EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT := 78e6667ae2d67aad100b28ee9580b41b7a24e667 OUTPUT_DIRNAME ?= output/ DOC_FILENAME ?= oci-runtime-spec SHELL ?= $(shell command -v bash 2>/dev/null) DOCKER ?= $(shell command -v docker 2>/dev/null) PANDOC ?= $(shell command -v pandoc 2>/dev/null) ifeq "$(strip $(PANDOC))" '' ifneq "$(strip $(DOCKER))" '' PANDOC = $(DOCKER) run \ -it \ --rm \ -v $(shell pwd)/:/input/:ro \ -v $(shell pwd)/$(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/:/$(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/ \ -u $(shell id -u) \ vbatts/pandoc PANDOC_SRC := /input/ PANDOC_DST := / endif endif # These docs are in an order that determines how they show up in the PDF/HTML docs. DOC_FILES := \ version.md \ README.md \ code-of-conduct.md \ principles.md \ style.md \ ROADMAP.md \ implementations.md \ project.md \ bundle.md \ runtime.md \ runtime-linux.md \ config.md \ config-linux.md \ config-solaris.md \ glossary.md default: docs .PHONY: docs docs: $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/$(DOC_FILENAME).pdf $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/$(DOC_FILENAME).html ifeq "$(strip $(PANDOC))" '' $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/$(DOC_FILENAME).pdf $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/$(DOC_FILENAME).html: $(error cannot build $@ without either pandoc or docker) else $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/$(DOC_FILENAME).pdf: $(DOC_FILES) mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/ && \ $(PANDOC) -f markdown_github -t latex -o $(PANDOC_DST)$@ $(patsubst %,$(PANDOC_SRC)%,$(DOC_FILES)) $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/$(DOC_FILENAME).html: $(DOC_FILES) mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME)/ && \ $(PANDOC) -f markdown_github -t html5 -o $(PANDOC_DST)$@ $(patsubst %,$(PANDOC_SRC)%,$(DOC_FILES)) endif code-of-conduct.md: curl -o $@ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencontainers/tob/d2f9d68c1332870e40693fe077d311e0742bc73d/code-of-conduct.md version.md: ./specs-go/version.go go run ./.tool/version-doc.go > $@ HOST_GOLANG_VERSION = $(shell go version | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -c 3-) # this variable is used like a function. First arg is the minimum version, Second arg is the version to be checked. ALLOWED_GO_VERSION = $(shell test '$(shell /bin/echo -e "$(1)\n$(2)" | sort -V | head -n1)' == '$(1)' && echo 'true') .PHONY: test .govet .golint .gitvalidation test: .govet .golint .gitvalidation # `go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet` .govet: @go tool | grep -qw vet || (echo "ERROR: 'go vet' not found. Consider 'make install.tools' target" && false) go vet -x ./... # `go get github.com/golang/lint/golint` .golint: ifeq ($(call ALLOWED_GO_VERSION,1.5,$(HOST_GOLANG_VERSION)),true) @which golint > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: golint not found. Consider 'make install.tools' target" && false) golint ./... endif # When this is running in travis, it will only check the travis commit range .gitvalidation: @which git-validation > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: git-validation not found. Consider 'make install.tools' target" && false) ifeq ($(TRAVIS),true) git-validation -q -run DCO,short-subject,dangling-whitespace else git-validation -v -run DCO,short-subject,dangling-whitespace -range $(EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)..HEAD endif .PHONY: install.tools install.tools: .install.golint .install.govet .install.gitvalidation # golint does not even build for <go1.5 .install.golint: ifeq ($(call ALLOWED_GO_VERSION,1.5,$(HOST_GOLANG_VERSION)),true) go get github.com/golang/lint/golint endif # go vet is now included in >=go1.5, so no need to get it. .install.govet: ifeq ($(call ALLOWED_GO_VERSION,1.5,$(HOST_GOLANG_VERSION)),true) go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet endif .install.gitvalidation: go get github.com/vbatts/git-validation .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf $(OUTPUT_DIRNAME) *~ rm -f code-of-conduct.md version.md