSubject = `--pretty=format:%s`
prettyLogBody = `--pretty=format:%b`
prettyLogCommit = `--pretty=format:%H`
prettyLogAuthorName = `--pretty=format:%aN`
prettyLogAuthorEmail = `--pretty=format:%aE`
prettyLogCommitterName = `--pretty=format:%cN`
prettyLogCommitterEmail = `--pretty=format:%cE`
prettyLogSigner = `--pretty=format:%GS`
prettyLogCommitNotes = `--pretty=format:%N`
prettyLogFormat = `--pretty=format:{"commit": "%H", "abbreviated_commit": "%h", "tree": "%T", "abbreviated_tree": "%t", "parent": "%P", "abbreviated_parent": "%p", "refs": "%D", "encoding": "%e", "sanitized_subject_line": "%f", "verification_flag": "%G?", "signer_key": "%GK", "author": { "date": "%aD" }, "committer": { "date": "%cD" }}`
prettyFormat = `--pretty=format:`
formatSubject = `%s`
formatBody = `%b`
formatCommit = `%H`
formatAuthorName = `%aN`
formatAuthorEmail = `%aE`
formatCommitterName = `%cN`
formatCommitterEmail = `%cE`
formatSigner = `%GS`
formatCommitNotes = `%N`
formatMap = `{"commit": "%H", "abbreviated_commit": "%h", "tree": "%T", "abbreviated_tree": "%t", "parent": "%P", "abbreviated_parent": "%p", "refs": "%D", "encoding": "%e", "sanitized_subject_line": "%f", "verification_flag": "%G?", "signer_key": "%GK", "author_date": "%aD" , "committer_date": "%cD" }`
// GitLogCommit assembles the full information on a commit from its commit hash
func GitLogCommit(commit string) (*CommitEntry, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
cmd := exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogFormat, commit)
cmd := exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyFormat+formatMap, commit)
cmd.Stdout = buf
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
@ -192,53 +167,23 @@ func GitLogCommit(commit string) (*CommitEntry, error) {
return nil, err
output, err := exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogSubject, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// any user provided fields can't be sanitized for the mock-json marshal above
for k, v := range map[string]string{
"subject": formatSubject,
"body": formatBody,
"author_name": formatAuthorName,
"author_email": formatAuthorEmail,
"committer_name": formatCommitterName,
"committer_email": formatCommitterEmail,
"commit_notes": formatCommitNotes,
"signer": formatSigner,
} {
output, err := exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyFormat+v, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c[k] = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
c.Subject = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
output, err = exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogBody, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.Body = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
output, err = exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogAuthorName, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.Author.Name = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
output, err = exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogAuthorEmail, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.Author.Email = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
output, err = exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogCommitterName, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.Committer.Name = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
output, err = exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogCommitterEmail, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.Committer.Email = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
output, err = exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogCommitNotes, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.CommitNotes = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
output, err = exec.Command("git", "log", "-1", prettyLogSigner, commit).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.Signer = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
return &c, nil
@ -247,7 +192,7 @@ func GitLogCommit(commit string) (*CommitEntry, error) {
// If commitrange is a git still range 12345...54321, then it will be isolated set of commits.
// If commitrange is a single commit, all ancestor commits up through the hash provided.
func GitCommits(commitrange string) ([]CommitEntry, error) {
output, err := exec.Command("git", "log", prettyLogCommit, commitrange).Output()
output, err := exec.Command("git", "log", prettyFormat+formatCommit, commitrange).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Reference in New Issue